Plague Rider [Custom Award] |
2021-12-11 |
Tibbers(mud) |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Kingdom Level: For dedication and continued service as Park Monarchy member during the kingdoms Closing due to Covid |
Maighred Mezelette |
Dragonslayer [Custom Award] |
2022-06-11 |
Count Rorek Silverlight |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Volunteering to Judge at Dragon Master 68 |
Arthur Blackwood |
Order of Battle |
1 |
2022-11-12 |
Seph Jethaniel |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Good usage of combat tactics & field control |
Serra Blackwood |
Order of Battle |
2 |
2022-11-12 |
Seph Jethaniel |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Formation tactics on the ditch field |
Serra Blackwood |
Order of Battle |
3 |
2022-11-12 |
Worrak Darkedge |
The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Skill in class battlegaming |
Serra Blackwood |
Order of Battle |
4 |
2023-01-21 |
Seph Jethaniel |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Arthur's domineering presence on the field is tactically oriented and objective based. He has well played manuevers concerning the field of play. |
Einar Blackwood |
Order of Battle |
5 |
2023-01-21 |
Seph Jethaniel |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Not only on our home turf, but on other turfs, Arthur does well in continued tactical achievements, and team player morale |
Einar Blackwood |
Order of Battle |
6 |
2023-03-17 |
Rhadamanthys |
The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Whacking spell balls skillfully as Monk |
Serra Blackwood |
Order of Battle |
7 |
2023-11-11 |
Thor |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
For leadership on the battlefield at Endreign |
Liar |
Order of the Crown |
1 |
2022-09-04 |
Alexander Blackwood |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
For a short stint on the Kingdom BOD |
Serra Blackwood |
Order of the Crown |
2 |
2022-09-04 |
Alexander Blackwood |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
One term as Baron of Falcon's Moon |
Serra Blackwood |
Order of the Crown |
3 |
2022-09-04 |
Alexander Blackwood |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Second term as Baron of Falcon's Moon |
Serra Blackwood |
Order of the Crown |
7 |
2022-11-12 |
Worrak Darkedge |
The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Serving on the BOD |
Serra Blackwood |
Order of the Crown |
8 |
2023-12-16 |
Alexander Blackwood |
The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Service as Kingdom GMR for Reign 71 |
Dominae Lily FaceWrecker |
Order of the Crown |
9 |
2023-12-16 |
Alexander Blackwood |
The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Service as Kingdom GMR for Reign 71 |
Dominae Lily FaceWrecker |
Order of the Crown |
10 |
2025-01-18 |
Serra Blackwood |
The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Kingdom Champion Reign 73 |
Alexander Blackwood |
Order of the Dragon |
1 |
2021-11-07 |
Revna Bloodaxe |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Alexander Blackwood |
Order of the Dragon |
2 |
2021-11-07 |
Revna Bloodaxe |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
MAKING STORMLIGHT ORBS with increased complexity |
Alexander Blackwood |
Order of the Dragon |
4 |
2022-11-12 |
Shroudstar |
The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Kingdom entry |
Serra Blackwood |
Order of the Dragon |
5 |
2023-11-11 |
Sorcha Spinesnapper |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
For Cooking home made bread for Yule Ball |
Liar |
Order of the Garber |
1 |
2021-07-11 |
Tobias Thalonius III |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Creating legal spell strips for enchantments |
Rhadamanthys |
Order of the Garber |
2 |
2021-07-11 |
Tobias Thalonius III |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Creating legal class sashes |
Rhadamanthys |
Order of the Griffin |
1 |
2019-04-28 |
Shroudstar |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
calling shots well as a crossgamer |
Worrak Darkedge |
Order of the Griffin |
2 |
2022-11-12 |
Seph Jethaniel |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Displaying honor in a tournament at Rebel's Keep |
Serra Blackwood |
Order of the Griffin |
3 |
2023-07-15 |
Seph Jethaniel |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Honor amidst newer players and conduct |
Serra Blackwood |
Order of the Hydra |
2024-07-06 |
Worrak Darkedge |
The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Qualified for declarations of office through Reign 74 |
Dominae Lily FaceWrecker |
Order of the Hydra |
1 |
2021-06-05 |
Tibbers(mud) |
The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Hydra Qualified until 12/31/2022 |
Maighred Mezelette |
Order of the Lion |
1 |
2022-01-23 |
Revna Bloodaxe |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
for Participating in the rescue team sent to get things from the trailer and stepping up as a new Member of the BOD |
Alexander Blackwood |
Order of the Lion |
2 |
2023-01-21 |
Alexander Blackwood |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
The Monarch Eats and the hand.... |
Einar Blackwood |
Order of the Lion |
3 |
2023-01-21 |
Alexander Blackwood |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Leaderships in times of madness |
Einar Blackwood |
Order of the Lion |
4 |
2023-11-11 |
Karad Rog'el |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Stepping up to help run a practice when it was no longer your resposibitity to do so |
Liar |
Order of the Lion |
5 |
2023-12-16 |
Alexander Blackwood |
The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Being the main point of contact for several projects while serving on the BOD |
Dominae Lily FaceWrecker |
Order of the Mask |
1 |
2022-09-24 |
Shroudstar |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Mudboy RP |
Serra Blackwood |
Order of the Mask |
2 |
2022-09-24 |
Shroudstar |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Creepy AF Tonberry RP |
Serra Blackwood |
Order of the Mask |
3 |
2022-10-08 |
Worrak Darkedge |
The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Tonberry RP at Relic Quest |
Serra Blackwood |
Order of the Mask |
4 |
2022-11-12 |
Shroudstar |
The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Mudboy RP |
Serra Blackwood |
Order of the Mask |
5 |
2023-11-11 |
Sorcha Spinesnapper |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
INBLIND FAITH HE STOD, Cardinal Direction Member of the Council |
Liar |
Order of the Owl |
1 |
2018-12-02 |
Rhadamanthys |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
constructing equipment related to the sciences of Amtgard |
Worrak Darkedge |
Order of the Owl |
2 |
2020-07-26 |
Orochi |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Praise for craftsmanship of staff entry into A&S |
Rhadamanthys |
Order of the Owl |
3 |
2021-07-11 |
Tobias Thalonius III |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Creation of field legal spellballs for casting classes |
Rhadamanthys |
Order of the Owl |
4 |
2021-10-10 |
Revna Bloodaxe |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Making many very well done belts |
Alexander Blackwood |
Order of the Owl |
5 |
2022-11-12 |
Shroudstar |
The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Banner stand |
Serra Blackwood |
Order of the Owl |
6 |
2024-04-27 |
Einar Blackwood |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Liar |
Order of the Owl |
7 |
2024-04-27 |
Einar Blackwood |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
For knights gifts of chains and chest with false bottom |
Liar |
Order of the Owl |
8 |
2025-01-18 |
Serra Blackwood |
The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Shroudstar's knight's chain // Worrak's knight's chest that contains a cool hidden compartment you can find if you are smart. |
Alexander Blackwood |
Order of the Rose |
1 |
2021-07-11 |
Tobias Thalonius III |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Assisted with creating field legal spell balls, strips, and sashes for crossgaming dag players |
Rhadamanthys |
Order of the Rose |
2 |
2021-10-10 |
Revna Bloodaxe |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
helping an old crippled champion carry things/ set up etc |
Alexander Blackwood |
Order of the Rose |
3 |
2022-09-24 |
Shroudstar |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Previous helpful acts at park |
Serra Blackwood |
Order of the Rose |
4 |
2022-09-24 |
Shroudstar |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Helping with chili when everyone running it was absorbed with other stuff |
Serra Blackwood |
Order of the Rose |
5 |
2022-09-24 |
Shroudstar |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Last-minute volunteering for Relic Quest |
Serra Blackwood |
Order of the Rose |
6 |
2022-11-12 |
Worrak Darkedge |
The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Assisting in caring for tavern members to make sure needs were met |
Serra Blackwood |
Order of the Rose |
7 |
2022-12-10 |
Worrak Darkedge |
The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Consistently helping with setup, teardown, cleanup, etc. of park and Kingdom events |
Serra Blackwood |
Order of the Rose |
8 |
2023-06-10 |
Shroudstar |
The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Judging Dragonmaster for 10 hours |
Serra Blackwood |
Order of the Rose |
9 |
2025-01-18 |
Serra Blackwood |
The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Crafted for my end reign 2 knight chests, 2 knights chains, and a Defender title. packed and delivered the things, he lifted, cleaned, supported gate and also was our security crat. This and his other service to our kingdom has more than earned him his 9th rose |
Alexander Blackwood |
Order of the Smith |
1 |
2021-11-07 |
Revna Bloodaxe |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
doing a online class with dangerous materials making lamp work stuff |
Alexander Blackwood |
Order of the Warrior |
1 |
2018-12-02 |
Rhadamanthys |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
battlefield prowess |
Worrak Darkedge |
Order of the Warrior |
2 |
2018-12-02 |
Rhadamanthys |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
battlefiend prowess and honor |
Worrak Darkedge |
Order of the Warrior |
3 |
2022-11-12 |
Seph Jethaniel |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Battlefield prowess |
Serra Blackwood |
Order of the Warrior |
4 |
2022-11-12 |
Seph Jethaniel |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Winning a tournament held at Rebel's Keep |
Serra Blackwood |
Order of the Warrior |
5 |
2022-11-12 |
Seph Jethaniel |
Falcon's Moon,The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills |
Tournament streak |
Serra Blackwood |