Ursus \'Bear\' MacGrioghar


Player Details

Given Name:
Persona: Ursus \'Bear\' MacGrioghar
Username: ursus_tp
Dues Paid:
Password Expires: Expired
Reeve Qualified: No
Corpora Qualified: No
Park Member Since:


Kingdom Park Dues Paid Until Dues Paid On Dues For Life?

Companies & Households

Name Type
Amt-Guardians Household
Dreamweavers Household
Ebon Order Company
Glee Club Household
Iron Mountains Brewers Guild Household
MacGrioghar Household
Society of the Squid Household
Waywatchers Household
Wyld Stallyns Household


Class Credits Level
Anti-Paladin 0 0
Archer 18 2
Assassin 61 6
Barbarian 61 6
Bard 61 6
Color 35 3
Druid 53 5
Healer 61 6
Monk 61 6
Monster 1 1
Paladin 37 4
Peasant 0 0
Reeve 22 2
Scout 61 6
Warrior 65.5 6
Wizard 61 6

Historical Imports

Note Description Date
The Creator Sheriff Eohnni (RW) 2006-06-01
Sheriff of Twilight Peak 2006-09-01 - 2007-03-01
Regent of Twilight Peak 2007-03-01 - 2007-09-01
Guildmaster of Barbarians (TP) 2007-09-01 - 2009-04-01
Reeve Qualified 2008-04-01 - 2009-04-01
Guildmaster of Warriors (TP) 2008-10-01 - 2009-04-01
Sheriff of Twilight Peak 2008-09-01 - 2009-03-01
Baron of Twilight Peak 2009-03-01 - 2009-09-01
Regent of Twilight Peak 2009-09-01 - 2010-03-01
Baron of Twilight Peak 2011-03-01 - 2011-09-01
Order of the Awesome given by Duke Glyn for being the only crat other than the autocrat to attend Tribal Rivals 2013 2013-06-17


Login to send an award recommendation.
Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note Entered By
Wordsmith [Custom Award] 2014-02-01 Radiant Sirien Wolven Fang,The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Non-noble title for write so many awesome words
Twilight Peak Guildmaster of Druids Spring 2014 [Custom Award] 2014-03-23 Twilight Peak,The Kingdom of the Nine Blades
Twilight Peak Guildmaster of Druids Spring 2014 [Custom Award] 2014-03-23 Twilight Peak,The Kingdom of the Nine Blades
Twilight Peak Guildmaster of Warriors Spring 2014 [Custom Award] 2014-03-23 Twilight Peak,The Kingdom of the Nine Blades
Twilight Peak Guildmaster of Bards Spring 2014 [Custom Award] 2014-03-23 Twilight Peak,The Kingdom of the Nine Blades
Twilight Peak Guildmaster of Wizards Spring 2015 [Custom Award] 2015-03-29 Twilight Peak,The Kingdom of the Nine Blades
Twilight Peak Guildmaster of Druids Spring 2015 [Custom Award] 2015-03-29 Twilight Peak,The Kingdom of the Nine Blades
Dragon [Order of the Dragon] 2006-03-01 Sheriff Nathanial (TP); For Short Summary of the rule book for Crown Qualifications March 2006
Dragon [Order of the Dragon] 2008-05-01 Regent Maus (TP); Excellent Writing in Loremaster
Dragon [Order of the Dragon] 2010-03-01 Dame Galtana - Goldenvale; Suck it, Matt
Dragon [Order of the Dragon] 2011-03-01 King Akrith (GV); Ode To An Angel Poem - Best in Show
Dragon [Order of the Dragon] 2012-03-01 Imperial Consort Diana; For his stunning photography.
Order of the Dragon 6 2014-02-01 Radiant Sirien Wolven Fang,The Kingdom of the Nine Blades His fantastic written composition
Flame [Order of the Flame] 2006-03-01 Sheriff Nathanial (TP); Preperation Effrot in March 2006 Coronation
Flame [Order of the Flame] 2006-07-01 Sheriff Eohnni (RW); For providing an excellent lunch at Raven\\\'s Call
Flame [Order of the Flame] 2008-08-01 Duke Tiberon Stormrider (WF); For being a BOTD \'Crat
Order of the Flame 4 2015-09-06 Consular Jondal'ar Silvertongu Fury of the Northlands
Order of the Flame 5 2015-09-26 Ritari of the Sun Twilight Peak,The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Awarded by Doge Jondal'ar Silvertongue for opening his home to Amtgarders
Order of the Flame 6 2015-09-26 Ausric Blackwolf Twilight Peak,The Kingdom of the Nine Blades For hosting and writing quests
Garber [Order of the Garber] 2010-06-01 Baron MaA Thalese (TP); For Epic Battlegame sashes (2009).
Gryphon [Order of the Griffin] 2009-03-01 Duchess Kievan (WF); for his honour on field as recommended by the champion of Twilight Peak
Hydra [Order of the Hydra] 2007-06-01 Sheriff Nathanial (TP); Qualified during his second term as Sheriff
Hydra [Order of the Hydra] 2007-06-01 Sheriff Nathanial (TP); Qualified during his first term as Sheriff
Hydra [Order of the Hydra] 2011-03-01 Baron Toebreaker (TP); Passing CQ\'s 2011
Hydra [Order of the Hydra] 2012-12-01 Prince Wizzy McFlurb; Completing Imperial Crown Quals
Order of the Hydra 5 2013-09-28 Aylanda Hycis Miniwinkle Twilight Peak,The Kingdom of the Nine Blades CQ entries for Baron
Lion [Order of the Lion] 2005-12-01 Sheriff Nathanial (WMT); For providing webspace for the Mor Tur website
Lion [Order of the Lion] 2007-02-01 Duke Vecna (WF); Helping the Shire of the Divine Winds start up
Lion [Order of the Lion] 2008-05-01 King Akrith (GV); For his work as administrator of the goldenvale.ca
Lion [Order of the Lion] 2008-08-01 Regent Amp (WF); Ongoing BOTD site work
Lion [Order of the Lion] 2010-09-01 Baron Thalese; BOTD Autocrat
Lion [Order of the Lion] 2013-05-01 Queen Quynn; For running troll and general help at GE15
Owl [Order of the Owl] 2007-09-01 Sheriff Nathanial (TP); Calins Chainmail
Owl [Order of the Owl] 2011-03-01 Baron Toebreaker (TP); His Chainmail Shirt
Rose [Order of the Rose] 2005-12-01 Sheriff Nathanial (WMT); For the Current 2005 Web Page at www.mor-tur.com
Rose [Order of the Rose] 2006-06-01 Duke Cedar (WF); creating wolvenfang.ca
Rose [Order of the Rose] 2006-08-01 Duke Cedar (WF); For creation of BOTD X website (and amtgard.ca)
Rose [Order of the Rose] 2007-08-01 Duke Ducryus (WF); Making Lunch at BotD XI
Rose [Order of the Rose] 2009-03-01 Ducal Consort Ascli (WF); for his help at BotD XII and Tribal Rivals 2008
Rose [Order of the Rose] 2009-03-01 Ducal Consort Ascli (WF); for his work on the amtgard.ca website
Rose [Order of the Rose] 2009-05-01 King Checkers (GV); For 24 hours of troll at GE 2009
Rose [Order of the Rose] 2009-09-01 King Checkers (GV); Troll at Fury and continued assistance with amtgard websites
Rose [Order of the Rose] 2010-06-01 Queen Miaka; For co-organizing and running Great Eastern XIII.
Rose [Order of the Rose] 2011-10-01 King Akrith (GV); Bringing SKBC to the east coast
Smith [Order of the Smith] 2007-07-01 Sheriff Shalingh (RW); Writing the Ravens Call IV Quest
Smith [Order of the Smith] 2010-06-01 Baron MaA Thalese; For his quest on May 23rd, 2010.
Order of the Smith 3 2016-03-27 Twilight Peak,The Kingdom of the Nine Blades For his contributions to the Adventure Academy
Warrior [Order of the Warrior] 2005-12-01 Sheriff Nathanial (WMT); 3 Consecutive Tourney Dual wins
Warrior [Order of the Warrior] 2008-03-01 Sheriff Elm (TP); For fighting alongside his Order brother Elghinn to win the Caradoc Valentine’s Day Ladies Favour Tournament for their Lady, Page Tallow.


Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note Entered By
Master Rose 2013-09-01 Duchess Quynn Fyresong Fury of the Northlands Ongoing service to the Kingdom
Master Warrior [Paragon Warrior] 2012-08-01 Prince Logan
Squire Sai Bowen
Knight of the Flame 2015-01-26 Archduke Nydgenga Dawnbreaker Twilight Peak,The Kingdom of the Nine Blades His masterful service to the kingdom
Lord 2007-03-03 Grand Duke Sir Goliath of Emor The Kingdom of Goldenvale
Baronet 2009-09-05 Duchessa Dame Esselia The Kingdom of Goldenvale

Award Recommendations

Award Rank Date Sent By Reason


Date Kingdom Park Event Class Credits
2017-07-30 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Paladin 1
2017-07-23 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Paladin 1
2017-07-21 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Color 1
2017-07-19 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Linnagond Paladin 1
2017-07-09 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Paladin 1
2017-06-25 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Paladin 2
2017-06-16 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Color 1
2017-06-10 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Linnagond Paladin 2
2017-05-14 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Paladin 1
2017-04-25 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Linnagond Paladin 1
2017-04-15 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Paladin 1
2017-04-15 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades White Stone Valley Paladin 1
2017-04-09 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Syrindale Paladin 1
2017-04-02 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Color 2
2017-03-19 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Linnagond Color 1
2017-03-12 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Color 2
2017-02-26 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Color 1
2016-12-10 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Syrindale Color 3
2016-12-04 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Color 2
2016-09-25 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Color 2
2016-03-06 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Color 1
2016-02-28 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Paladin 1
2016-02-23 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Color 1
2016-02-14 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Color 1
2016-02-07 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Color 1
2016-01-24 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Paladin 1
2016-01-23 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Color 1
2016-01-16 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades White Stone Valley Paladin 2
2015-12-27 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Paladin 1
2015-12-20 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Paladin 1
2015-12-12 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Syrindale Paladin 2
2015-11-28 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Bellhollow Winter Midreign Color 2
2015-11-15 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Reeve 1
2015-10-25 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Paladin 1
2015-10-17 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Haranshire Paladin 2
2015-10-11 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Paladin 1
2015-10-08 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Color 1
2015-09-26 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Paladin 2
2015-08-01 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Wolven Fang Paladin 4
2015-07-12 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Color 1
2015-06-20 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Color 1
2015-04-18 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades White Stone Valley Paladin 2
2015-03-29 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Paladin 1
2015-03-15 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Paladin 1
2015-02-08 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Wolven Fang Paladin 1
2015-02-07 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Wolven Fang Paladin 2
2015-01-25 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Felfrost Color 1
2015-01-24 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Felfrost Archer 1
2014-12-13 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Syrindale Archer 2
2014-12-06 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Archer 2
2014-11-16 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Archer 1
2014-10-19 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Felfrost Archer 1
2014-10-18 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Felfrost Archer 2
2014-09-18 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Keep on the Borderlands Archer 4
2014-09-07 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Felfrost Archer 1
2014-08-29 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Fury of the Northlands Archer 4
2014-08-01 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Wolven Fang Druid 4
2014-06-22 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Druid 1
2014-06-15 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Druid 1
2014-06-08 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Druid 1
2014-06-07 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Druid 2
2014-06-01 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Druid 1
2014-05-23 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Great Eastern Druid 4
2014-05-17 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Wolven Fang Druid 1
2014-05-11 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Druid 1
2014-04-27 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Druid 1
2014-03-30 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Druid 1
2014-03-23 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Druid 1
2014-03-16 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Druid 1
2014-03-15 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Reeve 1
2014-03-14 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Druid 1
2014-03-08 Granite Crown Winter Coronation Druid 2
2014-03-07 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Color 1
2014-02-16 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Druid 1
2014-02-01 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Wolven Fang Druid 3
2014-01-23 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Color 1
2014-01-12 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Felfrost Druid 1
2014-01-09 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Color 1
2014-01-05 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Druid 1
2013-12-21 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Druid 1
2013-12-07 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Granite Crown Winter Midreign Druid 2
2013-12-01 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Reeve 1
2013-11-24 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Reeve 1
2013-11-17 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Reeve 1
2013-11-10 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Druid 1
2013-11-03 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Reeve 1
2013-10-27 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Druid 1
2013-10-19 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Haranshire Haranshire Winter Coronation Druid 2
2013-10-13 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Druid 1
2013-09-29 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Druid 1
2013-09-28 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Druid 2
2013-09-22 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Druid 1
2013-08-30 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Fury of the Northlands Druid 4
2013-08-19 The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Twilight Peak Warrior 1
2013-08-03 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Wolven Fang Druid 4
2013-07-14 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Druid 1
2013-06-22 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Druid 2
2013-06-15 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Syrindale Assassin 3
2013-06-09 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Assassin 1
2013-05-25 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Granite Crown Assassin 4
2013-05-12 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Assassin 1
2013-05-05 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Assassin 1
2013-04-28 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Haranshire Assassin 3
2013-04-07 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Assassin 1
2013-03-24 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Assassin 1
2013-03-23 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Linnagond Assassin 2
2013-03-17 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Assassin 1
2013-03-16 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Assassin 2
2013-03-10 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Assassin 1
2013-03-03 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Granite Crown Assassin 2
2013-02-24 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Assassin 1
2013-02-17 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Assassin 1
2013-02-10 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Assassin 1
2013-02-02 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Wolven Fang Assassin 3
2013-01-27 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Assassin 1
2013-01-20 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Assassin 1
2013-01-13 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Assassin 1
2012-12-30 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Assassin 1
2012-12-23 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Assassin 1
2012-12-16 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Assassin 1
2012-12-15 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Syrindale Assassin 2
2012-12-09 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Bard 1
2012-12-02 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Bard 1
2012-11-25 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Bard 1
2012-11-18 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Bard 1
2012-11-11 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Bard 1
2012-09-23 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Bard 1
2012-09-03 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Granite Crown Bard 4
2012-08-07 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Wolven Fang Bard 4
2012-06-10 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Syrindale Bard 4
2012-05-19 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Bard 1
2012-05-15 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 1
2012-05-13 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Bard 1
2012-04-29 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Wolven Fang Bard 4
2012-04-22 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Bard 1
2012-04-21 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Color 1
2012-04-13 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 1
2012-04-08 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Bard 1
2012-04-05 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 1
2012-04-01 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Bard 1
2012-03-11 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Bard 2
2012-03-03 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Granite Crown Bard 2
2011-12-18 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Bard 2
2011-12-11 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Syrindale Bard 2
2011-11-26 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Wolven Fang Bard 2
2011-11-06 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Haranshire Bard 2
2011-10-15 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Felfrost Bard 4
2011-10-09 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Bard 1
2011-10-02 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Syrindale Bard 4
2011-09-25 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Bard 3
2011-09-11 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Bard 1
2011-09-03 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Granite Crown Bard 5
2011-09-01 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Syrindale Bard 3
2011-08-28 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Bard 1
2011-08-21 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Assassin 1
2011-08-16 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Assassin 1
2011-08-14 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Felfrost Assassin 4
2011-08-07 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Assassin 1
2011-07-31 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Assassin 5
2011-07-24 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Assassin 1
2011-06-26 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Assassin 1
2011-06-25 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Assassin 2
2011-06-12 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Assassin 1
2011-06-11 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Assassin 1
2011-06-05 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Assassin 1
2011-05-29 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Assassin 1
2011-05-15 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Assassin 1
2011-05-08 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Assassin 1
2011-05-01 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Granite Crown Assassin 2
2011-04-24 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Scout 1
2011-04-17 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Scout 1
2011-04-10 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Felfrost Scout 2
2011-04-03 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Scout 1
2011-03-20 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Reeve 1
2011-03-13 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Scout 3
2011-03-06 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Scout 1
2011-02-27 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Scout 1
2011-02-20 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Scout 1
2011-02-13 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Scout 1
2011-01-30 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Scout 1
2011-01-23 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Felfrost Scout 2
2011-01-16 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Scout 1
2011-01-02 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Scout 1
2010-12-26 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Scout 1
2010-12-19 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Scout 2
2010-12-12 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Scout 1
2010-12-05 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Scout 1
2010-11-28 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Reeve 1
2010-11-21 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Felfrost Scout 1
2010-11-06 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Wolven Fang Scout 3
2010-10-23 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Felfrost Scout 4
2010-09-26 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Scout 4
2010-09-19 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Scout 1
2010-09-12 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Scout 1
2010-09-06 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Granite Crown Scout 4
2010-08-29 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Scout 1
2010-08-08 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Scout 1
2010-08-02 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Wolven Fang Scout 4
2010-07-24 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Granite Crown Scout 1
2010-07-18 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Scout 1
2010-07-11 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Felfrost Scout 3
2010-07-03 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Wolven Fang Scout 1
2010-06-27 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Scout 1
2010-06-19 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Wolven Fang Scout 1
2010-06-13 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Scout 1
2010-06-08 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Scout 1
2010-06-06 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Scout 1
2010-05-31 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Granite Crown Monk 4
2010-05-27 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Syrindale Monk 1
2010-05-23 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Monk 1
2010-05-18 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Scout 1
2010-05-16 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Wolven Fang Scout 1
2010-05-15 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Wolven Fang Scout 1
2010-05-09 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Monk 1
2010-04-25 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Felfrost Monk 1
2010-04-24 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Felfrost Monk 2
2010-04-18 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Monk 1
2010-03-28 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Monk 1
2010-03-27 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Monk 2
2010-03-14 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Monk 1
2010-03-06 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Granite Crown Monk 1
2010-02-21 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Wolven Fang Monk 1
2010-02-20 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Wolven Fang Monk 2
2010-02-07 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Monk 1
2010-01-31 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Monk 1
2010-01-24 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Monk 1
2010-01-10 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Monk 1
2010-01-03 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Monk 1
2009-12-20 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Monk 1
2009-12-19 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Monk 2
2009-12-05 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Monk 3
2009-11-22 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Monk 1
2009-11-15 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Monk 1
2009-11-08 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Monk 1
2009-11-01 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Monk 2
2009-10-31 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Monk 1
2009-10-18 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Monk 1
2009-10-11 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Monk 1
2009-10-10 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Monk 1
2009-10-04 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Monk 1
2009-09-26 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Monk 3
2009-09-20 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Monk 1
2009-09-05 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Granite Crown Monk 3
2009-08-30 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Monk 1
2009-08-23 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Monk 1
2009-08-22 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Monk 1
2009-08-16 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Monk 1
2009-07-31 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Wolven Fang Healer 2
2009-07-26 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Monk 1
2009-07-19 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Monk 1
2009-07-14 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Monk 1
2009-07-11 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Monk 2
2009-07-08 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Color 1
2009-07-07 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Healer 1
2009-07-05 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Healer 1
2009-06-28 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Healer 1
2009-06-27 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Reeve 1
2009-06-23 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Healer 1
2009-06-21 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Healer 1
2009-06-07 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Healer 1
2009-05-31 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Healer 1
2009-05-26 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Color 1
2009-05-23 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Granite Crown Reeve 3
2009-05-19 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Color 1
2009-05-17 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Reeve 1
2009-05-02 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Wolven Fang Reeve 1
2009-04-25 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Wolven Fang Reeve 1
2009-04-11 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Wolven Fang Reeve 1
2009-03-22 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Reeve 1
2009-03-15 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Reeve 1
2009-03-14 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Healer 1
2009-03-07 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Granite Crown Monster 1
2009-03-01 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Monk 1
2009-02-24 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Color 1
2009-02-14 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Wolven Fang Healer 3
2009-02-08 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Reeve 1
2009-02-01 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Monk 1
2009-01-25 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Reeve 1
2009-01-20 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Color 1
2009-01-11 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Healer 1
2009-01-04 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Healer 1
2008-12-21 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Healer 1
2008-12-14 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Barbarian 1
2008-12-07 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Barbarian 1
2008-12-06 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Barbarian 2
2008-11-30 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Barbarian 1
2008-11-23 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Barbarian 1
2008-11-09 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Barbarian 1
2008-11-02 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Barbarian 1
2008-10-31 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Barbarian 1
2008-10-19 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Healer 1
2008-10-12 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Barbarian 1
2008-10-07 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Barbarian 1
2008-10-05 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Healer 1
2008-09-28 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Barbarian 1
2008-09-23 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Barbarian 1
2008-09-21 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Barbarian 3
2008-09-16 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Barbarian 1
2008-09-14 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Barbarian 1
2008-09-07 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Barbarian 1
2008-09-02 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Barbarian 1
2008-08-26 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Barbarian 1
2008-08-19 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Barbarian 1
2008-08-12 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Barbarian 1
2008-08-10 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Barbarian 1
2008-08-02 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Wolven Fang Barbarian 4
2008-07-20 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Barbarian 1
2008-07-11 The Freeholds of Amtgard Bellhollow Barbarian 3
2008-06-28 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Wolven Fang Barbarian 1
2008-06-15 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Syrindale Barbarian 3
2008-06-01 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Barbarian 1
2008-05-31 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Barbarian 2
2008-05-17 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Wolven Fang Barbarian 2
2008-04-20 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Barbarian 1
2008-04-19 The Freeholds of Amtgard Bellhollow Barbarian 2
2008-04-05 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Wolven Fang Barbarian 1
2008-03-29 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Healer 3
2008-03-16 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Syrindale Barbarian 3
2008-02-24 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Wolven Fang Barbarian 3
2008-02-14 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Syrindale Barbarian 1
2008-02-03 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Barbarian 1
2008-01-20 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Barbarian 1
2008-01-13 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Barbarian 1
2007-12-30 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Barbarian 1
2007-12-15 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Barbarian 2
2007-12-09 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Barbarian 1
2007-11-17 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Healer 1
2007-11-04 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Healer 1
2007-10-27 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Syrindale Healer 3
2007-10-21 The Freeholds of Amtgard Bellhollow Healer 1
2007-10-20 The Freeholds of Amtgard Bellhollow Healer 2
2007-10-14 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Healer 1
2007-09-30 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Healer 1
2007-09-15 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Healer 3
2007-08-29 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Barbarian 1
2007-08-26 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Barbarian 1
2007-08-19 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Healer 1
2007-08-08 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Healer 1
2007-08-06 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Wolven Fang Healer 4
2007-07-29 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Healer 1
2007-07-22 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Healer 1
2007-07-18 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Healer 1
2007-07-14 The Freeholds of Amtgard Bellhollow Healer 3
2007-07-08 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Healer 1
2007-07-01 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Healer 1
2007-06-24 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Wizard 1
2007-06-23 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Wizard 2
2007-06-20 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Wizard 1
2007-06-17 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Syrindale Wizard 2
2007-06-10 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Wizard 1
2007-06-03 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Healer 1
2007-05-27 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Wizard 1
2007-05-20 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Healer 1
2007-05-06 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Healer 1
2007-04-29 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Healer 1
2007-04-22 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Healer 1
2007-04-04 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Wizard 1
2007-03-25 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Healer 1
2007-03-18 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Healer 1
2007-03-17 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Wizard 2
2007-03-04 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Wizard 1
2007-02-25 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Wizard 1
2007-02-18 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Wolven Fang Wizard 3
2007-02-04 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Healer 1
2007-01-28 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Wizard 1
2007-01-14 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Healer 1
2006-12-17 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Wizard 1
2006-12-03 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Wizard 1
2006-12-02 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Wizard 2
2006-11-12 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Wizard 1
2006-11-05 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 1
2006-10-29 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 1
2006-10-15 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 1
2006-10-08 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 1
2006-10-04 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 0.25
2006-10-01 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 1
2006-09-24 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 1
2006-09-20 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 0.25
2006-09-17 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 3
2006-09-13 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 0.25
2006-09-10 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 1
2006-09-06 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 0.25
2006-09-03 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 1
2006-08-30 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 1
2006-08-20 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 1
2006-08-16 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 1
2006-08-05 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Wolven Fang Reeve 1
2006-07-23 The Freeholds of Amtgard Bellhollow Warrior 3
2006-07-19 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 0.25
2006-07-16 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 1
2006-07-09 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 1
2006-07-05 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 0.25
2006-07-02 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 1
2006-06-28 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 0.25
2006-06-25 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 1
2006-06-21 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 0.25
2006-06-18 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 1
2006-06-14 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 0.5
2006-06-11 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 1
2006-06-10 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 1
2006-06-04 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Wizard 1
2006-05-28 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 1
2006-05-20 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Wolven Fang Warrior 2
2006-05-14 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 1
2006-05-10 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 0.25
2006-05-07 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 1
2006-05-03 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 0.25
2006-04-30 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 1
2006-04-26 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 0.25
2006-04-23 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 2
2006-04-19 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 0.25
2006-04-09 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 1
2006-04-02 The Freeholds of Amtgard Bellhollow Warrior 2
2006-03-26 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Wizard 1
2006-03-19 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 2
2006-03-12 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 1
2006-03-05 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 1
2006-02-25 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Wolven Fang Warrior 3
2006-02-19 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 1
2006-02-12 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 1
2006-02-05 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 1
2006-01-22 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 1
2006-01-15 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 1
2006-01-08 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 1
2005-12-18 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 1
2005-12-10 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 2
2005-11-27 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 1
2005-11-13 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 1
2005-10-30 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Warrior 1
2005-06-05 The Kingdom of Goldenvale Twilight Peak Wizard 1