Artemis Zaknafein Emory

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Player Details

Given Name:
Pronouns: custom
Password (Again):
Notice: Dues can now
be found in their own section!
Dues Paid: 2025-01-19
Dues Semesters:

Reeve Qualified:
Reeve Until:
Corpora Qualified:
Corpora Until:
Park Member Since:


Date Paid:
Terms: 1 Term = (s)
Dues For Life: Yes No
Kingdom Park Dues Paid Until Dues Paid On Dues For Life?  
The Empire of the Iron Mountains Darkmoon 2025-01-19 2024-01-19 No Revoke

Companies & Households

Name Type Quit
Anyanka Armory Household ×
Celestial Griffons Household ×
Saracens: Tribe Templar Company ×


Class Credits Reconciled Level
Anti-Paladin 0 0
Archer 0 0
Assassin 4 1
Barbarian 39 4
Bard 30 3
Color 9 1
Druid 0 0
Healer 0 0
Monk 95 6
Monster 56 5
Paladin 2 1
Peasant 0 0
Reeve 0 0
Scout 1 1
Warrior 44.25 4
Wizard 2 1

Player Operations for Artemis Zaknafein Emory

Historical Imports

Note Description Date ×
Missile Master I King Alby EH 2011-03-01 ×
Regent of King's Point 2009-01-01 - 2009-06-01 ×

Add Award

Type: Awards Officers
Award Name:
Given By:
Given At:
Given For:


Strip all Awards & Titles or choose from below. Details will be recorded for posterity.
Strip Awards Reason
Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note × Strip
Gladius (Custom Award) 2010-04-01 KP's Sheriff Cynisca; for deaths in the castle siege battle game × Strip
Gladius (Custom Award) 2010-04-01 KP's Sheriff Cynisca; for death during the white rabbit battle game × Strip
Gladius (Custom Award) 2011-01-01 Baron Garm Battlecraze EH-KP; × Strip
Gladius (Custom Award) 2012-01-01 Baroness Dailyn; 1/1/2012 Deaths × Strip
Custom Award 2024-11-30 Artimus Dane Darkmoon, The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Red × Strip
Order of the Crown 1 2024-11-30 Baroness Squire Araenea Abaddon Darkmoon, The Empire of the Iron Mountains × Strip
Order of the Crown 2 2024-11-30 Baroness Squire Araenea Abaddon Darkmoon, The Empire of the Iron Mountains × Strip
Order of the Crown 3 2024-11-30 Baroness Squire Araenea Abaddon Darkmoon, The Empire of the Iron Mountains × Strip
Order of the Crown 4 2024-11-30 Baroness Squire Araenea Abaddon Darkmoon, The Empire of the Iron Mountains champion of Darkmoon × Strip
Order of the Dragon 1 2024-06-09 Marquess Sir Viadra Moonblade Summer Coronation Dragonmaster Entry: Midnight Darkmoon × Strip
Order of the Dragon 2 2024-06-09 Marquess Sir Viadra Moonblade Summer Coronation Dragonmaster Entry: Pocket Sized Duality × Strip
Order of the Dragon 3 2024-06-09 Marquess Sir Viadra Moonblade Summer Coronation Dragonmaster Entry: Elegy of the Fragile Mask × Strip
Order of the Dragon 4 2024-11-30 Artimus Dane Darkmoon, The Empire of the Iron Mountains × Strip
Flame (Order of the Flame) 2011-06-01 EH- King Alby; for Reign 46 support × Strip
Order of the Flame 1 2024-09-14 Artimus Dane Darkmoon, The Empire of the Iron Mountains helping with carnival × Strip
Garber (Order of the Garber) 2010-04-01 KP's Sheriff Cynisca; for drunken monk garb × Strip
Gryphon (Order of the Griffin) 2012-03-01 Baroness Zelodie; Honor/Integrity/Role play × Strip
Order of the Mask 1 2024-11-30 Artimus Dane Darkmoon, The Empire of the Iron Mountains × Strip
Order of the Owl 1 2024-11-30 Artimus Dane Darkmoon, The Empire of the Iron Mountains × Strip
Rose (Order of the Rose) 2009-04-01 Contessa Baroness Riddari Faunna Demonspawn, EH; for helping with A-Kon Demo × Strip
Rose (Order of the Rose) 2011-06-01 King Alby EH; MR46 Assistance × Strip
Rose (Order of the Rose) 2011-10-01 Duke Sutra Bahaus; for event help at WBW12 × Strip


Strip all Awards & Titles or choose from below. Details will be recorded for posterity.
Strip Awards Reason
Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note × Strip
Lord 2024-11-30 Artimus Dane Darkmoon, The Empire of the Iron Mountains × Strip