Household |
Adventurers |
1 |
Company |
Aethyr |
1 |
Company |
Allegiance of Brothers |
2 |
Household |
Amazons |
1 |
Household |
1 |
Company |
Aurum |
1 |
Company |
Black Heaven |
1 |
Company |
Brethren of the Cup & Coin |
1 |
Household |
Brotherhood of Steel |
1 |
Household |
Children of Lugh |
1 |
Household |
Church of Saint Porkins |
1 |
Company |
Clack Clack |
1 |
Household |
Clan Bloodtooth |
1 |
Household |
Clan MacAbee |
22 |
Company |
Corsairs |
2 |
Company |
Crimson Marauders |
7 |
Household |
Crimson Tide |
2 |
Company |
Delete |
1 |
Household |
Den of Valor |
2 |
Company |
Dochasan Lasair |
3 |
Company |
Dragon's Haven |
6 |
Company |
Enchanted Bat |
1 |
Household |
Exiles of the Realm |
2 |
Company |
Favored House Pacific |
2 |
Company |
Forsaken Family |
1 |
Company |
Ghosts Of War |
1 |
Household |
Goblin Slaying Elite |
2 |
Household |
House Fallstar |
1 |
Household |
House Lasair |
5 |
Company |
House of the Eternal Dagger |
3 |
Household |
House Raventhorne |
1 |
Company |
Legion |
1 |
Company |
Lost Empire |
3 |
Household |
Mead Makers Guild |
3 |
Household |
Mistyvale Assassin's Guild |
1 |
Household |
Momma's Family |
1 |
Household |
Narejo |
4 |
Company |
Odinmadr |
2 |
Company |
Order of the Elements |
2 |
Household |
Penguin BrickSquad |
1 |
Company |
Ranger Corps. |
1 |
Household |
Right to Bear Arms |
3 |
Company |
Rutgers, A team of the California Jugging League |
2 |
Company |
SDMF Jugging Crew |
3 |
Household |
Shadowhyrst |
3 |
Company |
Southern Party House |
1 |
Household |
Stella Mirabilis |
3 |
Company |
Storm Blades |
1 |
Household |
The Allied Tea House |
1 |
Company |
The Brotherhood of Fenrir |
5 |
Household |
The House of Swords and Stars |
1 |
Household |
Tiny Kitten Coven |
2 |
Household |
Tuek |
2 |
Company |
Warder Wenches |
1 |
Company |
Wolves of Valor |
2 |
Company |
Zombie Prevention Program |
4 |