Darth Captain Nom Soulweaver Cyclone, the Broken


Player Details

Given Name:
Persona: Darth Captain Nom Soulweaver Cyclone, the Broken
Pronouns: he[him]
Username: CaptainNom
Dues Paid: 2025-01-30
Password Expires: 2024-11-22
Reeve Qualified: No
Corpora Qualified: No
Park Member Since: 2024-08-04


Kingdom Park Dues Paid Until Dues Paid On Dues For Life?
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison 2024-10-27 2024-04-27 No
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison 2024-07-30 Yes

Companies & Households

Name Type


Class Credits Level
Anti-Paladin 6 1
Archer 53 5
Assassin 1 1
Barbarian 53 5
Bard 0 0
Color 0 0
Druid 0 0
Healer 3 1
Monk 0 0
Monster 79 6
Paladin 0 0
Peasant 0 0
Reeve 0 0
Scout 0 0
Warrior 0 0
Wizard 7 1

Historical Imports

Note Description Date


Login to send an award recommendation.
Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note Entered By
Cyclone [Custom Award] 2022-12-10 Kardax Grim Garrison,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Darth Captain Nom Soulweaver Cyclone, the Broken
Custom Award 2023-04-08 Nameless Soulweaver Grim Garrison,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds “The Broken” for their broken ankle at bridge wars Darth Captain Nom Soulweaver Cyclone, the Broken
Order of the Marksman [Custom Award] 1 2023-07-15 Sheleighleigh Soulweaver Grim Garrison,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Being a constant threat with a crossbow Darth Captain Nom Soulweaver Cyclone, the Broken
Order of the Marksman [Custom Award] 2 2024-01-13 Marquis Baronet Lord Squire Su Grim Garrison,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Performance in the raid on The Mire Dusky Greyheart
Order of the Marksman [Custom Award] 3 2024-04-20 Marquis Baronet Lord Squire Su Grim Garrison,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Being a constant threat on kingdom fields Dusky Greyheart
Order of the Marksman [Custom Award] 3 2024-04-20 Marquis Baronet Lord Squire Su Grim Garrison,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Being a constant threat on kingdom fields Dusky Greyheart
Order of the Marksman [Custom Award] 4 2024-07-20 Rosarian Lord Baron Kade The D Grim Garrison,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds 2nd in the winter tournament Lord Exemplar Gonti Villebasker
Order of Battle 1 2022-09-10 Marquis Baronet Lord Squire Su Grim Garrison,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds skill on the field as barbarian Parhelion Good Noodle Dawnwalker the Tribune
Order of Battle 2 2022-12-10 Nameless Soulweaver Grim Garrison,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Use of Barbarian Darth Captain Nom Soulweaver Cyclone, the Broken
Order of Battle 3 2023-04-08 Nameless Soulweaver Grim Garrison,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Growing use of barbarian and effectiveness in the class Darth Captain Nom Soulweaver Cyclone, the Broken
Order of Battle 4 2023-10-07 Sheleighleigh Soulweaver Grim Garrison,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Owning the field as a wizard and coordinating battle strategies Darth Captain Nom Soulweaver Cyclone, the Broken
Order of Battle 5 2023-11-11 Marquis Einar Colburn Ebonmarch,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Baronet Dragon Lord Batsu The Emerald Dragon Colburn Esquire
Order of Battle 6 2024-05-25 Nameless Soulweaver Ebonmarch,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds heavy dominance as multiple other classes a archer and Baronet Dragon Lord Batsu The Emerald Dragon Colburn Esquire
Order of the Crown 1 2023-07-15 Baron Rowan Crowe Grim Garrison,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds His term as Prime Minister Darth Captain Nom Soulweaver Cyclone, the Broken
Order of the Crown 2 2023-10-07 Baron Rowan Crowe Grim Garrison,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Running the show seamlessly behind the scenes Darth Captain Nom Soulweaver Cyclone, the Broken
Order of the Crown 3 2023-11-11 Marquis Einar Colburn Ebonmarch,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Baronet Dragon Lord Batsu The Emerald Dragon Colburn Esquire
Order of the Dragon 1 2022-12-10 Kardax Grim Garrison,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Pumpkin Cookies Darth Captain Nom Soulweaver Cyclone, the Broken
Order of the Dragon 2 2022-12-10 Kardax Grim Garrison,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Pumpkin Throwie Darth Captain Nom Soulweaver Cyclone, the Broken
Order of the Dragon 3 2023-04-08 Nameless Soulweaver Grim Garrison,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Pull Apart Bread in Quals A+S Tournament Darth Captain Nom Soulweaver Cyclone, the Broken
Order of the Dragon 4 2023-04-08 Nameless Soulweaver Grim Garrison,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Pandesal Bread in Quals A+S Tournament Darth Captain Nom Soulweaver Cyclone, the Broken
Order of the Griffin 1 2022-09-10 Marquis Baronet Lord Squire Su Grim Garrison,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds for honor on the field Parhelion Good Noodle Dawnwalker the Tribune
Order of the Griffin 2 2023-10-07 Sheleighleigh Soulweaver Grim Garrison,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Showing honor in the quals weaponmaster tournament Darth Captain Nom Soulweaver Cyclone, the Broken
Order of the Griffin 3 2024-04-20 Marquis Baronet Lord Squire Su Grim Garrison,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds honor in the quals Dusky Greyheart
Order of the Griffin 4 2024-07-20 Rosarian Lord Baron Kade The D Grim Garrison,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Honor in the 4 and under Lord Exemplar Gonti Villebasker
Order of the Jovius 1 2023-04-08 Nameless Soulweaver Grim Garrison,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Nom is always so happy which then radiate to others Darth Captain Nom Soulweaver Cyclone, the Broken
Order of the Jovius 2 2023-04-08 Nameless Soulweaver Grim Garrison,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Nom is always so happy which then radiate to others Darth Captain Nom Soulweaver Cyclone, the Broken
Order of the Jovius 3 2023-07-15 Vin Oleandrin Grim Garrison,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds "at this point, it's just who he is" Darth Captain Nom Soulweaver Cyclone, the Broken
Order of the Lion 2 2023-11-11 Marquis Einar Colburn Ebonmarch,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Baronet Dragon Lord Batsu The Emerald Dragon Colburn Esquire
Order of the Lion 3 2024-01-13 Marquis Baronet Lord Squire Su Grim Garrison,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Excellent performance in your duties as Prime Minister Dusky Greyheart
Order of the Lion 4 2024-07-20 Rosarian Lord Baron Kade The D Grim Garrison,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Helping with battlegames, keeping the park active, and other administrative duties Lord Exemplar Gonti Villebasker
Order of the Mask 1 2022-12-10 Kardax Grim Garrison,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds NPC for Halloween Quest Darth Captain Nom Soulweaver Cyclone, the Broken
Order of the Mask 2 2023-07-15 Vin Oleandrin Grim Garrison,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds creating the Dryad outfit Darth Captain Nom Soulweaver Cyclone, the Broken
Order of the Mask 3 2023-10-07 Vin Oleandrin Grim Garrison,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dedication to learning and performing as monsters Darth Captain Nom Soulweaver Cyclone, the Broken
Order of the Mask 4 2024-04-20 Rosarian Lord Baron Kade The D Grim Garrison,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds performance and costuming of black chocobo at Clash of the Eikons Dusky Greyheart
Order of the Owl 1 2022-12-10 Kardax Grim Garrison,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Pumpkin Light Thrown Weapon Darth Captain Nom Soulweaver Cyclone, the Broken
Order of the Rose 1 2023-04-08 Nameless Soulweaver Grim Garrison,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Helping with the CTL day Darth Captain Nom Soulweaver Cyclone, the Broken
Order of the Rose 3 2023-11-11 Marquis Einar Colburn Ebonmarch,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Baronet Dragon Lord Batsu The Emerald Dragon Colburn Esquire
Order of the Rose 4 2024-07-20 Rosarian Lord Baron Kade The D Grim Garrison,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Helping with CTL day and working gate Lord Exemplar Gonti Villebasker
Order of the Warrior 1 2022-09-10 Marquis Baronet Lord Squire Su Grim Garrison,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds bravery on the field of battle Parhelion Good Noodle Dawnwalker the Tribune
Order of the Warrior 2 2022-12-10 Nameless Soulweaver Grim Garrison,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Battlefield Prowess with Polearm Darth Captain Nom Soulweaver Cyclone, the Broken
Order of the Warrior 3 2023-07-15 Sheleighleigh Soulweaver Grim Garrison,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Tournament and battle prowess Darth Captain Nom Soulweaver Cyclone, the Broken
Order of the Warrior 4 2023-10-07 Sheleighleigh Soulweaver Grim Garrison,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Taking second place in the open category of our weaponmaster tournament Darth Captain Nom Soulweaver Cyclone, the Broken


Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note Entered By
Lord 1 2024-01-13 Baron Rowan Crowe Grim Garrison,The Kingdom of the Rising Winds For his work as PM Dusky Greyheart

Award Recommendations

Award Rank Date Sent By Reason


Date Kingdom Park Event Class Credits
2024-10-05 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2024-09-28 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Wizard 1
2024-09-15 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Storm Bridge Wizard 1
2024-09-14 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Wizard 1
2024-09-07 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Wizard 1
2024-09-01 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Storm Bridge Wizard 1
2024-08-31 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Wizard 1
2024-08-24 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Wizard 1
2024-08-16 The Kingdom of Winters Edge Summer Midreign2 Monster 3
2024-08-10 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2024-08-08 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2024-08-01 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2024-07-27 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2024-07-25 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2024-07-20 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2024-07-13 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2024-07-06 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2024-06-30 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2024-06-29 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2024-06-22 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2024-06-15 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2024-06-08 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2024-06-05 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Valley of the Twin Rivers Monster 2
2024-05-30 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Summer Midreign Monster 4
2024-05-28 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Ebonmarch Monster 1
2024-05-19 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2024-05-18 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2024-05-11 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2024-05-05 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2024-04-28 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2024-04-28 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Storm Bridge Monster 1
2024-04-27 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2024-04-21 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Storm Bridge Monster 1
2024-04-14 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2024-04-13 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2024-03-31 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2024-03-30 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2024-03-21 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Summer Coronation Monster 4
2024-03-03 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2024-03-02 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2024-02-25 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2024-02-24 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2024-02-16 The Kingdom of Winters Edge Winter Midreign Monster 3
2024-02-04 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2024-02-03 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Ebonmarch Monster 1
2024-01-28 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Storm Bridge Monster 2
2024-01-27 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2024-01-20 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2024-01-13 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2024-01-07 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2024-01-06 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2023-12-31 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2023-12-30 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2023-12-17 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2023-12-16 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2023-12-10 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2023-12-09 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Storm Bridge Archer 1
2023-12-02 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2023-11-25 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2023-11-24 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2023-11-12 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Ebonmarch Archer 3
2023-11-02 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Bridge Wars Archer 4
2023-10-29 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2023-10-28 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Ebonmarch Monster 2
2023-10-28 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2023-10-22 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Kirin Grove Monster 2
2023-10-21 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2023-10-15 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Monster 1
2023-10-14 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-10-08 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-10-07 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-10-01 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-09-30 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-09-24 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-09-17 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-09-16 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-09-10 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-09-09 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-09-03 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-09-02 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-08-26 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-08-20 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-08-19 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Ebonmarch Monster 2
2023-08-13 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-08-12 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-08-06 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Ebonmarch Monster 3
2023-08-06 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-07-30 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-07-29 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-07-23 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-07-22 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-07-16 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-07-15 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-07-08 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-07-02 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-07-01 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-06-18 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-06-17 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-06-11 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-06-10 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-06-01 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Summer Midreign Monster 4
2023-05-20 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-05-16 The Kingdom of Winters Edge Tyrant’s Thorn Anti-Paladin 1
2023-05-14 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-05-13 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 2
2023-05-07 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-05-07 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Storm Bridge Anti-Paladin 1
2023-05-06 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-04-30 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-04-29 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-04-23 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Storm Bridge Anti-Paladin 4
2023-04-22 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-04-15 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-04-09 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-04-08 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 2
2023-04-04 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-04-02 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-04-01 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-03-26 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Archer 1
2023-03-25 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Barbarian 1
2023-03-20 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Barbarian 1
2023-03-16 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Summer Coronation Barbarian 4
2023-03-11 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Barbarian 1
2023-03-05 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Barbarian 1
2023-03-04 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Barbarian 1
2023-02-25 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Ebonmarch Barbarian 2
2023-02-19 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Barbarian 1
2023-02-18 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Barbarian 1
2023-02-12 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Barbarian 1
2023-02-04 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Barbarian 1
2023-01-28 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Ebonmarch Barbarian 1
2023-01-22 The Kingdom of Winters Edge Tyrant’s Thorn Barbarian 1
2023-01-22 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Barbarian 1
2023-01-21 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Barbarian 1
2023-01-14 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Barbarian 1
2023-01-07 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Barbarian 1
2022-12-30 The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Barbarian 1
2022-12-26 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds The Mire Barbarian 1
2022-12-17 The Kingdom of Winters Edge Tyrant’s Thorn Barbarian 1
2022-12-15 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Barbarian 1
2022-12-10 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Healer 1
2022-12-08 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Ebonmarch Healer 1
2022-12-03 The Kingdom of Winters Edge Tyrant’s Thorn Healer 1
2022-12-03 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Healer 1
2022-11-03 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Bridge Wars Barbarian 4
2022-10-29 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Barbarian 1
2022-10-22 The Kingdom of Winters Edge Tyrant’s Thorn Assassin 1
2022-10-15 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Barbarian 1
2022-10-08 The Kingdom of Winters Edge Tyrant’s Thorn Barbarian 1
2022-10-02 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Barbarian 1
2022-10-01 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Barbarian 1
2022-09-25 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Five Oaks Barbarian 1
2022-09-18 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Barbarian 1
2022-09-17 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Barbarian 1
2022-09-10 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Barbarian 1
2022-08-27 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Barbarian 1
2022-08-25 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Barbarian 1
2022-08-14 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Barbarian 1
2022-08-13 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Ebonmarch Summer Midreign Barbarian 1
2022-08-11 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Barbarian 1
2022-08-06 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Barbarian 1
2022-07-30 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Barbarian 1
2022-07-23 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Barbarian 1
2022-07-21 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Barbarian 1
2022-07-16 The Kingdom of Winters Edge Tyrant’s Thorn Barbarian 1
2022-07-16 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Barbarian 1
2022-07-14 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Barbarian 1
2022-07-10 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Barbarian 1
2022-07-09 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Barbarian 1
2022-07-07 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Barbarian 1
2022-06-28 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Barbarian 1
2022-06-25 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Barbarian 1