Kingdom Awards

Persona Award Rank Date Entered By
Cinder Avalon Order of the Dragon 2003-10-01
Quivey Arrowheart Order of the Dragon 2003-06-01
Seraphiel Azrael Sariel Deumus Orlocke (Nightshade Darkmoon) Order of the Griffin 2003-10-01
Seraphiel Azrael Sariel Deumus Orlocke (Nightshade Darkmoon) Order of the Griffin 2003-10-01
ShadowHawk Order of the Griffin 2003-10-01
Seraphiel Azrael Sariel Deumus Orlocke (Nightshade Darkmoon) Order of the Lion 2003-10-01
Sanjiro Kurosawa Order of the Owl 2003-10-01
Cinder Avalon Order of the Rose 2003-10-01
Cinder Avalon Order of the Rose 2003-10-01
Cinder Avalon Order of the Rose 2003-10-01
Cinder Avalon Order of the Rose 2003-10-01
Quivey Arrowheart Order of the Rose 2003-06-01
Seraphiel Azrael Sariel Deumus Orlocke (Nightshade Darkmoon) Order of the Rose 2003-10-01
Seraphiel Azrael Sariel Deumus Orlocke (Nightshade Darkmoon) Order of the Rose 2003-10-01
Seraphiel Azrael Sariel Deumus Orlocke (Nightshade Darkmoon) Order of the Rose 2003-10-01
Cinder Avalon Order of the Warrior 1997-10-01
Cinder Avalon Order of the Warrior 1997-10-01
Quivey Arrowheart Order of the Warrior 2000-09-01
Sanjiro Kurosawa Order of the Warrior 2003-10-01
Seraphiel Azrael Sariel Deumus Orlocke (Nightshade Darkmoon) Order of the Warrior 2003-10-01
Seraphiel Azrael Sariel Deumus Orlocke (Nightshade Darkmoon) Order of the Warrior 2003-10-01