Nakani Grimwulff


Player Details

Given Name:
Persona: Nakani Grimwulff
Username: Nakani Kurohyo
Dues Paid:
Password Expires: Expired
Reeve Qualified: No
Corpora Qualified: No
Park Member Since: 2024-04-08


Kingdom Park Dues Paid Until Dues Paid On Dues For Life?

Companies & Households

Name Type
Dat Tco Household
Edhellond nan Ennor Household
IronSkull Household
KCG Elven Court Household
Saracens Company
Saracens, Tribe Crimson Falcon Company
Saracens, Tribe Shadow Weaver Company
Shadow Moon Company


Class Credits Level
Anti-Paladin 19 2
Archer 63 6
Assassin 65 6
Barbarian 66 6
Bard 61.25 6
Color 67 6
Druid 214 6
Healer 73 6
Monk 67 6
Monster 66 6
Paladin 0 0
Peasant 4 1
Reeve 56 5
Scout 88 6
Warrior 65.25 6
Wizard 65 6

Historical Imports

Note Description Date
Lord Trelick 2010-09-01
GM of Reeves - Solstice 2006-07-01 - 2007-06-01
Prime Minister 2007-04-01 - 2007-09-01
Champion 2009-07-01 - 2009-12-01
Champion - Protem 2010-01-01 - 2010-06-01
GMR 2008-07-01 - 2009-06-01
Prime Minister CG - RS 2013-07-01 - 2014-01-01
Classes at 6th Level: Archer, Assassin, Barbarian, Bard, Druid, Healer, Monster, Scout, Warrior, Wizard 2013-07-13
Wolf Riders 1969-12-31
Privateers 1969-12-31
House Shadow Moon 1969-12-31
House Stormblade 1969-12-31
Elven Council 1969-12-31
SARACENS-Tribe Crimson Falcon 1969-12-31


Login to send an award recommendation.
Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note Entered By
Armorer [Custom Award] 2009-10-01 ;
Order of Battle 1 2021-11-06 Bowlgod Lesonette The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Countess Aelin
Order of Battle 2 2021-11-06 Bowlgod Lesonette The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Countess Aelin
Order of Battle 3 2021-11-06 Bowlgod Lesonette The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Countess Aelin
Order of Battle 4 2021-11-06 Bowlgod Lesonette The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Countess Aelin
Order of Battle 5 2021-11-06 Bowlgod Lesonette The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Countess Aelin
Order of Battle 6 2021-11-06 Bowlgod Lesonette The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Countess Aelin
Order of Battle 7 2021-11-06 Bowlgod Lesonette The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Countess Aelin
Order of Battle 8 2021-11-06 Bowlgod Lesonette The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Countess Aelin
Order of Battle 9 2021-11-06 Bowlgod Lesonette The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Countess Aelin
Gryphon [Order of the Griffin] 2005-12-01 unknown - Solstice;
Gryphon [Order of the Griffin] 2006-01-01 Lady Cira of Crystal Groves;
Gryphon [Order of the Griffin] 2007-03-01 Baroness Celwyn - Solstice;
Order of the Griffin 4 2021-08-15 Windhaven,The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Relisys Candlemaker
Hydra [Order of the Hydra] 1989-10-01 unknown of Eastport; qual for champion
Hydra [Order of the Hydra] 2009-07-01 King Yoshi of Crystal Groves; Qualifying for Crown
Jovious [Order of the Jovius] 2005-12-01 Lady Astraea - Solstice;
Jovious [Order of the Jovius] 2009-01-01 Lady Celwyn - Solstice; always in garb, always in character!
Lion [Order of the Lion] 2005-12-01 unknown - Solstice;
Lion [Order of the Lion] 2005-12-01 unknown - Solstice;
Lion [Order of the Lion] 2010-01-01 Baroness Lucrezia; Champion
Order of the Lion 4 2014-01-19 Sir Shiva Kingdom Winter Midreign (Yule) For stepping up where ever and whenever necessary to help
Order of the Lion 5 2014-01-19 Sir Shiva Kingdom Winter Midreign (Yule) For stepping up where ever and whenever necessary to help
Mask [Order of the Mask] 2005-12-01 Astrea - Solstice;
Order of the Mask 2 2021-08-15 Windhaven,The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Relisys Candlemaker
Owl [Order of the Owl] 2005-12-01 Unknown - Solstice; Flatblade consrruction
Owl [Order of the Owl] 2007-01-01 Baron Yoshi -Barony Solstice; Quality & Quanity of arrow construction
Owl [Order of the Owl] 2007-08-01 Regent Lady Angela; for his excellent Workshop on Arrow Making at FoF
Order of the Owl 4 2017-07-30 Bruin Rising Sun Station,The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Quiver Bruin
Rose [Order of the Rose] 2004-04-01 Sir Balthazar;
Rose [Order of the Rose] 2005-12-01 unknown - Solstice;
Rose [Order of the Rose] 2005-12-01 unknown - Solstice;
Rose [Order of the Rose] 2005-12-01 unknown - Solstice;
Rose [Order of the Rose] 2006-01-01 Lady Cira of Crystal Groves;
Rose [Order of the Rose] 2006-07-01 Monarch - Crystal Groves; Covering troll @ Shenanigans & getting castle at last minute
Rose [Order of the Rose] 2008-10-01 King Rentell of Crystal Groves;
Smith [Order of the Smith] 2005-12-01 Unknown; Arrow Workshop
Smith [Order of the Smith] 2006-09-01 Baron Yoshi - Solstice; Helping members of the group with arrow construction
Smith [Order of the Smith] 2009-08-01 Regent Storm of Solstice; Arrow Class Presentation for Crown Quals
Order of the Smith 4 2014-05-18 Arch Bishop Veneficus Tenebrus Rising Sun Station,The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Hosting A&S
Order of the Smith 5 2017-10-29 Bruin Rising Sun Station,The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Organizing archery practice Bruin
Walker of the Middle [Order of the Walker in the Middle] 2009-08-01 Baroness Lucrezia; Outstanding Ongoing Service as GMR and Reeving
Warrior [Order of the Warrior] 2005-12-01 unknown - Solstice;
Warrior [Order of the Warrior] 2005-12-01 unknown -Solstice;
Warrior [Order of the Warrior] 2005-12-01 unknown - Solstice;
Zodiac [Order of the Zodiac] 2008-07-01 Gailwind; April - guarding site and working with kids at FoF, good spirits when injured


Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note Entered By
Master Archer [Paragon Archer] 2010-06-01 Lady Raina Katrina
Master Assassin [Paragon Assassin] 2006-07-01 Queen Elizabeth I - Golden Vale
Paragon Scout 2015-04-18 Sir Shiva Feast of Fools

Award Recommendations

Award Rank Date Sent By Reason


Date Kingdom Park Event Class Credits
2024-09-12 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Keep on the Borderlands Druid 4
2024-08-04 The Freeholds of Amtgard Phoenix Hollow Druid 1
2024-07-28 The Freeholds of Amtgard Phoenix Hollow Druid 1
2024-07-26 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Kingdom Summer Midreign Druid 12
2024-07-14 The Freeholds of Amtgard Phoenix Hollow Druid 1
2024-06-09 The Freeholds of Amtgard Phoenix Hollow Druid 1
2024-06-02 The Freeholds of Amtgard Phoenix Hollow Druid 1
2024-05-26 The Freeholds of Amtgard Phoenix Hollow Druid 1
2024-05-19 The Freeholds of Amtgard Phoenix Hollow Druid 1
2024-05-12 The Freeholds of Amtgard Phoenix Hollow Druid 1
2024-05-05 The Freeholds of Amtgard Phoenix Hollow Druid 1
2024-04-28 The Freeholds of Amtgard Phoenix Hollow Druid 1
2024-04-21 The Freeholds of Amtgard Phoenix Hollow Druid 1
2024-04-14 The Freeholds of Amtgard Phoenix Hollow Druid 1
2024-04-04 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Kingdom Spring Coronation Druid 12
2024-03-13 The Celestial Kingdom Spring War Rise of the Fae Druid 17
2024-01-14 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Windhaven Druid 1
2023-01-29 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Windhaven Druid 1
2023-01-15 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Windhaven Druid 2
2022-07-15 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Kingdom Summer Midreign Anti-Paladin 6
2022-05-22 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Windhaven Druid 1
2022-05-08 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Windhaven Anti-Paladin 1
2022-04-17 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Windhaven Druid 1
2022-03-16 The Celestial Kingdom Spring War Anti-Paladin 12
2021-11-04 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Kingdom Fall Coronation Druid 12
2021-10-31 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Windhaven Druid 1
2021-10-17 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Windhaven Druid 1
2021-10-10 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Bandit Flats East Druid 1
2021-10-03 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Windhaven Druid 1
2021-09-26 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Windhaven Druid 1
2021-08-29 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Windhaven Druid 1
2021-08-22 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Druid 2
2021-07-11 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Windhaven Druid 1
2021-07-04 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Windhaven Druid 1
2021-06-20 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Windhaven Druid 1
2021-06-13 The Kingdom of Neverwinter Dragons Crossing Druid 1
2021-06-06 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Windhaven Druid 1
2020-03-01 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Windhaven Druid 1
2020-02-21 The Kingdom of Neverwinter Defrost Druid 3
2020-01-18 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Port Union Druid 1
2019-11-17 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Crystal Groves Druid 1
2019-10-31 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Kingdom Fall Coronation Druid 16
2019-09-18 The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Keep on the Borderlands X Druid 5
2019-09-15 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Druid 1
2019-08-18 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Druid 1
2019-07-12 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Blackthorne Kingdom Summer Midreign Druid 3
2019-06-15 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Port Union Druid 1
2019-04-25 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Kingdom Spring Coronation Druid 3
2018-10-18 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Crystal Groves Feast of Dead Color 4
2018-09-19 Keep on the Borderlands IX Color 5
2018-07-20 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Summer Midreign Color 4
2017-10-29 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Druid 2
2017-10-15 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Druid 1
2017-10-01 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Druid 1
2017-09-20 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Keep on the Borderlands Druid 5
2017-09-10 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Druid 1
2017-07-14 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Summer Midreign Druid 3
2017-07-09 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Peasant 1
2017-07-02 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Peasant 1
2017-06-25 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Peasant 1
2017-06-18 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Color 1
2017-06-11 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Color 1
2017-06-04 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Color 1
2017-05-28 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Color 1
2017-05-21 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Color 1
2017-05-07 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Color 1
2017-04-20 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Crystal Groves Feast of Fools Color 4
2017-03-15 The Celestial Kingdom Spring War Color 5
2017-03-11 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Port Union Reeve 1
2017-01-20 Leviathan Keep Kingdom Winter Midreign (Yule) Color 3
2016-11-26 The Freeholds of Amtgard Muninn Myst Color 1
2016-11-05 The Freeholds of Amtgard Muninn Myst Color 1
2016-10-22 The Freeholds of Amtgard Muninn Myst Color 1
2016-09-29 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Crystal Groves Feast of Dead Color 4
2016-09-14 The Kingdom of Polaris Keep on the Borderlands 2023 Color 5
2016-07-08 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Summer Midreign Color 4
2016-06-26 The Empire of Rivermoor Queens Landing Color 1
2016-04-21 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Crystal Groves Feast of Fools Color 4
2016-04-02 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Bitter Coast Druid 1
2016-03-05 The Freeholds of Amtgard Muninn Myst Reeve 1
2016-02-21 The Freeholds of Amtgard Forgotten Forest Druid 1
2016-02-20 The Freeholds of Amtgard Muninn Myst Reeve 1
2016-02-06 The Freeholds of Amtgard Muninn Myst Reeve 1
2016-01-15 Leviathan Keep Kingdom Winter Midreign (Yule) Reeve 3
2016-01-03 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Crystal Groves Color 1
2016-01-02 The Freeholds of Amtgard Muninn Myst Reeve 1
2015-12-20 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2015-12-19 The Freeholds of Amtgard Muninn Myst Reeve 1
2015-12-06 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Crystal Groves Peasant 1
2015-12-05 The Freeholds of Amtgard Muninn Myst Color 1
2015-11-22 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Healer 1
2015-11-21 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Warrior 1
2015-10-18 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Color 1
2015-10-01 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Crystal Groves Feast of Dead Color 4
2015-09-17 The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Summer Midreign Scout 4
2015-07-05 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2015-06-28 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Leviathan Keep Color 1
2015-06-21 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Color 1
2015-06-12 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Port Union VII cities Archer 3
2015-06-07 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2015-05-24 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Color 1
2015-05-03 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2015-04-16 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Crystal Groves Feast of Fools Scout 4
2015-02-08 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Scout 1
2015-02-01 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Scout 1
2015-01-25 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2015-01-18 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Crystal Groves Winter Coronation Scout 1
2015-01-17 Leviathan Keep Kingdom Winter Midreign (Yule) Scout 1
2015-01-16 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Scout 1
2015-01-04 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2014-12-28 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Scout 1
2014-12-07 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2014-11-30 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2014-11-23 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2014-11-16 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2014-11-15 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Gargoyles Gate Scout 1
2014-11-09 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2014-11-02 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2014-10-26 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2014-10-19 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2014-10-12 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2014-10-02 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Winter Coronation Color 4
2014-09-28 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2014-09-21 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2014-09-14 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2014-09-07 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2014-07-27 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2014-07-20 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Scout 1
2014-07-12 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Gargoyles Gate Scout 1
2014-07-06 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Scout 1
2014-06-29 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2014-06-20 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Port Union Monster 3
2014-06-15 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2014-06-08 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2014-06-01 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Scout 1
2014-05-25 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2014-05-18 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Healer 1
2014-05-11 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2014-05-04 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2014-04-25 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Crystal Groves Feast of Fools Druid 3
2014-04-20 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2014-04-13 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2014-04-06 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Healer 1
2014-03-30 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Color 1
2014-03-29 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Port Union Druid 1
2014-03-23 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2014-03-16 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Healer 1
2014-03-09 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2014-03-02 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Healer 1
2014-02-23 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2014-02-09 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2014-02-02 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2014-01-26 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2014-01-19 Leviathan Keep Kingdom Winter Midreign (Yule) Druid 1
2014-01-12 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Monk 1
2014-01-05 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2013-12-29 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2013-12-22 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Crystal Groves Druid 1
2013-12-15 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Healer 1
2013-12-08 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Warrior 1
2013-12-01 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Warrior 1
2013-11-24 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Healer 1
2013-11-17 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Healer 1
2013-11-10 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Healer 1
2013-10-27 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Healer 1
2013-10-20 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Healer 1
2013-10-13 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Healer 1
2013-10-06 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2013-09-29 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2013-09-13 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Crystal Groves Feast of Dead Monk 3
2013-09-08 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Monk 1
2013-09-01 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2013-08-25 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2013-08-18 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2013-08-11 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2013-07-14 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2013-07-07 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2013-06-30 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2013-06-23 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2013-06-02 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Reeve 1
2013-05-24 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Granite Crown Monk 5
2013-04-26 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Crystal Groves Monk 3
2013-03-31 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Monk 1
2013-03-04 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station Monk 1
2012-05-08 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Crystal Groves Monk 4
2012-03-24 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monk 1
2012-03-10 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monk 1
2011-11-12 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monk 1
2011-10-16 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monk 1
2011-08-20 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monk 1
2011-07-24 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monk 1
2011-06-11 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monk 1
2011-06-04 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monk 1
2011-04-16 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monk 1
2011-04-09 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monk 1
2011-04-06 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Assassin 1
2011-04-03 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Crystal Groves Monk 4
2011-03-26 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monk 1
2011-03-12 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monk 1
2011-03-05 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monk 1
2011-02-12 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monk 1
2011-01-15 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monk 1
2010-12-18 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monk 1
2010-12-04 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monk 1
2010-11-27 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monk 1
2010-11-20 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monk 1
2010-11-13 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monk 1
2010-10-30 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monk 1
2010-10-16 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monk 1
2010-09-25 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monk 1
2010-09-04 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monk 1
2010-08-21 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monk 1
2010-07-24 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monk 1
2010-07-10 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monk 1
2010-07-03 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monk 1
2010-06-26 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monk 1
2010-06-19 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monk 1
2010-06-13 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monk 1
2010-06-12 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monk 1
2010-06-05 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Bard 1
2010-05-29 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Bard 1
2010-05-23 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Bard 1
2010-05-22 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Bard 1
2010-05-17 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Bard 1
2010-05-15 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Bard 1
2010-05-08 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monk 1
2010-04-23 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Crystal Groves Bard 4
2010-04-10 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Bard 1
2010-04-01 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Bard 1
2010-03-17 Þe Olde Records Empire EVENT CREDITS Bard 6
2010-01-23 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Bard 1
2010-01-09 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Bard 1
2010-01-02 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Bard 1
2009-12-12 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Bard 1
2009-11-28 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Bard 1
2009-11-21 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Bard 1
2009-11-14 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Bard 1
2009-11-07 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Bard 1
2009-10-31 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Bard 1
2009-10-17 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Bard 1
2009-10-08 The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Emerald Hills (chapter) Bard 5
2009-09-26 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Bard 1
2009-09-18 Þe Olde Records Empire EVENT CREDITS Bard 4
2009-09-12 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Bard 1
2009-09-05 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Bard 1
2009-08-29 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Bard 1
2009-08-22 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Bard 1
2009-08-15 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Bard 1
2009-07-11 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monk 1
2009-06-27 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Bard 1
2009-06-20 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Bard 1
2009-06-13 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Bard 1
2009-05-23 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Bard 1
2009-05-09 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Bard 1
2009-05-02 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monk 1
2009-04-24 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Crystal Groves Bard 5
2009-04-18 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Bard 0.25
2009-03-28 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Bard 1
2009-03-21 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Druid 1
2009-02-07 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Barbarian 1
2009-01-31 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Bard 1
2009-01-10 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Bard 1
2009-01-03 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Bard 1
2008-12-27 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Bard 1
2008-12-20 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Bard 1
2008-12-06 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Bard 1
2008-12-01 The Kingdom of Burning Lands Burning Lands Healer 3
2008-11-22 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Bard 1
2008-11-15 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monk 1
2008-10-18 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Healer 1
2008-10-04 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Healer 1
2008-09-20 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Crystal Groves Healer 4
2008-09-13 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Healer 1
2008-08-16 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Healer 1
2008-07-13 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Crystal Groves Healer 2
2008-07-12 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Healer 1
2008-06-21 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monk 1
2008-06-07 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Healer 1
2008-05-17 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Healer 1
2008-05-10 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Healer 1
2008-04-26 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Crystal Groves Healer 4
2008-04-19 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Healer 1
2008-04-12 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Healer 1
2008-04-05 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Healer 1
2008-02-24 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Crystal Groves Healer 2
2008-02-09 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Healer 1
2008-02-02 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Healer 1
2008-01-05 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Scout 1
2007-12-15 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Healer 1
2007-12-08 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Healer 1
2007-12-01 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Healer 1
2007-11-24 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Healer 1
2007-11-17 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Healer 1
2007-11-10 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Healer 1
2007-11-03 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Healer 1
2007-10-12 The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Emerald Hills (chapter) Healer 3
2007-10-11 The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Emerald Hills (chapter) Healer 4
2007-10-05 Þe Olde Records Empire Sea of Rhye Healer 4
2007-09-30 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Warrior 0.25
2007-09-29 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Healer 1
2007-09-22 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Healer 1
2007-09-14 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Crystal Groves Healer 4
2007-09-08 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Healer 1
2007-09-01 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Scout 1
2007-08-28 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Druid 1
2007-08-18 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Druid 1
2007-07-21 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Druid 1
2007-07-14 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Druid 1
2007-07-08 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Crystal Groves Druid 2
2007-07-07 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Druid 1
2007-06-29 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Druid 3
2007-06-23 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Druid 1
2007-06-16 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Druid 1
2007-06-09 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Druid 1
2007-06-02 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Druid 1
2007-05-05 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Druid 1
2007-04-20 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Druid 4
2007-04-14 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Druid 1
2007-04-07 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Druid 1
2007-03-31 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Druid 1
2007-03-24 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Druid 1
2007-03-11 Þe Olde Records Empire Griffons Peak Druid 3
2007-02-24 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monster 1
2007-02-03 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Scout 1
2007-01-20 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Scout 1
2007-01-13 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Druid 1
2007-01-07 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Crystal Groves Druid 2
2007-01-06 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Scout 1
2006-12-30 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Druid 1
2006-12-23 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Scout 1
2006-12-16 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Scout 1
2006-12-09 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Druid 1
2006-11-25 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Druid 1
2006-11-17 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Druid 2
2006-11-04 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Scout 1
2006-10-28 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Barbarian 1
2006-10-08 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Crystal Groves Druid 1
2006-10-07 Þe Olde Records Empire Sea of Rhye Druid 3
2006-09-30 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Druid 1
2006-09-24 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Crystal Groves Archer 1
2006-09-23 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Archer 1
2006-09-15 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Crystal Groves Archer 3
2006-09-10 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Crystal Groves Healer 2
2006-09-02 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Archer 1
2006-08-26 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Archer 1
2006-08-12 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Archer 1
2006-08-06 Þe Olde Records Empire Eagle Valley-8e0 Archer 4
2006-07-29 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Archer 1
2006-07-22 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Archer 1
2006-07-15 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Archer 1
2006-07-09 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Crystal Groves Archer 2
2006-07-08 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Archer 1
2006-06-23 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Archer 3
2006-06-17 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Druid 1
2006-06-10 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Archer 1
2006-06-03 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Archer 1
2006-05-26 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Granite Crown Archer 5
2006-05-20 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Archer 1
2006-05-13 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Archer 1
2006-05-06 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Archer 1
2006-04-21 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Crystal Groves Archer 4
2006-04-08 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Archer 1
2006-04-01 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Scout 1
2006-03-25 Þe Olde Records Empire Dragons Keep Archer 3
2006-03-12 Þe Olde Records Empire Griffons Peak Druid 1
2006-03-12 Þe Olde Records Empire Dragons Keep Archer 3
2006-03-05 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Crystal Groves Archer 1
2006-03-04 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Wizard 1
2006-01-28 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Barbarian 1
2006-01-21 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Archer 1
2006-01-13 Þe Olde Records Empire Eagle Valley-8e0 Archer 4
2006-01-08 The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Crystal Groves Assassin 1
2006-01-07 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Wizard 1
2006-01-01 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Assassin 1
2005-11-01 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Archer 10
2004-05-15 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monster 3
2004-04-02 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Monster 1
2004-03-06 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Scout 1
2004-02-28 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Scout 1
2004-02-17 Þe Olde Records Empire Solstice Assassin 61