
Guild Kingdom Park Player Attendance
Anti-Paladin The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Apolaki Blackwood 8
Anti-Paladin The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Flynt the Skaven 4
Anti-Paladin The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Leana Raylolynn 2
Anti-Paladin The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Oppungo 3
Anti-Paladin The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Penryn 1
Anti-Paladin The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Worrak Darkedge 1
Archer The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Arthur Blackwood 6
Archer The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Boromirr 6
Archer The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Einar Blackwood 1
Archer The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Flynt the Skaven 2
Archer The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Law 1
Archer The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Lion Bird 14
Archer The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Silver 2
Archer The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Tobias Thalonius III 1
Archer The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Toleliron 6
Archer The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Worrak Darkedge 2
Assassin The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Alexander Blackwood 3
Assassin The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Anu 4
Assassin The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Daris 3
Assassin The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Law 1
Assassin The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Raven 6
Assassin The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Seph Jethaniel 2
Assassin The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Silver 3
Assassin The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Worrak Darkedge 1
Barbarian The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Alexander Blackwood 7
Barbarian The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Apolaki Blackwood 6
Barbarian The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon August 6
Barbarian The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Bluey 1
Barbarian The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Conway Bearkiller 1
Barbarian The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Flynt the Skaven 6
Barbarian The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Gimmick 1
Barbarian The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Karad Rog'el 2
Barbarian The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Law 3
Barbarian The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Liar 23
Barbarian The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Lincoln Ecthelion 7
Barbarian The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Oppungo 1
Barbarian The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Sorcha Spinesnapper 12
Barbarian The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Vincent Cherry 4
Barbarian The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Worrak Darkedge 1
Bard The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Ankh 1
Bard The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Caelus the Keen 1
Bard The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Calla 1
Bard The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon jingles 1
Bard The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Liar 6
Bard The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Lincoln Ecthelion 4
Bard The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Lion Bird 2
Bard The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Nessa 1
Bard The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Oppungo 1
Bard The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Worrak Darkedge 1
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Alexander Blackwood 12
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Ana 2
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Ankh 1
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Annika Lewis 9
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Apolaki Blackwood 1
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Armand DeSanto 2
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Arthur Blackwood 4
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon August 3
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Belladonna 4
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Bluey 1
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Bunny 2
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Caelus the Keen 3
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Cerrik Fenrir 3
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon CJFM 3
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Conway Bearkiller 1
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Dagmar 1
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon David! 2
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Don'Droll 2
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Einar Blackwood 2
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Erin Standridge 5
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Fodder 3
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Gissell 1
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Jason 5
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Jordan Alexander 1
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Karad Rog'el 2
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Kaylee 2
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Kip 3
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Lark 1
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Law 1
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Leo 1
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Liar 1
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Lion Bird 1
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Macabre Navitas 2
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Mater Blackwood 8
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Mimic 1
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Molly Blackwood 3
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Morrigan 1
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Nemoway 1
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Oppungo 1
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Pater Blackwood 8
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Penryn 6
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Rhiannon Rog'el 1
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Serra Blackwood 26
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Shroudstar's Mom 1
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Silver 2
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Sorcha Spinesnapper 18
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon sydney 1
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon talisin 1
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Tethro 2
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Thor 1
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Tobias Thalonius III 17
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Torrith 6
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Tyverus 2
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Willow Reising 1
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Worrak Darkedge 4
Color The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Zebon 1
Druid The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon August 1
Druid The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Dagmar 1
Druid The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Daris 14
Druid The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Kip 14
Druid The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Law 1
Druid The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Macabre Navitas 3
Druid The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Starwolf 2
Druid The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Worrak Darkedge 2
Healer The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Bunny 7
Healer The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Einar Blackwood 16
Healer The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Skellorite 1
Healer The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Thor 13
Monk The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon August 12
Monk The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Dagmar 2
Monk The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon David 1
Monk The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Einar Blackwood 6
Monk The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon EmilyFM 1
Monk The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Flynt the Skaven 3
Monk The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Karad Rog'el 14
Monk The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Nemoway 9
Monk The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Oppungo 13
Monk The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Tobias Thalonius III 9
Monk The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Worrak Darkedge 1
Monster The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Worrak Darkedge 2
Paladin The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Apolaki Blackwood 19
Paladin The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Armand DeSanto 1
Paladin The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Arthur Blackwood 7
Paladin The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Cerrik Fenrir 13
Paladin The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Conway Bearkiller 2
Paladin The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Daris 1
Paladin The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Kip 1
Paladin The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Worrak Darkedge 1
Peasant The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Alexander Blackwood 1
Peasant The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Zebon 6
Reeve The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Alexander Blackwood 25
Reeve The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Worrak Darkedge 1
Scout The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Anu 3
Scout The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Bluey 2
Scout The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Jinheung of the Hwarang 1
Scout The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Law 1
Scout The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Raven 2
Scout The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Silver 1
Scout The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Torrith 1
Scout The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Zebon 14
Warrior The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Alexander Blackwood 3
Warrior The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Einar Blackwood 1
Warrior The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon erandale 1
Warrior The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Flynt the Skaven 2
Warrior The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Fodder 1
Warrior The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Gimmick 4
Warrior The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Harper 4
Warrior The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Kip 1
Warrior The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Liar 1
Warrior The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Lincoln Ecthelion 1
Warrior The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Lion Bird 1
Warrior The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Marcus Antonious 1
Warrior The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Marcus Aurelius 1
Warrior The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Nemoway 1
Warrior The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Thor 1
Warrior The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Worrak Darkedge 1
Wizard The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Doohnibor 1
Wizard The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Kip 3
Wizard The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Mitchivior 1
Wizard The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Falcon's Moon Worrak Darkedge 2