Player Roster

Kingdom Park Persona Mundane Waivered Suspended Until Suspended At Suspendator Suspension
The Kingdom of Westmarch Aegir's Hall Vontez DeCreamy , 2022-05-14 Porkins
The Kingdom of Westmarch Belial Peaks Jokyo Restricted 2025-10-07 2024-10-07
The Kingdom of Westmarch Crimson Wood Baronet Niveus Esq. , Waiver 2010-01-01 Gwendair Tryst CoC Violation, propagates
The Kingdom of Westmarch Crimson Wood Rangor Treecrusher Restricted 2023-10-13 Saint Ka'a Tul Acklie CoC violation
The Kingdom of Westmarch Mistyvale Lady Squire Tamara MacAbee , Waiver 2019-11-08 Dame Elspeth Sharrisselva Violated 1 yr CoC suspension, does not propagate
The Kingdom of Westmarch Mistyvale Zennael Ryuitsu the cursed , Waiver 2015-03-26 Deimos
The Kingdom of Westmarch Thor's Refuge Joetator , Waiver 2019-05-17 Midori CoC Violation, propagates
The Kingdom of Westmarch Thor's Refuge That Redacted , 2018-05-13 Collin MacAbee CoC Violations, propagates
The Kingdom of Westmarch Wavehaven Laoric , Waiver 2017-07-19 Bill the Nun CoC Violation, propagates