Household |
Adventurers |
1 |
Company |
Altan Sar |
1 |
Household |
Amalgam |
1 |
Household |
Amazons |
58 |
Household |
Amtaku |
1 |
Household |
Amtgard Hufflepuffs |
1 |
Household |
Amtgard Slytherins |
1 |
Household |
Angelus Mortis |
15 |
Company |
Angry Sky |
1 |
Company |
Annihalus |
36 |
Household |
1 |
Household |
Anyanka Armory |
2 |
Household |
Araluen Ranger Corps |
2 |
Household |
Arcadian forge |
4 |
Company |
Archon |
3 |
Company |
Argent Moon 2nd Rising |
1 |
Company |
Ariste |
4 |
Company |
17 |
Company |
Army of Valinor |
2 |
Company |
Ascendant |
32 |
Company |
Ascendants |
1 |
Household |
Awesome Possums |
1 |
Company |
Baba Yaga |
2 |
Household |
Bad Medicine |
1 |
Company |
Band of the Red Hand |
1 |
Company |
Battlecraze, House |
1 |
Company |
Bearclaw Thunder |
1 |
Household |
Beltline of Maighred Mezelette |
2 |
Household |
Bikja Hamar |
3 |
Company |
Birds of Prey |
1 |
Household |
BlackIce |
2 |
Company |
Blacksheep Household |
1 |
Household |
Blanket Bunnies |
2 |
Household |
Borderlands Alumni |
2 |
Company |
Brotherhood |
19 |
Company |
Brotherhood of Dark Tower |
1 |
Company |
Brothers Inc. |
1 |
Household |
Brownies Anonymous |
2 |
Household |
Brute Squad |
12 |
Company |
Bumble Bees |
1 |
Household |
Burner |
1 |
Household |
Caleldar Elven Household |
1 |
Household |
Children of the Aesir |
3 |
Household |
Church O' the Pirate |
6 |
Household |
Church of the Apocalypse |
18 |
Household |
Church of the Honey Badger |
1 |
Household |
Clan Doomcaber |
1 |
Household |
Clan Dracov |
1 |
Household |
Clan Elvenheart |
1 |
Household |
Clan Elvenheart |
1 |
Household |
Clan Grimwulff |
14 |
Household |
Clan McKrotch |
1 |
Household |
Clan McKrotch |
1 |
Household |
Clan Turtle |
3 |
Company |
Coalition of Grandeur |
8 |
Household |
Cobra Kai Dojo |
2 |
Company |
Cohors Praetoria - XIII |
5 |
Company |
Corsairs |
17 |
Company |
Council of Set |
1 |
Household |
Coven |
14 |
Company |
Crimson Circlet (Household) |
1 |
Household |
Crimson Iron Tide Pack |
1 |
Company |
Crimson Marauders |
2 |
Household |
Crimson Wind |
1 |
Company |
Crows |
1 |
Company |
Crows |
1 |
Company |
CuMorrigan |
1 |
Household |
Cutie Mark Crusaders |
1 |
Company |
Dar |
1 |
Company |
Dark Riders |
35 |
Company |
Dark Sovereigns |
2 |
Company |
Dark Triforce Corps |
9 |
Company |
Dark Troll House |
22 |
Household |
Darkjester, Gypsy Moon |
1 |
Household |
Dawn Rising |
1 |
Company |
Delete |
1 |
Company |
Delete |
1 |
Household |
delete maybe |
5 |
Household |
Derelictum |
1 |
Household |
Draggon Guard |
8 |
Company |
Dragon ,The House of |
1 |
Household |
Dragon Fangs |
2 |
Household |
Dragonspine Paragon Academy |
1 |
Household |
Dreamweavers |
13 |
Household |
Drunken Wyvern |
2 |
Household |
Duath O Fain Draug |
1 |
Household |
Dwarven Kingdom of Hammers Reign |
1 |
Company |
Echelon |
6 |
Company |
Eclipse |
1 |
Household |
Edhellond nan Ennor |
1 |
Household |
Elitra Wolfpack |
1 |
Household |
Elitra Wolfpack |
1 |
Household |
Elvenheart Recovery |
1 |
Household |
Emerald Guard |
1 |
Company |
Enchanted Bat |
1 |
Household |
Endless Waters |
4 |
Household |
Esdraelon |
1 |
Company |
Eudaimus |
3 |
Company |
Fat bastards, House |
2 |
Household |
Foragers Guild |
3 |
Company |
Fortune\'s Hand |
3 |
Company |
Free Merchants |
1 |
Company |
Frostbrew |
1 |
Household |
Future Chorelords of America |
1 |
Company |
Gaslight Amtgard |
1 |
Company |
Glen |
1 |
Company |
Golden Lions |
8 |
Household |
Good Game Academy |
1 |
Company |
Green Dragons |
1 |
Company |
Greenforge |
1 |
Household |
Grimm Hollows |
1 |
Household |
Guild of the Metal Spider |
1 |
Household |
HearthHome |
2 |
Household |
Hidden Blades |
6 |
Company |
Hojo Clan |
1 |
Company |
Hollheim |
1 |
Household |
House Beer |
8 |
Household |
House Ben-Israel |
1 |
Household |
House Blackfyre |
1 |
Household |
House burn |
4 |
Household |
House Celestial Reeves |
2 |
Household |
House Celestrians |
1 |
Household |
House Draconis |
5 |
Company |
House Dracul |
2 |
Household |
House Dragonclaw |
1 |
Household |
House End'Oh |
5 |
Household |
House Everdong |
1 |
Household |
House Fairy Tail |
13 |
Household |
House Fierce |
4 |
Household |
House Flora |
1 |
Household |
House Gourmand |
1 |
Household |
House Gourmand |
3 |
Household |
House Harkonnen |
1 |
Household |
House Heathen |
7 |
Company |
House Highstorm |
1 |
Company |
House Highstorm |
1 |
Household |
House Himbro |
9 |
Household |
38 |
Household |
House Lore Keepers |
6 |
Household |
House McKrotch |
1 |
Household |
House Of Crats |
5 |
Household |
House of Fallen Flames |
1 |
Household |
House of Ha Ha |
1 |
Household |
House of Hyrule |
6 |
Company |
House of Night Wraiths |
4 |
Household |
House of Strong Arm |
7 |
Household |
House of the Red Hand |
12 |
Household |
House of the Rum Fighters |
2 |
Household |
House of the Serpent's Ladder |
1 |
Company |
House Of The Sev3n Demons |
2 |
Household |
House of the White Rose |
1 |
Company |
House Rabid badger |
1 |
Household |
House Sesshomaru |
6 |
Household |
House Shenanigans |
3 |
Household |
House Silverlight |
1 |
Household |
House Solaris |
1 |
Household |
House Sparkle |
14 |
Household |
House Starduste |
5 |
Company |
House Strongbow |
1 |
Household |
House Sunforge |
1 |
Household |
House Tankard |
5 |
Household |
House Thornhill |
5 |
Household |
House Thornhill |
1 |
Household |
House Thornhill |
1 |
Household |
House Thornhill |
1 |
Household |
House Valefor |
1 |
Household |
House Vaws Hak |
55 |
Household |
House Voht |
1 |
Household |
1 |
Household |
Huela Ssin |
1 |
Household |
Irish Legitimate Business Front |
7 |
Company |
Iron Leopards |
1 |
Household |
Ironstar Adventuring Company |
1 |
Company |
Jqtnarbani |
1 |
Company |
Justicars |
5 |
Household |
Kitsunes of Amtgard |
1 |
Household |
Knights of Akitor |
1 |
Household |
Konania |
1 |
Household |
Kripple |
1 |
Household |
Kripple |
1 |
Household |
Kurato Clan |
1 |
Household |
Larethian |
2 |
Company |
Legion of the Black Cross |
3 |
Company |
Legion of the Damned |
8 |
Household |
Legion Of the Dracolich |
1 |
Household |
Legion of the Fang |
1 |
Company |
Legionnaires |
10 |
Household |
Leviathan |
3 |
Household |
Lionesse |
4 |
Company |
Loka Honna |
1 |
Household |
Lome Gnomes |
1 |
Household |
Long live pineapples |
1 |
Household |
Lyceum |
3 |
Company |
Maiar |
2 |
Household |
Malorius |
1 |
Household |
Meowtastics |
3 |
Company |
mercenaries of Razgreed |
1 |
Household |
Merchants of Chaos |
1 |
Household |
Ministers of Grace |
10 |
Household |
Misty Hollow |
1 |
Household |
Morgannas Revenge |
1 |
Household |
Morgannas Revenge |
1 |
Company |
mystik dragons |
1 |
Household |
Nachtjagers |
1 |
Household |
National Druid Honor Society |
6 |
Company |
Nemesis Bane |
1 |
Household |
Newcomers Guild |
2 |
Household |
Nightsong WolfPack |
1 |
Company |
No Company |
1 |
Household |
Noble Legacy |
1 |
Household |
Nocturnals |
6 |
Company |
Odinmadr |
1 |
Company |
Omega |
1 |
Company |
One For All |
2 |
Company |
Order of AVO |
2 |
Household |
Order of Death's Embrace |
2 |
Household |
Order of the Blue Spider |
1 |
Company |
Order of the Greenwood |
1 |
Household |
Order of the Greenwood |
8 |
Company |
Order of the Silver Dawn |
1 |
Household |
Orion Syndicate |
1 |
Company |
Otani |
1 |
Household |
Phalanx |
3 |
Household |
Pink Unicorn Brigade |
1 |
Company |
Pirates of Stormwall |
3 |
Company |
Prohibition |
6 |
Household |
Proletariat Huddle |
1 |
Household |
Proletariat Huddle |
3 |
Company |
Prowlers |
9 |
Company |
Prowlers |
19 |
Household |
Qu'ellar d' Oreb |
1 |
Household |
Quendelie |
1 |
Household |
Raven |
2 |
Household |
Ravencroft |
1 |
Company |
Ravens Fury |
8 |
Household |
RedHawk |
3 |
Household |
Republic of Harley |
6 |
Company |
1 |
Company |
Roger's Raiders |
4 |
Company |
Rolling Thunder |
1 |
Company |
Rose in the Wild |
1 |
Company |
2 |
Company |
S3ven |
1 |
Company |
Sable Pride |
5 |
Household |
Sacred Band of Sappho |
4 |
Company |
Sanctum |
1 |
Company |
Saracen |
1 |
Company |
Saracen- Mamluks |
6 |
Company |
Saracens |
1 |
Company |
Saracens |
1 |
Company |
Saracens |
1 |
Company |
Saracens Tribe Latrosheen |
8 |
Company |
Saracens, Chuvash Dragons |
3 |
Company |
Saracens, Tribe Defenders of the Dream |
4 |
Company |
Saracens, Tribe Laughing Bat |
1 |
Company |
Saracens, Tribe Valhalla |
1 |
Company |
Saracens: Tribe of the Pheonix |
1 |
Company |
Saracens: Tribe Templar |
2 |
Company |
Saracens_Nationwide |
1 |
Household |
Second Sons |
1 |
Company |
Sev3n Demons |
1 |
Company |
Shadow Dragons |
1 |
Company |
Shadow Moon |
3 |
Household |
Shadowmoon Wolf Pack |
1 |
Company |
Shadowvale |
5 |
Company |
5 |
Household |
Sin Martin |
1 |
Household |
Sin Martin |
1 |
Household |
Singollo, House of |
2 |
Household |
Sins and virtues |
1 |
Household |
Skit's Private Army |
1 |
Company |
7 |
Household |
Society of the Hammer |
1 |
Household |
Sol Invictus |
1 |
Company |
Son's of Iona |
1 |
Household |
Spectral Dragons |
1 |
Company |
Star and The Jesus Kids |
1 |
Household |
Steel Rain |
1 |
Company |
Sterling Dogs |
1 |
Household |
6 |
Household |
Sword Knight Bootcamp |
1 |
Household |
Swords of the Brazos |
3 |
Household |
Swordy Boys |
1 |
Company |
Talon & Co. |
1 |
Company |
Tempest |
9 |
Company |
Templars |
2 |
Household |
Tendragon |
1 |
Company |
The Argonauts (The Crew of the Argo) |
2 |
Household |
The Bloodtide Rose |
3 |
Household |
The Boarding Party |
2 |
Household |
The Bodice Brigade |
1 |
Household |
The Broken |
7 |
Household |
The Broken |
1 |
Company |
The Brotherhood of Kaos |
1 |
Household |
The Church of the High Cross |
1 |
Company |
The Council |
1 |
Household |
The Cult |
2 |
Company |
The Dagger of the Silver Moon |
1 |
Household |
The Drunken Dragon |
6 |
Household |
The Four Winds |
1 |
Household |
The Goblin Workshop |
2 |
Company |
The Grey Wardens |
25 |
Household |
the Heralds of Ragnarok |
1 |
Household |
The Hidden Fang |
1 |
Household |
The Hidden Fang |
1 |
Household |
The House Deathbrand |
1 |
Household |
The House Deathbrand |
1 |
Household |
The House Deathbrand |
1 |
Household |
The House Deathbrand |
1 |
Household |
The House Deathbrand |
4 |
Household |
The House of Bad Decisions |
5 |
Household |
The House of Gir |
1 |
Household |
The House of Shadows |
7 |
Household |
The Household who says Ni |
2 |
Company |
The Hussars |
1 |
Household |
The Labyrinth |
3 |
Company |
The Legion |
1 |
Company |
The Lions Guard |
1 |
Household |
The Moonlit Seethe |
1 |
Company |
The Nameless Ones |
1 |
Company |
The Order Of Disorder |
1 |
Household |
The Order Of The Blessed Light Of Jonias |
9 |
Company |
The Order of the Moon Eternal (TOME) |
1 |
Household |
The Pack |
5 |
Household |
The Pirates of shenanigans |
1 |
Household |
The Power Company |
1 |
Company |
The Sacred Order of the Righteous Brotherhood of the Chosen, Holy Warriors of BoB the Unforgiving |
22 |
Household |
The Shire |
7 |
Household |
The Village Hidden in the Smoke |
4 |
Company |
Those Who Dwell Within |
1 |
Household |
Thug |
8 |
Company |
Tiger Clan - South |
6 |
Company |
Triads |
1 |
Company |
Tribe Myrmidon |
1 |
Household |
Tuek |
1 |
Company |
Tulwar |
1 |
Household |
Umbra Nicht |
1 |
Household |
Umbrella |
1 |
Household |
United Reeves League |
1 |
Company |
Unseen Hand |
3 |
Company |
Vermillion Corp (Reformed) |
1 |
Household |
Victorious Secret |
1 |
Household |
Violet Light Corps |
1 |
Company |
Virtus |
1 |
Household |
von Banana |
1 |
Household |
Wake of Yensidoma and Goldmoon East |
1 |
Company |
War Dragons |
1 |
Company |
Wardancers |
42 |
Company |
Wardancers |
1 |
Company |
Warder Wenches |
1 |
Household |
Warlord Mafia |
1 |
Household |
Wendy and The Lost Boys |
1 |
Household |
2 |
Company |
Wheel |
1 |
Household |
Wild Ones |
1 |
Household |
Wolf Riders Clan |
4 |
Household |
Wolves of Akitor |
1 |
Company |
Wolves of Cernunnos |
1 |
Household |
Wu Shin |
6 |
Household |
XXII Legion |
11 |
Household |
Yarnies |
2 |