
Type Name Members
Household Amalgam 3
Household Amazons 4
Household Angelus Mortis 1
Company Assana Clan, The 2
Household Black Lotus Monastery 1
Household blackwatch 3
Company Brethren of the Cup & Coin 1
Household Church of PIE 2
Household Clan Bloodtooth 6
Household Clan MacAbee 2
Household Clan Okuyama (House) 1
Company Corsairs 1
Company Crimson Marauders 3
Company Dark Riders 2
Household Darkening Forest House of Owls 1
Company Green Dragons 1
Household Half Dollar House 2
Household Hidden Blades 3
Household House of Stones 1
Household House of the Iron Ravens 1
Household House Tankard 1
Household La Cosa Nostra 7
Company Legion of House Manticore 1
Company Legion of the Black Cross 1
Household Lionesse 1
Company Nighthawks 4
Company Nizari 1
Household Order of the Blue Spider 2
Company Ordine Elfassins 3
Household Protector's of the Veil 6
Company Prowlers 1
Company Radmoor 1
Company Radmoor 1
Household RADMOOR 11
Household Right to Bear Arms 2
Company Scalebound 4
Company Shadow Moon 2
Household Skit's Private Army 1
Household Spectral Dragons 1
Household T'nirgilesti 2
Household The Amtgardinati 1
Household The Association of Otaku 1
Company The Grey 4
Household The Moroons 2
Household The Portstormers 3
Company The Seven Deadly Sins 3
Company Tribe of the Wild Blood 1
Company Warhounds 1
Household Warlord Mafia 1
Company Wolves of Morrigan 1