Knights & Masters

Persona Award
Kalzar crabstab Soulless 7 Kingdom Points, 7 Ducal Points
Dee Metria 4 Kingdom Points, 4 Ducal Points
Ceian MacNeil 6 Kingdom Points, 7 Ducal Points
Grand Duke Sir Theorem Nolis the Beard of Blackspire 10 Kingdom Points, 10 Ducal Points
Count Fazadar Yoru 1 Kingdom Points, 6 Ducal Points
Critias Knight of Battle
Dreadbaron Torg the Indomitable Knight of Battle
Sir Vaune Shadowglave Knight of Battle
Spud Knight of Battle
Abdul Knight of the Crown
Agar Knight of the Crown
Aurora Selene Knight of the Crown
Count Fazadar Yoru Knight of the Crown
Dagon Hellsfire Knight of the Crown
Dee Metria Knight of the Crown
Don Fodder Devilboon Knight of the Crown
Grand Duke Sir Theorem Nolis the Beard of Blackspire Knight of the Crown
Greene the Blue Knight of the Crown
Jearden Threetoe Knight of the Crown
Kalzar crabstab Soulless Knight of the Crown
Lukor Majika Knight of the Crown
Rekesh Tirinmegil Knight of the Crown
Shortround Knight of the Crown
Sir Brynjar Knight of the Crown
Sir Murtaugh OathBreaker Knight of the Crown
Sir Requiem Darksun, Master Illuminator of Blackspire Knight of the Crown
Sir Sirex Sunheart Knight of the Crown
Sir Tristam Malaskan Knight of the Crown
Terarin Knight of the Crown
Tyric Magnason Knight of the Crown
Uriel Octavius Knight of the Crown
Agar Knight of the Flame
Aurora Selene Knight of the Flame
Baelnorn Knight of the Flame
Count Fazadar Yoru Knight of the Flame
Dagon Hellsfire Knight of the Flame
Jearden Threetoe Knight of the Flame
Kormac Knight of the Flame
Lord Fritz Knight of the Flame
Lukor Majika Knight of the Flame
Radomir Kolekov Knight of the Flame
Sir Brynjar Knight of the Flame
Sir Erikk the Lionheart Knight of the Flame
Sir Lady Green Knight of the Flame
Sir Murtaugh OathBreaker Knight of the Flame
Sir Nicademus Longshadow Knight of the Flame
Sir Sirex Sunheart Knight of the Flame
Sir Trenton Kenmark Knight of the Flame
Sir Tristam Malaskan Knight of the Flame
Syr Ells Knight of the Flame
Terarin Knight of the Flame
Uriel Octavius Knight of the Flame
Vulture Knight of the Flame
Agar Knight of the Serpent
Aurora Selene Knight of the Serpent
Cat Viserion Tendragon Knight of the Serpent
Count Fazadar Yoru Knight of the Serpent
Cowdog Knight of the Serpent
Dagon Hellsfire Knight of the Serpent
Grand Duke Sir Theorem Nolis the Beard of Blackspire Knight of the Serpent
Jerago Brynjarrsen Knight of the Serpent
Sir Brynjar Knight of the Serpent
Sir Lady Green Knight of the Serpent
Sir Requiem Darksun, Master Illuminator of Blackspire Knight of the Serpent
Sir Sirex Sunheart Knight of the Serpent
Sir Tigerspaw / Xero Knight of the Serpent
Sir Trenton Kenmark Knight of the Serpent
Sir Vaune Shadowglave Knight of the Serpent
Syr Ells Knight of the Serpent
Terarin Knight of the Serpent
Tycoon Damn Kanary D\'Vorah Knight of the Serpent
Tyric Magnason Knight of the Serpent
Agar Knight of the Sword
Critias Knight of the Sword
Sir Vaune Shadowglave Knight of the Sword
Swiftwind Knight of the Sword
Baine Sidhe Battlemaster
Critias Battlemaster
Dovahyol Battlemaster
Dreadbaron Torg the Indomitable Battlemaster
Lord Moose Elkheart Battlemaster
Oso Bearington Battlemaster
Sir Derek Roth Battlemaster
Sir Vaune Shadowglave Battlemaster
Spud Battlemaster
Theodius Baozue (Tiny) Battlemaster
Akryn Master Crown
Baelnorn Master Crown
Count Fazadar Yoru Master Crown
Dagon Hellsfire Master Crown
Dee Metria Master Crown
Falcon Moonsdotter Master Crown
Grand Duke Sir Theorem Nolis the Beard of Blackspire Master Crown
Gustav Anderson Master Crown
Jerago Brynjarrsen Master Crown
Kalzar crabstab Soulless Master Crown
Lenalin Master Crown
Oso Bearington Master Crown
Radomir Kolekov Master Crown
Sir Requiem Darksun, Master Illuminator of Blackspire Master Crown
Sir Sirex Sunheart Master Crown
Swiftwind Master Crown
Theodius Baozue (Tiny) Master Crown
Uriel Octavius Master Crown
Akryn Master Dragon
Aphelia Krigare Master Dragon
Aurora Selene Master Dragon
Cat Viserion Tendragon Master Dragon
Ivy monster Master Dragon
Louie Flameseeker Master Dragon
Oso Bearington Master Dragon
Rowana of Wyvernweald Master Dragon
Sir Brynjar Master Dragon
Sir Derek Roth Master Dragon
Sir Lady Green Master Dragon
Sir Requiem Darksun, Master Illuminator of Blackspire Master Dragon
Sir Sirex Sunheart Master Dragon
Tara Redgrave Master Dragon
Terarin Master Dragon
Tycoon Damn Kanary D\'Vorah Master Dragon
Aurora Selene Master Garber
Count Fazadar Yoru Master Garber
Ephiny Master Garber
Silenus Master Garber
Sir Lady Green Master Garber
Terarin Master Garber
Theodius Baozue (Tiny) Master Garber
Tycoon Damn Kanary D\'Vorah Master Garber
Agar Master Lion
Aurora Selene Master Lion
Duncan Grey Master Lion
Jearden Threetoe Master Lion
Lukor Majika Master Lion
Radomir Kolekov Master Lion
Sir Derek Roth Master Lion
Sir Murtaugh OathBreaker Master Lion
Sir Nicademus Longshadow Master Lion
Sir Trenton Kenmark Master Lion
Uriel Octavius Master Lion
Vulture Master Lion
Akryn Master Owl
Atius Master Owl
Count Fazadar Yoru Master Owl
Dagon Hellsfire Master Owl
Grand Duke Sir Theorem Nolis the Beard of Blackspire Master Owl
Karlsefny Kirkason Master Owl
Sir Brynjar Master Owl
Sir Tigerspaw / Xero Master Owl
Sir Trenton Kenmark Master Owl
Sir Vaune Shadowglave Master Owl
Squire Larch Master Owl
Syr Ells Master Owl
Tyric Magnason Master Owl
Tyric Magnason Master Owl
Agar Master Rose
Akryn Master Rose
Baelnorn Master Rose
Count Fazadar Yoru Master Rose
Dagon Hellsfire Master Rose
Dee Metria Master Rose
Ephiny Master Rose
Jearden Threetoe Master Rose
Kormac Master Rose
Lord Fritz Master Rose
Renegade Master Rose
Rion Morningstar Master Rose
Silenus Master Rose
Sir Lady Green Master Rose
Sir Requiem Darksun, Master Illuminator of Blackspire Master Rose
Sir Sirex Sunheart Master Rose
Sir Tristam Malaskan Master Rose
Sir Vaune Shadowglave Master Rose
Syr Ells Master Rose
Terarin Master Rose
Uriel Octavius Master Rose
Adge Aethren Master Smith
Agar Master Smith
Baelnorn Master Smith
Lenalin Master Smith
Radomir Kolekov Master Smith
Sir Requiem Darksun, Master Illuminator of Blackspire Master Smith
Sir Sirex Sunheart Master Smith
Uriel Octavius Master Smith
Critias Warlord
Opi Cunningham Warlord
Sir Derek Roth Warlord
Sir Tristam Malaskan Warlord
Sir Vaune Shadowglave Warlord
Theodius Baozue (Tiny) Warlord