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Spring War (Mar 12 - Mar 16, 2014)

Kingdom Park Player Class Credits ×
The Celestial Kingdom Murky Waters Baron Von Blight W. D\'Grande Wizard 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Nesta de'Ebonydaryth Monk 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Traitors Gate Dame Mistress Wynd o\'Onyx Loch von Draken Anti-Paladin 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Traitors Gate Sir Father Thomas Von Draken Anti-Paladin 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Murky Waters Duke Distan TGD Bard 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Traitors Gate Wicked Way (Wicked Witch of the West) Bard 5 ×
The Kingdom of Blackspire The Mystic Seas Never ever Bard 5 ×
The Kingdom of Blackspire The Mystic Seas Don Fodder Devilboon Anti-Paladin 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Nocturnis Lona Archer 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Traitors Gate Sims Bard 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Slaughter Creek Logan Grimnar Monk 5 ×
The Kingdom of Viridian Outlands Skystone Murky Color 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Dragon Skull Keep Kalista Color 5 ×
The Kingdom of Viridian Outlands Skystone Nightshade Assassin 5 ×
The Kingdom of Viridian Outlands Skystone Leonidaz Warrior 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Goblins Hole Dame Bridgette of the Bazaar Color 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass NoYoki Scout 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Wickerwood Jeshi Shiffer (Blue) Assassin 5 ×
The Principality of the Crimson Sands Terra De Votum Tomalot Color 5 ×
The Kingdom of Burning Lands Thorn Mountain Pablo the Great Color 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Dragon Skull Keep Puddles Barbarian 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Lady Ritter Renjara Darkblade Druid 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Griffons Keep Fayte Metal Dragon Monster 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Bifost DeMonica (Monkey) Druid 5 ×
The Kingdom of Goldenvale Dragonrest Sir Ursor Bloodrunner Anti-Paladin 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Bifost Imagg Nifeasant Archer 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Bifost Anzonetta Calida Gilchrist Healer 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Bifost Sir Farlo Bloodblade Healer 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Bifost The Maughanster formerly known as Shaou Maughn Color 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Griffons Keep Porthos Anti-Paladin 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Slaughter Creek Davin Stahl Wyngarde Assassin 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Wickerwood Julez with a Z Assassin 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Wickerwood Lord Blix Assassin 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Griffons Keep squire wurmoose Monster 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Griffons Keep Don Roo Chi Chi de Diablo Monster 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Slaughter Creek Khelgar Darkwolf Monk 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Murky Waters Dragonfly Color 5 ×
The Kingdom of Viridian Outlands Skystone Razgriz Monster 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Murky Waters Tiny Terror Color 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Traitors Gate Lady Damn Tove McLynn Scout 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Murky Waters Malicious Tinkerbug Assassin 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Wickerwood Snake Bite Grimwulff Scout 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Dragon Skull Keep Lord Squire Scorpian Goldendragon Assassin 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Tori Mar Barodo Captain Headshot Monk 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Murky Waters Lord Sir Latilic Druid 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Murky Waters Phyxi/Phixious the Pixi Bard 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Slaughter Creek Sir Wilhelm von Eisenwald Bard 5 ×
The Freeholds of Amtgard Devil's Bayou Thorn Monster 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Murky Waters Countess Sir Yonnah ap Stormblade-Darkjester Color 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Murky Waters burg Color 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Field of Nightmares Lailoken Du-Urden Lavedre Monster 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Nocturnis Fenris Luffa Midgaardsbane Wizard 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Dragon Skull Keep Ghostfairy Color 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Stormsurge Dovahn weilder of the Titan Hammer Archer 5 ×
The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Falen Angelis Scout 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Kalightous Warrior 5 ×
The Empire of Rivermoor Adari Vaal Keep Horus of Elam Grimwulf Color 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Goblins Hole Duke Sir Stylez H. Selzones Color 5 ×
The Kingdom of Winters Edge Dragon's Hollow Draxkul Zeth Color 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Howling Plains Mistery Scout 5 ×
The Kingdom of Neverwinter Serenity Lakes Venelope Color 5 ×
The Kingdom of Dragonspine Obsidian Gate Ramaya Wizard 5 ×
The Kingdom of Dragonspine Obsidian Gate Stefan del Sala Anti-Paladin 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Monster's Vale Arch Duke Sir Shadow Dragon Sesshomaru Paladin 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Traitors Gate Grand Duchess Lady Sir Xenith Anti-Paladin 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Traitors Gate Duke Marquis Lord Sir Weasel Druid 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Traitors Gate Diana Color 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Traitors Gate Tank Color 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Paragons Cross Pink the corrupter of innocence Monk 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Paragons Cross Greggor Warrior 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Slaughter Creek Amorden Anti-Paladin 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Ironwood Kiba/Spike Monster 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Bloodwyrm Haven Firanae Westcraven Scout 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Mordengaard Kieran Grimwulff Assassin 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Mordengaard Caim Bloodwyrm Assassin 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Traitors Gate Mokushi Aria Cross Wizard 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Traitors Gate Count Thad the Impaler (Thaddigren Dentiata) Anti-Paladin 5 ×
The Empire of the Iron Mountains Darkmoon Yuri Bane Barbarian 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Murky Waters Little Wolf Archer 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Stormwall Misfit Archer 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Irongate Lady Alysiandra Warrior 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Monster's Vale Sir Episode Skinrot Assassin 5 ×
The Kingdom of Blackspire Obsidian Grove Terarin Anti-Paladin 5 ×
The Kingdom of Blackspire Obsidian Grove Aurora Selene Monk 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Draco Katastrefo Monster 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Count Psy Verrukt Monster 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Griffons Keep Qalor Tolandia Bard 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Griffons Keep Diamond Toldidia Druid 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Bifost Warchief of Cimmeria Assassin 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Bifost Axel Fathom Warrior 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Bifost Jennywan Kenobi Druid 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Bifost Sneak Lightfoot Assassin 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Bifost Ebarra EmberClaw Color 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Bifost Daxon Cyren Wraithsong Wizard 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Bifost Melinda Color 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Bifost Gerome Bard 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Bloodwyrm Haven Peppin Fife Warrior 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Dragon Skull Keep Hrog Blackraven Barbarian 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Emerald Hills (chapter) Tunear Monk 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills King's Point Gale Ortega Scout 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Dragon Skull Keep Zantikali Twatsucker Druid 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Emerald Hills (chapter) Sir Eclipse Blackfire Color 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Traitors Gate Foxfire Archer 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Traitors Gate Dragonfire Warrior 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Traitors Gate Aradia Monster 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Slaughter Creek Flower * Monster 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Gators Bight FitzChivalry Farseer Flamebeard Druid 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Nocturnis Killashandra/Jilliscious/Biere Scout 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Slaughter Creek Phinneus / Thal Grimwulf Paladin 5 ×
The Kingdom of Northern Lights Inland Ocean Kelrick Monk 5 ×
The Kingdom of Northern Lights Inland Ocean Fleuric Drake-Sargent Bard 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Slaughter Creek Farge Druid 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Howling Plains Kelldor Darkonus Dragonspawn Druid 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Traitors Gate Darkson Assassin 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Inga Stonewall Archer 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Kyrryn Stonewall Bard 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Traitors Gate Ravi Von Pyrus Color 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Field of Nightmares Heinous Hex Wizard 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Field of Nightmares Duke Sir Sir Rabanzarelli Ethindale Archer 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Traitors Gate Gator H Selzones Monster 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Murky Waters Luminitsa Monster 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Murky Waters Crackers/Goofy Monster 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Murky Waters Joffrey Monster 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Murky Waters Tequila Warrior 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Murky Waters Dark Vader Color 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Murky Waters Lord Gurgi Lonewolf(Mud, Bearfoot,Fizz, Fingers) Druid 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Traitors Gate Natureboy Barbarian 5 ×
The Kingdom of Dragonspine Mountains of Elsrum Raegar Bearskull Wizard 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Murky Waters Lord Sebastion Wyngarde, Pirate King Assassin 5 ×
The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Iron Mountains Sinew End Oh Druid 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Bloodwyrm Haven Midori Kutasaki Archer 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Mordengaard Barefoot the Woulf Monk 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Stormwall Thule Ironbeard Warrior 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Nocturnis Tesla Valkyrie Assassin 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Traitors Gate ToXyn Monster 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Bifost Jax Monk 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Skywatch Sir Uther Retheu Ironfist Barbarian 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills King's Point Rodnik Ferrowell Wizard 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Mourningwood Glen Cynisca Healer 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Sun Fall Abbey Lunchbox Druid 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Granite Spyre Carebear Scout 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Sun Fall Abbey Captain Sparkles Wizard 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Sun Fall Abbey Sasquatch Barbarian 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Mordengaard Ruby Healer 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Traitors Gate Castro Healer 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Traitors Gate Sir Duke Zircon Scout 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Paragons Cross Behemoth Druid 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Slaughter Creek Sir Lockland Anti-Paladin 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Granite Spyre Girrand Warrior 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Dragon Skull Keep Old Woman o' the Woods Druid 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Dragon Skull Keep Harlequin Monk 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Bright Forge Anna von Banana Monk 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Bright Forge Brennon Viridian Warrior 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Nine Willows Chunky Monkey Barbarian 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Nine Willows Arathamus D\'Bois The Greyseer Warrior 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Midnight Sun Ewen McFadden Paladin 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Murky Waters Sir Lord Magus Lonewolf Druid 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Paragons Cross Rachel Softhand Color 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Paragons Cross Caladorn Bladesemmer Druid 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Paragons Cross Demier Healer 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Paragons Cross Lady Squire Danica Fiammata D\'ombra Monster 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Bifost Keslar Deathrage Archer 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Bifost Olympia Color 5 ×
The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Leviathan Keep Lord Bolt RedEye Monk 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Mordengaard Glen, Mallet of Providence Color 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Mordengaard Kiara Everlen Monk 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Slaughter Creek Grendel Wizard 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Wolf's Glen Lady ShadowRose Ravenmoon Assassin 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Bright Forge Rikudon Wizard 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Midnight Sun Theodotus Bard 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Murky Waters Sir Angelfire (aka Pixy) Paladin 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Murky Waters Thane Karn Flannwulf Warrior 5 ×
The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Angler's Rift Tato Paladin 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Granite Spyre Jaym Anti-Paladin 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Darkmoor Hera Scout 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Crimson Moon Nubius/Cap'n Itchy Barbarian 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Stormwall Fade Color 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Stormwall Plague Warrior 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Traitors Gate Stoney Rose Assassin 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Traitors Gate Wrath Skinrot Assassin 5 ×
The Freeholds of Amtgard Wyldewind Bridge Briar Barbarian 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Chi Warrior 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Luniere Archer 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Portheus Monk 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Crimson Moon Constance Barbarian 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands U-Topus Roxy Color 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Crimson Moon Molick Warrior 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Monk 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Granite Spyre TERMUS Wizard 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Mordengaard Onisshoku Wizard 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Nocturnis Marcus Aurelius Gaius Lucianus Cotta Asylus aka The Night Train Wizard 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Field of Nightmares Lodar Selzones Monster 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Slaughter Creek Ogre / Taz Barbarian 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Midnight Sun Wolverine Darksword Barbarian 5 ×
The Golden City Dagobah Sir Arthon of the Golden City Color 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Nocturnis Oznog Wizard 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Nocturnis Aubrey Barbarian 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Bloodwyrm Haven Ichiban Diez Monster 5 ×
The Kingdom of Burning Lands Burning Lands Jiffee Mourningwood Anti-Paladin 5 ×
The Golden City Dagobah shady Peasant 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills King's Point Kat Bloodrayne Color 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Ironwood Yenshi Blackblood Assassin 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Granite Spyre Jalen Jager Monster 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Nocturnis Dizzy Vertigo Archer 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Tori Mar Volerath Silverwing Color 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Nocturnis Aiolos Healer 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Slaughter Creek Sir Lord Kanin T Pirate Druid 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Goblins Hole Nella 'Gekko' Darkblade Anti-Paladin 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Goblins Hole Kierra Lilyahna Darkblade Healer 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Traitors Gate Grand Duke Sir Lieutenant Colonel Macleod Darkjester Paladin 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Field of Nightmares Countess Scarlet Ethindale Color 5 ×
The Freeholds of Amtgard Devil's Bayou Death Dealer Harkonnen Color 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Nocturnis Drakknar Warrior 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Murky Waters Lord Lenny Monster 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Murky Waters Angel Dark Hammer Warrior 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Murky Waters Bulldog Direwolf Wyngarde Monster 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Ironwood Kentigern Healer 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Ironwood Malin Druid 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Slaughter Creek Ke-She Anti-Paladin 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Armand DeSanto Bard 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills King's Point ConstanZie Smack Talker Color 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Eagleshire Phoenix Color 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills King's Point Thrasher Color 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Tori Mar Clalibus of Henceforth Assassin 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Bifost Raven Harkonnen Anti-Paladin 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Nocturnis Don Diego Rodolfo Velazquez Monster 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Traitors Gate Baron Syl'Vas Firineliesh Bard 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Paragons Cross DeFrye Monk 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Wave's End White Wolf Warrior 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Murky Waters Fizziwizz Screa Darkholme Color 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Slaughter Creek Defender Chango B. Dass Monster 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Nocturnis Sponge Jimmykicker Barbarian 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Traitors Gate Count Scarecrow Bard 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Traitors Gate Sigma Six Archer 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Slaughter Creek Dagron Wizard 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Traitors Gate Sir Pebyr ap Cucorin Color 5 ×
The Kingdom of Winters Edge Souls' Crossing Eldivar Blackstone Warrior 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Mountain of the Sixth Dawn Sethraven Barbarian 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Black Water Chef Fister Starduste Warrior 5 ×
The Kingdom of Winters Edge Sylvan Glade Crispin Silvermane Archer 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Bloodwyrm Haven Enyoch Bard 5 ×
The Empire of Rivermoor The Ivory Tower Etiene de Money Druid 5 ×
The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Windhaven Lycason DeWolfe Hunter Bard 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Sun Fall Abbey Lamp Druid 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Nocturnis Selve Healer 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Bright Forge Brett P. Morley Druid 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Traitors Gate Tarakian Color 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Skywatch Yoshihiro Tsubasa Assassin 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Skywatch Kesic Black Druid 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Traitors Gate Baronet sir Marehet Warrior 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Howling Plains miH Assassin 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Skywatch Torin Barbarian 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Traitors Gate Nam Hwaryong Monk 5 ×
The Kingdom of Neverwinter Dragons Crossing Dervish Wyndbane Wizard 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Goblins Hole Wolftit Warrior 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Mordengaard Sir Zachry Ironwolf Paladin 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Traitors Gate KFM Bard 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Paragons Cross Maria Martinez Color 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Traitors Gate Sir Maniacles Color 5 ×
The Kingdom of Viridian Outlands StormHaven Tauren Wizard 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Paragons Cross Profien Healer 5 ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Ironwood Aubrey Samuel Westcraven Barbarian 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Slaughter Creek T Stryke Warrior 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Dragon Skull Keep Raziel Warrior 5 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Dragon Skull Keep Warwolf Warrior 1 ×