The House Deathbrand

Name: The House Deathbrand
Type: Household
Url: Website
Description: A band of men and women with a history soaked in bloodshed. Welcoming to new comers but quick to test by the blade. We stand together in a fight and teach any who should be so willing to learn. Be it making new blades or ripping the enemy apart The Deathbrand home excels in it and can teach it Stand with us to learn and become better alongside fellow brothers and sisters as we slay enemies and teach them to remember the name Deathbrand
History: It all started on a day with the skies black as night. The rain swept heavy against a lone mans shoulders as he returned home. Alas the young man found his home in flames and his wife and daughter dead and yet still warm with a blade in his wife's heart. As the man started to weep and search for his son he heard a scream ring out followed by his boy running into the door holding a blood soaked arm and a bleeding heavily from his torso. Two men followed the boy in holding blades and smiling. The man felt a rage burning deep in his chest and leapt forward pulling the blade from his wifes chest catching the men off guard he slaughtered them both. Turning back to his boy and holding him tightly,his son whispers to him and tells him they attacked the village and the men followed them home and with a last gasping breath passed in his father's arms. It was that day The Home Deathbrand became known as they are today The man swept up the sword that had killed his wife and headed towards the village consumed by rage. Along the way he slaughtered every enemy in his path and banded the survivors together. As they rushed to the village they found it in flames and the enemy looting the bodies of the men and women they called friends. As rage consumed the future Deathbrands. The rushed forward into a long and bloody fight pushing the enemy out of the village and rallying the few left alive to join them in battle.


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