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Winter Coronation (Dec 19 - Dec 19, 2015)

Kingdom Park Player Class Credits ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Hollow Mountain Nozomi Color 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Hollow Mountain Grizzly Badgerhart Warrior 1 ×
The Freeholds of Amtgard Weeping Blue Monastery Freki Wulfrock de Sam Parr Warrior 1 ×
13 Roads Phoenix Tears Sethric Archer 1 ×
13 Roads Wolf Rock Krenko Whoolsworth Barbarian 1 ×
The Freeholds of Amtgard Weeping Blue Monastery Serenadi Loot Monk 1 ×
13 Roads Wolf Rock D\'Artagnan The Red Wookiee Druid 1 ×
The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Ironhill Burrows Stonelord Fuzz Warbear the Soul Forger Assassin 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knight's Rest H Assassin 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knight's Rest FARIX Monk 1 ×
The Empire of Rivermoor The Ivory Tower Whackody Monk 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Falcon Tor Marcus Tiberius Gracchus, Sir Archer 1 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Gryphon's Perch Wilhelm Paladin 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knight's Rest Roslyn Tul Paladin 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knight's Rest Calypso Warrior 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knight's Rest Rathius Anti-Paladin 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Falcon Tor FinnTroll Novellis, Sir Healer 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Jupiter's Stones TyeDye Paladin 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knight's Rest Avius Monk 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Jupiter's Stones Zenadel Mac Elathan Wizard 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knight's Rest Spencer Greatpaw Monk 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Hollow Mountain Razor Anti-Paladin 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knight's Rest Tanath Lagoon Anti-Paladin 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Jupiter's Stones Saerissa Nic\'Elathan Scout 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Falcon Tor Lord Panikk Fyrebringer Druid 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Hollow Mountain Lady Sparrow \'Finger\' Fyrebringer Assassin 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knight's Rest Ellassandra Scout 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knight's Rest Jeremiahh Wizard 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knight's Rest Doyle Wolfgang Von Frankenstein Scout 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knight's Rest Ogre Flexington Bard 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knight's Rest Esmae Druid 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knight's Rest Lothor Healer 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knight's Rest Snuffle Assassin 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knight's Rest Q Monk 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knight's Rest Baronet Puck Yo, Esquire Monk 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knight's Rest Lady Pryia Yo Druid 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Seven Rivers Forge NumbNuts Warrior 1 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Raven's Hollow Lord Master Valentine Laughingmoon Esqire Wizard 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knight's Rest Ino Raphael Color 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knight's Rest Konrad of the Bull Clan Reeve 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knight's Rest Ranpu Dentro Healer 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knight's Rest Matt Scout 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Seven Rivers Forge Pyra Scout 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Hollow Mountain Shoeless Corvus Archer 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knight's Rest Baron Elliot Teach Esq. Bard 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knight's Rest Levitra Waterfall Barbarian 1 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Storm Bridge Tawney Color 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Hollow Mountain Fira Ironscales Nemoralis Monster 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Valiant Fields Godrik Ironscales Monster 1 ×
The Empire of Rivermoor Adari Vaal Keep Aela Lefraye Warrior 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Sylvan River Guild Dacre Dubane Warrior 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Sylvan River Guild Enoch Dubane Warrior 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knight's Rest Fly Nycto Barbarian 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Falcon Tor Mexican Monk 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knoblands Kymera Druid 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knoblands Sir Maxem Blacklion Baronette Scout 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knoblands Ms. Buttersworth Monk 1 ×
The Kingdom of Viridian Outlands StormHaven Wookie Wizard 1 ×
The Kingdom of Viridian Outlands StormHaven Tally Nightsong Wizard 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knoblands YarNayLee Assassin 1 ×
The Kingdom of Polaris Wolfheim Ulfeir the Red Druid 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knight's Rest Kenshin Druid 1 ×
The Kingdom of Neverwinter Falling Fire Sir Bertrice R'Lyeh Monk 1 ×
The Kingdom of Neverwinter Falling Fire Lyle Rachir Assassin 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Ayrwolfe's Valhalla Ayrwolfe the Strong Barbarian 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Ayrwolfe's Valhalla Phoenix Barbarian 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Hollow Mountain Hitman Warrior 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Falcon Tor Baroness Cupcake the Baker Color 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Falcon Tor Dadomir, Lord Warrior 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Jupiter's Stones Leeda Monk 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knight's Rest Immortal Gafiltafish Tserrall Assassin 1 ×
The Freeholds of Amtgard Weeping Blue Monastery Silverblood Wizard 1 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Baron Thalion Othar Druid 1 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Gargha Fangbeard Druid 1 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Windy Keep Aelfgar Ironshield, Lord Scout 1 ×
13 Roads Phoenix Tears Maera Halvorsdottir Paladin 1 ×
13 Roads Phoenix Tears Kindyr Penumbra Color 1 ×
13 Roads Phoenix Tears Wraith Healer 1 ×
13 Roads Phoenix Tears Bjorn Badgerhart Barbarian 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knight's Rest Boulder Reeve 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Hollow Mountain Strife Scout 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Hollow Mountain Leafbeard Scout 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Hollow Mountain River Color 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Hollow Mountain Lady Momma Bear Scout 1 ×
The Freeholds of Amtgard Cloudfall Pass Zombie Monk 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Hollow Mountain Phase Forgotten Bard 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knoblands Naivin Naval Barbarian 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Direbrook Shuckle Monster 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knight's Rest Sir Blight Stygia the Hollow Archer 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Direbrook Neverwas Monk 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Falcon Tor Lorell Theldarin-Nemoralis, Sir Scout 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Seven Rivers Forge Countess Silverleaf Nar'Thoniel Anti-Paladin 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Falcon Tor Beldin Blackleaf, Saint Sir Druid 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Falcon Tor Angiel D'Winter Wizard 1 ×
13 Roads Phoenix Tears Leona Wish Halvorsdottir Penumbra Color 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Ayrwolfe's Valhalla Artraim Barbarian 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Hollow Mountain Red Dawn Color 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Jupiter's Stones Shadrigora Healer 1 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knight's Rest Salas Monk 1 ×