Dark Glory

Name: Dark Glory
Type: Household
Url: Website
Description: Dark Glory is mainly a service drive household (although we also are involved in the rest of the paths workings as well) that builds the Amtgard community and doesn't compromise quality. Our members are absolutely amazing and they enjoy what they do. We are a multi-kingdom, international 6 directional household in regards that we respectfully "mirror" the knighthood paths. We learn, we mentor, we grow!!


Member Role Title
Alira Moonstone Member Oracle/Treasurer
Baron Aaross the Blind Captain Crown Captain
Baron Thalion Othar Captain Serpent Captain
Baronet Whipping Boy Hellsing Lord Dark Lord
Da Eri Member Dark Thrall
Emelma River Reade Member Dark Thrall
Flame boy Member Dark Thrall
Hecate Oakdragon Wolfsbane Lord Dark Princess
Holonor Valley The Tormented Esquire Member Dark Thrall
Horus of Elam Grimwulf Captain Flame Captain
Jade Member Dark Thrall
Lady Cora Inshu Member Oracle/ Housekeeper
Lord Erskine Devlin Member Dark Thrall
Maeldrew Oakdragon Member Dark Thrall
Maurus Mountain Haldron Captain Sword Captain
Pickle Rick Member Dark Thrall
Saraphine Member Dark Thrall
Sir Corwyn Lindenson Member Oracle/Ork Steward
Valmar Necroa Member Oracle/Conversationalist