Kingdom Awards

Persona Award Rank Date Entered By
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Knight of the Flame 1999-07-01
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Knight of the Flame 2001-02-01
Drenth Knight of the Flame 1 2022-02-27 Azus
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Knight of the Flame 1 2022-01-17 Azus
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Knight of the Serpent 1996-08-01
Jacelendrahz Knight of the Serpent 2022-04-02 Azus
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Knight of the Serpent 2023-08-15 Saint Ka'a Tul Acklie
Xiaho-Dun Knight of the Serpent 2023-07-16 Saint Ka'a Tul Acklie
Aella Order of Battle 7 2022-05-01 Azus
Aella Order of Battle 1 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Aella Order of Battle 2 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Aella Order of Battle 3 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Aella Order of Battle 4 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Aella Order of Battle 5 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Aella Order of Battle 6 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Aella Order of Battle 7 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Aella Order of Battle 8 2024-03-10 thistledown notagnome
Baernoir Order of Battle 6 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Baernoir Order of Battle 7 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Baernoir Order of Battle 1 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Baernoir Order of Battle 2 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Baernoir Order of Battle 3 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Baernoir Order of Battle 4 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Baernoir Order of Battle 5 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Bandit Order of Battle 2 2023-05-27 Penthesilea Darkholme
Bandit Order of Battle 1 2023-05-27 Penthesilea Darkholme
Drenth Order of Battle 2 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Drenth Order of Battle 3 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Drenth Order of Battle 4 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Drenth Order of Battle 5 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Drenth Order of Battle 1 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Fenra Order of Battle 8 2024-03-10 thistledown notagnome
Fenra Order of Battle 1 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Fenra Order of Battle 2 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Fenra Order of Battle 3 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Fenra Order of Battle 4 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Fenra Order of Battle 5 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Gale Stronghammer Order of Battle 7 2021-11-20 Azus
Ilion Order of Battle 3 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Ilion Order of Battle 4 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Ilion Order of Battle 5 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Ilion Order of Battle 1 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Ilion Order of Battle 2 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Jacelendrahz Order of Battle 1 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Jacelendrahz Order of Battle 2 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Jacelendrahz Order of Battle 3 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Jacelendrahz Order of Battle 4 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Jacelendrahz Order of Battle 5 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Jacelendrahz Order of Battle 6 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Jacelendrahz Order of Battle 7 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Jacelendrahz Order of Battle 8 2024-03-10 thistledown notagnome
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of Battle 1 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of Battle 2 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of Battle 3 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of Battle 4 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of Battle 5 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of Battle 6 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of Battle 7 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Kale Broadhammer Order of Battle 1 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Kale Broadhammer Order of Battle 2 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Kale Broadhammer Order of Battle 3 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Kale Broadhammer Order of Battle 5 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Kale Broadhammer Order of Battle 4 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Mal(CW) Order of Battle 3 2022-11-05 Penthesilea Darkholme
Mal(CW) Order of Battle 4 2023-03-11 Penthesilea Darkholme
Mal(CW) Order of Battle 1 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Mal(CW) Order of Battle 2 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Mogis Order of Battle 1 2023-05-27 Penthesilea Darkholme
Mogis Order of Battle 2 2023-05-27 Penthesilea Darkholme
Mogis Order of Battle 3 2023-05-27 Penthesilea Darkholme
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of Battle 1 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of Battle 2 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of Battle 3 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of Battle 4 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of Battle 5 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Rangor Treecrusher Order of Battle 7 2022-05-28 RoseThorn
The Jolly Bodger Order of Battle 8 2024-03-10 thistledown notagnome
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of Battle 9 2021-11-20 Azus
Valroz Order of Battle 1 2023-05-27 Penthesilea Darkholme
Valroz Order of Battle 2 2023-05-27 Penthesilea Darkholme
Alix von Brugge Order of the Crown 4 2020-02-29 Fenra
Alix von Brugge Order of the Crown 5 2021-08-14 Gale Stronghammer
Alix von Brugge Order of the Crown 1 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Alix von Brugge Order of the Crown 2 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Alix von Brugge Order of the Crown 3 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Baernoir Order of the Crown 6 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Baernoir Order of the Crown 7 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Baernoir Order of the Crown 8 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Baernoir Order of the Crown 9 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Baernoir Order of the Crown 1 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Baernoir Order of the Crown 2 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Baernoir Order of the Crown 3 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Baernoir Order of the Crown 4 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Baernoir Order of the Crown 5 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Crown 6 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Crown 5 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Crown 7 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Crown 8 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Crown 9 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Crown 1 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Crown 2 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Crown 3 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Crown 4 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Bill the Nun Order of the Crown 3 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Bill the Nun Order of the Crown 4 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Bill the Nun Order of the Crown 5 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Bill the Nun Order of the Crown 6 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Bill the Nun Order of the Crown 1 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Bill the Nun Order of the Crown 2 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Dagny Order of the Crown 1 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Dagny Order of the Crown 2 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Dagny Order of the Crown 3 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Dagny Order of the Crown 4 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Dagny Order of the Crown 5 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Crown 1 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Crown 2 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Crown 3 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Crown 4 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Crown 5 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Crown 6 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Crown 7 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Crown 8 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Crown 9 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Drenth Order of the Crown 9 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Drenth Order of the Crown 1 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Drenth Order of the Crown 2 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Drenth Order of the Crown 3 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Drenth Order of the Crown 4 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Drenth Order of the Crown 5 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Drenth Order of the Crown 10 2024-03-10 Drenth
Drenth Order of the Crown 6 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Drenth Order of the Crown 7 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Drenth Order of the Crown 8 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Fenra Order of the Crown 8 2023-11-18 thistledown notagnome
Fenra Order of the Crown 1 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Fenra Order of the Crown 2 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Fenra Order of the Crown 3 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Fenra Order of the Crown 4 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Fenra Order of the Crown 5 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Fenra Order of the Crown 6 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Fenra Order of the Crown 7 2020-02-29 Fenra
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Crown 3 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Crown 4 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Crown 5 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Crown 6 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Crown 7 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Crown 8 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Crown 9 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Crown 10 2021-03-13 Noctua Immortuus
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Crown 1 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Crown 2 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Ilion Order of the Crown 1 2023-08-19 Penthesilea Darkholme
Ilion Order of the Crown 2 2023-11-18 Penthesilea Darkholme
Ivan (CW) Order of the Crown 1 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Ivan (CW) Order of the Crown 2 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Ivan (CW) Order of the Crown 3 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Jacelendrahz Order of the Crown 1 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Jacelendrahz Order of the Crown 2 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Jacelendrahz Order of the Crown 3 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Jacelendrahz Order of the Crown 4 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Jacelendrahz Order of the Crown 5 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Crown 1 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Crown 2 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Crown 8 2020-02-29 Fenra
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Crown 3 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Crown 4 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Crown 5 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Crown 6 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Crown 7 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Kale Broadhammer Order of the Crown 1 2024-03-16 Drenth
Leeroy \'Seahorse\' Justice Order of the Crown 2020-12-05 Gale Stronghammer
Leeroy \'Seahorse\' Justice Order of the Crown 3 2021-02-27 Gale Stronghammer
Mannanan Order of the Crown 5 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Mannanan Order of the Crown 7 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Mannanan Order of the Crown 8 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Mannanan Order of the Crown 6 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Mannanan Order of the Crown 1 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Mannanan Order of the Crown 2 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Mannanan Order of the Crown 3 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Mannanan Order of the Crown 4 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Mia Order of the Crown 4 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Mia Order of the Crown 1 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Mia Order of the Crown 2 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Mia Order of the Crown 3 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of the Crown 3 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of the Crown 4 2022-08-06 Penthesilea Darkholme
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of the Crown 1 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of the Crown 5 2023-05-27 Penthesilea Darkholme
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of the Crown 6 2023-08-19 Penthesilea Darkholme
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of the Crown 7 2024-03-16 Drenth
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of the Crown 2 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Rangor Treecrusher Order of the Crown 1 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Rangor Treecrusher Order of the Crown 2 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Rangor Treecrusher Order of the Crown 3 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Rangor Treecrusher Order of the Crown 4 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Rangor Treecrusher Order of the Crown 5 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Rangor Treecrusher Order of the Crown 6 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Rose Dragonrage Order of the Crown 1 2020-12-05 Gale Stronghammer
Rose Dragonrage Order of the Crown 2 2021-08-14 Azus
Shadowsword Order of the Crown 1 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Shadowsword Order of the Crown 2 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Shadowsword Order of the Crown 3 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Shadowsword Order of the Crown 4 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Thalias Darkshine Order of the Crown 1 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Thalias Darkshine Order of the Crown 2 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Tiberian Alcoste Order of the Crown 4 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Tiberian Alcoste Order of the Crown 5 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Tiberian Alcoste Order of the Crown 7 2020-07-05 Noctua Immortuus
Tiberian Alcoste Order of the Crown 6 2019-11-17 Noctua Immortuus
Tiberian Alcoste Order of the Crown 1 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Tiberian Alcoste Order of the Crown 2 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Tiberian Alcoste Order of the Crown 3 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Crown 8 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Crown 9 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Crown 1 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Crown 2 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Crown 3 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Crown 4 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Crown 5 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Crown 6 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Crown 7 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Troglodyte Order of the Crown 1 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Troglodyte Order of the Crown 2 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Troglodyte Order of the Crown 3 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Troglodyte Order of the Crown 4 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Waterhammer Order of the Crown 1 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Waterhammer Order of the Crown 2 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Waterhammer Order of the Crown 3 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Waterhammer Order of the Crown 4 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Waterhammer Order of the Crown 5 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Waterhammer Order of the Crown 6 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Waterhammer Order of the Crown 7 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Waterhammer Order of the Crown 8 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Crown 1 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Crown 2 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Crown 3 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Crown 4 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Aed Order of the Dragon 1 2015-08-01
Alix von Brugge Order of the Dragon 4 2021-05-23 Noctua Immortuus
Alix von Brugge Order of the Dragon 1 2018-07-28 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Alix von Brugge Order of the Dragon 2 2018-07-28 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Alix von Brugge Order of the Dragon 3 2018-11-17 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Alix von Brugge Order of the Dragon 5 2021-11-20 Azus
Alix von Brugge Order of the Dragon 6 2021-11-20 Azus
Aurora Wolfhammer Order of the Dragon 5 2021-11-20 Gale Stronghammer
Aurora Wolfhammer Order of the Dragon 2 2020-06-06 Fenra
Aurora Wolfhammer Order of the Dragon 3 2020-06-06 Fenra
Aurora Wolfhammer Order of the Dragon 4 2021-05-29 Gale Stronghammer
Aurora Wolfhammer Order of the Dragon 1 2019-09-07 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Aventyr Order of the Dragon 2003-06-01
Baernoir Order of the Dragon 3 2014-11-15
Baernoir Order of the Dragon 2 2021-05-29 Gale Stronghammer
Baernoir Order of the Dragon 2009-12-01
Baernoir Order of the Dragon 2 2014-05-24
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Dragon 5 2017-11-25 Azus
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Dragon 2003-06-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Dragon 6 2019-11-16 Clenawe
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Dragon 2002-11-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Dragon 7 2019-11-16 Clenawe
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Dragon 2004-04-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Dragon 1990-01-01
Bill the Nun Order of the Dragon 2010-05-01
Bill the Nun Order of the Dragon 2004-11-01
Bill the Nun Order of the Dragon 2003-04-01
Bill the Nun Order of the Dragon 7 2019-11-16 Fenra
Bill the Nun Order of the Dragon 2005-06-01
Bill the Nun Order of the Dragon 2003-06-01
Bill the Nun Order of the Dragon 8 2019-11-16 Fenra
Bill the Nun Order of the Dragon 6 2016-08-20
Dagny Order of the Dragon 1 2013-11-09
Dagny Order of the Dragon 7 2019-11-16 Clenawe
Dagny Order of the Dragon 6 2018-05-12 Azus
Dagny Order of the Dragon 2 2013-11-09
Dagny Order of the Dragon 8 2019-11-16 Clenawe
Dagny Order of the Dragon 5 2018-05-12 Azus
Dagny Order of the Dragon 4 2014-11-15 Fenra
Dagny Order of the Dragon 3 2014-05-24
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Dragon 6 2019-11-09 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Dragon 2006-12-01
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Dragon 2 2015-05-16
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Dragon 3 2017-11-18 Fenra
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Dragon 5 2018-05-12 Azus
Dr. Lord Miles Ookami Order of the Dragon 2008-08-01
Dr. Lord Miles Ookami Order of the Dragon 2011-12-01
Dr. Lord Miles Ookami Order of the Dragon 2008-08-01
Dr. Lord Miles Ookami Order of the Dragon 2011-12-01
Dr. Lord Miles Ookami Order of the Dragon 2008-11-01
Dragon Fire Order of the Dragon 2011-06-01
Drenth Order of the Dragon 2009-05-01
Drenth Order of the Dragon 4 2020-05-30 Clenawe
Drenth Order of the Dragon 6 2023-08-19 Penthesilea Darkholme
Drenth Order of the Dragon 3 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Drenth Order of the Dragon 2 2017-11-18 Fenra
Drenth Order of the Dragon 5 2022-06-04 Baernoir
Felix Volker Order of the Dragon 1 2021-08-14 Gale Stronghammer
Felix Volker Order of the Dragon 2 2021-11-20 Gale Stronghammer
Fenra Order of the Dragon 1 2018-05-19 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Fenra Order of the Dragon 4 2020-09-12 Noctua Immortuus
Fenra Order of the Dragon 2 2018-05-19 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Fenra Order of the Dragon 5 2021-08-14 Gale Stronghammer
Fenra Order of the Dragon 3 2019-09-07 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Dragon 4 2015-05-16
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Dragon 5 2015-09-05
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Dragon 7 2017-04-29 Fenra
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Dragon 8 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Dragon 2011-06-01
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Dragon 2011-09-01
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Dragon 6 2016-05-07
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Dragon 2013-05-01
Ilion Order of the Dragon 1 2016-03-12
Ilion Order of the Dragon 2 2023-08-19 Penthesilea Darkholme
Iro Order of the Dragon 1 2015-08-01
Iro Order of the Dragon 4 2021-11-20 Gale Stronghammer
Iro Order of the Dragon 2 2017-04-29 Fenra
Iro Order of the Dragon 3 2019-11-09 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Jacelendrahz Order of the Dragon 7 2015-05-17
Jacelendrahz Order of the Dragon 8 2015-09-05
Jacelendrahz Order of the Dragon 2011-09-01
Jacelendrahz Order of the Dragon 2011-09-01
Jacelendrahz Order of the Dragon 9 2016-10-01
Jacelendrahz Order of the Dragon 10 2019-08-25 Clenawe
Jacelendrahz Order of the Dragon 4 2013-11-10
Jacelendrahz Order of the Dragon 5 2013-11-11
Jacelendrahz Order of the Dragon 6 2014-08-17
Jacelendrahz Order of the Dragon 2012-09-01
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Dragon 2 2016-05-14
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Dragon 4 2019-11-16 Clenawe
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Dragon 3 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Dragon 1 2015-05-16
Leeroy \'Seahorse\' Justice Order of the Dragon 3 2019-11-09 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Leeroy \'Seahorse\' Justice Order of the Dragon 1 2017-04-29 Fenra
Leeroy \'Seahorse\' Justice Order of the Dragon 2 2017-04-29 Fenra
Malachi Order of the Dragon 1 2016-05-14
Malachi Order of the Dragon 2 2016-05-14
Mannanan Order of the Dragon 2012-03-01
Mannanan Order of the Dragon 2009-12-01
Mia Order of the Dragon 3 2016-11-05
Mia Order of the Dragon 1 2015-11-02
Mia Order of the Dragon 4 2016-11-05
Mia Order of the Dragon 5 2023-11-18 Penthesilea Darkholme
Mia Order of the Dragon 2 2015-11-03
Non Grata Order of the Dragon 2011-06-01
Norm Order of the Dragon 2012-05-01
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of the Dragon 1 2023-05-27 Penthesilea Darkholme
Rose Dragonrage Order of the Dragon 1 2017-11-18 Fenra
Rose Dragonrage Order of the Dragon 2 2020-06-06 Fenra
Shadowsword Order of the Dragon 2012-12-01
Shadowsword Order of the Dragon 2012-12-01
Shadowsword Order of the Dragon 3 2013-11-09
Stone Son of Slaughter Order of the Dragon 2011-06-01
Stone Son of Slaughter Order of the Dragon 2004-04-01
Stone Son of Slaughter Order of the Dragon 2011-09-01
The Jolly Bodger Order of the Dragon 1 2017-04-29 Fenra
The Jolly Bodger Order of the Dragon 2 2017-04-29 Fenra
Tiberian Alcoste Order of the Dragon 1 2019-05-19 Leonard Shadowstrike
Tiberian Alcoste Order of the Dragon 2 2019-11-17 Noctua Immortuus
Tiegan Order of the Dragon 2009-12-01
Tiegan Order of the Dragon 2009-12-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Dragon 2012-01-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Dragon 2007-08-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Dragon 6 2015-11-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Dragon 10 2020-11-21 Noctua Immortuus
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Dragon 7 2015-11-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Dragon 2010-04-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Dragon 8 2018-11-17 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Dragon 2003-12-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Dragon 2008-05-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Dragon 9 2019-11-16 Clenawe
Valleth Order of the Dragon 2009-12-01
Valleth Order of the Dragon 2009-10-01
Waterhammer Order of the Dragon 1 2015-05-16
Wilburforce 'Wil' Northam Order of the Dragon 2003-04-01
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Dragon 7 2018-11-11 Fenra
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Dragon 8 2019-11-16 Fenra
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Dragon 3 2018-05-12 Azus
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Dragon 5 2018-05-12 Azus
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Dragon 2009-02-01
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Dragon 9 2021-05-23 Noctua Immortuus
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Dragon 5 2018-05-12 Azus
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Dragon 2010-11-01
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Dragon 6 2018-07-28 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Aella Order of the Flame 2012-06-01
Alix von Brugge Order of the Flame 1 2017-04-29 Fenra
Alix von Brugge Order of the Flame 2 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Alix von Brugge Order of the Flame 3 2020-02-22 Clenawe
Aventyr Order of the Flame 2003-06-01
Bacon Ninja Order of the Flame 1 2017-11-18 Fenra
Baernoir Order of the Flame 1 2015-05-16
Baernoir Order of the Flame 2 2016-02-20
Baernoir Order of the Flame 3 2017-11-18 Fenra
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Flame 1999-04-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Flame 6 2017-11-18 Fenra
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Flame 2007-06-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Flame 5 2015-08-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Flame 2003-12-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Flame 7 2020-02-22 Clenawe
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Flame 2003-12-01
Barrie Godmother Order of the Flame 1 2017-11-18 Fenra
Bill the Nun Order of the Flame 2003-12-01
BlackSmine Order of the Flame 1 2017-11-18 Fenra
Dagny Order of the Flame 1 2014-11-15 Fenra
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Flame 4 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Flame 3 2015-05-16
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Flame 1997-12-01
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Flame 2000-02-01
Dr. Lord Miles Ookami Order of the Flame 2007-06-01
Drenth Order of the Flame 1 2015-10-03
Falcon Order of the Flame 1 2017-11-18 Fenra
Felix Volker Order of the Flame 2 2017-11-18 Fenra
Felix Volker Order of the Flame 1 2017-04-29 Fenra
Fenra Order of the Flame 1 2017-11-18 Fenra
Fenra Order of the Flame 2 2020-05-30 Clenawe
ForestWest (ToyCon) Order of the Flame 1 2017-11-18 Fenra
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Flame 2 2015-05-16
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Flame 1 2015-05-09
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Flame 4 2017-04-29 Fenra
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Flame 3 2016-02-20
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Flame 6 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Flame 5 2017-11-18 Fenra
Groo Order of the Flame 2007-06-01
Groo Order of the Flame 2005-03-01
Groo Order of the Flame 2003-12-01
Ilion Order of the Flame 2 2017-11-18 Fenra
Ilion Order of the Flame 1 2016-02-20
Jacelendrahz Order of the Flame 1 2015-05-10
Kale Broadhammer Order of the Flame 1 2015-10-03
Leeroy \'Seahorse\' Justice Order of the Flame 1 2015-10-03
Leeroy \'Seahorse\' Justice Order of the Flame 2 2016-02-20
Leeroy \'Seahorse\' Justice Order of the Flame 3 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Macrath Order of the Flame 1 2017-11-18 Fenra
Macrath Order of the Flame 2 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Maddog Order of the Flame 1 2016-02-20
Malachi Order of the Flame 1 2015-08-01
Maxwell Spurgeon Order of the Flame 1 2017-11-18 Fenra
Mia Order of the Flame 1 2015-10-03
Mia Order of the Flame 2 2016-02-20
Mongoose Order of the Flame 1 2015-08-01
Rose Dragonrage Order of the Flame 1 2017-11-18 Fenra
SamanthaMom Order of the Flame 1 2017-11-18 Fenra
Stone Son of Slaughter Order of the Flame 2005-03-01
Stone Son of Slaughter Order of the Flame 2007-06-01
Talisen (Orion (CW)) Order of the Flame 2006-12-01
Thalias Darkshine Order of the Flame 2005-03-01
The Jolly Bodger Order of the Flame 2 2017-04-29 Fenra
The Jolly Bodger Order of the Flame 1 2016-02-20
The Jolly Bodger Order of the Flame 3 2017-11-18 Fenra
The Procrastinator Order of the Flame 1 2017-11-18 Fenra
Tiberian Alcoste Order of the Flame 1 2020-02-22 Clenawe
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Flame 2 2020-05-30 Clenawe
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Flame 2005-03-01
Waterhammer Order of the Flame 2 2016-02-20
Waterhammer Order of the Flame 3 2017-04-29 Fenra
Waterhammer Order of the Flame 4 2017-11-18 Fenra
Waterhammer Order of the Flame 1 2015-05-16
Waterhammer Order of the Flame 5 2017-11-25 Azus
Wilburforce 'Wil' Northam Order of the Flame 2007-06-01
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Flame 2009-10-01
Aella Order of the Garber 2 2016-05-07
Aella Order of the Garber 3 2017-05-06 Laoric
Aella Order of the Garber 2010-06-01
Aella Order of the Garber 4 2018-08-26 Ohlanna De Mowbray, Lady
Aella Order of the Garber 5 2018-10-14 Ohlanna De Mowbray, Lady
Alix von Brugge Order of the Garber 2 2017-08-05 Fenra
Alix von Brugge Order of the Garber 1 2016-08-20
Alix von Brugge Order of the Garber 3 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Aurora Wolfhammer Order of the Garber 2011-06-01
Aurora Wolfhammer Order of the Garber 2011-12-01
Aurora Wolfhammer Order of the Garber 4 2021-05-29 Gale Stronghammer
Aurora Wolfhammer Order of the Garber 3 2018-11-17 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Baernoir Order of the Garber 2 2014-11-15
Baernoir Order of the Garber 3 2017-08-05 Fenra
Baernoir Order of the Garber 2009-12-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Garber 2007-03-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Garber 3 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Garber 2 2015-08-01
Bill the Nun Order of the Garber 2009-12-01
Bill the Nun Order of the Garber 2005-06-01
Bill the Nun Order of the Garber 6 2016-05-14
Bill the Nun Order of the Garber 2003-06-01
Bill the Nun Order of the Garber 2010-11-01
Bill the Nun Order of the Garber 2003-09-01
Bill the Nun Order of the Garber 7 2016-11-05
Courtenay Order of the Garber 2013-05-01
Courtenay Order of the Garber 2010-05-01
Courtenay Order of the Garber 2010-08-01
Courtenay Order of the Garber 2011-09-01
Courtenay Order of the Garber 2011-09-01
Dagny Order of the Garber 3 2017-11-18 Fenra
Dagny Order of the Garber 4 2023-05-27 Penthesilea Darkholme
Dagny Order of the Garber 1 2013-11-09
Dagny Order of the Garber 5 2023-05-27 Penthesilea Darkholme
Dagny Order of the Garber 2 2014-05-24
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Garber 1999-08-01
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Garber 1995-01-01
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Garber 2000-07-01
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Garber 1995-02-01
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Garber 1995-03-01
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Garber 1996-12-01
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Garber 1997-04-01
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Garber 1997-04-01
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Garber 1997-11-01
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Garber 1997-12-01
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Garber 1997-07-01
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Garber 1997-07-01
Dr. Lord Miles Ookami Order of the Garber 2011-12-01
Dr. Lord Miles Ookami Order of the Garber 2011-12-01
Dr. Lord Miles Ookami Order of the Garber 2011-12-01
Dragon Fire Order of the Garber 2011-06-01
Drenth Order of the Garber 4 2017-08-05 Fenra
Drenth Order of the Garber 2009-01-01
Drenth Order of the Garber 3 2016-03-12
Drenth Order of the Garber 2009-05-01
Drenth Order of the Garber 5 2019-09-07 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Drenth Order of the Garber 6 2019-09-07 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Faestras Order of the Garber 1 2015-12-19
Felix Volker Order of the Garber 2 2017-11-18 Fenra
Felix Volker Order of the Garber 3 2017-11-18 Fenra
Felix Volker Order of the Garber 1 2017-02-11 Fenra
Felix Volker Order of the Garber 4 2018-05-19 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Fenra Order of the Garber 1 2017-05-06 Laoric
Fenra Order of the Garber 4 2020-09-12 Noctua Immortuus
Fenra Order of the Garber 3 2017-12-02 Fenra
Fenra Order of the Garber 5 2021-08-14 Gale Stronghammer
Fenra Order of the Garber 2 2017-08-05 Fenra
Finneus Task Order of the Garber 2011-12-01
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Garber 2012-05-01
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Garber 2011-06-01
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Garber 7 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Garber 6 2017-04-29 Fenra
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Garber 8 2019-11-09 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Garber 2013-05-01
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Garber 2011-12-01
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Garber 2011-12-01
Garlock Thornbolt Order of the Garber 2011-09-01
Garlock Thornbolt Order of the Garber 2 2014-05-24
Gorilla Order of the Garber 2011-06-01
Ilion Order of the Garber 2 2017-08-05 Fenra
Ilion Order of the Garber 1 2014-05-24
Iro Order of the Garber 3 2021-08-14 Gale Stronghammer
Iro Order of the Garber 1 2017-11-18 Fenra
Iro Order of the Garber 2 2019-11-09 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Ivan (CW) Order of the Garber 3 2018-11-11 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Ivan (CW) Order of the Garber 2011-09-01
Ivan (CW) Order of the Garber 3 2018-11-11 Fenra
Ivan (CW) Order of the Garber 2011-09-01
Jacelendrahz Order of the Garber 2011-09-01
Jacelendrahz Order of the Garber 2011-05-01
Jacelendrahz Order of the Garber 2011-05-01
Jacelendrahz Order of the Garber 2011-05-01
Jacelendrahz Order of the Garber 2012-06-01
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Garber 5 2020-02-29 Fenra
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Garber 1 2014-11-15
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Garber 4 2016-03-12
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Garber 2 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Garber 3 2015-05-16
Kale Broadhammer Order of the Garber 2011-06-01
Kale Broadhammer Order of the Garber 2 2023-11-18 Penthesilea Darkholme
Karkov Knortess Order of the Garber 2 2019-12-15 Clarina Adire McKillen
Karkov Knortess Order of the Garber 1 2019-07-14 Clarina Adire McKillen
Kasha Order of the Garber 3 2015-11-21
Kasha Order of the Garber 2 2015-11-21
Kasha Order of the Garber 1 2015-10-31
Kasha Order of the Garber 1 2015-05-16
Kasha Order of the Garber 2 2015-10-31
Leeroy \'Seahorse\' Justice Order of the Garber 3 2021-08-14 Gale Stronghammer
Leeroy \'Seahorse\' Justice Order of the Garber 1 2015-08-29
Leeroy \'Seahorse\' Justice Order of the Garber 2 2015-08-29
Maddog Order of the Garber 1 2015-10-31
Magpie(CW) Order of the Garber 1 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Magpie(CW) Order of the Garber 2 2019-09-07 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Magpie(CW) Order of the Garber 3 2021-08-14 Gale Stronghammer
Mannanan Order of the Garber 2011-06-01
Mia Order of the Garber 5 2016-11-05
Mia Order of the Garber 1 2014-09-13
Mia Order of the Garber 3 2015-12-19
Mia Order of the Garber 6 2019-08-25 Clenawe
Mia Order of the Garber 2 2015-10-31
Non Grata Order of the Garber 2009-10-01
Norm Order of the Garber 2011-12-01
Norm Order of the Garber 2012-12-01
Norm Order of the Garber 2011-06-01
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of the Garber 2 2014-06-15
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of the Garber 4 2017-05-06 Laoric
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of the Garber 1 0000-00-00
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of the Garber 3 2015-05-24
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of the Garber 5 2017-12-02 Fenra
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of the Garber 6 2018-05-19 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Rangor Treecrusher Order of the Garber 2007-02-01
Rose Dragonrage Order of the Garber 1 2018-11-17 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
SamanthaMom Order of the Garber 2 2016-05-14
SamanthaMom Order of the Garber 1 2015-12-19
Shadowsword Order of the Garber 2011-06-01
Stone Son of Slaughter Order of the Garber 2011-06-01
Stone Son of Slaughter Order of the Garber 2011-09-01
Stone Son of Slaughter Order of the Garber 2004-04-01
Thalias Darkshine Order of the Garber 2009-05-01
The Jolly Bodger Order of the Garber 1 2014-05-24
The Jolly Bodger Order of the Garber 2 2017-04-29 Fenra
Thor Order of the Garber 2011-06-01
Tiegan Order of the Garber 2009-01-01
Tolethos Order of the Garber 1 2014-05-24
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Garber 5 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Garber 2 2014-08-17
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Garber 2 2014-02-09
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Garber 6 2020-06-06 Fenra
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Garber 2010-10-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Garber 7 2021-05-29 Gale Stronghammer
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Garber 8 2021-08-14 Gale Stronghammer
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Garber 4 2017-08-19 Azus
Troglodyte Order of the Garber 1 2013-11-09
Troglodyte Order of the Garber 2 2017-08-05 Fenra
Valroz Order of the Garber 2 2023-08-19 Penthesilea Darkholme
Valroz Order of the Garber 3 2023-08-19 Penthesilea Darkholme
Valroz Order of the Garber 2009-10-01
Waterhammer Order of the Garber 3 2018-02-17 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Waterhammer Order of the Garber 2011-06-01
Waterhammer Order of the Garber 2 2013-11-09
Wilburforce 'Wil' Northam Order of the Garber 2003-06-01
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Garber 8 2019-11-16 Fenra
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Garber 4 2019-09-07 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Garber 2009-12-01
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Garber 2009-05-01
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Garber 2009-05-01
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Garber 9 2023-11-18 thistledown notagnome
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Garber 6 2019-11-16 Fenra
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Garber 7 2019-11-16 Fenra
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Garber 5 2019-11-16 Fenra
Aed Order of the Griffin 1 2015-05-16
Alix von Brugge Order of the Griffin 2 2019-09-07 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Alix von Brugge Order of the Griffin 1 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Anarcho Order of the Griffin 2009-10-01
Aracaris Order of the Griffin 1 2024-03-16 Drenth
Aracaris Order of the Griffin 2 2024-03-16 Drenth
Aurora Wolfhammer Order of the Griffin 1 2019-09-07 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Bacon Ninja Order of the Griffin 1 2015-05-16
Baernoir Order of the Griffin 3 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Baernoir Order of the Griffin 4 2019-09-07 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Baernoir Order of the Griffin 1 2016-05-07
Baernoir Order of the Griffin 2 2018-11-17 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Griffin 1990-01-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Griffin 1999-09-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Griffin 4 2019-11-10 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Griffin 3 2019-09-07 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Bill the Nun Order of the Griffin 1 2015-05-16
BlackSmine Order of the Griffin 1 2015-05-16
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Griffin 1 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Doc Mercy Order of the Griffin 1 2015-05-16
Dragon Fire Order of the Griffin 1 2015-05-16
Drenth Order of the Griffin 2 2015-05-16
Drenth Order of the Griffin 5 2019-09-07 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Drenth Order of the Griffin 6 2019-11-09 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Drenth Order of the Griffin 2010-05-01
Drenth Order of the Griffin 4 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Drenth Order of the Griffin 3 2016-11-05
Elyon Order of the Griffin 1 2015-05-16
Erebus Order of the Griffin 1 2015-05-16
Faestras Order of the Griffin 1 2015-05-16
Felix Volker Order of the Griffin 1 2019-09-07 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Felix Volker Order of the Griffin 2 2019-11-09 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Fenra Order of the Griffin 2 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Fenra Order of the Griffin 1 2016-11-05
Fenra Order of the Griffin 3 2019-09-07 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Griffin 5 2021-08-14 Gale Stronghammer
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Griffin 6 2022-06-04 Baernoir
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Griffin 4 2019-11-09 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Griffin 2 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Griffin 3 2019-09-07 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Griffin 2011-12-01
Gavin (new) Order of the Griffin 1 2015-05-16
Gladiator Order of the Griffin 1 2015-05-16
Groo Order of the Griffin 1 2015-05-16
Groo Order of the Griffin 2010-05-01
Groo Order of the Griffin 2009-01-01
Groo Order of the Griffin 2012-08-01
Groo Order of the Griffin 2012-12-01
Henry Order of the Griffin 1 2017-11-18 Azus
Heron Order of the Griffin 1 2017-08-05 Fenra
Ilion Order of the Griffin 2 2015-11-21
Ilion Order of the Griffin 5 2023-03-11 Penthesilea Darkholme
Ilion Order of the Griffin 4 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Ilion Order of the Griffin 5 2021-08-14 Gale Stronghammer
Ilion Order of the Griffin 6 2022-06-04 Baernoir
Ilion Order of the Griffin 3 2016-05-14
Ilion Order of the Griffin 1 2015-05-16
Iro Order of the Griffin 1 2015-05-16
Ivan (CW) Order of the Griffin 3 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Ivan (CW) Order of the Griffin 4 2019-09-07 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Ivan (CW) Order of the Griffin 1 2013-11-09
Ivan (CW) Order of the Griffin 1 2015-05-16
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Griffin 1 2015-05-16
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Griffin 2 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Kale Broadhammer Order of the Griffin 4 2020-06-06 Fenra
Kale Broadhammer Order of the Griffin 6 2023-05-27 Penthesilea Darkholme
Kale Broadhammer Order of the Griffin 5 2022-06-04 Baernoir
Kale Broadhammer Order of the Griffin 2 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Kale Broadhammer Order of the Griffin 1 2015-05-16
Kale Broadhammer Order of the Griffin 3 2019-11-09 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Kalva Order of the Griffin 1 2023-08-19 Penthesilea Darkholme
Karkov Knortess Order of the Griffin 2 2019-08-18 Clarina Adire McKillen
Leeroy \'Seahorse\' Justice Order of the Griffin 3 2019-09-07 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Leeroy \'Seahorse\' Justice Order of the Griffin 1 2015-05-16
Leeroy \'Seahorse\' Justice Order of the Griffin 4 2020-06-06 Fenra
Leeroy \'Seahorse\' Justice Order of the Griffin 2 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Maddog Order of the Griffin 3 2016-05-14
Maddog Order of the Griffin 2 2015-11-21
Maddog Order of the Griffin 1 2015-05-16
Mal(CW) Order of the Griffin 2 2022-11-05 Penthesilea Darkholme
Mal(CW) Order of the Griffin 1 2015-05-16
Mal(CW) Order of the Griffin 3 2024-03-16 Drenth
Malachi Order of the Griffin 1 2015-05-17
Malachi Order of the Griffin 2 2015-11-21
Mannanan Order of the Griffin 2007-06-01
Mannanan Order of the Griffin 2009-10-01
Mannanan Order of the Griffin 1 2015-05-16
Marcus Light Bringer Order of the Griffin 1 2020-02-29 Fenra
Marguerite Order of the Griffin 1 2017-11-18 Fenra
Maximus Wambo Order of the Griffin 1 2015-05-16
Mia Order of the Griffin 1 2015-05-16
Mogis Order of the Griffin 1 2018-05-12 Azus
Mogis Order of the Griffin 2 2023-05-27 Penthesilea Darkholme
Mongoose Order of the Griffin 1 2015-05-16
Morty Order of the Griffin 1 2020-02-29 Fenra
Non Grata Order of the Griffin 2010-05-01
Non Grata Order of the Griffin 1 2015-05-16
Non Grata Order of the Griffin 2009-05-01
Odo Greenhill Order of the Griffin 1 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of the Griffin 1 2016-08-27
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of the Griffin 3 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of the Griffin 1 2016-05-01
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of the Griffin 2 2016-08-27
Prince Nytorm Athlor of Sykel Order of the Griffin 1 2015-05-16
Rangor Treecrusher Order of the Griffin 2008-10-01
Rangor Treecrusher Order of the Griffin 3 2023-05-27 Penthesilea Darkholme
Rangor Treecrusher Order of the Griffin 2 2023-03-11 Penthesilea Darkholme
Reaper Order of the Griffin 1 2023-11-18 Penthesilea Darkholme
Rose Dragonrage Order of the Griffin 1 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Rose Dragonrage Order of the Griffin 2 2019-09-07 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Shadowsword Order of the Griffin 2012-12-01
Stone Son of Slaughter Order of the Griffin 2003-06-01
Stone Son of Slaughter Order of the Griffin 2003-12-01
Stone Son of Slaughter Order of the Griffin 2010-11-01
Talisen (Orion (CW)) Order of the Griffin 2006-06-01
Talisen (Orion (CW)) Order of the Griffin 2011-06-01
Talisen (Orion (CW)) Order of the Griffin 3 2019-05-25 Fenra
Thalias Darkshine Order of the Griffin 2009-05-01
The Jolly Bodger Order of the Griffin 2 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
The Jolly Bodger Order of the Griffin 3 2019-09-07 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
The Jolly Bodger Order of the Griffin 1 2015-05-16
Thor Order of the Griffin 1 2015-05-16
Tiberian Alcoste Order of the Griffin 1 2015-08-30
Tiberian Alcoste Order of the Griffin 2 2016-05-01
Tiberian Alcoste Order of the Griffin 3 2021-03-13 Noctua Immortuus
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Griffin 2003-01-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Griffin 10 2023-08-13 thistledown notagnome
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Griffin 2007-11-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Griffin 2001-10-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Griffin 2002-08-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Griffin 2009-11-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Griffin 2012-06-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Griffin 8 2016-05-07
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Griffin 9 2019-05-25 Fenra
Troglodyte Order of the Griffin 1 2015-05-16
Waterhammer Order of the Griffin 2 2019-09-07 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Waterhammer Order of the Griffin 1 2015-05-16
Wind Order of the Griffin 1 2019-09-07 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Griffin 2 2019-09-07 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Griffin 2009-05-01
Alix von Brugge Order of the Hydra 1 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Alix von Brugge Order of the Hydra 2 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Baernoir Order of the Hydra 1 2014-11-15
Baernoir Order of the Hydra 2 2015-05-16
Baernoir Order of the Hydra 3 2017-08-05 Fenra
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Hydra 2004-12-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Hydra 1999-04-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Hydra 2002-11-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Hydra 4 2015-05-16
Bill the Nun Order of the Hydra 2003-12-01
Bill the Nun Order of the Hydra 2004-06-01
Bill the Nun Order of the Hydra 2005-06-01
Bill the Nun Order of the Hydra 2010-11-01
Bill the Nun Order of the Hydra 5 2017-08-05 Fenra
Dagny Order of the Hydra 1 2014-05-24 Fenra
Dagny Order of the Hydra 2 2014-11-15 Fenra
Dagny Order of the Hydra 3 2017-11-18 Fenra
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Hydra 2020-02-22 Clenawe
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Hydra 2 2017-11-18 Fenra
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Hydra 3 2018-05-12 Azus
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Hydra 4 2019-05-25 Fenra
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Hydra 2006-12-01
Drenth Order of the Hydra 2010-04-01
Drenth Order of the Hydra 5 2022-06-04 Penthesilea Darkholme
Drenth Order of the Hydra 2 2015-10-31
Drenth Order of the Hydra 3 2017-08-05 Fenra
Drenth Order of the Hydra 4 2018-05-12 Azus
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Hydra 1 2015-05-16
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Hydra 4 2017-04-29 Fenra
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Hydra 6 2019-11-09 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Hydra 2 2015-11-07
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Hydra 3 2016-05-14
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Hydra 5 2017-11-18 Fenra
Groo Order of the Hydra 2006-09-01
Iro Order of the Hydra 2 2019-11-09 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Iro Order of the Hydra 1 2017-04-29 Fenra
Jacelendrahz Order of the Hydra 2012-05-01
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Hydra 2 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Hydra 1 2015-05-16
Kasha Order of the Hydra 1 2015-10-31
Kasha Order of the Hydra 1 2015-05-16
Kasha Order of the Hydra 2 2015-10-31
Leeroy \'Seahorse\' Justice Order of the Hydra 1 2015-10-31
Leeroy \'Seahorse\' Justice Order of the Hydra 2 2017-04-29 Fenra
Leeroy \'Seahorse\' Justice Order of the Hydra 3 2019-11-09 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Maddog Order of the Hydra 1 2015-10-31
Malachi Order of the Hydra 1 2015-05-16
Malachi Order of the Hydra 2 2015-08-01
Mannanan Order of the Hydra 2012-12-01
Mannanan Order of the Hydra 2010-05-01
Mannanan Order of the Hydra 2009-12-01
Mia Order of the Hydra 1 2015-11-01
Stone Son of Slaughter Order of the Hydra 2004-12-01
Stone Son of Slaughter Order of the Hydra 2003-12-01
Stone Son of Slaughter Order of the Hydra 2004-04-01
The Jolly Bodger Order of the Hydra 1 2017-04-29 Fenra
Tiegan Order of the Hydra 2009-12-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Hydra 2008-09-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Hydra 10 2020-05-30 Clenawe
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Hydra 8 2017-05-28 Collin MacAbee
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Hydra 7 2017-05-28 Collin MacAbee
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Hydra 2009-05-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Hydra 9 2018-11-17 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Hydra 2003-12-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Hydra 2012-06-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Hydra 2008-03-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Hydra 2010-10-01
Troglodyte Order of the Hydra 1 2017-04-29 Fenra
Waterhammer Order of the Hydra 1 2018-11-17 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
William of Wolfscarin Order of the Hydra 2008-09-01
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Hydra 3 2018-05-12 Azus
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Hydra 2009-05-01
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Hydra 2004-12-01
Courtenay Order of the Jovius 2010-11-01
Dr. Lord Miles Ookami Order of the Jovius 1 2015-08-01
Drenth Order of the Jovius 2 2018-05-12 Azus
Drenth Order of the Jovius 1 2015-05-16
Drenth Order of the Jovius 3 0000-00-00 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Fenra Order of the Jovius 1 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Jovius 2011-12-01
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Jovius 2 2019-11-09 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Jovius 3 2021-05-29 Gale Stronghammer
Groo Order of the Jovius 2003-12-01
Ilion Order of the Jovius 1 2017-02-11 Fenra
Ivan (CW) Order of the Jovius 1 2015-08-01
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Jovius 1 2014-11-15
Kasha Order of the Jovius 1 2015-12-19
Maddog Order of the Jovius 1 2016-05-14
Mal(CW) Order of the Jovius 1 2023-03-11 Penthesilea Darkholme
Malachi Order of the Jovius 1 2015-08-01
Marguerite Order of the Jovius 1 2017-11-18 Fenra
Prospero Order of the Jovius 2009-01-01
Tiberian Alcoste Order of the Jovius 1 2020-07-05 Noctua Immortuus
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Jovius 2 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Jovius 2008-03-01
Aed Order of the Lion 1 2015-09-01
Aella Order of the Lion 2011-09-01
Alix von Brugge Order of the Lion 1 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Baernoir Order of the Lion 2012-02-01
Baernoir Order of the Lion 2007-06-01
Baernoir Order of the Lion 2011-09-01
Baernoir Order of the Lion 2013-05-01
Baernoir Order of the Lion 5 2014-11-15
Baernoir Order of the Lion 6 2015-05-16
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Lion 1999-04-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Lion 1990-01-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Lion 1990-01-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Lion 1990-01-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Lion 1998-01-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Lion 1994-03-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Lion 1995-04-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Lion 1995-09-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Lion 1998-01-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Lion 1998-10-01
Bill the Nun Order of the Lion 2010-11-01
Bill the Nun Order of the Lion 7 2017-11-18 Fenra
Bill the Nun Order of the Lion 2009-12-01
Bill the Nun Order of the Lion 2012-02-01
Bill the Nun Order of the Lion 2011-09-01
Bill the Nun Order of the Lion 2010-05-01
Bill the Nun Order of the Lion 8 2018-05-12 Azus
Bill the Nun Order of the Lion 6 2016-11-05
Bonesaw Order of the Lion 1 2015-10-03
Courtenay Order of the Lion 2013-05-01
Crusher Order of the Lion 1 2015-10-03
Dagny Order of the Lion 3 2018-05-12 Azus
Dagny Order of the Lion 1 2015-09-01
Dagny Order of the Lion 2 2015-10-03
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Lion 3 2015-05-16
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Lion 1996-03-01
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Lion 1996-01-01
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Lion 4 2018-05-12 Azus
Dr. Lord Miles Ookami Order of the Lion 2011-12-01
Dr. Lord Miles Ookami Order of the Lion 2009-03-01
Drenth Order of the Lion 3 2015-10-03
Drenth Order of the Lion 4 2016-11-05
Drenth Order of the Lion 2009-12-01
Drenth Order of the Lion 5 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Drenth Order of the Lion 2009-05-01
Fenra Order of the Lion 1 2017-11-18 Fenra
Fenra Order of the Lion 2 2018-02-17 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Lion 5 2016-11-05
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Lion 7 2019-11-09 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Lion 6 2017-02-11 Fenra
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Lion 3 2015-10-03
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Lion 8 2020-11-21 Noctua Immortuus
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Lion 4 2015-11-07
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Lion 2013-05-01
Groo Order of the Lion 2004-04-01
Groo Order of the Lion 2010-08-01
Groo Order of the Lion 2004-12-01
Groo Order of the Lion 8 2019-11-16 Fenra
Groo Order of the Lion 2009-09-01
Groo Order of the Lion 2003-09-01
Groo Order of the Lion 2005-05-01
Groo Order of the Lion 2006-06-01
Ivan (CW) Order of the Lion 2011-12-01
Jacelendrahz Order of the Lion 2012-09-01
Jacelendrahz Order of the Lion 2012-10-01
Jacelendrahz Order of the Lion 2011-12-01
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Lion 2 2015-09-01
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Lion 3 2015-10-03
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Lion 4 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Lion 1 2015-08-01
Kale Broadhammer Order of the Lion 2 2024-03-16 Drenth
Kale Broadhammer Order of the Lion 1 2018-05-19 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Kasha Order of the Lion 1 2015-10-31
Kasha Order of the Lion 2 2015-11-21
Leeroy \'Seahorse\' Justice Order of the Lion 1 2015-10-03
Leeroy \'Seahorse\' Justice Order of the Lion 2 2016-05-14 Fenra
Leeroy \'Seahorse\' Justice Order of the Lion 3 2020-11-21 Noctua Immortuus
Maddog Order of the Lion 1 2015-10-03
Mia Order of the Lion 1 2016-05-14
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of the Lion 1 2014-06-15
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of the Lion 2 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Rangor Treecrusher Order of the Lion 1 2020-05-30 Dagon Hellsfire
Rose Dragonrage Order of the Lion 1 2021-08-14 Azus
Rose Dragonrage Order of the Lion 2 2021-11-20 Azus
SamanthaMom Order of the Lion 1 2015-10-03
Stone Son of Slaughter Order of the Lion 2011-06-01
Stone Son of Slaughter Order of the Lion 2004-04-01
Stone Son of Slaughter Order of the Lion 2011-09-01
Stone Son of Slaughter Order of the Lion 2011-12-01
Talisen (Orion (CW)) Order of the Lion 2009-12-01
Tiberian Alcoste Order of the Lion 1 2019-05-19 Leonard Shadowstrike
Tiberian Alcoste Order of the Lion 2 2019-05-25 Fenra
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Lion 2009-05-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Lion 8 2019-05-25 Clenawe
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Lion 2009-11-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Lion 2004-12-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Lion 2008-05-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Lion 7 2017-11-25 Azus
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Lion 2011-09-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Lion 2012-12-01
Troglodyte Order of the Lion 1 2015-06-06
Waterhammer Order of the Lion 3 2015-10-03
Waterhammer Order of the Lion 2 2014-05-24
Waterhammer Order of the Lion 4 2016-02-20
Waterhammer Order of the Lion 2011-09-01
Waterhammer Order of the Lion 5 2019-10-12 Clenawe
William of Wolfscarin Order of the Lion 2009-05-01
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Lion 2 2018-11-11 Fenra
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Lion 2009-10-01
Alix von Brugge Order of the Mask 1 2017-11-18 Fenra
Anarcho Order of the Mask 2009-01-01
Anarcho Order of the Mask 2009-12-01
Baernoir Order of the Mask 2003-04-01
Baernoir Order of the Mask 2 2010-05-15
Baernoir Order of the Mask 3 2011-12-10
Dagny Order of the Mask 2 2018-05-12 Azus
Dagny Order of the Mask 1 2015-11-07
Dr. Lord Miles Ookami Order of the Mask 2008-08-01
Fenra Order of the Mask 1 2017-02-11 Fenra
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Mask 3 2018-05-19 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Mask 2 2015-10-30
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Mask 2011-09-01
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Mask 4 2019-11-09 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Groo Order of the Mask 2003-12-01
Groo Order of the Mask 2004-04-01
Jacelendrahz Order of the Mask 2 2015-05-10
Jacelendrahz Order of the Mask 2012-06-01
Maximus Wambo Order of the Mask 1 2015-05-16
Mogis Order of the Mask 1 2023-05-27 Penthesilea Darkholme
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of the Mask 1 2018-05-19 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Rose Dragonrage Order of the Mask 1 2021-05-29 Gale Stronghammer
Stone Son of Slaughter Order of the Mask 2004-12-01
Stone Son of Slaughter Order of the Mask 2010-11-01
Stone Son of Slaughter Order of the Mask 2009-10-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Mask 4 2024-03-16 Drenth
Valroz Order of the Mask 1 2023-05-27 Penthesilea Darkholme
Aed Order of the Owl 1 2015-05-16
Aella Order of the Owl 2012-06-01
Aella Order of the Owl 2010-05-01
Alix von Brugge Order of the Owl 1 2016-08-20
Alix von Brugge Order of the Owl 2 2016-11-05
Alix von Brugge Order of the Owl 3 2017-02-11 Fenra
Alix von Brugge Order of the Owl 4 2017-08-05 Fenra
Anarcho Order of the Owl 2009-01-01
Anarcho Order of the Owl 2011-06-01
Aurora Wolfhammer Order of the Owl 3 2021-08-14 Gale Stronghammer
Aurora Wolfhammer Order of the Owl 2011-06-01
Aurora Wolfhammer Order of the Owl 2 2020-06-06 Fenra
Aventyr Order of the Owl 2003-04-01
Baernoir Order of the Owl 2011-06-01
Baernoir Order of the Owl 2012-02-01
Baernoir Order of the Owl 2011-09-01
Baernoir Order of the Owl 5 2014-11-15
Baernoir Order of the Owl 2009-12-01
Bandit Order of the Owl 1 2023-05-27 Penthesilea Darkholme
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Owl 2004-12-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Owl 2005-08-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Owl 1999-04-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Owl 6 2019-08-25 Clenawe
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Owl 5 2015-05-16
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Owl 2003-06-01
Bill the Nun Order of the Owl 2003-04-01
Bill the Nun Order of the Owl 2010-11-01
Bill the Nun Order of the Owl 2010-11-01
Bill the Nun Order of the Owl 3 2018-05-12 Azus
Dagny Order of the Owl 1 2013-11-09
Dagny Order of the Owl 2 2017-08-05 Fenra
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Owl 5 2019-11-09 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Owl 1996-06-01
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Owl 1996-08-01
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Owl 4 2015-05-16
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Owl 1995-01-01
Dr. Lord Miles Ookami Order of the Owl 2011-09-01
Dr. Lord Miles Ookami Order of the Owl 2011-09-01
Dragon Fire Order of the Owl 2011-06-01
Drenth Order of the Owl 2009-05-01
Drenth Order of the Owl 3 2016-11-05
Drenth Order of the Owl 4 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Drenth Order of the Owl 2009-01-01
Drenth Order of the Owl 5 2022-06-04 Baernoir
Faestras Order of the Owl 1 2015-12-19
Felix Volker Order of the Owl 3 2017-11-18 Fenra
Felix Volker Order of the Owl 1 2017-02-11 Fenra
Felix Volker Order of the Owl 4 2019-09-07 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Felix Volker Order of the Owl 2 2017-08-05 Fenra
Felix Volker Order of the Owl 5 2021-08-14 Gale Stronghammer
Fenra Order of the Owl 2 2018-02-17 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Fenra Order of the Owl 3 2018-05-19 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Fenra Order of the Owl 1 2018-02-17 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Finneus Task Order of the Owl 2009-12-01
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Owl 2011-06-01
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Owl 2011-09-01
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Owl 3 2019-11-09 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Garlock Thornbolt Order of the Owl 1 2013-11-09
Gorilla Order of the Owl 2011-06-01
Groo Order of the Owl 2003-12-01
Groo Order of the Owl 2003-06-01
Groo Order of the Owl 2003-06-01
Ilion Order of the Owl 4 2017-08-05 Fenra
Ilion Order of the Owl 3 2015-11-21
Ilion Order of the Owl 1 2014-05-24
Ilion Order of the Owl 2 2015-08-29
Ivan (CW) Order of the Owl 2011-06-01
Ivan (CW) Order of the Owl 2011-06-01
Jacelendrahz Order of the Owl 2011-09-01
Jacelendrahz Order of the Owl 2012-09-01
Jacelendrahz Order of the Owl 2011-09-01
Jacelendrahz Order of the Owl 2015-05-17
Jacelendrahz Order of the Owl 7 2016-10-01
Jacelendrahz Order of the Owl 2012-05-01
Jacelendrahz Order of the Owl 2011-05-01
Jacelendrahz Order of the Owl 2011-06-01
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Owl 9 2019-11-16 Clenawe
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Owl 6 2017-11-25 Azus
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Owl 1 2014-11-15
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Owl 2 2014-11-15
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Owl 7 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Owl 3 2015-05-16
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Owl 4 2015-05-16
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Owl 5 2016-03-12
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Owl 8 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Kale Broadhammer Order of the Owl 2011-06-01
Karkov Knortess Order of the Owl 2 2019-07-14 Clarina Adire McKillen
Kasha Order of the Owl 2 2015-10-31
Kasha Order of the Owl 1 2015-05-16
Kasha Order of the Owl 2 2015-05-16
Kasha Order of the Owl 3 2015-11-21
Kasha Order of the Owl 4 2015-12-19
Kasha Order of the Owl 1 2015-10-31
Leeroy \'Seahorse\' Justice Order of the Owl 2 2016-05-14
Leeroy \'Seahorse\' Justice Order of the Owl 1 2015-10-31
Lilith edan fae Order of the Owl 2010-05-01
Lilith edan fae Order of the Owl 2010-05-01
Macrath Order of the Owl 1 2017-11-18 Fenra
Macrath Order of the Owl 2 2019-09-07 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Maddog Order of the Owl 1 2015-11-21
Maddog Order of the Owl 2 2015-12-19
Maddog Order of the Owl 4 2016-11-05
Maddog Order of the Owl 3 2016-02-20
Mal(CW) Order of the Owl 1 2015-08-29
Malachi Order of the Owl 1 2015-05-15
Malachi Order of the Owl 2 2015-08-01
Malachi Order of the Owl 3 2015-08-01
Mannanan Order of the Owl 2003-06-01
Mannanan Order of the Owl 2007-09-01
Mannanan Order of the Owl 2009-01-01
Mannanan Order of the Owl 2009-05-01
Mannanan Order of the Owl 2011-06-01
Mannanan Order of the Owl 2009-12-01
Maximus Wambo Order of the Owl 1 2016-11-05
Maximus Wambo Order of the Owl 2 2016-11-05
Mia Order of the Owl 1 2014-09-13
Mia Order of the Owl 4 2015-12-19
Mia Order of the Owl 2 2015-10-30
Mia Order of the Owl 3 2015-10-29
Morgan Order of the Owl 2010-04-01
Morgan Order of the Owl 2010-05-01
Non Grata Order of the Owl 2009-10-01
Non Grata Order of the Owl 2013-05-01
Non Grata Order of the Owl 2009-05-01
Non Grata Order of the Owl 2009-05-01
Norm Order of the Owl 2011-12-01
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of the Owl 1 0000-00-00
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of the Owl 2 2017-12-02 Fenra
Rangor Treecrusher Order of the Owl 2007-02-01
Rangor Treecrusher Order of the Owl 2007-02-01
Rangor Treecrusher Order of the Owl 2009-03-01
Rangor Treecrusher Order of the Owl 2009-03-01
SamanthaMom Order of the Owl 2 2016-08-20
SamanthaMom Order of the Owl 1 2015-12-19
Shadowsword Order of the Owl 2 2013-11-09
Shadowsword Order of the Owl 2011-06-01
Stone Son of Slaughter Order of the Owl 2011-06-01
Stone Son of Slaughter Order of the Owl 2004-04-01
Stone Son of Slaughter Order of the Owl 2003-06-01
Stone Son of Slaughter Order of the Owl 2011-12-01
Talisen (Orion (CW)) Order of the Owl 2005-12-01
Talisen (Orion (CW)) Order of the Owl 2007-06-01
Thalias Darkshine Order of the Owl 2004-08-01
Thalias Darkshine Order of the Owl 2009-05-01
The Jolly Bodger Order of the Owl 5 2018-02-17 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
The Jolly Bodger Order of the Owl 1 2014-05-24
The Jolly Bodger Order of the Owl 3 2017-08-05 Fenra
The Jolly Bodger Order of the Owl 2 2016-11-05
The Jolly Bodger Order of the Owl 4 2017-11-18 Fenra
Thor Order of the Owl 2009-05-01
Thor Order of the Owl 2009-10-01
Tiberian Alcoste Order of the Owl 1 2019-05-19 Leonard Shadowstrike
Tiberian Alcoste Order of the Owl 2 2019-05-19 Leonard Shadowstrike
Tiegan Order of the Owl 2009-01-01
Tolethos Order of the Owl 1 2014-05-24
Tolethos Order of the Owl 2 2014-05-24
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Owl 2012-01-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Owl 6 2014-08-17
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Owl 10 2023-11-18 thistledown notagnome
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Owl 7 2018-11-11 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Owl 2012-03-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Owl 7 2018-11-11 Fenra
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Owl 2004-04-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Owl 2012-09-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Owl 9 2019-11-16 Clenawe
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Owl 2003-06-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Owl 8 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Troglodyte Order of the Owl 2 2013-11-09
Troglodyte Order of the Owl 1 2013-11-09
Troglodyte Order of the Owl 3 2015-06-06
Valleth Order of the Owl 2009-01-01
Valroz Order of the Owl 2 2023-05-27 Penthesilea Darkholme
Valroz Order of the Owl 3 2023-05-27 Penthesilea Darkholme
Valroz Order of the Owl 2009-10-01
Waterhammer Order of the Owl 2013-06-01
Waterhammer Order of the Owl 1 2011-08-01
Waterhammer Order of the Owl 2011-06-01
Waterhammer Order of the Owl 6 2013-11-09
Waterhammer Order of the Owl 7 2015-09-01 Fenra
Waterhammer Order of the Owl 2012-08-01
Waterhammer Order of the Owl 2013-06-01
Wilburforce 'Wil' Northam Order of the Owl 2003-04-01
Wilburforce 'Wil' Northam Order of the Owl 2003-06-01
William of Wolfscarin Order of the Owl 2006-12-01
William of Wolfscarin Order of the Owl 2011-06-01
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Owl 2009-05-01
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Owl 8 2018-05-12 Azus
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Owl 2009-01-01
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Owl 2009-05-01
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Owl 2009-12-01
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Owl 7 2017-12-02 Fenra
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Owl 9 2018-07-26 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Owl 2004-08-01
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Owl 10 2018-08-18 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Owl 2004-11-01
Aed Order of the Rose 1 2015-10-03
Aella Order of the Rose 2011-06-01
Aella Order of the Rose 2011-09-01
Aella Order of the Rose 2010-06-01
Aella Order of the Rose 2010-07-01
Aella Order of the Rose 5 2018-10-14 Ohlanna De Mowbray, Lady
Alix von Brugge Order of the Rose 1 2017-08-05 Fenra
Alix von Brugge Order of the Rose 2 2019-09-07 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Alix von Brugge Order of the Rose 3 2021-08-14 Azus
Aracaris Order of the Rose 2 2023-08-19 Penthesilea Darkholme
Aracaris Order of the Rose 1 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Aurora Wolfhammer Order of the Rose 1 2019-09-07 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Aurora Wolfhammer Order of the Rose 2 2019-11-09 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Aventyr Order of the Rose 2003-04-01
Baernoir Order of the Rose 2003-04-01
Baernoir Order of the Rose 2008-09-01
Baernoir Order of the Rose 7 2023-11-18 Saint Ka'a Tul Acklie
Baernoir Order of the Rose 6 2019-09-07 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Baernoir Order of the Rose 2012-08-01
Baernoir Order of the Rose 2008-05-01
Baernoir Order of the Rose 2011-06-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Rose 2001-05-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Rose 1999-04-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Rose 1998-05-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Rose 1995-10-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Rose 1990-09-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Rose 1994-09-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Rose 1991-01-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Rose 1992-10-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Rose 1995-04-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Rose 1990-01-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Rose 1990-01-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Rose 1990-01-01
Barrie Godmother Order of the Rose 1 2015-10-31
Barrie Godmother Order of the Rose 2 2015-12-19
Bill the Nun Order of the Rose 2011-05-01
Bill the Nun Order of the Rose 2011-05-01
Bill the Nun Order of the Rose 2010-05-01
Bill the Nun Order of the Rose 2003-04-01
Bill the Nun Order of the Rose 2009-05-01
Bill the Nun Order of the Rose 2009-09-01
Bill the Nun Order of the Rose 2009-10-01
Bill the Nun Order of the Rose 2003-12-01
Courtenay Order of the Rose 2009-12-01
Courtenay Order of the Rose 2011-06-01
Courtenay Order of the Rose 2011-12-01
Courtenay Order of the Rose 2012-05-01
Dagny Order of the Rose 2 2015-05-09 Fenra
Dagny Order of the Rose 5 2016-11-06 Fenra
Dagny Order of the Rose 4 2016-05-07 Fenra
Dagny Order of the Rose 1 2013-11-09
Dagny Order of the Rose 6 2023-11-18 Saint Ka'a Tul Acklie
Dagny Order of the Rose 3 2015-10-03
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Rose 1997-12-01
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Rose 1997-06-01
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Rose 1997-06-01
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Rose 2000-02-01
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Rose 2000-02-01
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Rose 2000-09-01
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Rose 1999-08-01
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Rose 1995-10-01
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Rose 2000-03-01
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Rose 1998-01-01
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Rose 2000-03-01
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Rose 1998-02-01
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Rose 1996-03-01
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Rose 1996-03-01
Dr. Lord Miles Ookami Order of the Rose 5 2015-10-03
Dr. Lord Miles Ookami Order of the Rose 2011-09-01
Dr. Lord Miles Ookami Order of the Rose 2008-08-01
Dr. Lord Miles Ookami Order of the Rose 2008-11-01
Dr. Lord Miles Ookami Order of the Rose 2009-03-01
Drenth Order of the Rose 2009-12-01
Drenth Order of the Rose 9 2018-08-18 Collin MacAbee
Drenth Order of the Rose 7 2016-10-01
Drenth Order of the Rose 10 2019-05-25 Fenra
Drenth Order of the Rose 8 2016-11-05
Drenth Order of the Rose 2010-05-01
Drenth Order of the Rose 5 2015-11-07
Drenth Order of the Rose 2011-06-01
Drenth Order of the Rose 6 2016-05-07
Drenth Order of the Rose 2012-08-01
Felix Volker Order of the Rose 1 2017-08-05 Fenra
Felix Volker Order of the Rose 3 2021-08-14 Gale Stronghammer
Felix Volker Order of the Rose 2 2018-05-19 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Fenra Order of the Rose 4 2020-09-12 Noctua Immortuus
Fenra Order of the Rose 2 2018-11-17 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Fenra Order of the Rose 1 2018-02-17 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Fenra Order of the Rose 3 2020-06-06 Fenra
Finneus Task Order of the Rose 2010-11-01
Finneus Task Order of the Rose 2009-12-01
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Rose 2011-12-01
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Rose 4 2013-05-17
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Rose 7 2017-05-06 Laoric
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Rose 2012-08-01
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Rose 2012-12-01
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Rose 5 2015-10-04
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Rose 8 2020-11-21 Noctua Immortuus
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Rose 6 2016-05-07
Groo Order of the Rose 2006-09-01
Groo Order of the Rose 2007-11-01
Groo Order of the Rose 9 2014-10-09
Groo Order of the Rose 2007-02-01
Groo Order of the Rose 8 2013-11-09
Groo Order of the Rose 2004-06-01
Groo Order of the Rose 2008-09-01
Groo Order of the Rose 10 2017-08-19 Azus
Groo Order of the Rose 2003-06-01
Groo Order of the Rose 2009-09-01
Ilion Order of the Rose 2 2017-08-05 Fenra
Ilion Order of the Rose 1 2016-01-23
Ilion Order of the Rose 3 2019-09-07 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Ilion Order of the Rose 4 2023-08-19 Penthesilea Darkholme
Ivan (CW) Order of the Rose 4 2016-01-23 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Ivan (CW) Order of the Rose 3 2014-10-09
Ivan (CW) Order of the Rose 2006-09-01
Ivan (CW) Order of the Rose 2006-12-01
Ivan (CW) Order of the Rose 5 2020-06-06 Fenra
Jacelendrahz Order of the Rose 2012-10-01
Jacelendrahz Order of the Rose 2011-06-01
Jacelendrahz Order of the Rose 2011-09-01
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Rose 2 2015-10-03
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Rose 3 2015-11-21
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Rose 1 2014-09-13
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Rose 4 2016-01-23
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Rose 6 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Rose 5 2016-05-07
Kale Broadhammer Order of the Rose 1 2017-05-06 Laoric
Kale Broadhammer Order of the Rose 2 2017-08-05 Fenra
Kale Broadhammer Order of the Rose 7 2023-05-27 Penthesilea Darkholme
Kale Broadhammer Order of the Rose 8 2023-11-18 thistledown notagnome
Kale Broadhammer Order of the Rose 3 2017-11-25 Azus
Kale Broadhammer Order of the Rose 4 2018-05-19 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Kale Broadhammer Order of the Rose 5 2018-05-19 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Kale Broadhammer Order of the Rose 6 2020-06-06 Fenra
Kaminosai Order of the Rose 2013-05-01
Kaminosai Order of the Rose 2013-05-01
Kaminosai Order of the Rose 3 2014-05-17
Karkov Knortess Order of the Rose 1 2019-10-06 Clarina Adire McKillen
Kasha Order of the Rose 1 2015-11-21
Killa Pink Order of the Rose 2012-08-01
Leeroy \'Seahorse\' Justice Order of the Rose 5 2019-09-07 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Leeroy \'Seahorse\' Justice Order of the Rose 6 2020-06-06 Fenra
Leeroy \'Seahorse\' Justice Order of the Rose 1 2015-11-21
Leeroy \'Seahorse\' Justice Order of the Rose 7 2020-06-06 Fenra
Leeroy \'Seahorse\' Justice Order of the Rose 3 2016-01-30
Leeroy \'Seahorse\' Justice Order of the Rose 4 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Leeroy \'Seahorse\' Justice Order of the Rose 2 2016-01-23
Macrath Order of the Rose 1 2017-11-18 Fenra
Macrath Order of the Rose 2 2018-07-28 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Maddog Order of the Rose 2 2016-01-23
Maddog Order of the Rose 1 2015-06-06
Maddog Order of the Rose 3 2016-02-20
Magpie(CW) Order of the Rose 1 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Mal(CW) Order of the Rose 1 2023-08-19 Penthesilea Darkholme
Mal(CW) Order of the Rose 2 2023-08-19 Penthesilea Darkholme
Mannanan Order of the Rose 2007-09-01
Mannanan Order of the Rose 2012-12-01
Mannanan Order of the Rose 2010-11-01
Mannanan Order of the Rose 2011-06-01
Mia Order of the Rose 5 2018-05-12 Azus
Mia Order of the Rose 2 2015-11-21
Mia Order of the Rose 1 2014-10-09
Mia Order of the Rose 6 2018-11-17 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Mia Order of the Rose 3 2016-01-23
Mia Order of the Rose 4 2016-08-20
Mogis Order of the Rose 1 2023-05-27 Penthesilea Darkholme
Norm Order of the Rose 2012-05-01
Norm Order of the Rose 2012-08-01
Norm Order of the Rose 2012-08-01
Norm Order of the Rose 2012-12-01
Odo Greenhill Order of the Rose 1 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of the Rose 2 2017-05-06 Laoric
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of the Rose 6 2019-11-16 Clenawe
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of the Rose 3 2017-09-29 Azus
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of the Rose 7 2022-05-01 Azus
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of the Rose 8 2024-03-16 Drenth
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of the Rose 1 2015-11-01
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of the Rose 4 2018-05-19 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of the Rose 5 2018-11-17 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Rangor Treecrusher Order of the Rose 2012-06-01
Rangor Treecrusher Order of the Rose 3 2017-05-27 E.O.N. The Eternal
Rangor Treecrusher Order of the Rose 5 2020-05-30 Dagon Hellsfire
Rangor Treecrusher Order of the Rose 2009-05-01
Rangor Treecrusher Order of the Rose 4 2019-11-16 Clenawe
Rose Dragonrage Order of the Rose 1 2019-09-07 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Rose Dragonrage Order of the Rose 2 2019-09-07 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
SamanthaMom Order of the Rose 1 2015-10-03
SamanthaMom Order of the Rose 2 2015-12-19
SamanthaMom Order of the Rose 3 2016-05-14
Shadowsword Order of the Rose 2008-09-01
Stark Order of the Rose 1 2024-05-25 Drenth
Stone Son of Slaughter Order of the Rose 2004-11-01
Stone Son of Slaughter Order of the Rose 2003-12-01
Stone Son of Slaughter Order of the Rose 2011-09-01
Stone Son of Slaughter Order of the Rose 2010-11-01
Talisen (Orion (CW)) Order of the Rose 1 2016-11-05
Talisen (Orion (CW)) Order of the Rose 2 2018-05-19 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Talisen (Orion (CW)) Order of the Rose 3 2018-05-19 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Thalias Darkshine Order of the Rose 3 2018-11-17 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Thalias Darkshine Order of the Rose 2004-08-01
Thalias Darkshine Order of the Rose 2 2018-11-17 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
The Jolly Bodger Order of the Rose 3 2018-02-17 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
The Jolly Bodger Order of the Rose 4 2018-05-19 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
The Jolly Bodger Order of the Rose 5 2021-11-20 Gale Stronghammer
The Jolly Bodger Order of the Rose 1 2016-02-20
The Jolly Bodger Order of the Rose 2 2017-11-18 Fenra
Tiberian Alcoste Order of the Rose 1 2015-08-30
Tiberian Alcoste Order of the Rose 2 2015-11-07
Tiberian Alcoste Order of the Rose 3 2016-05-07
Tiberian Alcoste Order of the Rose 6 2021-05-23 Noctua Immortuus
Tiberian Alcoste Order of the Rose 4 2018-06-03 Ohlanna De Mowbray, Lady
Tiberian Alcoste Order of the Rose 7 2021-05-23 Noctua Immortuus
Tiberian Alcoste Order of the Rose 5 2018-11-11 Fenra
Tiberian Alcoste Order of the Rose 8 2023-10-06 thistledown notagnome
Tiegan Order of the Rose 2009-12-01
Tiegan Order of the Rose 2010-05-01
Tiegan Order of the Rose 2010-11-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Rose 2007-08-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Rose 10 2020-05-30 Clenawe
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Rose 2002-05-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Rose 2012-01-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Rose 2009-11-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Rose 8 2019-11-16 Fenra
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Rose 8 2019-11-16 Clenawe
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Rose 6 2016-05-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Rose 7 2018-11-17 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Rose 9 2019-11-16 Clenawe
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Rose 2012-09-01
Valleth Order of the Rose 1 2015-11-21
Waterhammer Order of the Rose 7 2015-10-03
Waterhammer Order of the Rose 8 2016-05-14
Waterhammer Order of the Rose 2011-09-01
Waterhammer Order of the Rose 5 2013-11-09
Waterhammer Order of the Rose 2011-12-01
Waterhammer Order of the Rose 4 2013-05-17
Waterhammer Order of the Rose 2011-12-01
Waterhammer Order of the Rose 2011-12-01
Waterhammer Order of the Rose 9 2019-08-25 Clenawe
Wilburforce 'Wil' Northam Order of the Rose 2003-04-01
William of Wolfscarin Order of the Rose 2009-01-01
William of Wolfscarin Order of the Rose 2010-08-01
William of Wolfscarin Order of the Rose 2011-09-01
Wind Order of the Rose 1 2019-09-07 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Rose 2004-12-01
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Rose 2009-09-01
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Rose 4 2018-05-19 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Rose 2004-08-01
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Rose 5 2023-11-18 thistledown notagnome
Aed Order of the Smith 1 2015-05-16
Alix von Brugge Order of the Smith 3 2020-02-29 Fenra
Alix von Brugge Order of the Smith 4 2021-05-23 Noctua Immortuus
Alix von Brugge Order of the Smith 2 2018-08-18 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Baernoir Order of the Smith 3 2015-11-21
Baernoir Order of the Smith 6 2023-11-18 Saint Ka'a Tul Acklie
Baernoir Order of the Smith 5 2019-09-07 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Baernoir Order of the Smith 4 2017-04-29 Fenra
Baernoir Order of the Smith 2011-09-01
Baernoir Order of the Smith 2 2015-11-07
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Smith 2 2017-08-05 Fenra
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Smith 2011-09-01
Bill the Nun Order of the Smith 2010-04-01
Dagny Order of the Smith 2 2014-11-15 Fenra
Dagny Order of the Smith 1 2014-11-15 Fenra
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Smith 1 2021-05-23 Noctua Immortuus
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Smith 2 2021-05-23 Noctua Immortuus
Dr. Lord Miles Ookami Order of the Smith 2011-12-01
Dr. Lord Miles Ookami Order of the Smith 2011-12-01
Drenth Order of the Smith 1 2019-09-07 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Drenth Order of the Smith 2 2021-05-23 Noctua Immortuus
Drenth Order of the Smith 3 2021-05-23 Noctua Immortuus
Drenth Order of the Smith 4 2024-03-16 Drenth
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Smith 4 2014-07-25
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Smith 7 2019-11-09 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Smith 6 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Smith 2012-12-01
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Smith 6 2017-08-05 Fenra
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Smith 5 2016-05-14
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Smith 2013-05-01
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Smith 3 2014-05-17
Groo Order of the Smith 2012-12-01
Groo Order of the Smith 2008-09-01
Groo Order of the Smith 2011-09-01
Groo Order of the Smith 2009-09-01
Groo Order of the Smith 2006-09-01
Ilion Order of the Smith 1 2023-03-04 Wendy the Wench
Iro Order of the Smith 1 2015-08-29
Iro Order of the Smith 1 2016-01-23
Iro Order of the Smith 2 2016-08-20
Iro Order of the Smith 3 2017-11-18 Fenra
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Smith 1 2018-07-28 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Kale Broadhammer Order of the Smith 1 2014-05-18
Kale Broadhammer Order of the Smith 3 2014-11-15
Kale Broadhammer Order of the Smith 2 2014-05-18
Kaminosai Order of the Smith 1 2014-05-17
Leeroy \'Seahorse\' Justice Order of the Smith 2 2019-11-09 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Leeroy \'Seahorse\' Justice Order of the Smith 1 2015-10-31
Mal(CW) Order of the Smith 1 2015-06-06
Mannanan Order of the Smith 2011-09-01
Mannanan Order of the Smith 2010-04-01
Mannanan Order of the Smith 2010-05-01
Mannanan Order of the Smith 2013-05-01
Mannanan Order of the Smith 6 2014-05-17
Mannanan Order of the Smith 2011-09-01
Mia Order of the Smith 1 2018-11-11 Fenra
Mia Order of the Smith 2 2018-11-11 Fenra
Mogis Order of the Smith 1 2024-03-16 Drenth
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of the Smith 2 2014-06-15
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of the Smith 1 2013-09-08
Shadowsword Order of the Smith 2013-05-01
Talisen (Orion (CW)) Order of the Smith 2010-04-01
Tiberian Alcoste Order of the Smith 1 2019-05-19 Leonard Shadowstrike
Tiberian Alcoste Order of the Smith 2 2019-08-18 Fenra
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Smith 5 2018-06-03 Ohlanna De Mowbray, Lady
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Smith 2007-11-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Smith 2012-03-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Smith 7 2019-11-16 Fenra
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Smith 2011-09-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Smith 6 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Smith 2012-09-01
Troglodyte Order of the Smith 2 2015-06-06
Troglodyte Order of the Smith 1 2014-09-13
Waterhammer Order of the Smith 1 2020-02-29 Fenra
Wilburforce 'Wil' Northam Order of the Smith 2004-04-01
Wilburforce 'Wil' Northam Order of the Smith 2007-06-01
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Smith 1 2021-05-23 Noctua Immortuus
Fenra Order of the Walker in the Middle 2019-08-25 Clenawe
Aed Order of the Warrior 1 2015-05-16
Alix von Brugge Order of the Warrior 3 2020-02-29 Fenra
Alix von Brugge Order of the Warrior 1 2016-11-05
Alix von Brugge Order of the Warrior 2 2016-11-05
Anarcho Order of the Warrior 2009-10-01
Anarcho Order of the Warrior 2008-09-01
Aracaris Order of the Warrior 1 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Aurora Wolfhammer Order of the Warrior 1 2019-09-07 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Aurora Wolfhammer Order of the Warrior 2 2019-11-09 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Aventyr Order of the Warrior 2003-06-01
Bacon Ninja Order of the Warrior 1 2015-10-31
Baernoir Order of the Warrior 4 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Baernoir Order of the Warrior 3 2016-03-12
Baernoir Order of the Warrior 2009-05-01
Baernoir Order of the Warrior 2009-10-01
Bandit Order of the Warrior 1 2023-05-27 Penthesilea Darkholme
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Warrior 6 2017-12-02 Fenra
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Warrior 1990-01-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Warrior 1997-01-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Warrior 1994-01-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Warrior 1996-01-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Warrior 1995-04-01
Bill the Nun Order of the Warrior 2010-11-01
BlackSmine Order of the Warrior 1 2017-02-11 Fenra
Dagny Order of the Warrior 1 2014-05-24
Dagny Order of the Warrior 2 2015-06-06
Dr. Lord Miles Ookami Order of the Warrior 2 2014-05-24
Dr. Lord Miles Ookami Order of the Warrior 2006-12-01
Drenth Order of the Warrior 5 2016-11-05
Drenth Order of the Warrior 2008-09-01
Drenth Order of the Warrior 4 2014-10-15
Drenth Order of the Warrior 2010-08-01
Drenth Order of the Warrior 6 2017-11-18 Fenra
Drenth Order of the Warrior 2010-11-01
Felix Volker Order of the Warrior 1 2017-02-11 Fenra
Fenra Order of the Warrior 2 2019-11-16 Clenawe
Fenra Order of the Warrior 1 2018-02-17 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Warrior 2010-11-01
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Warrior 2 2016-03-12
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Warrior 4 2019-11-16 Clenawe
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Warrior 3 2016-08-20
Garlock Thornbolt Order of the Warrior 1 2013-10-26
Groo Order of the Warrior 2007-02-01
Groo Order of the Warrior 2010-05-01
Groo Order of the Warrior 2004-04-01
Groo Order of the Warrior 2003-06-01
Groo Order of the Warrior 2005-03-01
Henry Order of the Warrior 1 2015-10-31
Heron Order of the Warrior 1 2018-11-17 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Ilion Order of the Warrior 1 2016-05-14
Ilion Order of the Warrior 2 2016-05-14
Ilion Order of the Warrior 4 2022-06-04 Baernoir
Ilion Order of the Warrior 3 2017-02-11 Fenra
Iro Order of the Warrior 1 2019-11-09 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Iro Order of the Warrior 1 2019-11-16 Clenawe
Ivan (CW) Order of the Warrior 2007-03-01
Ivan (CW) Order of the Warrior 4 2014-05-24 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Ivan (CW) Order of the Warrior 3 2013-10-26
Ivan (CW) Order of the Warrior 2007-02-01
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Warrior 2 2016-11-05
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Warrior 1 2014-09-13
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Warrior 3 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Kale Broadhammer Order of the Warrior 7 2023-05-20 Penthesilea Darkholme
Kale Broadhammer Order of the Warrior 3 2017-11-18 Fenra
Kale Broadhammer Order of the Warrior 4 2017-11-18 Fenra
Kale Broadhammer Order of the Warrior 2011-06-01
Kale Broadhammer Order of the Warrior 2011-12-01
Kale Broadhammer Order of the Warrior 5 2022-10-08 Penthesilea Darkholme
Kale Broadhammer Order of the Warrior 6 2022-10-08 Penthesilea Darkholme
Karkov Knortess Order of the Warrior 2 2021-10-01 Duke Professor Jonah MacNeil
Leeroy \'Seahorse\' Justice Order of the Warrior 2 2016-05-14
Leeroy \'Seahorse\' Justice Order of the Warrior 3 2016-11-05
Leeroy \'Seahorse\' Justice Order of the Warrior 1 2015-08-01
Leeroy \'Seahorse\' Justice Order of the Warrior 4 2017-02-11 Fenra
Macrath Order of the Warrior 1 2017-02-11 Fenra
Maddog Order of the Warrior 3 2016-08-20
Maddog Order of the Warrior 1 2016-01-23
Maddog Order of the Warrior 2 2016-03-12
Mal(CW) Order of the Warrior 2 2022-08-06 Baernoir
Mal(CW) Order of the Warrior 1 2019-11-09 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Mal(CW) Order of the Warrior 3 2024-03-16 Drenth
Malachi Order of the Warrior 1 2016-03-12
Mannanan Order of the Warrior 2009-10-01
Mannanan Order of the Warrior 2007-06-01
Mannanan Order of the Warrior 2010-11-01
Maximus Wambo Order of the Warrior 2 2016-08-20
Maximus Wambo Order of the Warrior 3 2016-08-20
Maximus Wambo Order of the Warrior 4 2017-02-11 Fenra
Mogis Order of the Warrior 3 2023-05-27 Penthesilea Darkholme
Mogis Order of the Warrior 4 2023-11-18 Penthesilea Darkholme
Mogis Order of the Warrior 1 2017-02-11 Fenra
Mogis Order of the Warrior 2 2017-02-11 Fenra
Mongoose Order of the Warrior 1 2016-03-12
Mongoose Order of the Warrior 2 2016-03-12
Non Grata Order of the Warrior 2010-05-01
Non Grata Order of the Warrior 2011-09-01
Non Grata Order of the Warrior 2009-05-01
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of the Warrior 1 2015-11-01
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of the Warrior 2 2015-11-01
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of the Warrior 3 2016-05-29
Rahime Order of the Warrior 1 2018-07-28 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Rangor Treecrusher Order of the Warrior 6 2019-11-16 Dagon Hellsfire
Rangor Treecrusher Order of the Warrior 2006-11-01
Rangor Treecrusher Order of the Warrior 7 2020-02-22 Dagon Hellsfire
Rangor Treecrusher Order of the Warrior 5 2019-06-29 Fenra
Rangor Treecrusher Order of the Warrior 8 2021-11-27 Scoot the Jolly Green Giant
Rangor Treecrusher Order of the Warrior 2008-08-01
Rangor Treecrusher Order of the Warrior 9 2022-05-28 RoseThorn
Rangor Treecrusher Order of the Warrior 2008-08-01
Rangor Treecrusher Order of the Warrior 10 2022-05-28 RoseThorn
Rangor Treecrusher Order of the Warrior 2009-08-01
Rose Dragonrage Order of the Warrior 1 2019-09-07 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Rose Dragonrage Order of the Warrior 2 2019-11-16 Clenawe
Stone Son of Slaughter Order of the Warrior 2005-12-01
Stone Son of Slaughter Order of the Warrior 2004-04-01
Stone Son of Slaughter Order of the Warrior 2003-06-01
Talisen (Orion (CW)) Order of the Warrior 2008-09-01
Talisen (Orion (CW)) Order of the Warrior 2009-10-01
Talisen (Orion (CW)) Order of the Warrior 2009-11-01
Talisen (Orion (CW)) Order of the Warrior 2006-09-01
Talisen (Orion (CW)) Order of the Warrior 2006-12-01
Talisen (Orion (CW)) Order of the Warrior 7 2010-08-21 Fenra
Talisen (Orion (CW)) Order of the Warrior 2006-12-01
Thalias Darkshine Order of the Warrior 2005-06-01
Thalias Darkshine Order of the Warrior 2005-06-01
Thalias Darkshine Order of the Warrior 2009-05-01
Thalias Darkshine Order of the Warrior 4 2018-11-17 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
The Jolly Bodger Order of the Warrior 1 2017-02-11 Fenra
Thor Order of the Warrior 2009-10-01
Thor Order of the Warrior 2010-11-01
Thor Order of the Warrior 2010-11-01
Thor Order of the Warrior 2011-09-01
Thor Order of the Warrior 2013-05-01
Thor Order of the Warrior 2013-05-01
Thor Order of the Warrior 7 2018-11-17 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Tiberian Alcoste Order of the Warrior 4 2019-02-24 Leonard Shadowstrike
Tiberian Alcoste Order of the Warrior 1 2015-08-30
Tiberian Alcoste Order of the Warrior 2 2015-11-21
Tiberian Alcoste Order of the Warrior 3 2016-11-13
Tolethos Order of the Warrior 1 2014-05-24
Tolethos Order of the Warrior 1 2013-10-26
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Warrior 2003-06-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Warrior 4 2019-11-16 Fenra
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Warrior 3 2015-11-01
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Warrior 2007-05-01
Troglodyte Order of the Warrior 1 2013-10-26
Troglodyte Order of the Warrior 2 2014-05-24
Valleth Order of the Warrior 2007-06-01
Valroz Order of the Warrior 1 2023-05-27 Penthesilea Darkholme
Waterhammer Order of the Warrior 2011-06-01
Waterhammer Order of the Warrior 2 2013-10-26
Waterhammer Order of the Warrior 3 2016-05-14
Waterhammer Order of the Warrior 4 2017-04-29 Fenra
Wilburforce 'Wil' Northam Order of the Warrior 2003-06-01
William of Wolfscarin Order of the Warrior 2006-12-01
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Warrior 6 2018-05-12 Azus
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Warrior 7 2018-05-12 Azus
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Warrior 2005-06-01
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Warrior 2009-01-01
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Warrior 4 2018-02-17 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Warrior 5 2018-02-17 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Xiaho-Dun Order of the Warrior 2009-05-01
Alix von Brugge Order of the Zodiac 2 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Alix von Brugge Order of the Zodiac 3 2019-11-09 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Alix von Brugge Order of the Zodiac 1 2017-06-03 Fenra
Baernoir Order of the Zodiac 1 2015-05-16
Baernoir Order of the Zodiac 4 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Baernoir Order of the Zodiac 2016-11-05
Baernoir Order of the Zodiac 5 2021-05-29 Gale Stronghammer
Baernoir Order of the Zodiac 3 2018-07-28 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Zodiac 1990-01-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Zodiac 1990-01-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Zodiac 2016-11-05
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Order of the Zodiac 1990-01-01
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Zodiac 2000-09-01
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Zodiac 6 2020-06-06 Fenra
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Zodiac 1995-08-01
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Zodiac 1999-08-01
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Zodiac 1998-11-01
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Order of the Zodiac 5 2015-09-01
Drenth Order of the Zodiac 2 2019-11-09 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Drenth Order of the Zodiac 1 2015-10-31
Fenra Order of the Zodiac 3 2019-11-09 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Fenra Order of the Zodiac 2 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Fenra Order of the Zodiac 1 2018-02-17 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Zodiac 5 2019-11-09 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Zodiac 4 2018-11-17 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Zodiac 2 2015-09-02
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Zodiac 3 2017-08-05 Fenra
Gale Stronghammer Order of the Zodiac 1 2015-05-16
Groo Order of the Zodiac 2 2015-10-03
Groo Order of the Zodiac 2011-09-01
Ilion Order of the Zodiac 1 2023-06-03 Penthesilea Darkholme
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Zodiac 2 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Jason THE MAN (Yeison) Order of the Zodiac 1 2015-05-16
Kale Broadhammer Order of the Zodiac 1 2021-05-29 Gale Stronghammer
Kaminosai Order of the Zodiac 1 2015-05-16
Leeroy \'Seahorse\' Justice Order of the Zodiac 1 2019-11-09 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Maximus Wambo Order of the Zodiac 1 2015-05-16
Penthesilea Darkholme Order of the Zodiac 1 2024-05-18 Drenth
Stone Son of Slaughter Order of the Zodiac 2005-03-01
Stone Son of Slaughter Order of the Zodiac 2010-11-01
The Jolly Bodger Order of the Zodiac 2 2017-02-11 Fenra
The Jolly Bodger Order of the Zodiac 1 2015-05-16
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Zodiac 2 2019-06-08 Gale Stronghammer
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Zodiac 3 2019-11-09 Jason THE MAN (Yeison)
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Order of the Zodiac 2008-03-01
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Master Crown 2021-05-23 Noctua Immortuus
Gale Stronghammer Master Crown 2021-05-23 Noctua Immortuus
Jacelendrahz Master Dragon 2019-11-16 Clenawe
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Master Dragon 2021-05-23 Noctua Immortuus
Xiaho-Dun Master Dragon 2022-05-28 Azus
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Master Garber 1996-03-01
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Master Lion 1999-04-01
Xiaho-Dun Master Owl 2019-11-16 Clenawe
Baronet Sir Blackthorn Master Rose 1998-09-01
Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Master Rose 2000-03-01
Drenth Master Rose 2019-10-12 Clenawe
Torbjorn Kegsleyer Master Rose 2020-11-21 Noctua Immortuus