Kingdom | Park | Dues Paid Until | Dues Paid On | Dues For Life? |
Name | Type |
The Court of Roses | Household |
Note | Description | Date |
Award | Rank | Date | Given By | Given At | Note | Entered By |
Order of the Rose | 1 | 2017-04-23 | Rek Wolffsen | Souls' Crossing,The Kingdom of Winters Edge | Renn Faire 2016 | Xarq Nidarwohld, Skunkslayer |
Order of the Rose | 2 | 2017-10-29 | Bishop Bearfury | Screamin' Demon,Þe Olde Records Empire | Ren Faire 2017 | ExPlayer Eber Baine |
Award | Rank | Date | Given By | Given At | Note | Entered By |
Award | Rank | Date | Sent By | Reason |