Gargha Fangbeard


Player Details

Given Name:
Persona: Gargha Fangbeard
Username: james.stephens
Dues Paid:
Password Expires: Expired
Reeve Qualified: No
Corpora Qualified: No
Park Member Since:


Kingdom Park Dues Paid Until Dues Paid On Dues For Life?

Companies & Households

Name Type
Exalted Order Company
House Osgard Household
House Silvermoon Household


Class Credits Level
Anti-Paladin 0 0
Archer 42 4
Assassin 59 5
Barbarian 58 5
Bard 0 0
Color 7 1
Druid 67 6
Healer 0 0
Monk 0 0
Monster 6 1
Paladin 0 0
Peasant 0 0
Reeve 0 0
Scout 3 1
Warrior 75 6
Wizard 8 1

Historical Imports

Note Description Date
Champion of Wolfheim 2012-10-01 - 2013-04-01


Login to send an award recommendation.
Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note Entered By
Cyclone [Custom Award] 2005-11-01 Lord Rexfelis;
Gladius [Custom Award] 2006-03-01 Lord Rexfelis;
Order of the Steel Ring [Custom Award] 2013-10-13 Dragon's Tale,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Baronet Thalion Othar; Special order given to the Pages and Ladies in Waiting by their Lords and Ladies of The Dragon's Tale for extraordinary service and exemplary performance of their duties without complaint at a Kingdom Event: June 2013
Custom Award 2014-04-13 Baron Thalion Othar Title of Esquire for service as champion 2013-2014
Order of the Dragon 1 2013-10-13 Dragon's Tale,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Baronet Thalion Othar for Love Bracelet
Gryphon [Order of the Griffin] 2005-11-01 Lord Rexfelis;
Order of the Griffin 1 2013-10-13 Dragon's Tale,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Baronet Thalion Othar for Courage, chivalry, and honor on the battlefield: Crown Quals tourney Sept. 2013
Order of the Griffin 2 2016-04-02 Salence Blackmore The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Honor on the battlefield and during tournament in Tal Dagore event
Order of the Owl 1 2013-10-13 Dragon's Tale,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Baronet Thalion Othar for Short Tourney Sword and Velcro shield straps
Order of the Rose 1 2013-10-13 Dragon's Tale,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Baronet Thalion Othar for helping to set up and tear down the park's Amtgard Food fight event
Order of the Rose 2 2013-10-13 Dragon's Tale,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Baronet Thalion Othar for manning the dunking booth either by barking or getting wet
Order of the Rose 3 2016-04-02 Salence Blackmore The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Representing park and kingdom at a Tal Dagor event
Order of the Rose 4 2016-11-05 Amdair Lassider The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Volunteering time as a monster during a night quest encounter at Keep on the Borderlands 2016
Order of the Smith 1 2013-10-13 Dragon's Tale,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Baronet Thalion Othar for Pirate Quest/Battle
Order of the Warrior 3 2013-10-13 Dragon's Tale,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Baronet Thalion Othar for fighting prowess shown at Crown Quals tourney; Sept. 2013


Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note Entered By

Award Recommendations

Award Rank Date Sent By Reason


Date Kingdom Park Event Class Credits
2019-10-20 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Druid 1
2018-06-24 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Archer 1
2018-06-10 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Archer 1
2018-05-31 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Summer Midreign Archer 4
2018-05-06 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Archer 1
2018-04-29 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Archer 1
2018-04-22 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Archer 1
2018-01-14 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Druid 1
2017-11-19 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Druid 1
2017-10-22 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Druid 1
2017-10-08 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Druid 1
2017-09-10 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Druid 1
2017-08-13 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Druid 1
2017-07-30 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Druid 1
2017-07-02 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Valley of the Twin Rivers Druid 1
2017-06-25 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Druid 1
2017-06-18 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Druid 1
2017-06-01 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Summer Midreign Druid 4
2017-05-07 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Druid 1
2017-04-23 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Druid 1
2017-04-09 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Druid 1
2017-03-26 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Druid 1
2017-03-17 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Summer Coronation Wizard 4
2017-02-26 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Summer Crown Qualifications Druid 1
2017-02-25 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Mimir's Well Druid 1
2017-01-28 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Raven's Hollow Druid 1
2016-12-04 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Druid 1
2016-11-04 Crimson Moon Bridge Wars Druid 4
2016-10-09 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Valley of the Twin Rivers Druid 1
2016-09-25 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Druid 1
2016-09-14 The Kingdom of Polaris Keep on the Borderlands 2023 Druid 5
2016-08-14 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Valley of the Twin Rivers Druid 1
2016-07-31 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Druid 1
2016-07-24 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Valley of the Twin Rivers Druid 1
2016-06-09 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Summer Midreign Druid 4
2016-06-05 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Druid 1
2016-05-29 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Druid 1
2016-05-22 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Summer Dragonmaster Druid 1
2016-05-21 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Storm Bridge Barbarian 1
2016-05-08 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Druid 1
2016-04-24 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Druid 1
2016-04-20 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2016-04-17 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Druid 1
2016-04-10 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Druid 1
2016-04-02 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Druid 1
2016-03-17 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Winter Coronation Druid 4
2016-03-13 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Druid 1
2016-02-28 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Druid 1
2016-01-31 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Druid 1
2016-01-17 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Druid 1
2015-12-20 The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Hollow Mountain Druid 1
2015-12-19 The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Winter Coronation Druid 1
2015-12-06 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Druid 1
2015-11-22 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Druid 1
2015-10-11 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2015-09-27 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2015-09-17 The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Summer Midreign Barbarian 4
2015-08-30 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2015-08-23 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2015-08-16 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2015-08-02 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2015-07-26 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2015-07-19 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2015-07-12 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2015-07-11 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2015-07-05 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2015-06-28 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2015-06-21 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2015-06-11 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Summer Midreign Barbarian 4
2015-06-07 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2015-05-03 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2015-04-26 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2015-04-12 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2015-04-05 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2015-03-27 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Summer Coronation Barbarian 4
2015-03-22 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2015-03-15 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2015-02-15 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2015-02-01 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2015-01-25 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2015-01-18 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2015-01-04 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2014-12-20 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Raven's Hollow Barbarian 1
2014-12-07 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2014-10-19 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2014-10-05 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2014-09-28 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Druid 1
2014-09-14 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Druid 1
2014-08-31 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Druid 1
2014-08-10 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Druid 1
2014-08-03 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Druid 1
2014-07-27 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Druid 1
2014-06-19 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Summer Midreign Archer 4
2014-06-08 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Archer 1
2014-05-25 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Archer 1
2014-05-18 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Archer 1
2014-05-11 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Riverlands Archer 1
2014-05-04 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Archer 1
2014-04-19 The Freeholds of Amtgard Raven's Hollow Archer 1
2014-04-06 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Archer 1
2014-04-05 The Freeholds of Amtgard Raven's Hollow Scout 1
2014-03-30 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Archer 1
2014-03-21 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Summer Coronation Archer 4
2014-03-09 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Archer 1
2014-03-08 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2014-02-23 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Archer 1
2014-02-18 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Archer 1
2014-02-16 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Archer 1
2014-02-09 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Archer 1
2014-02-02 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Archer 1
2014-01-19 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Archer 1
2014-01-12 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Archer 1
2014-01-04 The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Phoenix Tears ZWinter Midreign Archer 1
2013-12-08 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Archer 1
2013-11-24 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Archer 1
2013-10-27 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Archer 1
2013-10-26 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2013-10-08 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Archer 1
2013-10-06 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Assassin 1
2013-10-05 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2013-09-29 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Assassin 1
2013-09-28 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2013-09-19 Keep on the Borderlands Assassin 4
2013-09-15 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Assassin 1
2013-09-14 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2013-09-08 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Assassin 1
2013-09-01 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Assassin 1
2013-08-25 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Assassin 1
2013-08-24 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2013-08-18 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Assassin 1
2013-08-17 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2013-08-13 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Assassin 1
2013-08-11 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Assassin 1
2013-08-10 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2013-08-04 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Assassin 1
2013-08-03 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2013-07-21 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Assassin 1
2013-07-07 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Assassin 1
2013-07-06 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2013-06-30 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Assassin 1
2013-06-28 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Assassin 1
2013-06-27 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2013-06-22 Þe Olde Records Empire EVENT CREDITS Assassin 4
2013-06-16 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Assassin 1
2013-06-15 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2013-06-11 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Assassin 1
2013-06-09 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Assassin 1
2013-06-02 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Assassin 1
2013-05-19 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Assassin 1
2013-04-14 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Assassin 1
2013-04-07 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Assassin 1
2013-03-23 Þe Olde Records Empire EVENT CREDITS Monster 4
2013-03-02 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2012-12-09 The Freeholds of Amtgard Wolfheim Assassin 1
2012-12-02 The Freeholds of Amtgard Wolfheim Assassin 1
2012-11-18 The Freeholds of Amtgard Wolfheim Assassin 1
2012-11-11 The Freeholds of Amtgard Wolfheim Assassin 1
2012-11-04 The Freeholds of Amtgard Wolfheim Assassin 1
2012-10-28 The Freeholds of Amtgard Wolfheim Assassin 1
2012-10-21 The Freeholds of Amtgard Wolfheim Assassin 1
2012-09-08 The Kingdom of Polaris The Frostlands Assassin 4
2012-06-09 The Kingdom of Polaris The Frostlands Assassin 4
2012-03-31 The Kingdom of Polaris The Frostlands Assassin 4
2012-02-12 The Kingdom of Polaris The Frostlands Assassin 1
2012-01-15 The Kingdom of Polaris The Frostlands Assassin 1
2012-01-08 The Kingdom of Polaris The Frostlands Assassin 1
2012-01-01 The Kingdom of Polaris The Frostlands Assassin 1
2011-12-11 The Kingdom of Polaris The Frostlands Assassin 1
2011-11-20 The Kingdom of Polaris The Frostlands Assassin 1
2011-11-05 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Assassin 1
2011-10-30 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Assassin 1
2011-10-29 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Assassin 1
2011-10-23 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Assassin 1
2011-10-22 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Assassin 1
2011-10-16 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2011-10-15 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2011-10-09 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2011-10-01 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2011-09-17 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 4
2011-09-11 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2011-09-04 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2011-08-21 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2011-08-20 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2011-08-14 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2011-08-13 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2011-07-31 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2011-07-30 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2011-07-24 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2011-07-23 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2011-07-17 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2011-07-16 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Monster 1
2011-07-10 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2011-07-03 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Monster 1
2011-07-02 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2011-06-25 Þe Olde Records Empire EVENT CREDITS Warrior 4
2011-06-12 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Wizard 1
2011-06-11 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Wizard 1
2011-06-05 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Wizard 1
2011-06-04 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Wizard 1
2011-05-29 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2011-05-22 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2011-05-21 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2011-05-01 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2011-04-24 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2011-04-10 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2011-04-09 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2011-04-02 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2009-05-02 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2009-03-27 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 4
2009-03-21 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Barbarian 1
2009-03-07 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Peasant 1
2007-10-23 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2007-08-11 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Peasant 1
2007-06-06 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Color 1
2007-03-10 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2006-12-16 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2006-11-11 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2006-10-21 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2006-10-14 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2006-10-07 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2006-09-30 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2006-08-19 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2006-08-05 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2006-07-05 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2006-07-01 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2006-06-24 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Peasant 1
2006-06-16 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 3
2006-06-10 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2006-05-27 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2006-05-20 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2006-05-06 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2006-04-29 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2006-04-22 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2006-04-15 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2006-03-25 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2006-03-18 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2006-03-04 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2006-02-11 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Archer 1
2006-01-28 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Peasant 1
2006-01-21 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2006-01-14 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Archer 1
2006-01-07 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Archer 1
2005-12-17 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2005-12-03 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Archer 1
2005-11-19 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Peasant 1
2005-11-05 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Peasant 1
2005-10-29 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2005-10-22 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2005-10-10 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2005-10-02 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2005-10-01 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2005-09-24 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2005-09-10 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2005-08-27 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Scout 1
2005-08-13 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Scout 1
2005-08-06 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2005-07-23 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2005-07-16 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1
2005-07-09 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Warrior 1