Award Recommendations

Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Alhert Order of the Rose 6 2022-09-10 Sefton Sly Help at Fury, also ran a class
Artemis Man-at-Arms 2022-09-07 Grey Wolf Title of "Shieldbrother" given by Baron Thrahg Bjornson
Brother Fredrik de Money Knight of the Flame 2024-05-19 Sir Garrick Kershaw Long overdue for Service to the Dream!!
Cedric of Rhiassa Order of the Dragon 1 2024-03-26 Comet Always coming in garb that pertains to his character, including a tabbard with a symbol of Rhiassa, and making efforts to dress excellently for court
Cedric of Rhiassa Order of the Jovious 2024-03-26 Comet Always friendly and happy to talk to and help anyone. Constantly welcoming and aiding new players, treats the park like family.
Comet Order of the Dragon 4 2024-03-26 Comet My write up and performance of Moon Song, which received a rating of 9.2 (i’m honored!) and best in show :)
Dipheria Brimstone Dreamkeeper 1 2024-03-06 Rethal Saryth For stepping up as regent, organizing House Bedevere, recruiting so many new people, and overall being a friendly presence at Caerbannog :)
Dipheria Brimstone Order of the Jovious 1 2024-03-06 Rethal Saryth Bringing music to a rainy bardic park day and encouraging me to dance :)
Dipheria Brimstone Order of the Jovious 1 2024-03-17 R'ynn Atelier Even on days they had rough starts, their atitude and positivity was left unbroken and unshaken.
Eden Order of the Warrior 2 2024-03-14 Dipheria Brimstone Battle prowess
Embra Ptarmica Order of the Lion 1 2024-03-14 Dipheria Brimstone Demonstration of passion for leadership on the executive board of House Bedevere
Erendel Order of the Dragon 1 2024-01-06 Xiso RP at Fury 2023
Erendel Order of the Griffin 1 2024-01-06 Xiso Always learning
Erendel Order of the Mask 1 2024-01-06 Xiso RP at Fury 2023
Gabe Hong Order of the Lion 1 2024-03-16 Dipheria Brimstone Demonstration of passion for leadership on the executive board of House Bedevere
Gorovan Dramsson Order of the Lion 9 2023-02-18 Scar Lionsbane Handling the playtest changes voting as the Interkingdom Rules committee.
Gorovan Dramsson Order of the Lion 9 2023-06-18 Dagger Handling MORE rules rep voting stuff, significantly above the expected duties. Made a ranked-choice vote and tabulate it with documentation that saved us tons of time, and left a great paper trail showing the process. A lot of work on his end to prevent lots of work from all the rest of us.
Ilra Ptarmica Master Mask 1 2024-03-14 Dipheria Brimstone Creation and potrayal of not only individual character, but familial connection within the game
Jed Order of the Rose 1 2022-11-13 Malik Drove me home when it was raining when I would have had to bike.
Lord Ice Bear Man-at-Arms 2022-09-07 Grey Wolf Title of "Shieldbrother" given by Baron Thrahg Bjornson
Lotus Master Mask 1 2024-03-16 Dipheria Brimstone Excellent roleplay as a duck in a quest
Lotus Order of the Jovious 1 2024-03-06 Rethal Saryth Being goofy and lighthearted while on the battlefield, smiling while heating your weapon
Lotus Order of the Lion 1 2024-03-16 Dipheria Brimstone Demonstration of passion for leadership on the executive board of House Bedevere
Malum Order of the Warrior 3 2024-04-27 Ecthelion Shows great battlefield prowess and technique. Is definitely already above this level from foam fighting in other games.
Pandora Corvus Order of the Lion 6 2023-06-18 Count Rorek Silverlight This recommendation is comming from me as another Kingdom Rep for AmtPride 2023, Pandora has stayed consistent with point input for Rainbow Bash which by the time of this recommendation is over 1k for Goldenvale and I've witnessed consistent postings from her on the Goldenvale Facebook regarding AmtPride 2023 and it's challenges for Rainbow Bash. Should be at least a 7th but marking for 6th level.
R'ynn Atelier Order of the Lion 1 2024-03-14 Dipheria Brimstone Stepping up to the monarch position in a time of great need
Rethal Saryth Master Griffin 1 2024-03-17 R'ynn Atelier Displaying honor and fair play.
Rethal Saryth Order of the Lion 1 2024-03-16 Dipheria Brimstone Demonstration of passion for leadership on the executive board of House Bedevere
Rethal Saryth Order of the Warrior 2 2024-03-16 Dipheria Brimstone Battle prowess and consistant increased skill with class
Sigmund Order of the Owl 3 2024-06-30 Gorovan Dramsson Awesome mace posted to the CB Discord A&S channel
Thomas Atlan Order of the Dragon 3 2024-03-16 Dipheria Brimstone Writing entry into the midreign a&s tourney