Viscount Sir Canthor Syren Archmage of Arcane Dominance


Player Details

Given Name:
Persona: Viscount Sir Canthor Syren Archmage of Arcane Dominance
Username: canthor
Dues Paid: 2025-02-17
Password Expires: 2025-10-20
Reeve Qualified: Until 2023-06-06
Corpora Qualified: No
Park Member Since: 2022-02-12


Kingdom Park Dues Paid Until Dues Paid On Dues For Life?
Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold 2025-02-17 2024-08-17 No

Companies & Households

Name Type


Class Credits Level
Anti-Paladin 68 6
Archer 2 1
Assassin 45 4
Barbarian 61 6
Bard 8 1
Color 37.75 4
Druid 93.75 6
Healer 69.75 6
Monk 74.5 6
Monster 67 6
Paladin 57 5
Peasant 4 1
Reeve 64.25 6
Scout 67 6
Warrior 56.5 5
Wizard 63.75 6

Historical Imports

Note Description Date
GM of Monks, RE 2006-09-01 - 2007-03-01
GM of Monks, RE 2007-08-01 - 2008-02-01
GM of Monks, RE 2008-08-01 - 2009-02-01
Kingdom GMR DW 2009-12-01 - 2010-06-01
Gm of Monks, RE 2009-09-01 - 2010-02-01
Pro-Temp GMR, RE 2011-06-01 - 2011-08-01
GM of Wizards 04/09 - 10/09 2009-05-06
GM of Monks (RE), March 2010- September 2010 2010-03-26
1st Order of the Spirit of Mario, given by Duke Neobrood (RE), Nov 2011 - For his Flying Goomba Monster. 2011-11-21
Reeves Guild thru August 2012 2012-05-17
1st Order of the Shadow Juror, given by Duke Jeriah (RE), August 2012. 2012-08-14


Login to send an award recommendation.
Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note Entered By
Order of the Roach [] 1 2011-11-21 Arch Duchess Dame Roisin Derge Kingdom of the Desert Winds His behavior in the assassination of the RE monarchy (Neobrood and Loptr) June 2011
1 2014-05-31 Archduke Saint Von Jester KLE - Salt War juding at Midreign, 2014
Custom Award 2019-03-30 Garbage The River's End,Kingdom of the Desert Winds Garbage
Archmage of Arcane Dominance [Custom Award] 1 2024-10-06 Lord Squire Hambone Oakheart Iron Hold,Kingdom of the Desert Winds Winning themed battle for Wizards' Day Squire Lorelei Archmage of Attire
Custom Award 2 2019-03-30 Garbage The River's End,Kingdom of the Desert Winds roach Garbage
Order of Battle 1 2021-12-05 Grand Duchess Ser Snow Bryna V Kingdom of the Desert Winds (catchup from 12/2021 end reign) Grand Duke Sir Rocky
Order of Battle 2 2021-12-05 Grand Duchess Ser Snow Bryna V Kingdom of the Desert Winds (catchup from 12/2021 end reign) Grand Duke Sir Rocky
Order of Battle 3 2021-12-05 Grand Duchess Ser Snow Bryna V Kingdom of the Desert Winds (catchup from 12/2021 end reign) Grand Duke Sir Rocky
Order of Battle 4 2021-12-05 Grand Duchess Ser Snow Bryna V Kingdom of the Desert Winds (catchup from 12/2021 end reign) Grand Duke Sir Rocky
Order of Battle 5 2021-12-05 Grand Duchess Ser Snow Bryna V Kingdom of the Desert Winds (catchup from 12/2021 end reign) Grand Duke Sir Rocky
Order of Battle 6 2021-12-05 Grand Duchess Ser Snow Bryna V Kingdom of the Desert Winds (catchup from 12/2021 end reign) Grand Duke Sir Rocky
Order of Battle 7 2021-12-05 Grand Duchess Ser Snow Bryna V Kingdom of the Desert Winds (catchup from 12/2021 end reign) Grand Duke Sir Rocky
Order of Battle 8 2021-12-05 Grand Duchess Ser Snow Bryna V Kingdom of the Desert Winds (catchup from 12/2021 end reign) Grand Duke Sir Rocky
Order of Battle 9 2021-12-05 Grand Duchess Ser Snow Bryna V Kingdom of the Desert Winds (catchup from 12/2021 end reign) Grand Duke Sir Rocky
Order of Battle 10 2022-12-03 Sir Lucas OL IV Midreign dominating Kingdom level battlegames Lord Protector Dumah Silentblade
Order of the Crown 1 2020-05-30 Sir Lucas OL IV Kingdom of the Desert Winds For his past offices in our Kingdom and his Province Hangman
Order of the Crown 2 2020-05-30 Sir Lucas OL IV Kingdom of the Desert Winds For his past offices in our Kingdom and his Province Hangman
Order of the Crown 3 2020-05-30 Sir Lucas OL IV Kingdom of the Desert Winds For his past offices in our Kingdom and his Province Hangman
Order of the Crown 4 2020-05-30 Sir Lucas OL IV Kingdom of the Desert Winds For his past offices in our Kingdom and his Province Hangman
Order of the Crown 5 2022-07-30 Chaos Lord Farkas Firebeard, T Iron Hold,Kingdom of the Desert Winds for their service in excellance as kingdom champion Valora WilloWood
Dragon [Order of the Dragon] 2008-08-01 Duke Westerric (RE); Paragon Belt Favor scoring a 3.05 in the RE August CQ\'s
Dragon [Order of the Dragon] 2012-05-01 Duke Jeriah ( RE ); roleplay excellence
Dragon [Order of the Dragon] 3 2013-02-01 Lady Crystal Excellence in Roleplay
Order of the Dragon 4 2022-05-07 Chaos Lord Farkas Firebeard, T Iron Hold,Kingdom of the Desert Winds for his consistent willingness to play monster classes in battlegames and roleplay events Valora WilloWood
Flame [Order of the Flame] 2008-11-01 King Mathias; Help make DW kingdom during my reign
Flame [Order of the Flame] 2 2013-02-01 Lady Crystal Helping to run A&S 3 times
Order of the Flame 3 2023-07-29 Lord Lunch, the Menu Marquis Iron Hold,Kingdom of the Desert Winds For playing as the monster Nightshade Paolumu, helping make the 2023 Monster Hunter Roleplay days possible. Radiant Medic Gwendolyn Lowell Nemetona
Order of the Flame 4 2024-07-27 Squire Severin Bloodbeard Iron Hold,Kingdom of the Desert Winds Being a monster/npc during Spring 2024 Quest Day TUG
Garber [Order of the Garber] 2005-02-01 Regent (RE)-Loptr;
Garber [Order of the Garber] 2008-02-01 Duke Loptr, (RE); Monster Garb
Garber [Order of the Garber] 3 2012-08-01 ArchDuke Sir Neobrood Breeder Leather coat
Order of the Garber 4 2017-05-27 Archduke Saint Von Jester Kingdom of the Desert Winds Odin Garb Duke Thorkel Hrafnson
Gryphon [Order of the Griffin] 2006-08-01 Duke Daenen, RE; For Honor on the Field
Gryphon [Order of the Griffin] 2011-06-01 Duke Wenlock (RE); Extreme knowledge of Rules
Gryphon [Order of the Griffin] 3 2013-05-01 Pharaoh Lotus (formally Sunflo
Order of the Griffin 4 2014-12-20 Ceowulf The River's End,Kingdom of the Desert Winds Helping another player
Order of the Griffin 5 2015-11-21 ArchDuke Sir Neobrood Breeder Myth Vael,Kingdom of the Desert Winds honor on the field at KCQs 10/24/15
Order of the Griffin 6 2018-08-25 Jedi Phoenix Silverclaw Myth Vael,Kingdom of the Desert Winds Honor on the field in kingdom weapon master Sesasha the Siren, the Technomancer
Order of the Griffin 7 2019-03-30 Garbage The River's End,Kingdom of the Desert Winds Garbage
Order of the Griffin 8 2019-05-25 Duke Thorkel Hrafnson Kingdom of the Desert Winds Honor on the field during DW Mid-Reign WM KageOokami,Daimyo
Order of the Griffin 9 2019-05-25 Duke Thorkel Hrafnson Kingdom of the Desert Winds Honor on the field during DW CQ Champions tourney KageOokami,Daimyo
Order of the Griffin 10 2019-08-17 Grand Duchess Ser Snow Bryna V Kingdom of the Desert Winds Consistent and everpresent honor on the battlefield. Anakh Su\'n Kaelorrigg
Jovious [Order of the Jovius] 1 2009-08-01 Ceowulf Positive attitude and level headed during heated battlegames
Order of the Jovius 2 2023-10-28 Admiral Edward Blood the many Iron Hold,Kingdom of the Desert Winds Bringing joy to our game Radiant Medic Gwendolyn Lowell Nemetona
Order of the Jovius 3 2024-07-27 Squire Severin Bloodbeard Iron Hold,Kingdom of the Desert Winds For the funniest engagements and making people laugh during game day. TUG
Lion [Order of the Lion] 2009-03-01 Duchess Rachel, RE; Leadership quality in the office of RE Champion
Lion [Order of the Lion] 2012-08-01 Duke Jeriah (RE); Being RE Champion Feb-Aug 2012
Lion [Order of the Lion] 3 2013-02-01 Alicia Wulff MorFuTt Running tournaments and excellence in service as champion
Order of the Lion 4 2022-07-30 Chaos Lord Farkas Firebeard, T Iron Hold,Kingdom of the Desert Winds going above and beyond in office and doing what needs to be done Valora WilloWood
Order of the Mask 1 2023-05-06 Lord Lunch, the Menu Marquis Iron Hold,Kingdom of the Desert Winds For his depiction of the Monster Hunter monster Nightshade Paolumu. Radiant Medic Gwendolyn Lowell Nemetona
Order of the Mask 2 2024-07-27 Squire Severin Bloodbeard Iron Hold,Kingdom of the Desert Winds For RP of white rabbit and garbing up despite a hot summer day. TUG
Order of the Mask 3 2024-10-26 TUG Iron Hold,Kingdom of the Desert Winds portrayal of titan monster TUG
Owl [Order of the Owl] 2008-08-01 Duke Westerric (RE); Battlestaff scoring a 3.10 in the RE August CQ\'s
Owl [Order of the Owl] 2 2013-08-01 Mesreth, the OverAchiever Flat blade long sword
Rose [Order of the Rose] 2005-06-01 Regent Sev, RE; Spreading hay, assistance at Salt Wars III, helped reeve RE WeaponMaster
Rose [Order of the Rose] 2005-08-01 Sev, Regent (RE); PPF donation dinner at SWIII clean up and AUS Juding for CQ\\\'s Aug 05
Rose [Order of the Rose] 2007-06-01 Princess Sindari (IM-DW); for helping with chopping, cooking PPF feast at SW V
Rose [Order of the Rose] 4 2009-03-01 Countess Saint Rachel Hollyros Running the crown quals tourney 2/21/09
Order of the Rose 5 2014-12-20 Ceowulf The River's End,Kingdom of the Desert Winds Plunder Tournament Items
Order of the Rose 6 2018-02-03 Grand Duchess Whiskey Sama the Kingdom of the Desert Winds Continued help to Kingdom Arch Duchess Dame Roisin Derge
Order of the Rose 7 2018-05-26 Grand Duchess Whiskey Sama the KLE - Salt War Devon Stark
Order of the Rose 7 2018-08-25 Jedi Phoenix Silverclaw Myth Vael,Kingdom of the Desert Winds Helping with setup and take down and recruiting for 4 events with Sesasha the Siren, the Technomancer
Order of the Rose 8 2018-08-25 The River's End,Kingdom of the Desert Winds Lady Woman at Arms Archaea
Order of the Rose 9 2019-05-25 Duke Thorkel Hrafnson Kingdom of the Desert Winds An indescribable amount of continued service put towards the game of Amtgard KageOokami,Daimyo
Order of the Rose 10 2019-08-17 Grand Duchess Ser Snow Bryna V Kingdom of the Desert Winds For his continued service to our Kingdom. He is always there helping at events and exemplifys the order. Anakh Su\'n Kaelorrigg
Smith [Order of the Smith] 2008-02-01 Duke Loptr, (RE); Monk Lecture
Smith [Order of the Smith] 2010-05-01 Duke Fitz; For being SW8\'s War-O-Crat
Smith [Order of the Smith] 2011-08-01 Queen Roisin (DW); Monstering at Salt Wars 9
Smith [Order of the Smith] 2012-05-01 King Fitz Caliston ( DW ); RP tavern at SWX
Order of the Smith 5 2013-08-17 Duke Sir Loup DeNoir Kingdom of the Desert Winds for being over security at Salt Wars
Order of the Smith 6 2018-12-08 Jedi Phoenix Silverclaw Iron Hold,Kingdom of the Desert Winds Exemplary execution as co-war o crat for DBW 2018 Sesasha the Siren, the Technomancer
Order of the Smith 7 2024-10-26 TUG Iron Hold,Kingdom of the Desert Winds for all the write ups through the FFXlX reign TUG
Walker of the Middle [Order of the Walker in the Middle] 1 2011-08-01 Baron Wenlock For reeving almost every battlegame until he eventually took up the position of pro-temp GMR
Warrior [Order of the Warrior] 2006-08-01 Regent Alicia, RE; Winning Nine in a Row and placing 4th in the Sapling Tournament
Warrior [Order of the Warrior] 2006-08-01 Duke Daenen, RE; For Serious Improment on the Field of Battle
Warrior [Order of the Warrior] 2006-08-01 Regent Alicia, RE; For 5th overall in the Champion\'s Tourney
Warrior [Order of the Warrior] 2008-05-01 Marquis Fitz-Prince (DW); For Performance overall in DW Champion Tourney 5/3/08.
Warrior [Order of the Warrior] 5 2012-08-01 Master Baronette Jeriah Nimo For winning the fighting portion of the ducal Crown Quals July 2012
Order of the Warrior 6 2018-08-25 Jedi Phoenix Silverclaw Myth Vael,Kingdom of the Desert Winds Getting Second Place in Kingdom Dragon Master Sesasha the Siren, the Technomancer
Order of the Warrior 8 2022-09-24 **Lucas taking 1st place overall at the Summer 2022 Kingdom Weapon Master Lord Protector Dumah Silentblade
Order of the Zodiac 1 2019-11-23 Grand Duchess Ser Snow Bryna V Kingdom of the Desert Winds Anakh Su\'n Kaelorrigg


Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note Entered By
Baronial Champion 2012-11-01 Iron Hold,Kingdom of the Desert Winds Pro tem champion term through Feb 2013
Ducal Defender 2008-08-01 The River's End,Kingdom of the Desert Winds winter reign through Feb 2009
Ducal Defender 2012-03-01 The River's End,Kingdom of the Desert Winds summer reign through August 2012
Ducal Regent 2009-09-01 The River's End,Kingdom of the Desert Winds winter reign through February 2010
Battlemaster 2022-12-03 Sir Lucas OL IV Midreign Canthor Lord Protector Dumah Silentblade
Master Rose 1 2019-08-17 Grand Duchess Ser Snow Bryna V Kingdom of the Desert Winds Anakh Su\'n Kaelorrigg
Paragon Druid 2024-10-26 TUG Iron Hold,Kingdom of the Desert Winds exemplary skills as a druid and teacher of the class TUG
Master Monk [Paragon Monk] 2007-02-01 Duke Sev Sunfury (RE)
Master Monster [Paragon Monster] 2012-05-01 Duke Jeriah ( RE )
Paragon Wizard 1 Arch Duchess Dame Sindari Elfs I hear he is pretty good at wizard Aldur
Squire Arch Duchess Dame Roisin Derge
Knight of Battle 2024-08-31 Sage Siege Lucretius Kingdom of the Desert Winds Admiral Edward Blood the many titled
Knight of the Flame 1 2019-11-27 Grand Duchess Ser Snow Bryna V Kingdom of the Desert Winds Anakh Su\'n Kaelorrigg
Baronet 2010-03-01 Arch Duke Sir Fitz Caliston The River's End,Kingdom of the Desert Winds

Award Recommendations

Award Rank Date Sent By Reason


Date Kingdom Park Event Class Credits
2024-12-21 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Assassin 1
2024-12-14 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Rusty Gauntlet Assassin 4
2024-12-08 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Color 1
2024-12-07 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Assassin 1
2024-11-30 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Anti-Paladin 1
2024-11-23 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Anti-Paladin 1
2024-11-16 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Anti-Paladin 1
2024-10-27 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Assassin 1
2024-10-20 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Assassin 1
2024-10-19 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Assassin 1
2024-10-12 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Assassin 1
2024-10-06 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Archer 1
2024-10-05 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Assassin 1
2024-09-28 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Assassin 1
2024-09-22 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Assassin 1
2024-09-21 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Assassin 3
2024-09-14 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Assassin 1
2024-09-08 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Assassin 1
2024-09-07 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Assassin 1
2024-08-31 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Assassin 1
2024-08-28 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Phoenix Rise Color 4
2024-08-25 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Assassin 1
2024-08-24 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Assassin 1
2024-08-17 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Assassin 1
2024-08-03 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Color 1
2024-07-27 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Color 1
2024-07-20 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Assassin 3
2024-07-06 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Archer 1
2024-06-22 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Color 3
2024-06-15 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Paladin 1
2024-06-01 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Assassin 1
2024-05-23 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Saltwar UWU Anti-Paladin 6
2024-05-18 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Anti-Paladin 1
2024-05-11 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Druid 1
2024-05-04 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Druid 1
2024-04-27 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Color 1
2024-04-20 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Druid 1
2024-04-06 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Anti-Paladin 1
2024-03-30 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Assassin 1
2024-03-16 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Druid 1
2024-03-09 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Druid 1
2024-02-24 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Anti-Paladin 1
2024-02-17 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Dragonspyre Anti-Paladin 3
2024-02-03 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Druid 1
2024-01-27 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Druid 1
2024-01-20 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Inland Ocean Monk 1
2023-12-30 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Druid 1
2023-12-23 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Paladin 1
2023-12-09 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2023-11-25 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Druid 1
2023-11-18 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Druid 2
2023-11-11 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Druid 1
2023-10-28 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Druid 1
2023-10-14 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Anti-Paladin 1
2023-09-30 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Druid 1
2023-09-23 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Druid 1
2023-09-04 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2023-08-12 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Color 1
2023-07-22 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Druid 1
2023-07-15 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Anti-Paladin 1
2023-07-01 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Druid 1
2023-06-24 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Druid 1
2023-06-17 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Druid 1
2023-06-10 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Druid 1
2023-06-03 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Anti-Paladin 2
2023-05-25 Kingdom of the Desert Winds KLE - Salt War Anti-Paladin 4
2023-05-20 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Anti-Paladin 1
2023-05-13 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Anti-Paladin 2
2023-05-06 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Anti-Paladin 2
2023-04-15 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Anti-Paladin 1
2023-04-08 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Anti-Paladin 2
2023-03-18 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Anti-Paladin 1
2023-03-11 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Anti-Paladin 1
2023-03-04 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Anti-Paladin 2
2023-02-18 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Anti-Paladin 3
2023-02-11 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Anti-Paladin 2
2023-01-28 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Anti-Paladin 2
2023-01-21 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Anti-Paladin 2
2023-01-14 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Anti-Paladin 2
2023-01-07 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Anti-Paladin 2
2022-12-24 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Anti-Paladin 2
2022-12-10 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Anti-Paladin 2
2022-12-03 Kingdom of the Desert Winds KLE - Winter Endreign Anti-Paladin 3
2022-11-26 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Anti-Paladin 2
2022-11-12 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Summer Crown Qualifications Anti-Paladin 2
2022-11-05 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Anti-Paladin 1
2022-10-29 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Wymzee Dayle Anti-Paladin 2
2022-10-08 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Anti-Paladin 1
2022-10-01 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Color 1
2022-09-24 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Anti-Paladin 2
2022-09-10 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Paladin 1
2022-08-27 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Color 1
2022-08-20 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Paladin 1
2022-08-13 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Summer Dragon/Weapon Master Anti-Paladin 2
2022-07-23 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Paladin 1
2022-07-16 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Wymzee Dayle KGD - WD Paladin 3
2022-07-09 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Paladin 1
2022-07-02 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Paladin 1
2022-06-18 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Paladin 1
2022-06-04 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Paladin 1
2022-05-07 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Paladin 1
2022-04-30 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Warrior 1
2022-04-30 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Paladin 1
2022-04-16 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Winter Crown Qualifications Paladin 2
2022-04-09 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Paladin 1
2022-03-26 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Paladin 1
2022-03-12 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Paladin 2
2022-03-05 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Paladin 1
2022-02-19 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Paladin 1
2022-02-12 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Paladin 1
2021-12-04 Kingdom of the Desert Winds KLE - Frost Quest (Winter Endreign) Paladin 4
2021-11-13 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Paladin 1
2021-11-06 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Paladin 1
2021-10-02 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Paladin 1
2021-09-25 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Paladin 1
2021-09-11 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Paladin 1
2021-09-04 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Paladin 1
2021-08-28 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Paladin 2
2021-08-21 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Paladin 1
2021-08-14 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Paladin 1
2021-07-03 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Paladin 1
2021-06-26 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Paladin 1
2021-06-19 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Paladin 1
2021-06-12 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Paladin 1
2021-06-05 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Paladin 1
2021-05-29 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Paladin 1
2021-05-22 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Paladin 1
2020-03-21 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Anti-Paladin 1
2020-03-07 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Paladin 1
2020-02-29 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Winter Midreign Paladin 1
2020-02-24 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Terra De Votum Paladin 3
2020-02-22 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Dragonspyre Paladin 2
2020-02-13 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Dragonspyre Paladin 1
2020-02-06 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Paladin 1
2020-01-11 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Paladin 1
2020-01-04 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Paladin 1
2019-12-28 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Paladin 1
2019-12-14 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Peasant 1
2019-12-14 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Paladin 1
2019-11-30 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Paladin 1
2019-11-23 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Peasant 1
2019-11-16 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Assassin 1
2019-11-09 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Bard 1
2019-10-19 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Assassin 1
2019-10-12 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Assassin 1
2019-09-28 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Scout 1
2019-09-21 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2019-09-14 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2019-09-07 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Peasant 1
2019-08-30 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Myth Vael Reeve 4
2019-08-24 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Reeve 1
2019-08-10 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 2
2019-07-27 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Wymzee Dayle Scout 1
2019-07-20 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Bard 1
2019-07-06 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Warrior 1
2019-07-03 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Reeve 1
2019-05-23 Kingdom of the Desert Winds KLE - Salt War Assassin 4
2019-05-11 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Reeve 2
2019-05-04 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Assassin 1
2019-04-27 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Color 1
2019-04-20 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Scout 1
2019-03-30 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Bard 1
2019-03-23 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Assassin 2
2019-03-16 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Assassin 2
2019-03-09 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Assassin 2
2019-03-02 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Warrior 2
2019-02-22 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Assassin 2
2019-02-09 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Winter Midreign Warrior 2
2019-02-02 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Warrior 1
2019-01-26 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Warrior 1
2019-01-15 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Warrior 0.5
2019-01-12 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Color 1
2019-01-05 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Warrior 1
2018-12-22 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Color 1
2018-12-16 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Warrior 1
2018-12-04 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Warrior 1
2018-11-24 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Warrior 1
2018-11-03 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Warrior 1
2018-10-27 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Warrior 1
2018-10-20 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Summer Collegium Warrior 1
2018-10-13 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Warrior 1
2018-10-06 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Reeve 1
2018-09-29 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Warrior 1
2018-09-22 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Warrior 1
2018-08-18 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Warrior 1
2018-08-04 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Warrior 1
2018-07-21 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Warrior 1
2018-06-30 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Reeve 1
2018-06-29 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Bifrost Crossing Reeve 1
2018-06-29 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Reeve 1
2018-06-23 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Reeve 1
2018-06-16 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Reeve 1
2018-06-16 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Reeve 1
2018-06-02 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Reeve 1
2018-05-27 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Wymzee Dayle Reeve 4
2018-05-12 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Reeve 1
2018-05-12 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Reeve 1
2018-04-21 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Rusty Gauntlet Reeve 2
2018-04-14 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Reeve 1
2018-04-04 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Wymzee Dayle Reeve 0.25
2018-03-31 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Reeve 1
2018-03-31 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Reeve 1
2018-03-24 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Wymzee Dayle Reeve 1
2018-03-10 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Reeve 1
2018-03-03 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Reeve 1
2018-02-10 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Winter Midreign Reeve 1
2018-02-03 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Reeve 1
2017-12-30 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Reeve 1
2017-12-02 Myth Vael Winter Coronation Reeve 2
2017-11-25 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Reeve 1
2017-11-18 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Reeve 1
2017-11-04 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Reeve 1
2017-10-28 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Dragonspyre Reeve 3
2017-10-07 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Reeve 1
2017-09-30 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Reeve 1
2017-09-20 The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Keep on the Borderlands Reeve 5
2017-09-09 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Reeve 1
2017-08-25 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Myth Vael Reeve 5
2017-08-19 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Warrior 1
2017-08-05 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Reeve 1
2017-07-22 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Reeve 1
2017-07-15 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Reeve 1
2017-07-08 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Reeve 1
2017-06-24 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Reeve 1
2017-06-17 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Reeve 1
2017-06-10 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Reeve 2
2017-06-03 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Reeve 1
2017-05-25 Kingdom of the Desert Winds KLE - Salt War Reeve 3
2017-05-20 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Reeve 1
2017-05-13 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Reeve 1
2017-05-06 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Warrior 1
2017-04-22 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Warrior 1
2017-04-01 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2017-03-26 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Terra De Votum Color 2
2017-03-18 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2017-03-11 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Myth Vael Monster 2
2017-03-04 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2017-02-25 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 2
2017-02-24 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 2
2017-02-04 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2017-01-28 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2017-01-14 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Healer 1
2017-01-07 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 2
2016-12-31 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2016-12-24 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 2.5
2016-12-10 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2016-12-03 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Color 1
2016-11-26 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2016-10-29 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2016-10-22 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Color 1
2016-10-08 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2016-10-01 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2016-07-23 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2016-05-07 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Healer 1
2016-04-30 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Myth Vael Healer 2
2016-04-16 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2016-03-12 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2016-03-05 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2016-02-27 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2016-02-20 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2016-01-16 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Warrior 1
2016-01-02 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2015-12-26 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2015-12-19 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2015-11-07 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2015-10-31 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2015-10-24 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Dragonspyre Kingdom Crown Quals Healer 3
2015-10-17 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2015-10-10 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2015-10-03 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2015-09-26 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2015-09-19 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Myth Vael Healer 3
2015-09-05 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2015-08-22 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2015-08-15 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2015-08-01 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2015-07-25 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2015-06-27 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2015-06-14 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Rusty Gauntlet Monk 2
2015-06-13 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2015-06-06 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2015-05-16 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2015-05-09 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 2
2015-05-05 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2015-04-11 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2015-04-04 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2015-03-28 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2015-03-14 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2015-03-07 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2015-02-26 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Days Of Adventure Healer 3
2015-02-21 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2015-02-14 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2015-02-07 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Warrior 1
2015-01-31 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Warrior 1
2015-01-24 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Warrior 1
2015-01-17 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Warrior 1
2015-01-03 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Warrior 1
2014-12-27 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Warrior 1
2014-12-21 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Assassin 1
2014-12-13 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2014-12-06 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2014-11-29 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2014-11-15 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2014-11-13 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2014-11-01 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Winter Crown Qualifications A&S Tourney Scout 1
2014-10-25 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2014-10-18 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2014-10-11 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2014-09-20 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2014-09-13 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2014-08-30 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2014-08-23 Kingdom of the Desert Winds KLE - Summer Midreign Scout 1
2014-08-02 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2014-07-26 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Myth Vael Scout 1
2014-07-19 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2014-07-12 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2014-07-03 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Fantasy Con Scout 2
2014-06-28 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2014-06-21 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2014-05-10 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2014-05-03 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 2
2014-04-12 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2014-03-29 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2014-03-22 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 2
2014-03-15 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2014-03-08 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2014-03-02 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2014-02-15 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2014-02-08 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Myth Vael Scout 3
2014-02-01 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 2
2013-11-17 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Color 1
2013-11-09 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2013-10-19 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Scout 2
2013-09-28 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2013-09-21 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Color 1
2013-08-31 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Scout 1
2013-08-24 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2013-08-15 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 4
2013-08-10 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2013-08-03 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2013-07-20 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2013-06-22 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2013-06-15 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2013-06-08 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2013-06-01 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2013-05-23 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Undeclared 4
2013-05-18 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2013-05-11 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2013-04-27 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Scout 1
2013-04-25 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Undeclared 0.25
2013-04-20 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2013-04-13 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2013-04-10 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Undeclared 0.25
2013-04-04 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Undeclared 0.25
2013-03-30 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Scout 1
2013-03-02 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Healer 2
2013-02-16 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Healer 1
2013-02-15 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Barbarian 0.25
2013-02-09 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Healer 1
2013-02-02 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Healer 1
2013-01-26 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Barbarian 1
2013-01-25 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Barbarian 0.25
2013-01-19 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Barbarian 1
2013-01-12 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Barbarian 2
2013-01-05 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Barbarian 1
2012-12-28 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Barbarian 1
2012-12-22 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Barbarian 1
2012-12-19 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Barbarian 0.25
2012-12-01 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Myth Vael Barbarian 3
2012-11-24 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Barbarian 1
2012-11-17 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Barbarian 1
2012-11-10 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Barbarian 1
2012-11-03 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Barbarian 1
2012-10-27 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Barbarian 1
2012-10-17 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Barbarian 0.25
2012-10-13 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Barbarian 1
2012-10-10 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Barbarian 0.25
2012-10-06 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Barbarian 1
2012-09-29 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Barbarian 4
2012-09-15 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Barbarian 1
2012-09-09 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Barbarian 1
2012-09-01 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Barbarian 1
2012-08-25 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Barbarian 1
2012-08-18 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Myth Vael Barbarian 4
2012-08-11 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Warrior 1
2012-08-04 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Barbarian 1
2012-08-01 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Barbarian 0.25
2012-07-28 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Barbarian 1
2012-07-25 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Barbarian 0.25
2012-07-21 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Barbarian 2
2012-07-18 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Barbarian 0.25
2012-07-14 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Barbarian 1
2012-07-11 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Barbarian 0.25
2012-07-07 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Barbarian 1
2012-07-04 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Barbarian 0.25
2012-06-30 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Barbarian 2
2012-06-28 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Barbarian 0.25
2012-06-23 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Barbarian 1
2012-06-16 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Barbarian 1
2012-06-09 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Barbarian 1
2012-06-06 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Barbarian 0.25
2012-06-02 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Barbarian 1
2012-05-26 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Barbarian 4
2012-05-12 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Barbarian 1
2012-05-05 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Barbarian 1
2012-04-30 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 0.25
2012-04-28 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Barbarian 1
2012-04-21 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 5
2012-04-14 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 2
2012-04-07 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Barbarian 1
2012-03-31 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2012-03-24 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Barbarian 1
2012-03-17 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Barbarian 1
2012-03-10 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2012-03-03 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2012-02-25 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2012-02-18 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 3
2012-02-15 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 0.5
2012-02-11 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2012-02-04 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2012-01-28 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2012-01-21 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2012-01-14 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2012-01-07 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2011-12-31 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2011-12-24 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2011-12-17 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1.25
2011-12-14 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 0.25
2011-12-10 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2011-12-03 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2011-11-19 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2011-11-12 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2011-10-29 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 2
2011-10-22 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Myth Vael Druid 2
2011-10-15 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2011-09-14 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2011-08-27 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2011-08-13 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2011-08-06 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2011-08-05 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 0.25
2011-07-23 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2011-07-16 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2011-07-12 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Iron Hold Druid 1
2011-07-09 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2011-07-02 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2011-06-25 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2011-06-11 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2011-06-04 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Peasant 1
2011-05-30 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 0.75
2011-05-26 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 4
2011-04-30 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2011-03-05 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Color 1
2011-02-15 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 0.25
2011-02-05 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Color 1
2010-11-13 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2010-10-30 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 1
2010-10-26 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Healer 0.25
2010-09-11 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Color 1
2010-08-21 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Myth Vael Bard 4
2010-07-31 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Color 1
2010-07-17 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Bard 1
2010-07-10 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 2
2010-06-19 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2010-05-22 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 2
2010-04-03 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2010-03-27 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2010-03-13 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2010-02-27 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Barbarian 1
2010-02-20 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2010-02-09 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 0.25
2010-02-06 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2010-02-02 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 0.25
2010-01-09 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2010-01-02 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2009-12-22 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 0.25
2009-12-19 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2009-12-12 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2009-12-08 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 0.25
2009-12-01 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 0.25
2009-11-07 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2009-10-10 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2009-08-15 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2009-08-08 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2009-08-01 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2009-07-25 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2009-07-18 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2009-07-11 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2009-06-27 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2009-06-06 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2009-05-30 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2009-05-16 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2009-05-15 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2009-05-14 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 2
2009-04-18 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2009-04-11 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2009-04-04 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2009-03-14 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2009-03-07 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2009-02-21 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2009-02-14 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2009-01-24 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2008-12-20 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2008-12-13 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Warrior 1
2008-11-29 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Color 1
2008-11-15 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2008-11-08 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2008-11-01 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2008-10-25 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2008-10-18 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Color 1
2008-09-27 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2008-09-13 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Warrior 1
2008-09-06 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2008-08-29 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Myth Vael Warrior 5
2008-08-23 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2008-08-16 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2008-08-09 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2008-08-02 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2008-07-18 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2008-07-12 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2008-07-08 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 0.25
2008-07-05 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2008-07-02 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 0.25
2008-06-28 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2008-06-24 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 0.25
2008-06-21 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2008-06-07 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2008-05-31 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2008-05-24 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2008-05-15 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 3
2008-05-10 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Druid 1
2008-05-03 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2008-04-26 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2008-04-19 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Warrior 1
2008-04-12 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2008-04-05 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2008-04-02 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 0.25
2008-03-22 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2008-03-19 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 0.25
2008-03-15 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2008-02-16 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2008-02-09 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2008-02-02 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2008-01-26 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2008-01-12 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2007-12-22 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2007-12-15 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2007-12-01 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2007-11-24 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2007-11-10 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2007-11-03 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2007-10-27 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2007-10-13 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2007-09-29 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2007-09-22 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2007-08-25 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2007-08-18 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2007-07-28 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Warrior 1
2007-07-21 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2007-07-07 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2007-06-30 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2007-06-16 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2007-06-02 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2007-05-26 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2007-05-12 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2007-04-28 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2007-04-21 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2007-04-14 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2007-04-07 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Warrior 1
2007-03-24 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2007-02-24 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2007-02-17 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2007-02-10 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2007-02-03 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2007-01-20 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2007-01-13 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2007-01-06 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2006-12-30 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Warrior 1
2006-12-23 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2006-12-16 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Warrior 1
2006-12-09 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2006-11-11 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2006-10-21 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2006-10-11 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 0.25
2006-10-07 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2006-09-30 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2006-09-16 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2006-09-09 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2006-08-26 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 2
2006-08-19 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2006-08-12 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2006-08-05 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2006-07-29 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2006-07-22 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2006-07-08 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2006-06-24 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Color 1
2006-06-17 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Iron Mountains Barbarian 5
2006-06-03 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2006-05-27 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Warrior 1
2006-05-13 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2006-05-06 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2006-04-29 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2006-04-15 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2006-03-18 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Truevale Monster 3
2006-03-11 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2006-03-04 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Warrior 1
2006-02-25 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Phoenix Rise Warrior 3
2006-02-11 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2006-02-04 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 2
2006-01-21 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2006-01-14 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2006-01-07 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2005-12-17 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2005-12-10 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Warrior 2
2005-12-07 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 0.25
2005-12-03 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2005-11-19 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2005-11-12 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2005-11-05 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2005-10-29 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Warrior 1
2005-10-22 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Wizard 1
2005-10-15 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Warrior 1
2005-10-08 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2005-10-01 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2005-09-17 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Warrior 1
2005-09-10 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2005-09-03 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2005-08-20 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2005-07-30 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2005-07-23 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Warrior 1
2005-07-16 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Warrior 1
2005-07-02 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2005-06-25 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2005-06-18 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monster 1
2005-06-11 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Truevale Monk 2
2005-06-04 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2005-05-28 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Color 1
2005-05-21 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Color 1
2005-05-14 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 5
2005-05-04 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 0.25
2005-04-23 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2005-04-16 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2005-04-09 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2005-03-26 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2005-03-12 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2005-03-05 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2005-02-05 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2005-01-22 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2005-01-15 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2004-12-18 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2004-12-11 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2004-12-04 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2004-11-27 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2004-11-06 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2004-10-26 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2004-10-23 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2004-10-16 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2004-10-09 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2004-09-28 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 0.25
2004-09-25 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2004-09-21 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 0.25
2004-09-18 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2004-09-11 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2004-09-04 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2004-08-22 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2004-08-14 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2004-08-10 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 0.25
2004-08-07 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2004-08-03 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 0.25
2004-07-31 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2004-07-27 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 0.25
2004-07-24 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2004-07-17 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2004-07-10 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2004-07-03 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2004-06-19 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2004-06-01 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2004-05-29 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2004-05-22 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Warrior 1
2004-05-14 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 4
2004-05-01 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2004-04-17 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2004-04-10 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2004-03-06 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2004-02-07 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2004-01-31 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2004-01-24 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2004-01-17 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2004-01-10 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2003-12-13 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2003-12-06 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2003-11-29 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2003-11-22 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2003-11-15 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1
2003-11-08 Kingdom of the Desert Winds The River's End Monk 1