House Frostgrave

Name: House Frostgrave
Type: Household
Url: Website
Description: House Frostgrave was founded to have a space for our found family of Northreach. We aim to help others in all respects of life and adventuring. Gearing up and training new members, providing a safe space to game and craft, and feeding the masses. We like to gather our friends and family for adventure and merriment. If you like a home away from home and grilled meats you have come to the right place.
History: House Frostgrave was founded by Lord Arthas Frostgrave and Lady Sora Frostgrave. It has grown as they take in found family from across Northreach. Striving to make a safe place and comfort of home.


Member Role Title
Chieftain Arthas Frostgrave Lord Founder
Crimson Tairias Member
Den Mother Lady Sora Frostgrave Mother Of Frozen Coast Lord
Kaju Dawn Member
Kami Tempest Captain
Monke Member