Baroness Lady Robyn Shutterbug

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Player Details

Given Name:
Pronouns: custom
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Notice: Dues can now
be found in their own section!
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Date Paid:
Terms: 1 Term = (s)
Dues For Life: Yes No
Kingdom Park Dues Paid Until Dues Paid On Dues For Life?  
The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Storm Bridge 2022-02-14 2021-08-14 No Revoke

Companies & Households

Name Type Quit
Amazons Household ×
Athenian Guard Company ×
Kin Errant Household ×
Sol Invictus Household ×


Class Credits Reconciled Level
Anti-Paladin 4 1
Archer 2 1
Assassin 3 1
Barbarian 0 0
Bard 21 2
Color 74 6
Druid 0 0
Healer 68 6
Monk 43 4
Monster 55 5
Paladin 0 0
Peasant 18 2
Reeve 0 0
Scout 27 3
Warrior 53 5
Wizard 61 6

Player Operations for Baroness Lady Robyn Shutterbug

Historical Imports

Note Description Date ×
Lady Asche, Supreme Tyrant of the Rising Winds 2012-09-01 ×
Prime Minister of Sky Harbor 2011-12-01 - 2012-06-01 ×

Add Award

Type: Awards Officers
Award Name:
Given By:
Given At:
Given For:


Strip all Awards & Titles or choose from below. Details will be recorded for posterity.
Strip Awards Reason
Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note × Strip
Dragonmaster (Custom Award) 2012-06-24 Sky Harbor, The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Winning Dragonmaster 6/12-11/12 × Strip
Order of Battle 1 2021-09-26 Storm Bridge, The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Battlegame mastery × Strip
Order of the Crown 7 2021-09-26 Storm Bridge, The Kingdom of the Rising Winds previous service in office to Madoc's Keep and Sky Harbor × Strip
Dragon (Order of the Dragon) 2012-03-01 Lady Sage Ravyn Paw; For A&S entry × Strip
Dragon (Order of the Dragon) 2012-06-01 Tyrant Asche - Madoc's Keep; #2 × Strip
Dragon (Order of the Dragon) 2012-09-01 Sheriff Wat - Sky Harbor; × Strip
Order of the Dragon 4 2013-11-01 Duke Kavik WhiteScar × Strip
Order of the Dragon 5 2016-07-02 Maushat'Goth (Syr) Overlord DreadLord Master Sicarius the Black Syntagmatarchis Storm Bridge, The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Carrot cake × Strip
Order of the Dragon 6 2016-07-02 Maushat'Goth (Syr) Overlord DreadLord Master Sicarius the Black Syntagmatarchis Storm Bridge, The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Photos entered in A&S × Strip
Order of the Dragon 7 2017-03-25 Storm Bridge, The Kingdom of the Rising Winds multiple average score over 4, and taking best in show in the duchy crown quals × Strip
Order of the Dragon 8 2024-11-09 Maushat'Goth (Syr) Overlord DreadLord Master Sicarius the Black Syntagmatarchis The Kingdom of the Rising Winds For the amazing kneeler made for Syr Sicarius knighting, Tregods Knighting, and Short Cakes Knight (to happen in October) × Strip
Order of the Dragon 9 2024-11-09 Maushat'Goth (Syr) Overlord DreadLord Master Sicarius the Black Syntagmatarchis The Kingdom of the Rising Winds For the amazing kneeler made for Syr Sicarius knighting, Tregods Knighting, and Short Cakes Knight (to happen in October) × Strip
Garber (Order of the Garber) 2012-06-01 Sheriff Wat - Sky Harbor; × Strip
Garber (Order of the Garber) 2012-09-01 Supreme Tyrant Asche - Madoc's Keep; Belt Favor × Strip
Garber (Order of the Garber) 2012-09-01 Supreme Tyrant Asche - Madoc's Keep; Garb × Strip
Order of the Garber 2014-10-11 Baronet Squire Michael Drakewater Storm Bridge, The Kingdom of the Rising Winds mustache Tunic × Strip
Order of the Garber 2014-10-11 Baronet Squire Michael Drakewater Storm Bridge, The Kingdom of the Rising Winds pink zebra tunic × Strip
Order of the Garber 4 2013-11-01 Duke Kavik WhiteScar × Strip
Order of the Garber 7 2015-06-27 General MS Paint Taylor the Resolute, Defender of the Rising Winds...Esquire Storm Bridge, The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Kavier's Vanguard winter tunic and monster garb made for the RW March event. × Strip
Order of the Garber 8 2015-09-19 Paragon Ard Archon Myst Starbourn, Esq The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Twilight's SI Tunic × Strip
Order of the Jovius 1 2021-09-18 Syr Rickas Emmet The Kingdom of the Rising Winds × Strip
Order of the Jovius 7 2021-11-14 Syr Rickas Emmet Bridge Wars Honestly a crime that she has none. Time to fix that. × Strip
Order of the Jovius 8 2023-03-18 Pip Thermosprocket The Kingdom of the Rising Winds No matter the situation, she is always smiling, laughing, feeding others, building others up × Strip
Order of the Lion 2014-03-22 Viscount Baron Baronet Lord Sir Wat NeedsALastName Storm Bridge, The Kingdom of the Rising Winds × Strip
Order of the Lion 2 2014-06-08 Viscount Baron Baronet Lord Sir Wat NeedsALastName Storm Bridge, The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Stepping up as tempduke in a previous reign × Strip
Order of the Lion 3 2014-06-08 Viscount Baron Baronet Lord Sir Wat NeedsALastName Storm Bridge, The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Service as regent × Strip
Order of the Lion 4 2021-09-18 Syr Rickas Emmet The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Clean-O-Crat × Strip
Owl (Order of the Owl) 2012-09-01 Sheriff Wat - Sky Harbor; × Strip
Order of the Owl 1 2017-03-25 Lady Squire Thea of The Marshes Storm Bridge, The Kingdom of the Rising Winds tree of life jewelry × Strip
Order of the Owl 2 2017-03-25 Lady Squire Thea of The Marshes Storm Bridge, The Kingdom of the Rising Winds daggers × Strip
Order of the Owl 3 2017-03-25 Lady Squire Thea of The Marshes Storm Bridge, The Kingdom of the Rising Winds bracers × Strip
Order of the Owl 4 2017-03-25 Lady Squire Thea of The Marshes Storm Bridge, The Kingdom of the Rising Winds shield × Strip
Rose (Order of the Rose) 2012-03-01 Lady Sage Ravyn Paw; For Making officer Belt favors × Strip
Rose (Order of the Rose) 2012-06-01 Tyrant Asche - Madoc's Keep; #2 × Strip
Rose (Order of the Rose) 2013-06-01 Regent South Side; Helping with feast March 2013 × Strip
Order of the Rose 4 2013-06-17 Baronet Lord Master Squire South Side, Esquire The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Helping with kingdom feast. × Strip
Order of the Rose 5 2015-04-04 Duke Kavik WhiteScar Storm Bridge, The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Multiple bits of service over time. × Strip
Order of the Rose 6 2015-07-18 General MS Paint Taylor the Resolute, Defender of the Rising Winds...Esquire Storm Bridge, The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Misc. assistance with running MK. × Strip
Order of the Rose 7 2015-09-19 Paragon Ard Archon Myst Starbourn, Esq The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Scroll Work × Strip
Order of the Rose 8 2017-09-23 Archduchess Duchess Baron Sage Lorde Masta Kai Darkjester Clayd,Esquire,Warden of the West,Defender The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Feast-o-Crat, helped with lunch, helped run gate, judged Best of the Best during June event × Strip
Order of the Rose 9 2018-03-24 Duke Kavik WhiteScar Running Bridgewars feast and including a Keto and veggie option × Strip
Order of the Smith 1 2016-07-02 Lady Squire Thea of The Marshes Storm Bridge, The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Legends of amtgard nightquest × Strip
Order of the Smith 2 2016-07-02 Lady Squire Thea of The Marshes Storm Bridge, The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Zamacraft × Strip


Strip all Awards & Titles or choose from below. Details will be recorded for posterity.
Strip Awards Reason
Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note × Strip
Master Rose 2021-09-18 Syr Rickas Emmet The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Trash-o-Crat service × Strip
Knight of the Flame 2024-03-23 Artorius Dragonwrit The Kingdom of the Rising Winds × Strip
Baroness 2016-03-19 Varas Tyr'Rath Harkonnen Winter Coronation × Strip