Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Alexander Blackwood Count 2024-01-09 Revna Bloodaxe for going above and beyond just holding the office of kingdom regent, he did a fantastic job as the stuart of emerald hills arts science service.
Alexander Blackwood Master Crown 2023-12-20 Law Kingdom monarch, kingdom regent. Kingdom champion, kingdom board President for more than one year, park monarch, park pm, park park champion. I have seen people from all over the kingdom at every level ask for his advice and help.
Alexander Blackwood Master Crown 2024-01-09 Revna Bloodaxe Kingdom Regent, and steeping into kingdom monarchy, also for board president.
Alexander Blackwood Master Dragon 2023-12-20 Law I recommended Alexander for his 10th dragon in October 2022. He has consistently created scrolls that are desired across the kingdom. I don’t know. A better scroll maker in our kingdom. He has recently made knighting scrolls, Mabtiks in less than a week. Master scrolls and paragon.
Alexander Blackwood Master Lion 10 2023-12-18 Throlkar D. Blackwood Constantly being an amazing leader at every event and in every way. Stepping up when needed and being organized and professional.
Alexander Blackwood Order of Battle 8 2024-07-15 Karad Rog'el I was Warcrat for ER 72 and Alex brought several large trash cans filled with rocks and used them to such an effect that the Rouges came up to me after that game saying how they felt overwhelmed by it.
Alexander Blackwood Order of the Jovius 1 2023-02-25 Narcini Demaris Good honor. Good service. Good laughs. Good fights. Good passion. Good chill and good lack thereof. Overall one of the best meat-covered skeletons in the history of ever.
Alexander Blackwood Order of the Mask 2 2023-03-23 Law Beautiful mud boy safety bricks.i believe that whole he deserves the dragons more the fact they are so personalized really adds an amazing touch to the RP
Alexander Blackwood Order of the Rose 10 2023-12-17 Countess Lily FaceWrecker For making at least 10 beautiful, personalized scrolls for Reign 71 endreign - All mostly resin but with different styles and added materials to feel personal to each recipient and the type of award/title they were getting.
Alexander Blackwood Order of the Smith 9 2023-04-03 Chuckles Planned and Ran "Blood for the Harbinger" Tourney in Aether Glade 2.2.2023
Alexander Blackwood Order of the Smith 9 2024-07-10 Narcini Demaris I am recommending the hands-on resin class Alexander taught at ER 72 go toward his 9th Smith
Alexander Blackwood Paragon Color 2024-07-17 Tobias Thalonius III Alexander Blackwood is an ideal Paragon Color. His achievements are too numerous for the ORC, so a link with a list will be provided. In short he stepped into a leadership role & has continued to be almost non stop, He’s been on multiple Crat Teams, and is an active member of our A&S community.
Arthur Blackwood Custom Award 9 2024-07-07 Alexander Blackwood Order of the rose part 2 rec Arthur, packed and deliver the things, he lifted, cleaned, supported gate and also was our security crat. This and his other service to our kingdom has more than earned him his 9th rose
Arthur Blackwood Master Jovius 2023-02-23 Throlkar D. Blackwood Visiting Storm Grove and everyone was super happy and honored to see him and having an amazing attitude and smile
Arthur Blackwood Order of the Owl 8 2024-01-01 Alexander Blackwood Worrak's knight's chest that contains a cool hidden compartment you can find if you are smart.
Arthur Blackwood Order of the Owl 8 2023-12-19 Shroudstar Shroudstar's knight's chain
Arthur Blackwood Order of the Rose 9 2024-01-01 Alexander Blackwood Crafted for my end reign. 2 knight chests 2 knights chaings, a Defender title,
August Master Griffin 3 2023-09-10 Manbearpig August offered to give up his bracket spot in the last tourney since I couldn’t fight the bear pits due to heat exhaustion which could have given me a shot at first overall. I didn’t let him do it because he earned that slot but the character and honor it takes to do something like that should be recognized if not tier 3 tier 4
Einar Blackwood Order of the Crown 3 2024-07-23 Alexander Blackwood Getting her Esquire title and also being park regent
Einar Blackwood Order of the Rose 8 2023-06-15 Leana Raylolynn Helping me move and decorate all of the tables for ambiance at ER 70. She was so helpful! Thank you!!
Einar Blackwood Order of the Rose 8 2024-07-12 Alexander Blackwood gate crat at end reign 72 as well as making several very nice scroll to be given at knights and to paragons of other kingdoms.
Einar Blackwood Order of the Smith 6 2024-07-08 Bunny Einar has exceptional side quest design, awards custom awards and prizes for them, and even encourages all age groups and event goers to participate. It does not go overlooked and it has been a great addition to several events.
Flynt the Skaven Order of the Dragon 6 2024-06-27 Narcini Demaris I recommend Flynt be elevated to 6th order of the dragon for his entry into dragonmaster 72
Huntis Order of Battle 2 2023-01-16 Leana Raylolynn Tactfully positioning herself to shoot and kill her opponents!
Karad Rog'el Order of the Dragon 1 2024-06-17 Alexander Blackwood Successfully making a batch of very Smokey beer.
Law Order of the Flame 1 2021-12-13 Art Von Fibonacci Amazing performance as a crat at the first event back after two years of pandemic. The event reminded me of why I love the game and what it can be. Everything ran very well, and the crats universally went above and beyond. This event was ran masterfully across the board and needs to be recognized. I think all crats involved, besides myself, deserve to be recognized with an order of the flame.
Leana Raylolynn Order of the Garber 8 2023-10-31 Alexander Blackwood entering 12+ garber sashes into the IK at seige
Leana Raylolynn Order of the Garber 9 2024-01-01 Alexander Blackwood Walker in the middle Sash made for end reign 72
Liar Order of Battle 8 2023-06-27 Karad Rog'el Showing great skill and class knowledge at Ebdreign
Liar Paragon Wizard 2024-07-23 Alexander Blackwood Jennon is unforutantly powerful
Lincoln Ecthelion Master Griffin 5 2022-11-05 Marceline Aidan Fangmeier Has consistently shown an exemplary level of care and honor at multiple kingdom level events
Mafune Order of the Warrior 7 2022-06-12 Alexander Blackwood Winning the early Bird at end Coronation 68
Mafune Order of the Warrior 7 2023-06-29 Seph Jethaniel In the Emerald Hills Mafune did win an early Bird tournament at Coronation 68
Oppungo Master Owl 2023-10-31 Alexander Blackwood no one in the kingdom makes better gear. It stands the test of time and is beautful.
Oppungo Master Owl 2023-10-31 Serra Blackwood Running folder of cool shit oppungo makes
Oppungo Master Owl 10 2023-11-29 Manbearpig Oppungo makes some of the prettiest gear I’ve seen. He puts extreme detail into his designs and execution of his work.
Oppungo Master Owl 10 2023-11-29 Throlkar D. Blackwood This human makes the most incredibly perfect weapons and gear. It is unreal how awesome the stuff is. Seriously intense work demonstrating creativity and excellence
Oppungo Order of the Jovius 1 2023-06-12 Throlkar D. Blackwood Always smiling, always happy, always makes park better. He deserves a jovius.
Penryn Order of the Dragon 8 2024-07-07 Alexander Blackwood My Master Lion scroll is a breath taking peace of 3D art. Hand painted coat of arms and detail work. 10/10
Rhadamanthys Custom Award 10 2024-04-22 Alexander Blackwood 11th rose Judging Dragon Master reign 72
Seph Jethaniel Master Mask 7 2022-12-24 Tobias Thalonius III His reputation of Assassin was so good, he was forced to stop and be disarmed by the incoming monarchs guard during court while getting an award form the current Monarch at endriegn 69.
Seph Jethaniel Order of Battle 9 2023-03-24 Einar Blackwood Being a scoring threat on the other team at Battlegames during Kingdom Midreign
Seph Jethaniel Order of Battle 9 2023-09-25 Law Amazing demonstration of Assassin's and their ability to effortless go across the battlefield and assassinate key targets.
Seph Jethaniel Order of Battle 9 2023-03-30 Leana Raylolynn Being a continual threat as an Assassin on the battlefield, as well as tactics and having great battlefield awareness.
Seph Jethaniel Order of the Mask 8 2023-06-29 Karad Rog'el Thieves Den RP at endreign
Seph Jethaniel Order of the Rose 8 2023-09-26 Lorde Stitch adding to the reasons for 8th Rose, he was one of the volunteers for the RP Quest at MR71
Seph Jethaniel Order of the Rose 8 2023-06-15 Leana Raylolynn Helping tear down all of the ambiance deco at ER 70. Thanks for the help!
Serra Blackwood Custom Award 10 2024-04-22 Alexander Blackwood Order of the rose 10th, Judging Dragon Master reign 72, donating belts, sashes, scrolls, time and effort, constantly helping do all the things not glamorous.
Serra Blackwood Order of the Dragon 5 2024-01-01 Tobias Thalonius III Salina's Paragon Monk Scroll
Serra Blackwood Paragon Color 2024-07-21 Alexander Blackwood She would have this if monarchs where not to afraid to give it to her…
Shroudstar Order of the Dragon 10 2024-07-12 Alexander Blackwood In addition to her entries into chopped. this year shroudstar has a sizeable body of work some of witch was shown off in dragon master 72 in the form of the scrolls he made for worrak as well as the sunning sunset scroll that she made for Sir Aidain Crown and Flame Knight scroll.
Shroudstar Order of the Dragon 10 2024-06-27 Narcini Demaris While it was not recommended by judges for a 10th on its own, Shroudstar's scroll entry into Dragonmaster 72 was high scoring and well done, and should be considered towards a 10th in her body of work
Shroudstar Order of the Garber 6 2024-01-01 Alexander Blackwood Paragon Assasin Sash
Shroudstar Order of the Lion 10 2024-07-12 Alexander Blackwood Shroudstar is currently our kingdoms BoD vice president and handling several large projects for our board of directors. She also has given previous monarchs sage advice on how to handle difficult and complicated situations. assisting with the hardest parts of Reign 71.
Shroudstar Order of the Rose 9 2024-07-12 Alexander Blackwood Shroudstar helped as a co-autocrat with Throlkar running end reign 72 her talent for orginzation and structure is an asset that our kingdom leans upon regularly. She has more than earned her 9th rose.
Shroudstar Order of the Rose 9 2023-09-26 Lorde Stitch A glutton for punishment, being monarch during pregnancy wasn't enough for Shroudstar. With a new baby in tow, she decided to crat every big event during reign 71?? From autocrat for relic quest to war crat for Midreign and co-war crat for Siege!, she has definitely performed heavily in this field
Shroudstar Paragon Bard 2022-10-23 Thaco Extensive proficiency
Shroudstar Paragon Bard 2024-07-23 Alexander Blackwood Trained a whole generation of bard users. Is quite proficient.
Slag Order of the Dragon 2 2023-11-11 Revna Bloodaxe amtgard ink! for their entries that are findable in the eh discord!
Sorcha Spinesnapper Order of the Crown 1 2024-07-23 Alexander Blackwood Being park regent
Sorcha Spinesnapper Order of the Owl 8 2024-04-22 Alexander Blackwood Continued improvement in leatherworking. Leather box entered into Dragon Master 72 as well as on leather scrolls.
Sorcha Spinesnapper Order of the Rose 9 2023-12-18 Throlkar D. Blackwood Helping with feast at ER70, driving into town to buy more ingredients for dinner, and helping clean
Sorcha Spinesnapper Order of the Rose 9 2024-01-01 Alexander Blackwood Sorcha Made for my end reign Several scrolls. Paragon Color as well as a Master owl scroll for sir Kestrel
Sorcha Spinesnapper Order of the Smith 9 2024-07-10 Narcini Demaris I am recommending the lantern demonstration Sorcha ran at ER 72 go toward her 9th Smith
Thor Order of the Dragon 7 2024-07-13 Alexander Blackwood for the Other banners for OKC pride. specifically the Mathematically complicated Alterra banner and the Emerald Hills Banner
Tobias Thalonius III Custom Award 10 2024-04-22 Alexander Blackwood 11th rose Judging Dragon Master reign 72
Tobias Thalonius III Order of the Jovius 1 2022-12-21 Tethro Tobias Thalonius was always smiling and helped to keep the mood high through out the event where ever he was people where always laughing. whether that be at Midreign or Endreign 69 he was always a joy to be around!
Tobias Thalonius III Order of the Mask 8 2024-07-23 Karad Rog'el Planned the very fun knighting of Seven
Toleliron Order of the Smith 7 2023-06-16 Count Rorek Silverlight Recommended for 7th Level for his continuous work of Friday Night A&S on Discord since April 2022.
Vladimir Dracul V Order of the Griffin 1 2023-10-05 Slag For the Selfless act of gifting a player all the leather her needed for his first piece of armor
Worrak Darkedge Battlemaster 10 2021-10-02 Shroudstar Worrak has two paragons from V8, and actually a third that is not in the Ork (monarch lost paperwork for it and it was taken down). He also regularly teaches others, and will give feedback on spell lists. I have plenty to say, so feel free to message me for more reasons Worrak deserves a battlemaster. :D
Worrak Darkedge Custom Award 10 2024-04-22 Alexander Blackwood 12th rose Judging Dragon Master reign 72
Worrak Darkedge Order of the Hydra 3 2023-03-23 Law Amazing work as war craft for Reign 70
Zebon Master Dragon 2024-07-12 Alexander Blackwood "A tenth level Order of the Dragon might be awarded for writing and directing an excellent play for entertainment at a large event." At Serras coronation Zebon organized a Mud boy ritual that involved a summoning circle, tasty treats, a game, scripited lines and most importantly the joy of our incoming monarch and everyone else also included a Cuthulut harbinger doll that was given to shroudstar
Zebon Master Owl 2023-10-31 Serra Blackwood Running folder of cool shit zebon makes
Zebon Master Owl 2024-07-12 Alexander Blackwood when talking about fine leather work I can think of no one better than zebon. his masks are scary his kiddney belt is beautful and effective. his pouches are realisitc as they come.
Zebon Order of the Dragon 10 2024-04-22 Alexander Blackwood Fox Doll entered into Dragon Master 72