
Type Name Members
Company Band of the Red Hand 4
Household Crane clan 1
Household Defunct 1
Household Historical Cookery Guild 1
Household House Beer 1
Household House Burdenkeeper 1
Household House DeLoki 6
Household House Draconis 3
Household House Vaws Hak 1
Household La maison du Grand Pottager Cuisinier de la Soupe 1
Household Magnificent Bastards 3
Company Magnificent Bastards 1
Household Mara Fan Club 1
Company Panurple 1
Household Sentinels 1
Household The Moonlit Seethe 1
Household The Northern Tribe of Fur and Fang 1
Household The Silver Scale 1
Household Titans of Yin Yang 1
Company Wardancers 1
Company White Tiger Company 1