Award Recommendations

Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Clio Ninetails Baron 1 2021-09-01 Bronzeboar Baron. Clio held the PM position for 3.5 terms and helped fundraise in DW.
Dirt Suganuma Ironfist Master Rose 2 2022-05-03 Xucio Malgallus Helping out with gate for the overnight shift at SPRING WAR 2022 and also helping setup banners and places for shade.
Dirt Suganuma Ironfist Paragon Barbarian 2021-09-22 Count Rorek Silverlight He exemplifies the Barbarian class in spirit, play, character portrayal.
Drozzt von Drach Order of the Rose 5 2023-04-11 Med Above and Beyond work on restarting Midnight Sun
Drozzt von Drach Order of the Rose 6 2024-03-13 Bloodwood T. Pirate Co-crat feast. Cooked meals and helped clean up kitchen.
Drozzt von Drach Order of the Warrior 1 2023-04-11 Med Why does he not have lvl 1 he is an above average fighter.
Fletch Von Drach Lady 2023-10-31 Alexander Blackwood being a boss at park office. I think she could be higher or lower level title depending on her park size.
Fletch Von Drach Master Rose 6 2022-10-12 Vanthys Up to 6. For helping serve multiple meals at end reign 69. Then helped serve feast and clean up at mid reign 69. Also helped hydro station at mid reign 69.
Fletch Von Drach Order of Battle 9 2023-06-19 Vanthys Being integral to their team's victory in multiple battlegames and showing a deep knowledge of classes and game rules
Fletch Von Drach Order of the Dragon 3 2024-02-29 Narcini Demaris Fletch has been doing awesome circlets/bracelets/various bead work. I recommend local monarch award her first, second, and third orders of the Dragon.
Fletch Von Drach Order of the Rose 8 2024-03-13 Bloodwood T. Pirate Being feast crat for Mr 2024. Planned and executed multiple meals as well as clean up of kitchen and leading kitchen staff.
Fletch Von Drach Squire 1 2024-07-15 Bloodwood T. Pirate Squired to Sir Bloodwood
Geralt von Drach Order of Battle 2 2023-04-11 Med Excelent Play as Monster in Battle game
Jumex Knight of the Crown 3 2023-05-10 Xucio Malgallus Taking care and keeping Midnightsun running when no one else would in 2022
Kail the Elder Order of the Griffin 3 2024-03-28 Kildaar Elketh Multiple recommendations because of honor shown at 5 and under tourney MR reign 72
Kyren Elasia Paragon Healer 2021-09-02 Count Rorek Silverlight Outstanding performance of class on the field time and time again
Rathma Order of the Rose 2 2022-06-13 Ancient (sir) Nimriel Nimgwue Saeavain Hard physical work in the hottest of heat and staying with service all day long. Carrying tables, chairs, runni g water errands, checking on physical health in an event. Watching over tavern people to make sure those of us running it were physically well.
Ryuujin von Drach Master Rose 1 2023-04-11 Med Helping to restart Midnight Sun
Ryuujin von Drach Order of Battle 2 2023-04-11 Med Participating in Battle Games
Ryuujin von Drach Order of the Warrior 1 2023-04-11 Med battlefield prowess
Vanthys Order of Battle 10 2023-06-19 Vanthys Being integral to their team's victory in multiple battlegames during endreign 70 and showing a deep knowledge of classes and game rules
Vanthys Order of the Smith 1 2023-04-11 Med Creating unique Battlegame
Vanthys Paragon Scout 10 2023-11-08 TuK! Uziel Playes scout to perfection and is a pain to fight against in this class. Knows his class to well