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Bridge Wars (Nov 13 - Nov 15, 2015)

Kingdom Park Player Class Credits ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Grim Garrison Onuist map Urguist Barbarian 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Andre Merick Archer 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Serpent's Hollow Ziggeroth Druid 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Mountain of the Sixth Dawn Bane the Bounty Killer Barbarian 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Kirin Grove Vic Shakti Monk 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Valley of the Twin Rivers Lord Baal Olc Assassin 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Raven's Hollow Sicarus Swiftsteel Scout 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Raven's Hollow Sil Bard 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Raven's Hollow Psycho Stephen Archer 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Raven's Hollow Yark Dragoneye Warrior 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Satyr's Crossing Tyana Color 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Satyr's Crossing Paco Scout 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Blackfire Pass Djinn J\'Ogre Warrior 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Flail Snail Sluffanuffagus Phelddagrif Flumph Monster 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Baron Raten Firewalker Healer 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Serpent's Hollow Narsog Healer 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Serpent's Hollow Thustra Bard 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Misty Hollow Lord Velcan Menethil Healer 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Misty Hollow Lotus Rose Sunflower Monk 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Misty Hollow Togi Tealeaf Healer 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Storm Bridge Tryflin Monk 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Storm Bridge Viscount Baron Baronet Lord Sir Wat NeedsALastName Bard 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Gryphon's Perch Ecrinya Mistress of the Night Healer 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Gryphon's Perch Runcible Assassin 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Gryphon's Perch xeno Wizard 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Valley of the Twin Rivers Lord Lucian Demitrius Assassin 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Valley of the Twin Rivers Squire Kage Noyone Druid 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Valley of the Twin Rivers Amdair Lassider Druid 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Serpent's Hollow Rylind Scout 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Serpent's Hollow Viscount Saladin Rigopulos, Lord of Serpent's Hollow Warrior 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Five Oaks Varas Tyr'Rath Harkonnen Paladin 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Gryphon's Perch Sir Smurf Druid 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Valley of the Twin Rivers Malkav Assassin 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Sevrish Warrior 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Gryphon's Perch Lord Commander Garreth MacThoirdealbaig Monk 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Reaper's Haven Lord Viklas the Mad Druid 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Valley of the Twin Rivers Lady Delphina Darkstorm Druid 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Storm Bridge General MS Paint Taylor the Resolute, Defender of the Rising Winds...Esquire Druid 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Valley of the Twin Rivers Lord Rein Lightforge Bard 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Valley of the Twin Rivers Squire Stat Rhino Ebonmoon Poncherilli The MaDD Esq. Monster 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Black Marsh Lady Sierra Klassic Color 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Black Marsh Lord Simon Phineas Tubbins Scout 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Storm Bridge Archduchess Duchess Baron Sage Lorde Masta Kai Darkjester Clayd,Esquire,Warden of the West,Defender Assassin 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Storm Bridge Merrien Healer 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Gryphon's Perch Botwin Warrior 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Valley of the Twin Rivers Gpaw Color 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Valley of the Twin Rivers Gmaw Color 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Serpent's Hollow Hazel Color 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Black Marsh Bryndis Scout 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds The Crossroads PldQwuyzsJ Druid 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Black Marsh Teran the Pure Healer 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Baroness Lilianna Serras Monk 4 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knight's Rest Vitty Rose Druid 4 ×
13 Roads Phoenix Tears Sethric Archer 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Valley of the Twin Rivers Lord Basan Takeshi Druid 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Valley of the Twin Rivers Sev Sunfury Egilssen Assassin 4 ×
The Kingdom of Dragonspine Pegasus Valley Unknown Healer 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Gryphon's Perch Baronet Whipping Boy Hellsing Druid 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Valley by the Coast Yorick Healer 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Gryphon's Perch Snaps The Mad Ebonmoon Esq. Wizard 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds River's Edge Nadi The Madd Monk 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds The Crossroads Ashawn Broadleaf Scout 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds The Crossroads Karissta Color 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds The Crossroads Armith Assassin 4 ×
The Kingdom of Northern Lights The Hollow Chibasama, Ryuichiro Monster 4 ×
The Kingdom of Northern Lights The Hollow Sylvia Bramblebloom Warrior 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Valley of the Twin Rivers Lord XyLore Wizard 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Valley of the Twin Rivers Thunorrad Barbarian 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Valley of the Twin Rivers Orion Blackstar Assassin 4 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knight's Rest Kenshin Archer 4 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knoblands Cannon Tul Healer 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Gryphon's Perch Bambi Monk 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Valley by the Coast Bolt Wizard 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Blackfire Pass Sandy the Awesome Healer 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Blackfire Pass Cynoe WhiteStar Assassin 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Midgard Artorius Dragonwrit Monk 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Valley of the Twin Rivers Sx Twilus the Hunter Monk 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Mimir's Well Pein Monk 4 ×
The Kingdom of Polaris Wolfheim Que Paladin 4 ×
The Kingdom of Polaris Crimson Circle Daenarya Druid 4 ×
The Kingdom of Polaris Crimson Circle Odvarr D. Ironwolf Healer 4 ×
The Kingdom of Polaris Crimson Circle Anarel Druid 4 ×
The Kingdom of Polaris Crimson Circle Minndor Burningbeard Barbarian 4 ×
The Kingdom of Polaris Jade Hill Freya Monster 4 ×
The Kingdom of Polaris The Frostlands Kyrow the Fox Druid 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Satyr's Crossing Bera Ketilsdottir Monk 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Raven's Hollow Rakhir Archer 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Gryphon's Perch Bae Fyre Monk 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Gryphon's Perch Ganre Bard 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Misty Hollow Lady Laura Jane Archer 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Blackfire Pass Saravasse Druid 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Blackfire Pass Syr Rickas Emmet Monk 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Valley of the Twin Rivers Lord Misogi Bard 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Gryphon's Perch Herth Furor Bard 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Black Marsh Kayvaan Shrike Esquire Scout 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Valley of the Twin Rivers Lord Haruka Ventoris Wizard 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds The Crossroads Sir Kain Elverez Paladin 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Black Marsh Belzick Druid 4 ×
The Kingdom of Polaris Crimson Circle Battlemaster Kaadiart Hearts AnaMayn Anti-Paladin 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Valley of the Twin Rivers Shaggy Lyonall Druid 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Midnight Sun Clio Ninetails Bard 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Black Marsh Lord Zabor thee Dragon Rider Barbarian 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Black Marsh Razair Color 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Black Marsh Vazlier Color 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Valley of the Twin Rivers Master Lilly the Mad Color 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Valley of the Twin Rivers Qronos Scout 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Valley by the Coast Entei Druid 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Mimir's Well Cryo Druid 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds The Port of Winters Night Sir Exar Sadow Anti-Paladin 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Valley of the Twin Rivers Baronet Rabbit AssHat Warrior 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Reaper's Haven Lord Luskan Thull Monster 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Black Marsh Nova Color 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Ashen Hills Demitri Kincaid Bard 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds River's Edge Ashe Scout 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Misty Hollow Baron Squire Fish Healer 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Ashen Hills Nameless Druid 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Sun Moon Passe Jace Twinblades Warrior 4 ×
Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Admiral Edward Blood the many titled Assassin 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds The Port of Winters Night Mauriac/Paco Assassin 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Serpent's Hollow Spaz Healer 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Storm Bridge Landgrave Asche Palantir Warrior 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Storm Bridge Paragon Ard Archon Myst Starbourn, Esq Bard 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Storm Bridge Lux Looosha Dragoneye Scout 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Gryphon's Perch Squire Ambo Color 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Gryphon's Perch Biscuit Ethindale Monster 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Storm Bridge Coltrane Lionheart Barbarian 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Storm Bridge Redrick Dragoneye Scout 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Gryphon's Perch Edorias Wizard 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Misty Hollow Grimlock Assassin 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Misty Hollow Lady Aurora Color 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds River's Edge Skale, the prodigals son Assassin 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds River's Edge Cumference Warrior 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Dragon's Tale Baronet Asland Wizard 4 ×
The Freeholds of Amtgard Rolling Hills Kira Ivensteen Bard 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Raven's Hollow Baroness Dame Jetamio Color 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Raven's Hollow Baron Aaross the Blind Druid 4 ×
13 Roads Phoenix Tears Kogetsu Assassin 4 ×
The Freeholds of Amtgard Cursed Prairie Zieg Barbarian 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Misty Hollow VapeLord Squire Kozan Druid 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Elk Glenn Berrok Warrior 4 ×
The Kingdom of Winters Edge Tyrant’s Thorn Godric Grai Wizard 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Blackfire Pass Sir Aszar Bishop Wintermourn Healer 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Direwolf's Rest Lord Ragnar Erikson Monk 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Five Oaks Lord Kratos Spiritpaw Archer 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Direwolf's Rest Halfdain Americas Barbarian 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Ebonmarch Rygan Wynnewood Monk 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Storm Bridge Rue Ironclad Wizard 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds The Mire Carver Scout 4 ×
The Freeholds of Amtgard Corviden Valyn Warrior 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds The Mire Baronet Dragon Lord Batsu The Emerald Dragon Colburn Esquire Assassin 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds The Mire Astrid Barbarian 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Gryphon's Perch Baronet Squire Dedsune MacTrucketh Healer 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds River's Edge Tink Monster 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds River's Edge Shieldmaiden Valkyrie Tallemaja Hraustligr Bjorn Esq Color 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Satyr's Crossing Jotunn Bjorn Warrior 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds The Crossroads Sir Anavrin Anti-Paladin 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Black Marsh Master Volstaff Barbarian 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Satyr's Crossing Vealman Monster 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Black Marsh Master Sir Trible Shorty Delzora Color 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Gryphon's Perch Farley Monk 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Gryphon's Perch Sir Soram the Elder Color 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Gryphon's Perch Baron Sir Warlord Bayn, Defender of the Rising Winds Paladin 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Five Oaks Freyr Sven Tor Oldsen Healer 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Five Oaks Sprocket, Mistress of the Needle Color 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Blackfire Pass Thorvald Del Khahli Odinson Penitant Peasant 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Blackfire Pass Mama Hobbit Color 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Valley of the Twin Rivers Dame Scifee Color 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Valley of the Twin Rivers Don Baron Lord Squire Spire Grimblade Esquire Monster 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Gryphon's Perch Sir Lilly Barbarian 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Gryphon's Perch Laragon Color 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Raven's Hollow Joslynn Sabala Vahe Scout 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Storm Bridge Baroness Lady Robyn Shutterbug Monster 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Storm Bridge Reis OverLord Twilight S. Moon Monk 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Gryphon's Perch Netra Assassin 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Gryphon's Perch Tristienne Color 4 ×
13 Roads Phoenix Tears Taiyo Mabushii Wizard 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Serpent's Hollow Koder Firestrike Monster 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Blackfire Pass Narsh Kressh Bard 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Midgard Juicy Kressh Paladin 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Gryphon's Perch Warlord Sir Dekland Silverbush, Esq. Anti-Paladin 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds River's Edge Achilos II- Diomed Scout 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds River's Edge Ayesh Healer 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Gryphon's Perch Chameleon Color 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Valley of the Twin Rivers Lillyanna Scout 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds River's Edge Lord Skippy Skipsalot Assassin 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Gryphon's Perch Husk Color 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Gryphon's Perch Wulfric The Black Assassin 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Valley of the Twin Rivers Squire Thakkir Trygg of the Blackrose Warrior 4 ×
The Freeholds of Amtgard Rolling Hills Grif Assassin 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Raven's Hollow Timber Warrior 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds The Mire Corax Monk 4 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Black Marsh Schatzen Color 4 ×