Kingdom Awards

Persona Award Rank Date Entered By
Sir Argon Darkwolf Knight of the Crown 1993-01-01
Tatum Knight of the Crown 2023-08-26 Kevetor Xaris
Duke Pluto Tigris Knight of the Flame 2023-08-26 Kevetor Xaris
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Knight of the Flame 2019-01-01 Tatum
JoJo Dudehammer Knight of the Flame 2019-12-14 Azu Vigil
Ahryie Forsaken Order of Battle 2 2022-01-29 Tatum
Aldron Order of Battle 1 2021-09-26 Myriani Extract Felnir
Apex Q Order of Battle 3 2022-01-30 Lord Erin Forsaken
Apex Q Order of Battle 4 2022-01-30 Lord Erin Forsaken
Apex Q Order of Battle 5 2022-01-30 Lord Erin Forsaken
Apex Q Order of Battle 9 2022-05-28 Tatum
Artorius Stormwind Order of Battle 4 2023-01-08 Apex Q
Artorius Stormwind Order of Battle 1 2021-09-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
Artorius Stormwind Order of Battle 2 2021-09-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
Artorius Stormwind Order of Battle 3 2021-09-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
August Carnival Order of Battle 4 2022-04-17 Myriani Extract Felnir
August Carnival Order of Battle 5 2022-07-17 Myriani Extract Felnir
August Carnival Order of Battle 1 2021-06-06 Myriani Extract Felnir
August Carnival Order of Battle 2 2021-12-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
August Carnival Order of Battle 3 2021-12-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
Blood Raven Order of Battle 3 2022-04-09 Tatum
Blood Raven Order of Battle 2 2022-01-29 Tatum
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of Battle 3 2021-09-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of Battle 4 2021-09-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of Battle 5 2021-09-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of Battle 8 2021-10-01 Duke Professor Jonah MacNeil
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of Battle 1 2021-09-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of Battle 2 2021-09-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
Faegan Carnival Order of Battle 1 0000-00-00 Myriani Extract Felnir
Faegan Carnival Order of Battle 3 2022-01-30 Lord Erin Forsaken
Faegan Carnival Order of Battle 4 2022-01-30 Lord Erin Forsaken
Faegan Carnival Order of Battle 2 2021-12-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of Battle 1 0000-00-00 Gigantes Ironwolf
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of Battle 1 2021-09-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of Battle 2 2021-09-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of Battle 9 2023-03-01 Chuckles von Sunderfist Eldarweave Landcrest
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of Battle 3 2021-09-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of Battle 4 2021-09-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of Battle 5 2021-09-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of Battle 8 2021-10-01 Duke Professor Jonah MacNeil
JoJo Dudehammer Order of Battle 9 2023-03-01 Chuckles von Sunderfist Eldarweave Landcrest
JoJo Dudehammer Order of Battle 1 2021-09-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
JoJo Dudehammer Order of Battle 2 2021-09-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
JoJo Dudehammer Order of Battle 3 2021-09-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
JoJo Dudehammer Order of Battle 4 2021-09-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
JoJo Dudehammer Order of Battle 5 2021-09-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
kouen Order of Battle 1 2021-09-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
kouen Order of Battle 2 2021-09-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
kouen Order of Battle 3 2021-09-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
Myriani Extract Felnir Order of Battle 1 2021-09-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
Myriani Extract Felnir Order of Battle 2 2021-09-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
Saber Order of Battle 1 2021-09-26 Myriani Extract Felnir
Saber Order of Battle 2 2021-10-03 Myriani Extract Felnir
Semaj Ekalb Order of Battle 2 2023-02-19 Tifa Landcrest
Semaj Ekalb Order of Battle 3 2023-04-02 Chuckles von Sunderfist Eldarweave Landcrest
Semaj Ekalb Order of Battle 1 2023-01-15 Apex Q
Shrirlc Order of Battle 1 2021-09-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
Shrirlc Order of Battle 2 2021-09-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
Shrirlc Order of Battle 3 2021-09-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
Solaris Order of Battle 3 2023-04-02 Chuckles von Sunderfist Eldarweave Landcrest
Solaris Order of Battle 1 2022-02-06 Lord Erin Forsaken
Solaris Order of Battle 2 2022-02-06 Lord Erin Forsaken
Tatum Order of Battle 3 2021-09-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
Tatum Order of Battle 4 2021-09-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
Tatum Order of Battle 5 2021-09-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
Tatum Order of Battle 8 2023-03-01 Chuckles von Sunderfist Eldarweave Landcrest
Tatum Order of Battle 1 2021-09-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
Tatum Order of Battle 2 2021-09-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
Ahryie Forsaken Order of the Crown 6 2019-12-14 Azu Vigil
Apex Q Order of the Crown 9 2019-12-14 Azu Vigil
Artin Rynn Order of the Crown 5 2019-12-14 Azu Vigil
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Crown 4 2019-12-14 Azu Vigil
Cassus Anima Order of the Crown 4 2019-12-14 Azu Vigil
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Crown 7 2022-05-28 Sir Vincent Alexander Landcrest III
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Crown 8 2023-03-04 Chuckles von Sunderfist Eldarweave Landcrest
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Crown 5 2019-12-14 Azu Vigil
Ira Brimstone Order of the Crown 2 2019-12-14 Azu Vigil
Lady Ravenna DeLoki Order of the Crown 5 2019-12-14 Azu Vigil
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Crown 3 2020-06-14 Azu Vigil
Myriani Extract Felnir Order of the Crown 1 2023-01-15 Apex Q
Myriani Extract Felnir Order of the Crown 2 2023-01-15 Apex Q
Portheus Order of the Crown 1 2019-12-14 Azu Vigil
Shrirlc Order of the Crown 1 2021-07-25 Myriani Extract Felnir
Tatum Order of the Crown 1 2022-08-27 Sir Vincent Alexander Landcrest III
Tatum Order of the Crown 2 2021-06-13 Bishop
Tatum Order of the Crown 6 2022-08-27 Sir Vincent Alexander Landcrest III
Tatum Order of the Crown 3 2021-07-25 Myriani Extract Felnir
Tatum Order of the Crown 7 2022-08-27 Sir Vincent Alexander Landcrest III
Tatum Order of the Crown 4 2021-07-25 Myriani Extract Felnir
Tatum Order of the Crown 8 2022-08-27 Sir Vincent Alexander Landcrest III
Tatum Order of the Crown 5 2021-08-01 Myriani Extract Felnir
Tatum Order of the Crown 9 2023-03-04 Chuckles von Sunderfist Eldarweave Landcrest
Tatum Order of the Crown 1 2019-12-14 Azu Vigil
Tatum Order of the Crown 10 2023-03-04 Chuckles von Sunderfist Eldarweave Landcrest
Ahryie Forsaken Order of the Dragon 4 2019-03-03 Apex Q
Ahryie Forsaken Order of the Dragon 1 2016-10-01
Ahryie Forsaken Order of the Dragon 2 2016-12-17
Ahryie Forsaken Order of the Dragon 5 2019-09-08 Magus Brightwing
Ahryie Forsaken Order of the Dragon 3 2016-12-17
Ahryie Forsaken Order of the Dragon 6 2021-08-01 Myriani Extract Felnir
Apex Q Order of the Dragon 4 2018-12-01 Lisael
Apex Q Order of the Dragon 5 2021-10-03 Myriani Extract Felnir
Apex Q Order of the Dragon 3 2016-12-17
Apex Q Order of the Dragon 6 2023-02-20 Tifa Landcrest
Apex Q Order of the Dragon 2 2013-05-19
Apex Q Order of the Dragon 1 2012-12-16
Artin Rynn Order of the Dragon 2 2011-04-03
Artin Rynn Order of the Dragon 3 2011-04-03
Artin Rynn Order of the Dragon 4 2011-05-01
Artin Rynn Order of the Dragon 5 2012-03-04
Artin Rynn Order of the Dragon 6 2012-12-02
Artin Rynn Order of the Dragon 1 2010-10-03
Artorius Stormwind Order of the Dragon 1 2021-10-03 Myriani Extract Felnir
August Carnival Order of the Dragon 1 0000-00-00 Myriani Extract Felnir
Bagel Barrow Order of the Dragon 1 2021-10-03 Myriani Extract Felnir
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Dragon 1999-12-01
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Dragon 2 0000-00-00
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Dragon 1999-12-01
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Dragon 2007-09-01
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Dragon 5 2007-09-01
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Dragon 0000-00-00
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Dragon 1980-01-01
Blood Raven Order of the Dragon 3 2022-09-10 Sir Vincent Alexander Landcrest III
Blood Raven Order of the Dragon 4 2023-03-04 Tifa Landcrest
Cassus Anima Order of the Dragon 1 2019-09-14 Azu Vigil
Cassus Anima Order of the Dragon 2 2020-01-05 Neiva G.S. Morningstar de Landcrest
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Dragon 2 2015-09-12
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Dragon 3 2015-09-12
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Dragon 1 2014-03-02
Faegan Carnival Order of the Dragon 7 2022-01-23 Sir Vincent Alexander Landcrest III
Faegan Carnival Order of the Dragon 3 2023-12-02 Kevetor Xaris
Faegan Carnival Order of the Dragon 6 2021-12-12 Myriani Extract Felnir
Faegan Carnival Order of the Dragon 4 0000-00-00 Myriani Extract Felnir
Faegan Carnival Order of the Dragon 5 0000-00-00 Myriani Extract Felnir
Faegan Carnival Order of the Dragon 1 0000-00-00 Myriani Extract Felnir
Faegan Carnival Order of the Dragon 2 0000-00-00 Myriani Extract Felnir
Faegan Carnival Order of the Dragon 3 0000-00-00 Myriani Extract Felnir
Farleigh Order of the Dragon 2 2022-12-04 Apex Q
Farleigh Order of the Dragon 1 2022-12-04 Apex Q
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Dragon 2009-04-01
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Dragon 2010-04-01
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Dragon 8 2023-02-25 Tifa Landcrest
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Dragon 9 2023-02-25 Tifa Landcrest
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Dragon 4 2014-10-12
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Dragon 5 2014-10-12
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Dragon 10 2023-03-04 Chuckles von Sunderfist Eldarweave Landcrest
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Dragon 6 2015-06-16
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Dragon 6 2023-08-20 Kevetor Xaris
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Dragon 2008-03-01
Ira Brimstone Order of the Dragon 1 2018-06-10 Cassus Anima
Ira Brimstone Order of the Dragon 2 2018-09-09 Cassus Anima
JoJo Dudehammer Order of the Dragon 5 2021-09-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
JoJo Dudehammer Order of the Dragon 1 2021-09-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
JoJo Dudehammer Order of the Dragon 2 2021-09-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
JoJo Dudehammer Order of the Dragon 3 2021-09-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
JoJo Dudehammer Order of the Dragon 4 2021-09-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
Kota Order of the Dragon 1 2019-02-10 Apex Q
Kota Order of the Dragon 2 2021-10-03 Myriani Extract Felnir
Lady Ravenna DeLoki Order of the Dragon 1980-01-01
Lady Ravenna DeLoki Order of the Dragon 2005-07-16
Lady Ravenna DeLoki Order of the Dragon 4 2005-07-16
Lady Ravenna DeLoki Order of the Dragon 2012-04-01
Lady Ravenna DeLoki Order of the Dragon 1980-01-01
Lady Ravenna DeLoki Order of the Dragon 1980-01-01
Lady Tryniti Dracona Order of the Dragon 1 2001-07-01 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Dragon 2001-01-01
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Dragon 1 2000-09-03 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Dragon 2 2001-01-28 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Dragon 4 2001-07-01 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Dragon 5 2001-07-01 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Dragon 7 2004-01-25 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Dragon 6 2004-01-25 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Mitera Tsiuri Order of the Dragon 3 2019-04-13 Ahryie Forsaken
Mitera Tsiuri Order of the Dragon 1 2016-06-01
Mitera Tsiuri Order of the Dragon 2 2016-07-02
Myles Fallwatre Order of the Dragon 5 0000-00-00
Myriani Extract Felnir Order of the Dragon 2 2021-10-31 Myriani Extract Felnir
Myriani Extract Felnir Order of the Dragon 1 2021-10-03 Myriani Extract Felnir
Nyx Order of the Dragon 1 2016-12-17
Phoenyx Order of the Dragon 1 2019-03-03 Apex Q
Phoenyx Order of the Dragon 2 2019-03-03 Apex Q
Portheus Order of the Dragon 2011-04-01
Portheus Order of the Dragon 2011-04-01
Pyromethius Order of the Dragon 1 2006-01-23
Pyromethius Order of the Dragon 2006-01-23
Rhicc Order of the Dragon 1 2016-12-17
Saber Order of the Dragon 1 2021-10-31 Myriani Extract Felnir
Salazar Order of the Dragon 1 2021-10-03 Myriani Extract Felnir
Semaj Ekalb Order of the Dragon 3 2024-06-01 Neiva G.S. Morningstar de Landcrest
Shrirlc Order of the Dragon 2 2019-03-03 Apex Q
Shrirlc Order of the Dragon 1 2019-03-03 Apex Q
Sir Argon Darkwolf Order of the Dragon 5 1990-01-01
Skullygirl Order of the Dragon 1 2013-12-22
Taraos Order of the Dragon 2009-03-01
Taraos Order of the Dragon 4 0000-00-00
Taraos Order of the Dragon 1980-01-01
Taraos Order of the Dragon 1980-01-01
Taraos Order of the Dragon 1980-01-01
Tatum Order of the Dragon 9 2023-04-02 Tifa Landcrest
Tatum Order of the Dragon 10 2024-03-23 Neiva G.S. Morningstar de Landcrest
Tatum Order of the Dragon 4 2021-10-03 Myriani Extract Felnir
Tatum Order of the Dragon 7 2022-12-10 Chuckles von Sunderfist Eldarweave Landcrest
Tatum Order of the Dragon 1 2012-12-16
Tatum Order of the Dragon 8 2023-02-19 Tifa Landcrest
Tatum Order of the Dragon 2 2014-03-22
Tatum Order of the Dragon 5 2022-06-26 Chuckles von Sunderfist Eldarweave Landcrest
Tatum Order of the Dragon 3 2019-11-03 Azu Vigil
Tatum Order of the Dragon 6 2022-08-27 Marquis Fovuel Rykus Morningstar Landcrest
Ahryie Forsaken Order of the Flame 2017-05-06 Ilyana Vindictus
Apex Q Order of the Flame 2016-12-03
Apex Q Order of the Flame 2017-05-06 Ilyana Vindictus
Apex Q Order of the Flame 2015-12-15
Apex Q Order of the Flame 2016-12-03
Artin Rynn Order of the Flame 2017-05-06 Ilyana Vindictus
Artin Rynn Order of the Flame 1 0000-00-00
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Flame 2008-05-03
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Flame 2008-05-03
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Flame 1 2012-12-01
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Flame 2016-12-03
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Flame 2017-05-06 Ilyana Vindictus
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Flame 1 2005-09-17
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Flame 0000-00-00
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Flame 0000-00-00
Lady Ravenna DeLoki Order of the Flame 2017-05-06 Ilyana Vindictus
Lady Tryniti Dracona Order of the Flame 2003-01-01
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Flame 1 2002-01-27 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Flame 2 2003-02-09 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Niiro Steelfang Order of the Flame 2017-05-06 Ilyana Vindictus
Sir Argon Darkwolf Order of the Flame 6 1990-01-01
Ahryie Forsaken Order of the Garber 1 2021-07-11 Apex Q
Apex Q Order of the Garber 4 2021-09-26 Myriani Extract Felnir
Apex Q Order of the Garber 7 2023-02-19 Tifa Landcrest
Apex Q Order of the Garber 5 2021-10-31 Myriani Extract Felnir
Apex Q Order of the Garber 2 2013-04-21
Apex Q Order of the Garber 6 2023-02-19 Tifa Landcrest
Artin Rynn Order of the Garber 2 2015-12-12
Artin Rynn Order of the Garber 1 2012-03-04
Artorius Stormwind Order of the Garber 1 2021-07-25 Myriani Extract Felnir
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Garber 3 2006-06-11
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Garber 2006-06-11
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Garber 1980-01-01
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Garber 1980-01-01
Blood Raven Order of the Garber 3 2022-12-10 Chuckles von Sunderfist Eldarweave Landcrest
Blood Raven Order of the Garber 2 2018-09-30 Ulf Ronso
Blood Raven Order of the Garber 4 2023-06-03 Tifa Landcrest
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Garber 1 2021-11-13 Tatum
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Garber 2 2021-11-13 Tatum
Eldha Order of the Garber 1 2019-01-20 Apex Q
Eldha Order of the Garber 2 2019-02-10 Apex Q
Faegan Carnival Order of the Garber 1 0000-00-00 Myriani Extract Felnir
Faegan Carnival Order of the Garber 5 2023-04-02 Tifa Landcrest
Faegan Carnival Order of the Garber 2 0000-00-00 Myriani Extract Felnir
Faegan Carnival Order of the Garber 3 0000-00-00 Myriani Extract Felnir
Faegan Carnival Order of the Garber 4 2022-03-20 Gigantes Ironwolf
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Garber 0000-00-00
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Garber 4 0000-00-00
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Garber 1980-01-01
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Garber 1980-01-01
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Garber 1980-01-01
Gunther Skysworn Order of the Garber 1 2016-05-25
Gunther Skysworn Order of the Garber 2 2016-05-25
Ira Brimstone Order of the Garber 1 2018-08-18 Lisael
Ira Brimstone Order of the Garber 2 2018-08-18 Lisael
Lady Ravenna DeLoki Order of the Garber 4 2016-03-05
Lady Ravenna DeLoki Order of the Garber 2005-07-16
Lady Ravenna DeLoki Order of the Garber 2011-12-01
Lady Ravenna DeLoki Order of the Garber 5 2017-06-03 Ilyana Vindictus
Lady Ravenna DeLoki Order of the Garber 1 2005-07-16
Lady Tryniti Dracona Order of the Garber 1 2001-07-01 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lady Tryniti Dracona Order of the Garber 2 2001-07-01 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lady Tryniti Dracona Order of the Garber 3 2001-07-01 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Garber 5 2003-08-03 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Garber 6 2018-05-20 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Garber 7 2018-06-02 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Garber 1 2000-09-09 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Garber 2 2001-01-28 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Garber 3 2001-07-01 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Garber 4 2001-07-01 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Mitera Tsiuri Order of the Garber 3 2019-04-13 Ahryie Forsaken
Mitera Tsiuri Order of the Garber 1 2016-08-13
Mitera Tsiuri Order of the Garber 2 2016-08-13
Myles Fallwatre Order of the Garber 1 2016-12-10
Myriani Extract Felnir Order of the Garber 3 2021-07-25 Myriani Extract Felnir
Myriani Extract Felnir Order of the Garber 4 2021-10-03 Myriani Extract Felnir
Myriani Extract Felnir Order of the Garber 1 2021-07-25 Myriani Extract Felnir
Myriani Extract Felnir Order of the Garber 5 2021-10-03 Myriani Extract Felnir
Myriani Extract Felnir Order of the Garber 2 2021-07-25 Myriani Extract Felnir
Niiro Steelfang Order of the Garber 1 2016-05-25
Nyx Order of the Garber 2 2015-02-07
Nyx Order of the Garber 1 2014-11-15
Nyx Order of the Garber 1 2014-11-22
Phoenyx Order of the Garber 1 2019-02-17 Apex Q
Phoenyx Order of the Garber 2 2019-02-17 Apex Q
Phoenyx Order of the Garber 3 2019-04-13 Ahryie Forsaken
Portheus Order of the Garber 2011-04-01
Pyromethius Order of the Garber 1 2005-01-22
Pyromethius Order of the Garber 2005-01-22
Rhicc Order of the Garber 1 2007-06-18
Shrirlc Order of the Garber 4 2021-09-26 Myriani Extract Felnir
Shrirlc Order of the Garber 3 2019-07-14 Magus Brightwing
Shrirlc Order of the Garber 1 2019-02-17 Apex Q
Shrirlc Order of the Garber 2 2019-03-03 Apex Q
Sir Argon Darkwolf Order of the Garber 3 1990-01-01
Taraos Order of the Garber 1980-01-01
Taraos Order of the Garber 1980-01-01
Taraos Order of the Garber 1980-01-01
Taraos Order of the Garber 0000-00-00
Taraos Order of the Garber 4 0000-00-00
Tarrant Order of the Garber 2007-10-23
Tarrant Order of the Garber 1 2007-10-23
Tatum Order of the Garber 1 2012-12-03
Tatum Order of the Garber 2 2012-12-03
Tatum Order of the Garber 3 2012-12-03
Tatum Order of the Garber 5 2021-08-01 Myriani Extract Felnir
Tatum Order of the Garber 4 2013-06-29
Apex Q Order of the Griffin 1 2017-02-04 Taraos
Apex Q Order of the Griffin 2 2017-03-25 Ahryie Forsaken
Artorius Stormwind Order of the Griffin 1 2017-05-27 Lady Arabella Wyngarde
Artorius Stormwind Order of the Griffin 2 2021-06-27 Apex Q
August Carnival Order of the Griffin 1 2022-01-16 Myriani Extract Felnir
August Carnival Order of the Griffin 2 2022-01-16 Myriani Extract Felnir
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Griffin 1980-01-01
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Griffin 2 2006-06-11
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Griffin 2006-06-11
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Griffin 4 2022-01-30 Lord Erin Forsaken
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Griffin 3 2021-07-25 Myriani Extract Felnir
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Griffin 1 2013-03-03
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Griffin 2 2013-12-01
Frank Order of the Griffin 1 2019-03-03 Apex Q
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Griffin 2010-03-01
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Griffin 2010-05-01
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Griffin 2007-07-22
JoJo Dudehammer Order of the Griffin 1 2021-07-25 Myriani Extract Felnir
JoJo Dudehammer Order of the Griffin 2 2021-07-25 Myriani Extract Felnir
kouen Order of the Griffin 1 2021-06-27 Apex Q
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Griffin 3 2007-11-17
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Griffin 4 2013-12-22
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Griffin 1980-01-01
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Griffin 1980-01-01
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Griffin 2007-11-17
Lady Ravenna DeLoki Order of the Griffin 2005-07-16
Lady Ravenna DeLoki Order of the Griffin 1 2005-07-16
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Griffin 2001-01-01
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Griffin 2 2002-10-05 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Myriani Extract Felnir Order of the Griffin 1 2021-06-27 Apex Q
Portheus Order of the Griffin 2008-09-21
Portheus Order of the Griffin 7 2009-01-06
Portheus Order of the Griffin 2007-10-23
Portheus Order of the Griffin 3 2007-10-23
Portheus Order of the Griffin 2009-01-06
Portheus Order of the Griffin 4 2007-11-11
Portheus Order of the Griffin 1980-01-01
Portheus Order of the Griffin 1980-01-01
Portheus Order of the Griffin 2007-11-11
Portheus Order of the Griffin 5 2008-05-11
Portheus Order of the Griffin 6 2008-09-21
Portheus Order of the Griffin 2008-05-11
Rhicc Order of the Griffin 1 2007-07-22
Saber Order of the Griffin 1 2021-09-26 Myriani Extract Felnir
Shrirlc Order of the Griffin 1 2021-07-25 Myriani Extract Felnir
Sir Argon Darkwolf Order of the Griffin 1 1990-01-01
Taraos Order of the Griffin 0000-00-00
Taraos Order of the Griffin 2 0000-00-00
Taraos Order of the Griffin 1980-01-01
Tarrant Order of the Griffin 1980-01-01
Tarrant Order of the Griffin 1980-01-01
Tarrant Order of the Griffin 6 2007-10-23
Tarrant Order of the Griffin 1980-01-01
Tarrant Order of the Griffin 1980-01-01
Tarrant Order of the Griffin 1980-01-01
Tarrant Order of the Griffin 2007-10-23
Void Order of the Griffin 1 0000-00-00 Apex Q
Apex Q Order of the Hydra 1 2018-11-11 Apex Q
Apex Q Order of the Hydra 4 2023-06-03 Chuckles von Sunderfist Eldarweave Landcrest
Artin Rynn Order of the Hydra 1 2011-05-01
Artin Rynn Order of the Hydra 2 2015-12-12
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Hydra 2009-05-01
Lady Tryniti Dracona Order of the Hydra 1 2001-07-01 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lady Tryniti Dracona Order of the Hydra 2 2003-08-01 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Hydra 2 2001-01-28 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Hydra 3 2001-07-01 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Hydra 4 2002-01-27 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Hydra 5 2002-08-04 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Hydra 6 2003-02-23 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Hydra 1 2000-09-09 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Sir Argon Darkwolf Order of the Hydra 9 1990-01-01
Taraos Order of the Hydra 2009-05-01
Aldron Order of the Jovius 1 2022-02-06 Lord Erin Forsaken
Apex Q Order of the Jovius 1 2022-02-06 Lord Erin Forsaken
Artin Rynn Order of the Jovius 1 2011-06-05
Artin Rynn Order of the Jovius 2 2013-03-03
August Carnival Order of the Jovius 1 0000-00-00 Myriani Extract Felnir
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Jovius 9 2008-04-20
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Jovius 1980-01-01
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Jovius 10 2008-04-20
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Jovius 1980-01-01
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Jovius 1980-01-01
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Jovius 1980-01-01
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Jovius 2006-06-11
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Jovius 1980-01-01
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Jovius 1980-01-01
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Jovius 2008-04-20
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Jovius 2008-04-20
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Jovius 7 2006-06-11
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Jovius 2008-04-20
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Jovius 8 2008-04-20
Faegan Carnival Order of the Jovius 2 2022-02-06 Myriani Extract Felnir
Faegan Carnival Order of the Jovius 1 0000-00-00 Myriani Extract Felnir
Faegan Carnival Order of the Jovius 3 2023-12-02 Kevetor Xaris
Farleigh Order of the Jovius 1 2022-02-06 Lord Erin Forsaken
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Jovius 5 2022-02-06 Lord Erin Forsaken
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Jovius 3 2021-07-25 Myriani Extract Felnir
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Jovius 4 2021-07-25 Myriani Extract Felnir
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Jovius 1980-01-01
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Jovius 2007-08-05
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Jovius 2 2007-08-05
Gunther Skysworn Order of the Jovius 1 2016-10-01
JoJo Dudehammer Order of the Jovius 2 2021-07-25 Myriani Extract Felnir
JoJo Dudehammer Order of the Jovius 1 2021-07-25 Myriani Extract Felnir
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Jovius 1 2013-08-01
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Jovius 1 2005-08-11
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Jovius 2005-08-11
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Jovius 2 2001-01-01
Portheus Order of the Jovius 2007-10-23
Portheus Order of the Jovius 1 2007-10-23
Pyromethius Order of the Jovius 1 2005-01-22
Pyromethius Order of the Jovius 2005-01-22
Rhicc Order of the Jovius 1 2007-06-18
Saber Order of the Jovius 1 2022-02-06 Lord Erin Forsaken
Solaris Order of the Jovius 1 2022-02-06 Lord Erin Forsaken
Tarrant Order of the Jovius 2007-10-23
Tarrant Order of the Jovius 1 2007-10-23
Ahryie Forsaken Order of the Lion 1 2016-09-25
Ahryie Forsaken Order of the Lion 2 2016-09-25
Ahryie Forsaken Order of the Lion 2 2021-06-27 Apex Q
Ahryie Forsaken Order of the Lion 4 2021-07-25 Myriani Extract Felnir
Apex Q Order of the Lion 1 2013-12-22
Apex Q Order of the Lion 3 2016-05-14
Apex Q Order of the Lion 2 2013-12-22
Apex Q Order of the Lion 4 2016-09-25
Artin Rynn Order of the Lion 4 2012-05-06
Artin Rynn Order of the Lion 5 2012-06-23
Artin Rynn Order of the Lion 1 2011-06-05
Artin Rynn Order of the Lion 2 2011-09-03
Artin Rynn Order of the Lion 3 2011-12-04
Artorius Stormwind Order of the Lion 2 2021-10-03 Duke Professor Jonah MacNeil
Cassus Anima Order of the Lion 2 2018-08-18 Cassus Anima
Cassus Anima Order of the Lion 3 2018-09-09 Cassus Anima
Cassus Anima Order of the Lion 4 2018-09-09 Cassus Anima
Cassus Anima Order of the Lion 5 2018-12-09 Lisael
Cassus Anima Order of the Lion 1 2018-06-10 Cassus Anima
Faegan Carnival Order of the Lion 2 2022-03-20 Gigantes Ironwolf
Faegan Carnival Order of the Lion 3 2022-03-20 Gigantes Ironwolf
Faegan Carnival Order of the Lion 4 2022-03-20 Gigantes Ironwolf
Faegan Carnival Order of the Lion 1 2022-03-20 Gigantes Ironwolf
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Lion 2010-05-01
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Lion 2007-04-22
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Lion 1 2007-04-22
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Lion 2009-12-01
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Lion 5 2023-06-03 Chuckles von Sunderfist Eldarweave Landcrest
Gunther Skysworn Order of the Lion 1 2016-01-16
Ira Brimstone Order of the Lion 1 2019-05-19 Marquis Fovuel Rykus Morningstar Landcrest
Ira Brimstone Order of the Lion 2 2019-05-19 Marquis Fovuel Rykus Morningstar Landcrest
JoJo Dudehammer Order of the Lion 1 2016-03-05
Khaleesi Order of the Lion 1 2016-01-16
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Lion 1 2013-08-01
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Lion 2010-03-01
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Lion 2 2016-01-16
Lady Ravenna DeLoki Order of the Lion 2005-07-16
Lady Ravenna DeLoki Order of the Lion 1 2005-07-16
Lady Tryniti Dracona Order of the Lion 1 2001-08-13 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Lion 2 2001-03-01 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Lion 3 2001-07-01 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Lion 4 2002-01-27 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Lion 1 2001-09-13 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Mitera Tsiuri Order of the Lion 4 2018-07-07 Ifaestus \'Iffy\' Fontus
Mitera Tsiuri Order of the Lion 1 2016-07-02
Mitera Tsiuri Order of the Lion 2 2016-12-17
Mitera Tsiuri Order of the Lion 3 2016-12-17
Myriani Extract Felnir Order of the Lion 2 2023-01-15 Apex Q
Myriani Extract Felnir Order of the Lion 1 2021-10-03 Myriani Extract Felnir
Niiro Steelfang Order of the Lion 1 2016-06-25
Shrirlc Order of the Lion 1 2019-09-08 Magus Brightwing
Shrirlc Order of the Lion 1 2019-09-08 Magus Brightwing
Shrirlc Order of the Lion 2 2021-07-25 Myriani Extract Felnir
Sir Argon Darkwolf Order of the Lion 6 1990-01-01
Taraos Order of the Lion 4 2007-05-20
Taraos Order of the Lion 1980-01-01
Taraos Order of the Lion 2007-05-20
Taraos Order of the Lion 1980-01-01
Taraos Order of the Lion 1980-01-01
Tatum Order of the Lion 1 2013-12-22
Tatum Order of the Lion 3 2021-07-25 Myriani Extract Felnir
Tatum Order of the Lion 2 2013-12-22
Tatum Order of the Lion 4 2023-02-19 Tifa Landcrest
Ahryie Forsaken Order of the Mask 1 2017-06-17 Lady Arabella Wyngarde
Aldron Order of the Mask 1 2022-02-06 Lord Erin Forsaken
Apex Q Order of the Mask 3 2016-12-17
Apex Q Order of the Mask 1 2016-07-02
Apex Q Order of the Mask 5 2022-02-06 Lord Erin Forsaken
Apex Q Order of the Mask 2 2016-09-17
Apex Q Order of the Mask 6 2022-01-29 Tatum
Apex Q Order of the Mask 4 2017-06-11 Lady Arabella Wyngarde
Artin Rynn Order of the Mask 1 0200-12-07
August Carnival Order of the Mask 1 0000-00-00 Myriani Extract Felnir
August Carnival Order of the Mask 2 0000-00-00 Myriani Extract Felnir
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Mask 0000-00-00
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Mask 1980-01-01
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Mask 2011-02-01
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Mask 3 0000-00-00
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Mask 1980-01-01
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Mask 2013-02-01
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Mask 2008-03-16
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Mask 2013-03-01
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Mask 4 2008-03-16
Cassus Anima Order of the Mask 2011-10-01
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Mask 2 2014-03-30
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Mask 3 2021-07-25 Myriani Extract Felnir
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Mask 4 2021-07-25 Myriani Extract Felnir
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Mask 5 2021-08-01 Myriani Extract Felnir
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Mask 6 2023-02-19 Tifa Landcrest
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Mask 7 2023-02-19 Tifa Landcrest
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Mask 1 2014-03-30
Faegan Carnival Order of the Mask 4 2022-02-06 Lord Erin Forsaken
Faegan Carnival Order of the Mask 1 0000-00-00 Myriani Extract Felnir
Faegan Carnival Order of the Mask 2 0000-00-00 Myriani Extract Felnir
Faegan Carnival Order of the Mask 3 2021-12-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
Farleigh Order of the Mask 1 2022-02-06 Lord Erin Forsaken
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Mask 1980-01-01
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Mask 2009-04-01
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Mask 2007-04-22
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Mask 2 2007-04-22
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Mask 5 2014-10-12
Kota Order of the Mask 1 2018-02-25 Ahryie Forsaken
Krymson Landcrest Order of the Mask 1 2018-03-25 Ahryie Forsaken
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Mask 2 0000-00-00
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Mask 2 2013-08-01
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Mask 1980-01-01
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Mask 0000-00-00
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Mask 5 2023-02-19 Tifa Landcrest
Lady Ravenna DeLoki Order of the Mask 1980-01-01
Lady Ravenna DeLoki Order of the Mask 2005-07-16
Lady Ravenna DeLoki Order of the Mask 2 2005-07-16
Lady Tryniti Dracona Order of the Mask 1 2003-08-01 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Niiro Steelfang Order of the Mask 1 2016-10-01
Portheus Order of the Mask 1 2007-10-23
Portheus Order of the Mask 2007-10-23
Saber Order of the Mask 1 2021-09-26 Myriani Extract Felnir
Saber Order of the Mask 2 2022-02-06 Lord Erin Forsaken
Semaj Ekalb Order of the Mask 1 2023-01-15 Apex Q
Semaj Ekalb Order of the Mask 2 2023-02-19 Tifa Landcrest
Solaris Order of the Mask 1 2022-02-06 Lord Erin Forsaken
Storm Order of the Mask 1 2014-03-22
Tatum Order of the Mask 2 2022-01-29 Tatum
Tatum Order of the Mask 1 2013-12-21
Ahryie Forsaken Order of the Owl 1 2021-12-11 Tatum
Ahryie Forsaken Order of the Owl 2 2021-12-11 Tatum
Apex Q Order of the Owl 7 2023-02-19 Tifa Landcrest
Apex Q Order of the Owl 8 2023-02-19 Tifa Landcrest
Apex Q Order of the Owl 4 2013-06-09
Apex Q Order of the Owl 9 2023-02-19 Tifa Landcrest
Apex Q Order of the Owl 5 2013-06-09
Apex Q Order of the Owl 1 2012-12-03
Apex Q Order of the Owl 6 2013-06-29
Apex Q Order of the Owl 2 2012-12-03
Apex Q Order of the Owl 3 2012-12-16
Artin Rynn Order of the Owl 1 2015-12-12
Artorius Stormwind Order of the Owl 4 2021-10-03 Myriani Extract Felnir
Artorius Stormwind Order of the Owl 1 2021-07-25 Myriani Extract Felnir
Artorius Stormwind Order of the Owl 2 2021-07-25 Myriani Extract Felnir
Artorius Stormwind Order of the Owl 5 0000-00-00 Gigantes Ironwolf
Artorius Stormwind Order of the Owl 3 2021-10-03 Myriani Extract Felnir
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Owl 2006-12-06
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Owl 1980-01-01
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Owl 2 2006-12-06
Blood Raven Order of the Owl 1 2018-08-05 Ulf Ronso
Cassus Anima Order of the Owl 2 2018-08-18 Lisael
Cassus Anima Order of the Owl 2011-09-01
Cassus Anima Order of the Owl 1 2016-11-06 Ira Brimstone
Crasiuz Order of the Owl 1 2019-01-20 Apex Q
Crasiuz Order of the Owl 2 2019-01-20 Apex Q
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Owl 1 2021-11-13 Tatum
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Owl 2 2021-11-13 Tatum
Eldha Order of the Owl 1 2019-01-20 Apex Q
Erik Odinsen Order of the Owl 1 2023-02-19 Tifa Landcrest
Erik Odinsen Order of the Owl 2 2023-02-19 Tifa Landcrest
Erik Odinsen Order of the Owl 3 2023-02-19 Tifa Landcrest
Faegan Carnival Order of the Owl 3 2021-11-14 Myriani Extract Felnir
Faegan Carnival Order of the Owl 1 0000-00-00 Myriani Extract Felnir
Faegan Carnival Order of the Owl 4 2023-06-03 Tifa Landcrest
Faegan Carnival Order of the Owl 2 0000-00-00 Myriani Extract Felnir
Frank Order of the Owl 2 2019-03-03 Apex Q
Frank Order of the Owl 1 2019-03-03 Apex Q
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Owl 2010-05-01
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Owl 0000-00-00
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Owl 1 0000-00-00
Gunther Skysworn Order of the Owl 1 2016-10-22
kouen Order of the Owl 2 2021-07-25 Myriani Extract Felnir
kouen Order of the Owl 1 2021-07-25 Myriani Extract Felnir
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Owl 1980-01-01
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Owl 1980-01-01
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Owl 1980-01-01
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Owl 2006-11-06
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Owl 4 2013-08-01
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Owl 4 2006-11-06
Lady Tryniti Dracona Order of the Owl 1 2001-07-01 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Owl 1 2000-09-02 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Owl 2 2001-07-01 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Owl 3 2001-07-01 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Owl 4 2001-07-01 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Owl 5 2001-07-01 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Mikoda Devoda Order of the Owl 1 2013-01-27
Mitera Tsiuri Order of the Owl 1 2019-03-03 Apex Q
Myriani Extract Felnir Order of the Owl 1 2021-07-25 Myriani Extract Felnir
Myriani Extract Felnir Order of the Owl 2 2021-07-25 Myriani Extract Felnir
Niiro Steelfang Order of the Owl 1 2016-05-21
Niiro Steelfang Order of the Owl 2 2016-05-21
Oak Order of the Owl 1 2016-03-05
Oak Order of the Owl 2 2016-03-05
Phoenyx Order of the Owl 1 2019-02-10 Apex Q
Phoenyx Order of the Owl 2 2019-02-10 Apex Q
Portheus Order of the Owl 4 2009-01-06
Portheus Order of the Owl 2009-01-06
Portheus Order of the Owl 2011-03-01
Portheus Order of the Owl 2007-10-23
Portheus Order of the Owl 1 2007-10-23
Portheus Order of the Owl 2011-04-01
Portheus Order of the Owl 2 2008-06-07
Portheus Order of the Owl 3 2008-07-06
Portheus Order of the Owl 2008-06-07
Portheus Order of the Owl 2008-07-06
Pyromethius Order of the Owl 2 2005-12-15
Pyromethius Order of the Owl 1980-01-01
Pyromethius Order of the Owl 2005-12-15
Rhicc Order of the Owl 1 0000-00-00
Rhicc Order of the Owl 2 0000-00-00
Rhicc Order of the Owl 3 0000-00-00
Rhicc Order of the Owl 4 2008-02-10
Rhicc Order of the Owl 5 2008-12-06
Shrirlc Order of the Owl 3 2019-07-14 Magus Brightwing
Shrirlc Order of the Owl 1 2019-02-10 Apex Q
Sir Argon Darkwolf Order of the Owl 4 1990-01-01
Taraos Order of the Owl 1980-01-01
Taraos Order of the Owl 1980-01-01
Taraos Order of the Owl 1980-01-01
Taraos Order of the Owl 0000-00-00
Taraos Order of the Owl 4 0000-00-00
Tarrant Order of the Owl 2007-10-23
Tarrant Order of the Owl 1 2007-10-23
Tatum Order of the Owl 3 2021-07-25 Myriani Extract Felnir
Tatum Order of the Owl 1 2014-02-22
Tatum Order of the Owl 2 2014-02-22
Ahryie Forsaken Order of the Rose 6 2018-08-18 Lisael
Ahryie Forsaken Order of the Rose 9 2021-12-11 Tatum
Ahryie Forsaken Order of the Rose 7 2019-04-13 Ahryie Forsaken
Ahryie Forsaken Order of the Rose 3 2016-11-27
Ahryie Forsaken Order of the Rose 8 2019-06-08 Ahryie Forsaken
Ahryie Forsaken Order of the Rose 10 2022-08-27 Sir Vincent Alexander Landcrest III
Ahryie Forsaken Order of the Rose 4 2017-02-05 Niiro Steelfang
Ahryie Forsaken Order of the Rose 5 2017-02-05 Niiro Steelfang
Ahryie Forsaken Order of the Rose 1 2016-01-16
Ahryie Forsaken Order of the Rose 2 2016-09-11
Anvil Order of the Rose 1 2023-04-02 Chuckles von Sunderfist Eldarweave Landcrest
Apex Q Order of the Rose 8 2017-12-02 Ilyana Vindictus
Apex Q Order of the Rose 9 2018-12-01 Lisael
Apex Q Order of the Rose 9 2018-12-01 Lisael
Apex Q Order of the Rose 10 2019-03-24 Apex Q
Apex Q Order of the Rose 2 2013-12-22
Apex Q Order of the Rose 7 2017-06-03 Ilyana Vindictus
Apex Q Order of the Rose 1 2012-12-03
Apex Q Order of the Rose 4 2014-02-23
Apex Q Order of the Rose 6 2014-05-18
Aries Bloodborne Order of the Rose 1 2016-12-17
Artin Rynn Order of the Rose 8 2014-12-13 Ilyana Vindictus
Artin Rynn Order of the Rose 1 2011-02-06
Artin Rynn Order of the Rose 7 2013-04-28
Artin Rynn Order of the Rose 2 2011-08-07
Artin Rynn Order of the Rose 3 2011-12-04
Artin Rynn Order of the Rose 4 2012-05-06
Artin Rynn Order of the Rose 9 2015-09-12
Artin Rynn Order of the Rose 5 2012-05-06
Artin Rynn Order of the Rose 6 2012-09-02
Artin Rynn Order of the Rose 10 2015-12-12
Artorius Stormwind Order of the Rose 4 0000-00-00 Gigantes Ironwolf
Artorius Stormwind Order of the Rose 2 2021-10-03 Myriani Extract Felnir
Artorius Stormwind Order of the Rose 1 2021-08-22 Apex Q
Artorius Stormwind Order of the Rose 3 0000-00-00 Gigantes Ironwolf
August Carnival Order of the Rose 1 2021-12-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
August Carnival Order of the Rose 4 2022-12-18 Apex Q
August Carnival Order of the Rose 2 2021-12-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
August Carnival Order of the Rose 3 2021-12-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
Bagel Barrow Order of the Rose 1 2021-10-03 Myriani Extract Felnir
Bagel Barrow Order of the Rose 2 0000-00-00 Myriani Extract Felnir
Bagel Barrow Order of the Rose 3 2021-12-11 Tatum
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Rose 2008-05-03
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Rose 2009-05-01
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Rose 2007-08-05
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Rose 2009-05-01
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Rose 2007-03-23
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Rose 5 2008-05-03
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Rose 4 2007-08-05
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Rose 1980-01-01
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Rose 3 2007-03-23
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Rose 1980-01-01
Blood Raven Order of the Rose 7 2022-05-28 Tatum
Blood Raven Order of the Rose 1 2018-04-16 Lady Stella Aed
Blood Raven Order of the Rose 2 2018-04-20 Torbin
Blood Raven Order of the Rose 8 2023-06-03 Chuckles von Sunderfist Eldarweave Landcrest
Blood Raven Order of the Rose 3 2019-04-21 Torbin
Blood Raven Order of the Rose 4 2021-12-11 Tatum
Blood Raven Order of the Rose 6 2022-02-26 Tatum
Cassus Anima Order of the Rose 5 2019-09-14 Azu Vigil
Cassus Anima Order of the Rose 4 2019-06-02 Ira Brimstone
Cassus Anima Order of the Rose 1 2018-03-04 Cassus Anima
Cassus Anima Order of the Rose 2 2018-03-04 Cassus Anima
Cassus Anima Order of the Rose 3 2018-06-10 Cassus Anima
Deesse Du Chaton Order of the Rose 1 2021-10-03 Myriani Extract Felnir
Droolan Order of the Rose 1 2016-11-19
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Rose 7 2017-06-03 Ilyana Vindictus
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Rose 8 2017-12-02 Ilyana Vindictus
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Rose 2 2015-06-13
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Rose 3 2015-06-13
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Rose 4 2016-01-29
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Rose 9 2021-09-04 Duke Professor Jonah MacNeil
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Rose 5 2016-01-29
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Rose 10 2021-09-04 Duke Professor Jonah MacNeil
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Rose 6 2016-03-05
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Rose 1 2012-09-09
Faegan Carnival Order of the Rose 9 2023-12-02 Kevetor Xaris
Faegan Carnival Order of the Rose 4 2022-03-20 Gigantes Ironwolf
Faegan Carnival Order of the Rose 6 2023-03-04 Chuckles von Sunderfist Eldarweave Landcrest
Faegan Carnival Order of the Rose 1 2021-12-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
Faegan Carnival Order of the Rose 2 2021-12-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
Faegan Carnival Order of the Rose 5 2022-03-20 Gigantes Ironwolf
Faegan Carnival Order of the Rose 7 2023-06-03 Chuckles von Sunderfist Eldarweave Landcrest
Faegan Carnival Order of the Rose 3 2021-12-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
Faegan Carnival Order of the Rose 8 2023-08-26 Kevetor Xaris
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Rose 1980-01-01
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Rose 0000-00-00
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Rose 1980-01-01
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Rose 1980-01-01
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Rose 1980-01-01
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Rose 9 0000-00-00
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Rose 1980-01-01
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Rose 1980-01-01
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Rose 2010-03-01
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Rose 2001-10-01
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Rose 1980-01-01
Gunther Skysworn Order of the Rose 1 0000-00-00
Ira Brimstone Order of the Rose 1 2018-03-04 Cassus Anima
Ira Brimstone Order of the Rose 4 2020-01-05 Neiva G.S. Morningstar de Landcrest
Ira Brimstone Order of the Rose 2 2018-09-09 Cassus Anima
Ira Brimstone Order of the Rose 3 2019-05-19 Marquis Fovuel Rykus Morningstar Landcrest
JoJo Dudehammer Order of the Rose 9 2016-12-03
JoJo Dudehammer Order of the Rose 10 2017-06-03 Ilyana Vindictus
JoJo Dudehammer Order of the Rose 2010-09-01
JoJo Dudehammer Order of the Rose 2010-09-01
JoJo Dudehammer Order of the Rose 2010-09-01
JoJo Dudehammer Order of the Rose 8 0000-00-00
JoJo Dudehammer Order of the Rose 7 0000-00-00
JoJo Dudehammer Order of the Rose 6 0000-00-00
JoJo Dudehammer Order of the Rose 5 0000-00-00
JoJo Dudehammer Order of the Rose 4 0000-00-00
Khaleesi Order of the Rose 1 2012-12-03
Khaleesi Order of the Rose 2 2017-01-21 Niiro Steelfang
Kitty Gobby Order of the Rose 2 2024-06-01 Neiva G.S. Morningstar de Landcrest
Kota Order of the Rose 2 2021-06-27 Apex Q
Kota Order of the Rose 3 2021-07-25 Myriani Extract Felnir
Kota Order of the Rose 4 2021-07-25 Myriani Extract Felnir
Kota Order of the Rose 5 2021-12-11 Tatum
Kota Order of the Rose 6 2023-06-03 Chuckles von Sunderfist Eldarweave Landcrest
kouen Order of the Rose 1 2021-10-03 Myriani Extract Felnir
kouen Order of the Rose 2 2021-10-03 Myriani Extract Felnir
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Rose 1980-01-01
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Rose 1980-01-01
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Rose 1980-01-01
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Rose 2006-06-11
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Rose 4 2013-08-01
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Rose 4 2006-06-11
Lady Ravenna DeLoki Order of the Rose 6 2013-06-09
Lady Ravenna DeLoki Order of the Rose 2012-04-01
Lady Ravenna DeLoki Order of the Rose 7 2019-06-08 Ahryie Forsaken
Lady Ravenna DeLoki Order of the Rose 2012-04-01
Lady Ravenna DeLoki Order of the Rose 8 2019-12-14 Azu Vigil
Lady Ravenna DeLoki Order of the Rose 2012-04-01
Lady Ravenna DeLoki Order of the Rose 2012-11-01
Lady Ravenna DeLoki Order of the Rose 2012-06-01
Lady Tryniti Dracona Order of the Rose 7 2004-09-18 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lady Tryniti Dracona Order of the Rose 1 2001-08-13 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lady Tryniti Dracona Order of the Rose 2 2001-07-01 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lady Tryniti Dracona Order of the Rose 3 2001-07-01 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lady Tryniti Dracona Order of the Rose 4 2001-07-01 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lady Tryniti Dracona Order of the Rose 5 2001-08-08 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lady Tryniti Dracona Order of the Rose 6 2002-09-01 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lilly Order of the Rose 1 2022-05-29 Chuckles von Sunderfist Eldarweave Landcrest
Lilly Order of the Rose 2 2023-03-04 Chuckles von Sunderfist Eldarweave Landcrest
Lilly Order of the Rose 3 2023-03-04 Chuckles von Sunderfist Eldarweave Landcrest
Llama Order of the Rose 1 2021-10-03 Myriani Extract Felnir
Llama Order of the Rose 3 0000-00-00 Myriani Extract Felnir
Llama Order of the Rose 2 0000-00-00 Myriani Extract Felnir
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Rose 4 2001-04-29 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Rose 6 2001-09-08 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Rose 7 2001-12-08 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Rose 5 2001-07-01 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Rose 1 2000-09-13 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Rose 2 2001-01-28 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Rose 3 2001-02-24 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Maddie Order of the Rose 2 2024-06-01 Neiva G.S. Morningstar de Landcrest
Marsh the Mad Order of the Rose 1 2023-04-02 Chuckles von Sunderfist Eldarweave Landcrest
Melone Order of the Rose 1 2022-06-12 Sir Vincent Alexander Landcrest III
Mikoda Devoda Order of the Rose 1 2013-01-27
Mitera Tsiuri Order of the Rose 1 2016-07-02
Mitera Tsiuri Order of the Rose 2 2016-09-11
Myles Fallwatre Order of the Rose 3 0000-00-00
Myriani Extract Felnir Order of the Rose 3 2021-12-11 Tatum
Myriani Extract Felnir Order of the Rose 4 2022-12-10 Chuckles von Sunderfist Eldarweave Landcrest
Myriani Extract Felnir Order of the Rose 1 2021-07-25 Myriani Extract Felnir
Myriani Extract Felnir Order of the Rose 2 2021-08-22 Apex Q
Myriani Extract Felnir Order of the Rose 5 2023-03-04 Chuckles von Sunderfist Eldarweave Landcrest
Myriani Extract Felnir Order of the Rose 6 2023-06-03 Chuckles von Sunderfist Eldarweave Landcrest
Niiro Steelfang Order of the Rose 2 2016-09-11
Niiro Steelfang Order of the Rose 3 2019-07-14 Magus Brightwing
Niiro Steelfang Order of the Rose 1 2016-05-21
Ouranos Order of the Rose 1 2015-12-12
Portheus Order of the Rose 2008-12-06
Portheus Order of the Rose 2011-06-01
Portheus Order of the Rose 1 2008-12-06
Pyromethius Order of the Rose 2 2019-07-14 Magus Brightwing
Pyromethius Order of the Rose 1 2019-07-14 Magus Brightwing
Rhicc Order of the Rose 1 0000-00-00
Rhicc Order of the Rose 2 0000-00-00
Rhicc Order of the Rose 3 2008-06-08
Rhicc Order of the Rose 4 2008-07-05
Rhicc Order of the Rose 5 2008-07-12
Rhicc Order of the Rose 6 2008-12-06
Saber Order of the Rose 1 2021-10-03 Myriani Extract Felnir
Salazar Order of the Rose 3 2021-12-11 Tatum
Salazar Order of the Rose 1 2021-10-03 Myriani Extract Felnir
Semaj Ekalb Order of the Rose 4 2023-04-02 Chuckles von Sunderfist Eldarweave Landcrest
Semaj Ekalb Order of the Rose 1 2022-12-04 Apex Q
Semaj Ekalb Order of the Rose 2 2022-12-18 Apex Q
Semaj Ekalb Order of the Rose 3 2023-01-08 Apex Q
Sir Argon Darkwolf Order of the Rose 5 1990-01-01
Storm Order of the Rose 1 2014-02-01
Taraos Order of the Rose 1980-01-01
Taraos Order of the Rose 7 2007-06-10
Taraos Order of the Rose 1980-01-01
Taraos Order of the Rose 1980-01-01
Taraos Order of the Rose 1980-01-01
Taraos Order of the Rose 2007-06-10
Taraos Order of the Rose 1980-01-01
Taraos Order of the Rose 1980-01-01
Tarrant Order of the Rose 6 2007-10-23
Tarrant Order of the Rose 1980-01-01
Tarrant Order of the Rose 1980-01-01
Tarrant Order of the Rose 1980-01-01
Tarrant Order of the Rose 1980-01-01
Tarrant Order of the Rose 1980-01-01
Tarrant Order of the Rose 2007-10-23
Tatum Order of the Rose 2 2012-12-03
Tatum Order of the Rose 5 2021-06-13 Bishop
Tatum Order of the Rose 4 2013-12-22
Tatum Order of the Rose 7 2021-12-11 Tatum
Tatum Order of the Rose 8 2021-12-11 Tatum
Tatum Order of the Rose 3 2013-06-29
Tatum Order of the Rose 6 2021-08-01 Myriani Extract Felnir
Tatum Order of the Rose 1 2012-12-03
Xana Steelfang Order of the Rose 1 2016-06-25
Ahryie Forsaken Order of the Smith 1 2019-04-13 Ahryie Forsaken
Apex Q Order of the Smith 1 2013-05-26
Apex Q Order of the Smith 6 2018-12-01 Lisael
Apex Q Order of the Smith 4 2016-09-25
Apex Q Order of the Smith 7 2023-02-19 Tifa Landcrest
Apex Q Order of the Smith 3 2016-08-27
Apex Q Order of the Smith 8 2023-02-19 Apex Q
Apex Q Order of the Smith 9 2023-06-03 Chuckles von Sunderfist Eldarweave Landcrest
Apex Q Order of the Smith 2 2014-01-19
Apex Q Order of the Smith 5 2017-10-28 Ilyana Vindictus
Artin Rynn Order of the Smith 1 2012-07-01
Artin Rynn Order of the Smith 2 2015-09-12
Artorius Stormwind Order of the Smith 2 2023-01-15 Apex Q
Artorius Stormwind Order of the Smith 3 2023-01-15 Apex Q
Artorius Stormwind Order of the Smith 1 2021-10-03 Myriani Extract Felnir
Artorius Stormwind Order of the Smith 4 2023-06-03 Chuckles von Sunderfist Eldarweave Landcrest
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Smith 2009-11-01
Cassus Anima Order of the Smith 2011-09-01
Cassus Anima Order of the Smith 2 2018-09-09 Cassus Anima
Cassus Anima Order of the Smith 3 2019-06-02 Ira Brimstone
Cassus Anima Order of the Smith 4 2019-06-02 Ira Brimstone
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Smith 2 2023-01-15 Apex Q
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Smith 3 2023-01-15 Apex Q
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Smith 4 2023-01-15 Apex Q
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Smith 1 2021-11-13 Tatum
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Smith 5 2023-01-15 Apex Q
Faegan Carnival Order of the Smith 2 2022-01-23 Myriani Extract Felnir
Faegan Carnival Order of the Smith 6 2024-06-01 Neiva G.S. Morningstar de Landcrest
Faegan Carnival Order of the Smith 3 2022-01-23 Myriani Extract Felnir
Faegan Carnival Order of the Smith 4 2022-04-17 Neiva G.S. Morningstar de Landcrest
Faegan Carnival Order of the Smith 1 2022-01-23 Myriani Extract Felnir
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Smith 0000-00-00
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Smith 4 0000-00-00 Gigantes Ironwolf
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Smith 3 2021-07-25 Myriani Extract Felnir
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Smith 1 0000-00-00
Ira Brimstone Order of the Smith 1 2019-05-19 Marquis Fovuel Rykus Morningstar Landcrest
JoJo Dudehammer Order of the Smith 1 2021-07-25 Myriani Extract Felnir
JoJo Dudehammer Order of the Smith 2 2021-07-25 Myriani Extract Felnir
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Smith 0000-00-00
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Smith 2 2012-09-01
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Smith 2012-09-01
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Smith 1 0000-00-00
Lady Ravenna DeLoki Order of the Smith 2 2005-07-16
Lady Ravenna DeLoki Order of the Smith 1980-01-01
Lady Ravenna DeLoki Order of the Smith 2005-07-16
Lady Ravenna DeLoki Order of the Smith 2012-05-01
Lady Tryniti Dracona Order of the Smith 3 2003-11-09 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lady Tryniti Dracona Order of the Smith 4 2004-08-22 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lady Tryniti Dracona Order of the Smith 5 2018-02-25 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lady Tryniti Dracona Order of the Smith 1 2001-07-01 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lady Tryniti Dracona Order of the Smith 2 2003-08-01 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Smith 2003-08-01
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Smith 1 2000-09-09 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Smith 2 2000-12-17 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Smith 3 2001-01-28 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Smith 4 2001-07-01 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Smith 5 2001-07-01 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Smith 6 2003-11-09 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Smith 7 2004-01-25 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Mitera Tsiuri Order of the Smith 1 2018-06-09 Ifaestus \'Iffy\' Fontus
Myles Fallwatre Order of the Smith 1 2013-09-07
Niiro Steelfang Order of the Smith 1 2016-09-11
Niiro Steelfang Order of the Smith 2 2016-09-11
Oak Order of the Smith 1 2016-03-05
Oak Order of the Smith 2 2016-03-05
Phoenyx Order of the Smith 1 2019-03-03 Apex Q
Rhicc Order of the Smith 1 2007-06-18
Shrirlc Order of the Smith 1 2019-06-16 Magus Brightwing
Shrirlc Order of the Smith 3 2023-02-19 Tifa Landcrest
Shrirlc Order of the Smith 2 2019-09-08 Magus Brightwing
Sir Argon Darkwolf Order of the Smith 3 1990-01-01
Solaris Order of the Smith 1 2022-02-06 Lord Erin Forsaken
Solaris Order of the Smith 2 2022-02-06 Lord Erin Forsaken
Taraos Order of the Smith 2009-05-01
Taraos Order of the Smith 2 0000-00-00
Taraos Order of the Smith 1980-01-01
Taraos Order of the Smith 3 2016-12-17
Tatum Order of the Smith 2 2013-12-21
Tatum Order of the Smith 1 2013-09-07
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Walker in the Middle 2002-10-05 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Ahryie Forsaken Order of the Warrior 1 2015-12-23
Aldron Order of the Warrior 1 2021-09-26 Myriani Extract Felnir
Aldron Order of the Warrior 2 0000-00-00 Myriani Extract Felnir
Aldron Order of the Warrior 3 0000-00-00 Myriani Extract Felnir
Apex Q Order of the Warrior 2 2014-07-20
Apex Q Order of the Warrior 3 0000-00-00
Apex Q Order of the Warrior 4 2017-01-22 Niiro Steelfang
Apex Q Order of the Warrior 1 2012-12-03
Apex Q Order of the Warrior 5 2019-09-01 Apex Q
Aries Bloodborne Order of the Warrior 1 2016-12-17
Artin Rynn Order of the Warrior 1 2011-10-02
Artorius Stormwind Order of the Warrior 1 2021-06-27 Apex Q
Artorius Stormwind Order of the Warrior 2 2022-03-20 Tatum
Artorius Stormwind Order of the Warrior 2 2022-03-20 Tatum
August Carnival Order of the Warrior 1 2021-06-13 Myriani Extract Felnir
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Warrior 2006-12-06
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Warrior 5 2006-12-06
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Warrior 1980-01-01
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Warrior 1980-01-01
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Warrior 1980-01-01
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Warrior 1980-01-01
Blood Raven Order of the Warrior 1 2017-10-14 Arcanus Redwolf
Blood Raven Order of the Warrior 2 2018-05-06 Ulf Ronso
Cassus Anima Order of the Warrior 1 2017-08-06 Spork MacPhoon
Cookie Order of the Warrior 1 2019-01-20 Apex Q
Droolan Order of the Warrior 1 2016-11-19
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Warrior 3 2013-06-30
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Warrior 5 2021-08-01 Myriani Extract Felnir
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Warrior 4 2013-11-24
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Warrior 6 2023-03-04 Chuckles von Sunderfist Eldarweave Landcrest
Faegan Carnival Order of the Warrior 1 2022-01-16 Myriani Extract Felnir
Faegan Carnival Order of the Warrior 2 2022-01-16 Myriani Extract Felnir
Faegan Carnival Order of the Warrior 3 2022-01-30 Lord Erin Forsaken
Frank Order of the Warrior 1 2019-01-06 Apex Q
Frank Order of the Warrior 2 2019-01-06 Apex Q
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Warrior 1980-01-01
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Warrior 1980-01-01
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Warrior 0000-00-00
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Warrior 1980-01-01
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Warrior 1980-01-01
Gunther Skysworn Order of the Warrior 1 2016-01-16
Gunther Skysworn Order of the Warrior 2 2016-01-16
Halthor Order of the Warrior 1 2017-04-08 Lady Arabella Wyngarde
JoJo Dudehammer Order of the Warrior 2002-09-01
JoJo Dudehammer Order of the Warrior 2002-09-01
JoJo Dudehammer Order of the Warrior 1997-09-01
JoJo Dudehammer Order of the Warrior 2000-09-01
JoJo Dudehammer Order of the Warrior 2001-09-01
Kota Order of the Warrior 1 2017-03-25 Ahryie Forsaken
kouen Order of the Warrior 1 2021-06-27 Apex Q
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Warrior 1980-01-01
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Warrior 4 2013-08-01
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Warrior 0000-00-00
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Warrior 4 0000-00-00
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Warrior 5 2014-05-11
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Warrior 1980-01-01
Kyto Nichiro Forsaken Order of the Warrior 1980-01-01
Llama Order of the Warrior 1 0000-00-00 Myriani Extract Felnir
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Warrior 2 2002-01-27 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Warrior 1 2001-01-28 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Lord Avalon Draconis Order of the Warrior 3 2002-01-27 Lady Tryniti Dracona
Mikoda Devoda Order of the Warrior 1 2013-01-27
Myles Fallwatre Order of the Warrior 1 0000-00-00
Myriani Extract Felnir Order of the Warrior 1 2017-03-25 Ahryie Forsaken
Myriani Extract Felnir Order of the Warrior 2 2021-06-27 Apex Q
Niiro Steelfang Order of the Warrior 2 2019-09-08 Magus Brightwing
Niiro Steelfang Order of the Warrior 1 2016-05-21
Nyx Order of the Warrior 1 2014-10-18
Oak Order of the Warrior 1 2016-03-05
Oak Order of the Warrior 2 2016-03-05
Ouranos Order of the Warrior 1 2015-12-19
Portheus Order of the Warrior 1980-01-01
Portheus Order of the Warrior 1980-01-01
Portheus Order of the Warrior 1980-01-01
Portheus Order of the Warrior 8 2008-03-08
Portheus Order of the Warrior 1980-01-01
Portheus Order of the Warrior 2008-03-08
Portheus Order of the Warrior 1980-01-01
Portheus Order of the Warrior 1980-01-01
Portheus Order of the Warrior 1980-01-01
Pyromethius Order of the Warrior 1980-01-01
Pyromethius Order of the Warrior 6 2005-01-22
Pyromethius Order of the Warrior 1980-01-01
Pyromethius Order of the Warrior 1980-01-01
Pyromethius Order of the Warrior 1980-01-01
Pyromethius Order of the Warrior 1980-01-01
Pyromethius Order of the Warrior 2005-01-22
Rhicc Order of the Warrior 1 0000-00-00
Rhicc Order of the Warrior 2 2007-07-22
Saber Order of the Warrior 1 2021-09-26 Myriani Extract Felnir
Saber Order of the Warrior 2 0000-00-00 Myriani Extract Felnir
Salazar Order of the Warrior 1 2021-10-03 Myriani Extract Felnir
Semaj Ekalb Order of the Warrior 1 2023-01-15 Apex Q
Sigegar Order of the Warrior 1 2019-01-06 Apex Q
Sir Argon Darkwolf Order of the Warrior 8 1990-01-01
Skullygirl Order of the Warrior 1 2013-11-23
Solaris Order of the Warrior 1 0000-00-00 Myriani Extract Felnir
Storm Order of the Warrior 2 2013-12-21
Storm Order of the Warrior 1 2013-11-30
Taraos Order of the Warrior 3 0000-00-00
Taraos Order of the Warrior 1980-01-01
Taraos Order of the Warrior 1980-01-01
Tarrant Order of the Warrior 1980-01-01
Tarrant Order of the Warrior 1980-01-01
Tarrant Order of the Warrior 6 2007-10-23
Tarrant Order of the Warrior 1980-01-01
Tarrant Order of the Warrior 2007-10-23
Tarrant Order of the Warrior 1980-01-01
Tarrant Order of the Warrior 1980-01-01
Tatum Order of the Warrior 2 2013-12-21
Tatum Order of the Warrior 1 2013-06-11
Void Order of the Warrior 1 2021-06-27 Apex Q
Xana Steelfang Order of the Warrior 1 2016-06-18
Zaroth Order of the Warrior 1 2019-07-14 Magus Brightwing
Ahryie Forsaken Order of the Zodiac 1 2016-11-05
Apex Q Order of the Zodiac 1 2016-10-01
Apex Q Order of the Zodiac 2 2021-06-13 Bishop
Artin Rynn Order of the Zodiac 1 2012-07-07
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Zodiac 0000-00-00
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Zodiac 2006-12-06
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Zodiac 2006-12-06
Bain Ironwolf Order of the Zodiac 0000-00-00
Duke Pluto Tigris Order of the Zodiac 1 2023-11-19 Kevetor Xaris
Faegan Carnival Order of the Zodiac 1 2021-12-19 Myriani Extract Felnir
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Order of the Zodiac 1 2017-06-11 Nike Malorius
Lady Ravenna DeLoki Order of the Zodiac 2005-07-16
Lady Ravenna DeLoki Order of the Zodiac 2005-07-16
Taraos Order of the Zodiac 1 2013-09-07
Tatum Order of the Zodiac 1 2013-12-21
Tatum Master Crown 2023-03-04 Chuckles von Sunderfist Eldarweave Landcrest
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Master Dragon 2023-06-03 Chuckles von Sunderfist Eldarweave Landcrest
Ahryie Forsaken Master Rose 2022-08-27 Sir Vincent Alexander Landcrest III
Apex Q Master Rose 2019-06-08 Ahryie Forsaken
Artin Rynn Master Rose 2016-06-11
Duke Pluto Tigris Master Rose 2021-12-11 Tatum
Greasy Bear Atticus Russell Potato-Goldmoon Master Rose 2010-03-01
JoJo Dudehammer Master Rose 2018-12-01 Lisael