Player Roster

Kingdom Park Persona Mundane Waivered Suspended Until
The Kingdom of Northern Lights The Hollow Aeoden , Waiver
The Kingdom of Northern Lights The Hollow Amyranth , Waiver
The Kingdom of Northern Lights The Hollow Arwen , Waiver
The Kingdom of Northern Lights The Hollow Baron Hated Holydragon , Waiver
The Kingdom of Northern Lights The Hollow Bonehead Jericho , Waiver
The Kingdom of Northern Lights The Hollow BunnyBoo , Waiver
The Kingdom of Northern Lights The Hollow Cantor , Waiver
The Kingdom of Northern Lights The Hollow Cypress Ivory Belozar , Waiver
The Kingdom of Northern Lights The Hollow Gara , Waiver
The Kingdom of Northern Lights The Hollow Helena Helsdottir , Waiver
The Kingdom of Northern Lights The Hollow Imidris Helsdottir , Waiver
The Kingdom of Northern Lights The Hollow Ion , Waiver
The Kingdom of Northern Lights The Hollow Istiir , Waiver
The Kingdom of Northern Lights The Hollow Lord Zedakiah Massacre , Waiver
The Kingdom of Northern Lights The Hollow Lyra , Waiver
The Kingdom of Northern Lights The Hollow MacNcheesePlz , Waiver
The Kingdom of Northern Lights The Hollow Nilous , Waiver
The Kingdom of Northern Lights The Hollow Nokotan , Waiver
The Kingdom of Northern Lights The Hollow Orion the Problem Massacre , Waiver
The Kingdom of Northern Lights The Hollow Periwinkle , Waiver
The Kingdom of Northern Lights The Hollow Roscoe , Waiver
The Kingdom of Northern Lights The Hollow Shwimbo Figlebottom , Waiver
The Kingdom of Northern Lights The Hollow SnakPak , Waiver
The Kingdom of Northern Lights The Hollow Sol Blackheart , Waiver
The Kingdom of Northern Lights The Hollow Sylvia Bramblebloom , Waiver
The Kingdom of Northern Lights The Hollow Syntax Monkey , Waiver
The Kingdom of Northern Lights The Hollow Thorne Evermore , Waiver