Church of the Apocalypse

Name: Church of the Apocalypse
Type: Household
Url: Website
Description: The Church of the Apocalypse is a household of dark, dishonorable, or simply out and out evil personas. The central thread that ties these characters together is their faith in the goddess Naydina, who is the personification of darkness. She is often described as a woman who is \"impossibly beautiful, with raven black hair and amethyst eyes\". The Church preaches that Jonius, the incarnation of light, was jealous of the seductive nature of the dark goddess. Shortly after the Creation, a great war erupted between the two that lasts even today. Members of the CoA are charged with hunting down these \"Jonites\" (followers of Jonius, or the light) and seek to root out his blasphemous ways. As members come into the house, Naydina marks them with an incarnation or Sainthood- a trait that they so completely have in their nature they come to represent it. \r\n\r\nOut of Character Description\r\n\r\nIn members the Church looks for participation on the field, service to the club, and activity in arts and sciences. On the field, it is preferred that the members have a fair amount of skill and/or potential, both in combat and role-play. Good sportsmanship is essential. The rule book needs to be followed at all times; no sluffing shots, taking advantage of loopholes/gray areas, or just plain cheating. It is also encouraged that all members take and pass a Reeve\'s Test. By studying they will know the rules and be less likely to inadvertently break them. In addition they can provide a service to the club by reeving. \r\n
History: The Church was started in Shrouding Mist in 1998, by Vitus Rustovich, Akilith Redmane, Kyrrin Moonshadow, and Lonoth Silvershield. At first the sole purpose was to make enemies that would come to Shrouding Mist to fight us. Later it became a heavy roleplay and service household, that was also more militant and combat active than many fighting companies. Members of the Church have always been tight-knit, and an ability to not only tolerate, but genuinely enjoy the comapny of housemates is essential. The house disbanded in 2006, into land-level houses. In 2012 the Church began reforming, with many of the old members returning.


Member Role Title
Adalia/ Reetah Member Muse
Akilith Redmane Lord Arch Bishop
Alphie Member Saint of Aggravation
Alucard Draconis Member Saint
Amatiel Cassandra Member Saint
Arlo Member Acolyte
Aurora Selene Member Saint
Balach of the Holly Lord Arch Angel
Baron Hated Holydragon Member Saint of Betrayal
Carebear Member Saint
Cosmo Member Saint
Count Psy Verrukt Member Acolyte
Count Thad the Impaler (Thaddigren Dentiata) Lord Pontiff (Southern Cross)
Crimson Witch Member Disciple of Corruption
Daciana Member Saint
Dame Bridgette of the Bazaar Member Saint
Dame Kiafia Or'zuke Member Saint of Immolation
Dee Metria Member Saint of Vanity
Dezmon Von Mainland Member Saint
Downfall Lord Cardinal
Drake Bloodblade Lord Elder Bishop
Dreadlord Ronin Bloodrose Member Saint
Duke Distan TGD Member Disciple of Dishonor
Ellistrae Laitha Avur Member Saint
Eorith Darkwood Member Acolyte
Etah Obsidyn Member Saint
Fay Member Saint
Fizh Member Saint
Fleuric Drake-Sargent Member Acolyte
Fu (PV) Member Saint
Fun Size Member Saint
Grim Dragonfist Member Saint
Hawk Member Saint
Jack Darkmoon Member Saint
Joker Time Member Saint
Kat Darkjester Member Saint of Exsaguination
Kithiandra Darkjester Underhell Member Saint of Enablement
Kyrryn Stonewall Member Saint
Kyten Member Saint of Obfuscation
Lady Aurora, Huntress of the Mist Member Muse
Lady Belladonna Member Saint
Lalailom Risteska Member Saint of Avarice
Lil Bit Obsidyn Member Saint
Lilac the bush Member aspiring for Saint of detachment
Lord Morgun Bloodblade Darkjester Member Saint of Poison
Lord Sej Member saint of impertinence
Master Lord Wren Brightblade Member Saint of Mockery
Merlot Lovell Member Saint
Miller Member Saint
Mokushi Aria Cross Member Saint
Oskar Bloodbath Member Saint
Penguin Member Saint of Pride
Ragnar Bjornson Member Saint
Raven Soulstealer Member Acolyte
Reggie Kandarin Member Saint
Ricken Member Acolyte
Rok Member Disciple of Corruption
Scorch Flamedancer Member Saint
Scorpion dentiata Member Saint
Serendipity Member Saint
Sidious Member Acolyte to Indulgence
Sir Cyric Member Saint
Sir Derek Roth Member Saint
Sir Lady Kaylin Underhell / Lady Mom Lord Elder Muse
Sir Lharche Or'zuke Member Saint of Hubris
Sir Lyrea Member Saint
Sir Magnus Thera Member Acolyte
Sir Vaune Shadowglave Member Saint of False Hope
Sol Blackheart Member Saint of the Void
Squire Delynn Klepto Ovitroshi Member Acolyte
Storm Thunderbrand Member Acolyte
Theodius Baozue (Tiny) Member Saint of Wrath
Thoan Runebeard Lord Elder of Depravity
Twixter Member Saint
Vitus Rustovich Lord Pontifex
Vuugash/Ahira Bandylegs Member Saint
Winter Rose Member Saint
Xol\'Tafei Von Doom Member Acolyte
Ziplock Member Disciple of Dishonor