
Guild Player Attendance
Anti-Paladin Caim Bloodwyrm 4
Anti-Paladin Glen, Mallet of Providence 2
Anti-Paladin Count Rorek Silverlight 10
Anti-Paladin Ozymandias de Mandaloria 18
Anti-Paladin Rhyno 4
Anti-Paladin Alden Wyrmclaw 1
Anti-Paladin Eingwyn Ignis 8
Anti-Paladin Gigantes Ironwolf 1
Anti-Paladin Scarhart 1
Anti-Paladin Sir Thara Alexandria Landcrest I 1
Anti-Paladin Thaco 1
Anti-Paladin Will The Thrill 1
Anti-Paladin Will The Thrill 3
Anti-Paladin Kiba/Spike 12
Anti-Paladin Kurasa 6
Anti-Paladin Rayne DeLoki 21
Anti-Paladin Reynen D'var 1
Anti-Paladin Skitsky Pi the Overly Colorful 1
Anti-Paladin Sir Badger 1
Anti-Paladin Thumper 1
Anti-Paladin Gray Rose 5
Anti-Paladin Solkar Starfollower 7
Anti-Paladin Sorva Starfollower 5
Anti-Paladin Tyler the Fabricator 1
Anti-Paladin Celebrimbor 2
Anti-Paladin Ice Of Redhawk 7
Anti-Paladin Vidar Ulfgard 1
Anti-Paladin Duke Pluto Tigris 5
Anti-Paladin Faegan Carnival 8
Anti-Paladin Solaris 1
Anti-Paladin Tatum 13
Anti-Paladin FitzChivalry Farseer Flamebeard 1
Anti-Paladin Xelvura Nalviah 1
Archer Acheron 12
Archer Blood Rose 9
Archer DoDo of the Crystal Jellies 1
Archer Ancient (sir) Nimriel Nimgwue Saeavain 4
Archer Bovine Landen 4
Archer Count Rorek Silverlight 1
Archer Wayward, Draoidh De Faileas 3
Archer AJ 6
Archer Alex V 1
Archer Art Von Fibonacci 1
Archer Audrey Valdez 1
Archer Aurora 2
Archer Chuckles von Sunderfist Eldarweave Landcrest 12
Archer Dean 11
Archer Elija 2
Archer Gigantes Ironwolf 2
Archer Jlee 2
Archer Kievryn 2
Archer Lali 5
Archer Lollipop 1
Archer Louma 2
Archer Mishka Thundervoice 1
Archer Neiva G.S. Morningstar de Landcrest 1
Archer Oliver 11
Archer Pinecone 1
Archer Rieka 5
Archer Rory 1
Archer Rune the Supervillain 14
Archer Sawyer Plybon 1
Archer Shade 3
Archer Trollie Plybon 1
Archer Jagar 1
Archer Kevetor Xaris 2
Archer Patronakis Alexander Landcrest Sr. of Bacon Bits 6
Archer Rage 2
Archer Rayne DeLoki 3
Archer Shadow the Oldest Warlord 1
Archer Taliandra Vandurian 3
Archer Archer Penn 1
Archer Desephone Shaleth 2
Archer Ice Of Redhawk 8
Archer Layrick Spearbreaker 10
Archer Sequoia(Fyr) 11
Archer Myriani Extract Felnir 2
Archer Skjorn Fenrirsen 9
Assassin Armand DeSanto 1
Assassin Blaze Wolfborn 2
Assassin Glen, Mallet of Providence 1
Assassin Kieran Grimwulff 1
Assassin Kingsley 1
Assassin Vaskebjorn 1
Assassin Albion Elessar Violet Landcrest Morningstar 2
Assassin Bearkid 1
Assassin Bob "The New Guy" 11
Assassin Caz 7
Assassin hiner 1
Assassin Kirin Pinion 1
Assassin Krymzon 24
Assassin Lordran FourSwords 1
Assassin Mishka Thundervoice 4
Assassin Neiva G.S. Morningstar de Landcrest 1
Assassin Saint 1
Assassin Zero Pfhauequckes 21
Assassin Zombie 4
Assassin Alex Wolfie 3
Assassin Alexander Warmonger IV 11
Assassin Barbar Princess 5
Assassin Caernwolf Darkjester 5
Assassin Creed 6
Assassin Darkwolf 6
Assassin Dragoons back 5
Assassin Fenikin 1
Assassin Guey 2
Assassin Kayla Darklighter 1
Assassin Kiba/Spike 3
Assassin Kushiel Westcraven Grimwolf Leviathan of Iron 1
Assassin Rage 3
Assassin Sapphire 4
Assassin Skitsky Pi the Overly Colorful 1
Assassin Toff 8
Assassin Alucard 3
Assassin Xire Erendili 2
Assassin Goose Von Doom 19
Assassin Layrick Spearbreaker 1
Assassin Lemon 1
Assassin Lupe Caldera 2
Assassin Maxtin 2
Assassin NightFairy(vampy) 1
Assassin Nobody 2
Assassin Reiner Von Pierce 13
Assassin Sequoia(Fyr) 1
Assassin Tiger 19
Assassin Artorius Stormwind 1
Assassin Chunks Roxic 13
Assassin Faegan Carnival 1
Assassin Kitty Gobby 3
Assassin Semaj Ekalb 10
Assassin Void 1
Assassin Skeleta Northman 1
Barbarian Alara the Drake 10
Barbarian Caim Bloodwyrm 3
Barbarian Glen, Mallet of Providence 2
Barbarian Lord Ogier McDongle 1
Barbarian Count Rorek Silverlight 1
Barbarian Complete Shame 1
Barbarian Albion Elessar Violet Landcrest Morningstar 6
Barbarian Alex V 1
Barbarian Art Von Fibonacci 8
Barbarian Ayden Valir 1
Barbarian Basil Mindelan 1
Barbarian Bearkid 2
Barbarian Blueberry The Blue 1
Barbarian Char MacFlaggin of Raven-wood 2
Barbarian Chuckles von Sunderfist Eldarweave Landcrest 13
Barbarian Gizmo Brassntin 3
Barbarian Harlot the Eel-thereal 1
Barbarian INK Von Squid 1
Barbarian Jane LeBronte 1
Barbarian Mishka Thundervoice 13
Barbarian Mutlaq 2
Barbarian No Confidence of Jones Creek 1
Barbarian Perse Poxx The Violet Vortex 2
Barbarian Riaff 6
Barbarian Saint 2
Barbarian Sir Thara Alexandria Landcrest I 1
Barbarian Thaddeus the Highlander 1
Barbarian Fait 9
Barbarian Kurasa 4
Barbarian Mushu 3
Barbarian Nexus 2
Barbarian Gray Rose 2
Barbarian Sober Summerfrost 4
Barbarian Turbine 1
Barbarian Lime 1
Barbarian Artimis Von Pierce 22
Barbarian Bear 1
Barbarian Beth The Destroyer 1
Barbarian Bones Targaryen Von Pierce 2
Barbarian Caladril 12
Barbarian Gorbag 3
Barbarian Jooky 1
Barbarian Jord the Red 1
Barbarian Kage 25
Barbarian Lupe Caldera 1
Barbarian Mime 5
Barbarian NightFairy(vampy) 1
Barbarian Reiner Von Pierce 11
Barbarian Sir KaL ThraX 6
Barbarian Stick 6
Barbarian Artorius Stormwind 1
Barbarian Captain Pinky 4
Barbarian Erik Odinsen 1
Barbarian Solaris 8
Barbarian Halvar Torgrimson 1
Barbarian Turbo sneaker 15
Barbarian Undecided 1
Bard Dragonwing 11
Bard Xorg, the Destroyer 1
Bard Ancient (sir) Nimriel Nimgwue Saeavain 1
Bard Chxyps 1
Bard Ghoti 3
Bard Leaf 4
Bard Vaskebjorn 1
Bard Zanatos Shadowmane 5
Bard Albion Elessar Violet Landcrest Morningstar 22
Bard Art Von Fibonacci 1
Bard Blueberry The Blue 2
Bard Eingwyn Ignis 1
Bard Elkantar Crescentmoon 2
Bard Helen of the Glen 1
Bard INK Von Squid 6
Bard Krymzon 1
Bard Lordran FourSwords 3
Bard Monkey Butt 1
Bard Rieka 1
Bard Scarhart 2
Bard Ziplock 5
Bard Berzerka 3
Bard Black Shadow 1
Bard Kevetor Xaris 15
Bard Kurasa 1
Bard Malin 20
Bard Rage 2
Bard Tifa Landcrest 4
Bard Uncle 22
Bard Lady Thumbletina 1
Bard Tyler the Fabricator 14
Bard Lime 1
Bard Bones Targaryen Von Pierce 5
Bard Jord the Red 11
Bard Mime 2
Bard Squire Stitch Von Pierce 29
Bard Kitty Gobby 11
Bard Semaj Ekalb 4
Bard Siglur Windhammer 1
Color Acheron 1
Color Aeryn 1
Color Alara the Drake 11
Color Blaze Wolfborn 9
Color Blood Rose 3
Color Caim Bloodwyrm 3
Color DoDo of the Crystal Jellies 1
Color Glen, Mallet of Providence 1
Color Iris the Red 1
Color Kellthar Ironbeard 1
Color Kieran Grimwulff 1
Color Kita of the Bells 3
Color Mama Bear 1
Color Sir Crom Ironwolf 1
Color Svend 4
Color Alba 1
Color Ancient (sir) Nimriel Nimgwue Saeavain 2
Color Bovine Landen 1
Color Button 2
Color Chxyps 1
Color Count Rorek Silverlight 9
Color Emo Terrorist 1
Color Ghoti 1
Color Groo-nin 1
Color Leaf 1
Color Limbo 6
Color Misto 1
Color Rhyanith 11
Color Rhyno 3
Color Alden Wyrmclaw 2
Color Aurora Martel 2
Color Aydin 1
Color Baron Rook Hightower 1
Color Caslon 2
Color Char MacFlaggin of Raven-wood 2
Color Gigantes Ironwolf 1
Color Grim Lycanborn 1
Color Haven 1
Color Hotmess Von Squid 1
Color INK Von Squid 1
Color Jaym 1
Color Krymzon 1
Color Lisael 5
Color Meash 1
Color Mishka Thundervoice 1
Color Neiva G.S. Morningstar de Landcrest 6
Color Pinecone 5
Color Rieka 4
Color Scarhart 1
Color Sir Thara Alexandria Landcrest I 2
Color Spork MacPhoon 2
Color Sylvertalyn 1
Color Thaco 5
Color Vera 2
Color Zombie 2
Color Alexander Warmonger IV 1
Color Ariadne 1
Color Aurora 2
Color Barbar Princess 3
Color Dame Anyanka Goldmoon 1
Color Denah 3
Color DeZwarte Zon 1
Color Dragoons back 3
Color Eros 1
Color Fait 1
Color Fray 4
Color Jet DarkJester 7
Color Kaiwolf 3
Color Kiba/Spike 1
Color Kushiel Westcraven Grimwolf Leviathan of Iron 15
Color Loxi Pyla 1
Color Mushu 1
Color OBanion 2
Color Rayne DeLoki 8
Color Sapphire 1
Color Serena 5
Color Shadow the Oldest Warlord 1
Color Sir Vincent Alexander Landcrest III 2
Color Skitsky Pi the Overly Colorful 1
Color Snapback 1
Color Squeaks 1
Color Sugar 1
Color Sylvre 4
Color Taliandra Vandurian 1
Color Tifa Landcrest 4
Color Toff 3
Color Black Rose Ironside 1
Color Ep the Deceiver 1
Color Rollie 1
Color Val 1
Color Bunny 2
Color Amnesia 8
Color Bee 7
Color Cypress Silverwood 2
Color Ice Of Redhawk 3
Color Joodus 4
Color lil red 6
Color Lucifer 1
Color NightFairy(vampy) 2
Color ruso 6
Color savage 5
Color Squire Wid Lewin 1
Color Apex Q 2
Color Artorius Stormwind 1
Color Brutus 1
Color Myriani Extract Felnir 7
Color Hiraeth 15
Color Kadogen 14
Color Keygan 1
Color Lady Lethia Silvercrow 18
Color Lil' Felon 3
Color Siglur Windhammer 2
Color Skeleta Northman 1
Color Stephens mom 3
Color steven 12
Color Trislynn Miradove 5
Druid Alara the Drake 1
Druid Kita of the Bells 8
Druid Ghoti 1
Druid Orcfather Yawp Khan the Banished 9
Druid Aurora Martel 3
Druid Carebear 1
Druid Darian 1
Druid Elizabeth 2
Druid Rieka 3
Druid Sir Thara Alexandria Landcrest I 1
Druid Violet of the Snails 1
Druid Aubrey Samuel Westcraven 15
Druid Kentigern 20
Druid Melinoe 2
Druid Patronakis Alexander Landcrest Sr. of Bacon Bits 1
Druid Sir Vincent Alexander Landcrest III 3
Druid Lime 7
Druid Meliodas Garner 2
Druid Cypress Silverwood 17
Druid Ice Of Redhawk 2
Druid Odin 2
Druid Squire Stitch Von Pierce 1
Druid Squire Wid Lewin 10
Druid Void 1
Druid Annabelle Rosehart 1
Healer Akjun 3
Healer Blood Rose 3
Healer Lord Ogier McDongle 1
Healer Svend 3
Healer Ancient (sir) Nimriel Nimgwue Saeavain 1
Healer Leaf 3
Healer Adem Martel 1
Healer Artificer 4
Healer Faraday 9
Healer Harlot the Eel-thereal 21
Healer INK Von Squid 2
Healer Justin 1
Healer Kievryn 1
Healer Lali 1
Healer Lisael 1
Healer Lord Wargauth Bluetarp 1
Healer Sir Thara Alexandria Landcrest I 1
Healer TERMUS 1
Healer Thyron Falamir 2
Healer Violet of the Snails 20
Healer Zero 1
Healer Caernwolf Darkjester 1
Healer Gronk 2
Healer Tifa Landcrest 1
Healer Toff 1
Healer Desephone Shaleth 6
Healer Doncarlos Vespulabane 1
Healer Val 6
Healer Enyoch 1
Healer Brak 1
Healer Flippy 3
Healer Lupe Caldera 1
Healer Renga Lewin 25
Healer Salty Von Pierce 8
Healer Halvar Torgrimson 3
Monk Caim Bloodwyrm 3
Monk Dreadknight Oran the Greyseer 1
Monk Freya Woulf 1
Monk Glen, Mallet of Providence 1
Monk Kai 3
Monk Kaikan 13
Monk Kieran Grimwulff 4
Monk Kita of the Bells 7
Monk Bovine Landen 1
Monk Chxyps 3
Monk Groo-nin 1
Monk Adem Martel 2
Monk Azure Gembreaker 12
Monk Barry 6
Monk Bearkid 2
Monk Char MacFlaggin of Raven-wood 1
Monk Cirzen 2
Monk Cornelius 2
Monk Cricket Cringle 2
Monk Demon King 1
Monk Derrick XI 1
Monk Grim Lycanborn 6
Monk Hotmess Von Squid 15
Monk Jane LeBronte 1
Monk Jaym 6
Monk Jlee 2
Monk Krymzon 7
Monk Marquis Fovuel Rykus Morningstar Landcrest 8
Monk Mutlaq 5
Monk Pinecone 2
Monk Rockwell 2
Monk Seth 1
Monk Sir Thara Alexandria Landcrest I 1
Monk The Arkham Knight 2
Monk Zee 1
Monk Guey 1
Monk Kanaan Landcrest 23
Monk Kevetor Xaris 1
Monk Nom Nom 4
Monk Shadow the Oldest Warlord 1
Monk Val 1
Monk Wyst 1
Monk Adonys 14
Monk blank 1
Monk Caladril 1
Monk Flippy 3
Monk Hound 11
Monk Jord the Red 1
Monk Renga Lewin 6
Monk Blood Raven 4
Monk Brian mulhair 5
Monk Connor siegler 4
Monk Deimos 1
Monk Joeseph brown 3
Monk Siglur Windhammer 2
Monster Alara the Drake 2
Monster Caim Bloodwyrm 1
Monster Dreadknight Oran the Greyseer 3
Monster Svend 1
Monster Button 4
Monster Groo-nin 1
Monster Limbo 1
Monster Rhyanith 10
Monster Albion Elessar Violet Landcrest Morningstar 1
Monster Artificer 7
Monster Azure Gembreaker 1
Monster Baron Rook Hightower 9
Monster Neiva G.S. Morningstar de Landcrest 18
Monster Santiago 1
Monster Slyddur Rahbet 18
Monster TERMUS 1
Monster Will The Thrill 1
Monster Kushiel Westcraven Grimwolf Leviathan of Iron 4
Monster Rage 13
Monster Royce Ad Astra 3
Monster Uncle 1
Monster Wild Child 1
Monster Faegan Carnival 7
Monster Siglur Windhammer 7
Paladin Armand DeSanto 2
Paladin Dreadknight Oran the Greyseer 4
Paladin Saint Rom 3
Paladin Sir Crom Ironwolf 1
Paladin Count Rorek Silverlight 7
Paladin Limbo 1
Paladin Ozymandias de Mandaloria 3
Paladin Rhyno 1
Paladin Artificer 2
Paladin Baron Rook Hightower 7
Paladin Blueberry The Blue 1
Paladin Eingwyn Ignis 6
Paladin JP 1
Paladin Kievryn 2
Paladin Lisael 4
Paladin McJope 1
Paladin Singalia Abelian von Fibonacci 1
Paladin Sir Thara Alexandria Landcrest I 1
Paladin Thaco 3
Paladin Caernwolf Darkjester 1
Paladin Patronakis Alexander Landcrest Sr. of Bacon Bits 1
Paladin Skitsky Pi the Overly Colorful 1
Paladin Taliandra Vandurian 1
Paladin Rollie 9
Paladin Bael Silverflame 11
Paladin Flippy 4
Paladin Lord Daigomir Espen 3
Paladin Duke Pluto Tigris 10
Paladin Kyto Nichiro Forsaken 1
Paladin Christian 1
Peasant Caim Bloodwyrm 2
Peasant Lantus Nova 1
Peasant Button 1
Peasant Ozymandias de Mandaloria 1
Peasant Trunk Monkey 1
Peasant Aaron Northfleet 1
Peasant Albion Elessar Violet Landcrest Morningstar 1
Peasant Artificer 1
Peasant Bearkid 1
Peasant Hair Follicle 1
Peasant Mr Plybon 1
Peasant Mshak 4
Peasant Rory 1
Peasant Santiago 2
Peasant Sir Thara Alexandria Landcrest I 1
Peasant Slyddur Rahbet 1
Peasant Tiny Gremlin 1
Peasant Hutch HalfFoot the Pork Belly 9
Peasant OBanion 1
Peasant Rage 1
Peasant Rollie 2
Peasant Cypress Silverwood 7
Peasant Gorbag 1
Peasant Hound 3
Peasant James 1
Peasant JayJay 8
Peasant Joodus 11
Peasant Jord the Red 1
Peasant NightFairy(vampy) 2
Peasant Odin 4
Peasant Ruby 1
Peasant Snake 8
Peasant Squire Wid Lewin 22
Peasant Storm 2
Reeve Caim Bloodwyrm 1
Reeve Kellthar Ironbeard 17
Reeve Limbo 3
Reeve Artificer 3
Reeve Neiva G.S. Morningstar de Landcrest 14
Reeve Rage 1
Reeve Armek Dark Labrys 8
Reeve Duke Pluto Tigris 1
Reeve Tatum 4
Scout DoDo of the Crystal Jellies 1
Scout Artificer 1
Scout Bearkid 1
Scout Blueberry The Blue 5
Scout Eingwyn Ignis 1
Scout Ellio of Swiftneade 2
Scout Hotmess Von Squid 2
Scout Kievryn 5
Scout Lordran FourSwords 23
Scout Perse Poxx The Violet Vortex 5
Scout Puck 5
Scout Smoke 6
Scout TERMUS 2
Scout Jagar 1
Scout Kevetor Xaris 1
Scout Loxi Pyla 3
Scout Phenof Knowl 1
Scout CyWolf Yasashi Senshi 9
Scout Feral 1
Scout Hound 3
Scout Salty Von Pierce 15
Scout Vidar Ulfgard 6
Scout Shadow fang 15
Scout Skeleta Northman 1
Scout Skjorn Fenrirsen 3
Warrior Acheron 2
Warrior Blood Rose 8
Warrior Caim Bloodwyrm 9
Warrior Crimson Twilight 1
Warrior Glen, Mallet of Providence 2
Warrior Kai 1
Warrior Kaikan 2
Warrior Kellthar Ironbeard 2
Warrior Kita of the Bells 1
Warrior Svend 3
Warrior Bovine Landen 6
Warrior Count Rorek Silverlight 3
Warrior Art Von Fibonacci 1
Warrior Baron Rook Hightower 1
Warrior Blueberry The Blue 1
Warrior Cornelius, the Noble 1
Warrior Crimson Jack 4
Warrior Doc Payne 1
Warrior Eingwyn Ignis 1
Warrior Harlot the Eel-thereal 2
Warrior hiner 4
Warrior Hotmess Von Squid 10
Warrior Indigo 1
Warrior Jem 1
Warrior Lordran FourSwords 1
Warrior lykos 1
Warrior Mutlaq 1
Warrior Santiago 1
Warrior Sevalet the Short 5
Warrior Singalia Abelian von Fibonacci 1
Warrior Zero Pfhauequckes 2
Warrior Alexander Hudson 2
Warrior Berzerka 1
Warrior Dishes the fourth 2
Warrior Gronk 1
Warrior Guey 3
Warrior Likos 1
Warrior Mordecai 1
Warrior Shaggy Doo 1
Warrior Taliandra Vandurian 3
Warrior Unicron 3
Warrior Other Sarah 1
Warrior Alucard 1
Warrior Arth Rhew 1
Warrior Black Rose Ironside 1
Warrior Cross 2
Warrior CyWolf Yasashi Senshi 2
Warrior Gray Rose 2
Warrior Kajeel 1
Warrior Rollie 3
Warrior Solkar Starfollower 1
Warrior Tyler the Fabricator 3
Warrior Val 1
Warrior Enyoch 1
Warrior Artemis 2
Warrior Brak 1
Warrior Caladril 1
Warrior Ender 2
Warrior Flippy 12
Warrior Freeson Phawkes 1
Warrior Jooky 1
Warrior Jord the Red 5
Warrior Layrick Spearbreaker 16
Warrior Lucifer 1
Warrior Wild Child 3
Warrior Artorius Stormwind 3
Warrior August Carnival 2
Warrior Blood Raven 1
Warrior Halvar Torgrimson 1
Warrior Keygan 10
Warrior Skjorn Fenrirsen 1
Warrior Squire Baron Atticus Von Bearclaw 4
Warrior Xena Faust 1
Wizard Onisshoku 1
Wizard Ancient (sir) Nimriel Nimgwue Saeavain 2
Wizard Bovine Landen 17
Wizard Leaf 15
Wizard Adem Martel 9
Wizard Artificer 10
Wizard Blueberry The Blue 5
Wizard Hotmess Von Squid 6
Wizard INK Von Squid 24
Wizard Lordran FourSwords 1
Wizard NATER 2
Wizard Rak'Shul 4
Wizard Rune the Supervillain 4
Wizard Singalia Abelian von Fibonacci 8
Wizard Sir Thara Alexandria Landcrest I 2
Wizard Susan Esteban Verde Curiosa 5
Wizard Thyron Falamir 26
Wizard Violet of the Snails 8
Wizard Alexander Warmonger IV 1
Wizard Barbar Princess 6
Wizard Caernwolf Darkjester 1
Wizard Enskerk 14
Wizard Guey 2
Wizard Kentigern 6
Wizard Kiba/Spike 6
Wizard Kurasa 1
Wizard Nami 1
Wizard Sir Vincent Alexander Landcrest III 4
Wizard Tifa Landcrest 12
Wizard Grimgor Below Lungs 3
Wizard Moria 1
Wizard Rollie 3
Wizard Uni Greenleaf 2
Wizard Bael Silverflame 7
Wizard Jord the Red 1
Wizard Apex Q 1
Wizard Artorius Stormwind 3
Wizard Pinkie 20
Wizard Siglur Windhammer 4
Wizard Skeleta Northman 7