Hodr Rimefrost


Player Details

Given Name:
Persona: Hodr Rimefrost
Username: Hodr
Dues Paid:
Password Expires: Expired
Reeve Qualified: No
Corpora Qualified: No
Park Member Since:


Kingdom Park Dues Paid Until Dues Paid On Dues For Life?

Companies & Households

Name Type
Clan Rimefrost Household
House Ansgar Household
Order of the Broken Gard Company
Wardens of the Pillar Company


Class Credits Level
Anti-Paladin 0 0
Archer 0 0
Assassin 6 1
Barbarian 0 0
Bard 0 0
Color 3 1
Druid 0 0
Healer 58 5
Monk 0 0
Monster 5 1
Paladin 0 0
Peasant 2 1
Reeve 22 2
Scout 19 2
Warrior 6.25 1
Wizard 61 6

Historical Imports

Note Description Date


Login to send an award recommendation.
Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note Entered By
Order of the Facade [Custom Award] 1 2015-07-11 Aramis of Oceana Sun's Haven,The Kingdom of Dragonspine For roleplaying in the field and for his well-written posts on Facebook.
Order of the Facade [Custom Award] 2 2017-05-13 Sajarin Wynsteel Sun's Haven,The Kingdom of Dragonspine Because... dwarf and fantastic roleplay at Coronation Sid NaNuWhoGod
Order of the Facade [Custom Award] 3 2017-08-05 Evan Traginoire del Khahli Eru Sun's Haven,The Kingdom of Dragonspine Roleplaying on Tilted Kilt video Baronet Krod Featherbritches, Healer of the Wight Light
Order of the Facade [Custom Award] 4 2017-08-05 Sajarin Wynsteel Sun's Haven,The Kingdom of Dragonspine RP portrayal at the BL feast during serving Baronet Krod Featherbritches, Healer of the Wight Light
Order of the Dragon 1 2016-04-09 Kylara Dex Sun's Haven,The Kingdom of Dragonspine Musashi Minamoto Sword Saint Art kit entered into the 2015 Winter Crown Quals, which scored 3.5
Order of the Dragon 2 2016-04-09 Kylara Dex Sun's Haven,The Kingdom of Dragonspine The Oger's Lodge Tent which entered into the Winter 2015 Crown Quals and scored 3.8, and the Danish Xmas Potatoes which scored 3.9
Order of the Dragon 3 2016-04-09 Kylara Dex Sun's Haven,The Kingdom of Dragonspine The Smoldering Forge entered into the 2015 Winter Crown Quals and the AMAZING Whiskey in the Jar performance, which scored 4.1 and 4.3 respectively.
Order of the Flame 1 2014-03-29 Syke Sun's Haven,The Kingdom of Dragonspine Broken Gard War Fund donations/fundraising SWW
Order of the Flame 2 2015-03-28 Evan Traginoire del Khahli Eru Sun's Haven,The Kingdom of Dragonspine
Order of the Garber 1 2016-10-08 Sid NaNuWhoGod Sun's Haven,The Kingdom of Dragonspine He sewed a thing!
Order of the Hydra 1 2016-04-09 Kylara Dex Sun's Haven,The Kingdom of Dragonspine Entering and Qualing in the 2015 Winter Reign Crown Quals.
Order of the Hydra 2 2016-10-08 Sid NaNuWhoGod Sun's Haven,The Kingdom of Dragonspine Entering and qualifying in Winter 2016 Crown Quals.
Order of the Hydra 3 2017-10-07 Evan Traginoire del Khahli Eru Sun's Haven,The Kingdom of Dragonspine Baronet Krod Featherbritches, Healer of the Wight Light
Order of the Jovius 1 2014-03-29 Syke Sun's Haven,The Kingdom of Dragonspine outstanding attitude
Order of the Lion 1 2015-01-10 Evan Traginoire del Khahli Eru Sun's Haven,The Kingdom of Dragonspine For holding and running A&S workshops where everyone is welcome
Order of the Lion 2 2016-04-09 Kylara Dex Sun's Haven,The Kingdom of Dragonspine The Nearly perfectly run 2015 Reign Dragon Master. You were fast, effective, and a true leader for running this important event.
Order of the Lion 3 2016-10-08 Sid NaNuWhoGod Sun's Haven,The Kingdom of Dragonspine Excellent service as Regent Summer 2016
Order of the Lion 4 2017-04-01 Evan Traginoire del Khahli Eru Sun's Haven,The Kingdom of Dragonspine For his dedication to inspiring others during his reign as Duke. Sid NaNuWhoGod
Order of the Mask 1 2014-03-29 Syke Sun's Haven,The Kingdom of Dragonspine Excellent dwarf rp
Order of the Owl 1 2015-01-10 Evan Traginoire del Khahli Eru Sun's Haven,The Kingdom of Dragonspine for his weapon building skills both for himself and for others
Order of the Owl 2 2016-10-08 Sid NaNuWhoGod Sun's Haven,The Kingdom of Dragonspine The Cheese Wheel Madu
Order of the Owl 3 2016-10-08 Sid NaNuWhoGod Sun's Haven,The Kingdom of Dragonspine PD basket hilt mace entered in Winter 2016 Crown Quals
Order of the Rose 2 2015-01-10 Evan Traginoire del Khahli Eru Sun's Haven,The Kingdom of Dragonspine For his hard work and selfless service to the club showing the best aspects of our park at events
Order of the Rose 3 2017-04-01 Evan Traginoire del Khahli Eru Sun's Haven,The Kingdom of Dragonspine Unrelenting dedication and service to the dream. Sid NaNuWhoGod
Order of the Rose 4 2017-05-13 Evan Traginoire del Khahli Eru Sun's Haven,The Kingdom of Dragonspine Live videos, organizing Swap Meet at GFH Sid NaNuWhoGod
Order of the Rose 5 2017-08-05 Azrael-Jade Longwalker Stroke Sun's Haven,The Kingdom of Dragonspine Classes, Kitchen Jester Ninetoes
Order of the Smith 1 2015-01-10 Evan Traginoire del Khahli Eru Sun's Haven,The Kingdom of Dragonspine for his photography passion and skills at the crossroads event in November 2014
Order of the Smith 2 2016-04-09 Kylara Dex Sun's Haven,The Kingdom of Dragonspine The Dagger and Axe workshops, which were amazing, informative, and fun.
Order of the Smith 3 2016-10-08 Sid NaNuWhoGod Sun's Haven,The Kingdom of Dragonspine Running the Assassin game at Clan 2016
Order of the Smith 4 2016-10-08 Sid NaNuWhoGod Sun's Haven,The Kingdom of Dragonspine Persona workshop series during Summer 2016 Reign
Order of the Smith 5 2017-04-01 Evan Traginoire del Khahli Eru Sun's Haven,The Kingdom of Dragonspine For his amazing battlegame designs both at the park and during SWW4. Sid NaNuWhoGod
Order of the Warrior 1 2016-10-08 Sid NaNuWhoGod Sun's Haven,The Kingdom of Dragonspine Battlefield prowess.
Order of the Zodiac 2016-10-08 Sid NaNuWhoGod Sun's Haven,The Kingdom of Dragonspine September 2016- Burning the candle at both ends as Regent, Kingdom/Local Food Fight Rep, and several other projects completed outstandingly.


Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note Entered By
Ducal Regent 2015-12-05 Sun's Haven,The Kingdom of Dragonspine Pro-Tem Regent for Second half of Winter' 15 reign Sid NaNuWhoGod
Ducal Regent 2016-05-14 Sun's Haven,The Kingdom of Dragonspine Regent for Summer reign '16 Sid NaNuWhoGod
Ducal Guildmaster of Reeves [Guildmaster of Reeves, Duchy] 2017-04-01 Sun's Haven,The Kingdom of Dragonspine GMR for Summer reign '17 Sid NaNuWhoGod
Ducal Monarch [Provincial Duke] 2016-10-08 Sun's Haven,The Kingdom of Dragonspine Duke for Winter reign '16 Sid NaNuWhoGod
Lord 2015-03-28 Evan Traginoire del Khahli Eru Sun's Haven,The Kingdom of Dragonspine
Baron 2016-04-09 Kylara Dex Sun's Haven,The Kingdom of Dragonspine

Award Recommendations

Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Order of the Crown 1 2021-09-07 Bronzeboar 2015 Winter Regent - Duchy of Sun's Haven
Order of the Crown 2 2021-09-07 Bronzeboar 2016 Summer Regent - Duchy of Sun's Haven
Order of the Crown 3 2021-09-07 Bronzeboar 2016 Winter Monarch - Duchy of Sun's Haven


Date Kingdom Park Event Class Credits
2017-11-09 Crossroads IV Assassin 2
2017-11-04 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Assassin 1
2017-10-21 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Mountains of Elsrum Glowstrike Monster 2
2017-10-14 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Assassin 1
2017-10-07 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Assassin 2
2017-09-24 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Glass Fjord Highlands Healer 2
2017-09-23 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Healer 1
2017-09-16 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Healer 1
2017-09-02 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Healer 1
2017-08-26 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Healer 1
2017-08-12 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Healer 1
2017-08-05 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Healer 1
2017-07-29 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Healer 1
2017-07-19 The Kingdom of Burning Lands Burning Lands The Gathering of the Clans XXXV Healer 5
2017-07-09 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Mountains of Elsrum Healer 1
2017-07-08 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Healer 1
2017-07-01 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Healer 2
2017-06-25 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Obsidian Gate Healer 1
2017-06-24 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Healer 2
2017-06-17 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Healer 1
2017-06-10 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Healer 1
2017-06-03 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Healer 1
2017-05-27 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Healer 1
2017-05-13 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Healer 2
2017-04-29 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Healer 1
2017-04-22 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Healer 1
2017-04-15 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Monster 2
2017-04-08 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Healer 1
2017-04-01 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Healer 1
2017-03-23 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Southwestern War Healer 5
2017-03-18 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Healer 1
2017-03-11 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Healer 1
2017-03-04 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Healer 1
2017-02-25 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Healer 1
2017-02-25 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Dragonspine Healer 1
2017-02-20 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Healer 1
2017-02-11 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Healer 1
2017-02-04 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Healer 1
2017-01-28 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Healer 1
2017-01-21 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Healer 1
2017-01-14 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Healer 1
2017-01-08 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Obsidian Gate Healer 1
2017-01-07 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Healer 1
2016-12-31 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Healer 1
2016-12-17 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Healer 1
2016-12-10 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Healer 1
2016-12-03 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Healer 1
2016-11-26 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Healer 1
2016-11-10 Kingdom of the Desert Winds Terra De Votum Healer 4
2016-11-05 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Dragonspine Wizard 2
2016-10-30 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Obsidian Gate Wizard 1
2016-10-29 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Reeve 1
2016-10-22 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Wizard 1
2016-10-15 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Reeve 1
2016-10-08 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Wizard 1
2016-10-01 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Wizard 1
2016-09-18 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Obsidian Gate Wizard 1
2016-09-17 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Wizard 1
2016-09-10 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Wizard 1
2016-09-03 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Wizard 1
2016-08-27 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Wizard 1
2016-08-21 The Freeholds of Amtgard Glass Fjord Highlands Wizard 1
2016-08-20 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Wizard 1
2016-08-13 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Monster 1
2016-08-07 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Obsidian Gate Wizard 1
2016-07-30 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Wizard 1
2016-07-20 The Kingdom of Burning Lands Burning Lands Gathering Clans XXXIV Wizard 5
2016-07-16 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Reeve 1
2016-07-09 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Wizard 1
2016-07-02 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Warrior 1
2016-06-25 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Reeve 1
2016-06-18 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Reeve 1
2016-06-11 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Color 1
2016-06-04 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Reeve 1
2016-05-29 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Obsidian Gate Reeve 1
2016-05-28 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Reeve 1
2016-05-21 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Mountains of Elsrum Color 1
2016-05-14 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Reeve 1
2016-05-07 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Reeve 1
2016-04-24 The Freeholds of Amtgard Glass Fjord Highlands Reeve 1
2016-04-23 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Reeve 1
2016-04-16 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Reeve 1
2016-04-09 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Wizard 1
2016-03-31 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Wizard 4
2016-03-26 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Peasant 1
2016-03-19 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Wizard 1
2016-03-12 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Reeve 1
2016-03-05 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Reeve 1
2016-02-27 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Reeve 1
2016-02-20 The Freeholds of Amtgard Mountains of Elsrum Reeve 2
2016-02-13 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Reeve 1
2016-01-30 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Reeve 1
2016-01-23 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Healer 1
2016-01-16 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Reeve 1
2016-01-03 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Obsidian Gate Reeve 1
2016-01-02 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Wizard 1
2015-12-19 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Color 1
2015-12-13 The Freeholds of Amtgard Glass Fjord Highlands Wizard 2
2015-12-12 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Wizard 1
2015-12-06 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Wizard 1
2015-11-28 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Wizard 1
2015-11-21 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Wizard 1
2015-11-14 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Wizard 1
2015-11-05 The Kingdom of Westmarch Crossroads Wizard 3
2015-10-08 The Kingdom of Westmarch Feast of Gods Wizard 4
2015-08-29 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Wizard 1
2015-04-18 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Wizard 1
2015-04-11 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Warrior 1
2015-04-04 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Wizard 1
2015-03-26 The Kingdom of Dragonspine South Western War Wizard 4
2015-03-21 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Wizard 1
2015-03-07 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Wizard 1
2015-02-28 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Wizard 1
2015-02-21 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Wizard 1
2015-02-14 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Wizard 1
2015-02-07 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Wizard 1
2015-01-31 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Scout 1
2015-01-24 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Scout 1
2015-01-03 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Peasant 1
2014-12-13 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Scout 1
2014-11-29 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Scout 1
2014-11-22 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Scout 1
2014-11-15 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Scout 1
2014-11-06 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Crossroads Scout 3
2014-11-01 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Scout 1
2014-10-26 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Scout 1
2014-10-25 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Scout 1
2014-10-18 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Scout 1
2014-04-19 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Wizard 1
2014-03-29 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Wizard 1
2014-03-27 The Kingdom of Dragonspine South Western War Wizard 4
2014-03-15 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Scout 1
2014-03-13 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Warrior 0.25
2014-03-08 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Scout 1
2014-02-22 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Scout 1
2014-02-15 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Scout 1
2014-02-08 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Scout 1
2014-02-01 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Scout 1
2014-01-25 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Warrior 1
2014-01-11 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Warrior 1
2014-01-04 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Warrior 1
2014-01-04 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Winter Midreign Warrior 1
2013-12-28 The Kingdom of Dragonspine Sun's Haven Warrior 1