Corey The Sliv


Player Details

Given Name:
Persona: Corey The Sliv
Pronouns: he[him]
Username: BearChief
Dues Paid:
Password Expires: Expired
Reeve Qualified: Until 2024-08-20
Corpora Qualified: No
Park Member Since: 0000-00-00


Kingdom Park Dues Paid Until Dues Paid On Dues For Life?

Companies & Households

Name Type


Class Credits Level
Anti-Paladin 2 1
Archer 0 0
Assassin 53 5
Barbarian 53 5
Bard 3 1
Color 9 1
Druid 0 0
Healer 0 0
Monk 53 5
Monster 0 0
Paladin 0 0
Peasant 0 0
Reeve 0 0
Scout 26 3
Warrior 4 1
Wizard 0 0

Historical Imports

Note Description Date


Login to send an award recommendation.
Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note Entered By
GRUMP [Custom Award] 1 2023-07-25 Scoot the Jolly Green Giant Siar Geata,The Kingdom of Westmarch General respectable ultimate manager of practice - responsible for running fighter practice. RoseThorn
Order of Battle 1 2022-05-28 Cecil (SG) Siar Geata,The Kingdom of Westmarch Being an effective barbar RoseThorn
Order of Battle 2 2022-11-26 Cecil (SG) Siar Geata,The Kingdom of Westmarch Effectively playing class during battlegames RoseThorn
Order of Battle 3 2023-02-25 Xeno Siar Geata,The Kingdom of Westmarch Continuing to be an asset to any team in class battle RoseThorn
Order of Battle 4 2023-05-20 thistledown notagnome The Kingdom of Westmarch Ask thistledown no description provided RoseThorn
Order of Battle 4 2023-05-20 thistledown notagnome Siar Geata,The Kingdom of Westmarch Wendy the Wench
Order of the Crown 1 2023-09-02 Scoot the Jolly Green Giant Siar Geata,The Kingdom of Westmarch For positive service in Duchy Office Scoot the Jolly Green Giant
Order of the Dragon 1 2023-02-25 Xeno Siar Geata,The Kingdom of Westmarch Made a logo for his household (see his households wiki) RoseThorn
Order of the Dragon 2 2023-05-20 thistledown notagnome The Kingdom of Westmarch Logo design RoseThorn
Order of the Dragon 2 2023-05-20 thistledown notagnome Siar Geata,The Kingdom of Westmarch Corey has made three logos now teaching himself to use photoshop to make high quality logos for his household. It's been really impressive as to what he's been able to accomplish Wendy the Wench
Order of the Griffin 1 2022-01-01 RoseThorn Siar Geata,The Kingdom of Westmarch Honor in battle Scoot the Jolly Green Giant
Order of the Griffin 2 2022-11-26 Cecil (SG) Siar Geata,The Kingdom of Westmarch Always honorable and fun to fight with RoseThorn
Order of the Griffin 3 2023-04-29 Xeno Siar Geata,The Kingdom of Westmarch Battlefield honor RoseThorn
Order of the Griffin 4 2024-07-28 Siar Geata,The Kingdom of Westmarch Corey is one of the most honorable fighters I know. When he felt he was hitting peeps in the face more than he liked, he elected on his own to start calling himself dead whenever he did. A lot of people are good fighters, but will scoff at being told they do something wrong. Corey will take the comments as advice and work to improve himself instead. Sebastion
Order of the Griffin 5 2024-07-28 Sebastion Siar Geata,The Kingdom of Westmarch If you don’t think this man is deserving of this award AND THOSE IF HIGHER RANKS then you don’t know Corey. The most honorable fighter in all of Westmarch. Will not sluff. Will call himself dead, HIMSELF DEAD, if he headshots someone. Honor and Corey are synonymous. In the dictionary the first definition of honorable is “Corey the Sliv”. Give this man his awards, he deserves it. He is honorable. Sebastion
Order of the Jovius 1 2023-09-02 Scoot the Jolly Green Giant Siar Geata,The Kingdom of Westmarch Constant Positive Attitude and Enthusiasm Scoot the Jolly Green Giant
Order of the Lion 1 2022-05-28 Cecil (SG) Siar Geata,The Kingdom of Westmarch Lord of fighter practice RoseThorn
Order of the Lion 2 2022-05-28 RoseThorn Siar Geata,The Kingdom of Westmarch Even more better fighter practice RoseThorn
Order of the Lion 3 2022-11-26 Wendy the Wench Siar Geata,The Kingdom of Westmarch Running weekly fighter practices Wendy the Wench
Order of the Lion 4 2023-09-02 Scoot the Jolly Green Giant Siar Geata,The Kingdom of Westmarch Running Fighter Practices and additionally working out a system for members to organize separately. Scoot the Jolly Green Giant
Order of the Lion 5 2024-07-28 Sebastion Siar Geata,The Kingdom of Westmarch Putting together a three week fighter practice training course for SG involving fitness, positioning, and other martial arts that helped create a better and safer all around figher. Created a writeup so people could train on their own. Really good work Sebastion
Order of the Rose 1 2022-05-28 Cecil (SG) Siar Geata,The Kingdom of Westmarch Private lord fighter RoseThorn
Order of the Smith 1 2022-05-28 Cecil (SG) Siar Geata,The Kingdom of Westmarch Coordinating fighter practice and helps improve park attendance RoseThorn
Order of the Smith 3 2023-08-19 Myliu Siar Geata,The Kingdom of Westmarch so I'm not sure if he is still a GMW (if that is what it's called?) but it would be awesome if he received an award for strong presence of Fighter Practice over the last few months, and really being active in that respect. Even if he gets more awards for fighter practice again Myliu
Order of the Smith 4 2023-09-02 Scoot the Jolly Green Giant Siar Geata,The Kingdom of Westmarch Working to help newbies learn, organizing fighter practices, and teaching specific classes. Scoot the Jolly Green Giant
Order of the Warrior 1 2022-01-01 RoseThorn Siar Geata,The Kingdom of Westmarch Battlefield Prowess Scoot the Jolly Green Giant
Order of the Warrior 2 2022-05-28 Cecil (SG) Siar Geata,The Kingdom of Westmarch Bp RoseThorn
Order of the Warrior 3 2022-05-28 Cecil (SG) Siar Geata,The Kingdom of Westmarch Bp RoseThorn
Order of the Warrior 4 2022-05-28 Cecil (SG) Siar Geata,The Kingdom of Westmarch Getting 10 kill streak in Dutchy tourney RoseThorn
Order of the Warrior 5 2022-05-28 Cecil (SG) Siar Geata,The Kingdom of Westmarch 3rd in SG quals RoseThorn
Order of the Warrior 6 2023-08-05 Lord at arms Chicken a la Void Ethereal Hollow,The Kingdom of Westmarch Winning 2nd in two duchy level tounies RoseThorn


Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note Entered By
Man-at-Arms 2022-11-12 Xeno Siar Geata,The Kingdom of Westmarch Ask Xeno (Shrug) RoseThorn

Award Recommendations

Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Order of the Griffin 6 2024-04-06 If you don’t think this man is deserving of this award AND THOSE IF HIGHER RANKS then you don’t know Corey. The most honorable fighter in all of Westmarch. Will not sluff. Will call himself dead, HIMSELF DEAD, if he headshots someone. Honor and Corey are synonymous. In the dictionary the first definition of honorable is “Corey the Sliv”. Give this man his awards, he deserves it. He is honorable.
Order of the Rose 2 2024-02-21 Milan of Amber Continously offering support in helping others get better at swordplay
Order of the Rose 2 2024-04-04 RoseThorn Service to SG with teaching, scheduling fighter practices, working with others to teach them how to run a fighter practice and bringing gear so people can fight at practice.
Order of the Rose 3 2024-04-04 RoseThorn Dedicated service to SG
Order of the Smith 5 2024-04-04 RoseThorn Running fighter practices, running classes, running games.


Date Kingdom Park Event Class Credits
2024-07-25 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Anti-Paladin 1
2024-07-20 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Color 1
2024-07-13 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Color 1
2024-07-09 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Anti-Paladin 1
2024-06-30 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Color 1
2024-06-22 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Color 1
2024-05-18 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Color 1
2024-04-04 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Scout 1
2024-03-23 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Scout 1
2024-03-21 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Scout 1
2024-03-14 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Scout 1
2024-03-09 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Scout 1
2024-03-07 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Scout 1
2024-03-02 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Color 1
2024-02-24 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Scout 1
2024-02-03 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Color 1
2024-01-31 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Scout 1
2024-01-27 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Scout 1
2024-01-17 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Scout 1
2024-01-10 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Scout 1
2024-01-06 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Scout 1
2023-12-23 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Scout 1
2023-12-16 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Scout 1
2023-12-06 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Scout 1
2023-11-29 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Scout 1
2023-11-26 The Kingdom of Westmarch Ashen Grove Scout 1
2023-11-22 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Scout 1
2023-11-11 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Scout 1
2023-11-04 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Scout 1
2023-11-01 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Scout 1
2023-10-25 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Scout 1
2023-10-21 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Scout 1
2023-10-18 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Scout 1
2023-10-14 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Scout 1
2023-10-09 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Scout 1
2023-10-04 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2023-09-30 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2023-09-20 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2023-09-13 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2023-09-09 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2023-09-06 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2023-09-02 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2023-08-26 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2023-08-09 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2023-08-05 The Kingdom of Westmarch Ethereal Hollow Bard 2
2023-08-03 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Color 1
2023-08-02 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2023-07-30 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2023-07-29 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2023-07-24 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2023-07-19 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2023-07-15 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2023-07-12 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2023-07-05 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 3
2023-06-28 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2023-06-21 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2023-06-17 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2023-06-14 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2023-05-27 The Kingdom of Westmarch Bremen's Fortress Summer Coronation / Endreign Barbarian 1
2023-05-24 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2023-05-17 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2023-05-10 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2023-05-06 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2023-05-03 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2023-04-20 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2023-04-08 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2023-04-01 The Kingdom of Westmarch Ethereal Hollow Assassin 2
2023-03-23 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2023-03-18 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Warrior 1
2023-03-09 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2023-03-04 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2023-03-03 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2023-02-26 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2023-02-02 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata O.U.T Assassin 1
2023-01-28 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2023-01-21 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2023-01-19 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Fighter practice Assassin 1
2023-01-07 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2022-12-31 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2022-12-17 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2022-12-09 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2022-12-01 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2022-11-26 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 2
2022-11-18 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2022-11-12 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2022-11-10 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2022-11-04 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-10-29 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-10-27 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-10-20 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-10-13 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-10-08 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-09-24 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-09-22 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-09-15 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Warrior 1
2022-09-10 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-09-08 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-09-01 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-08-27 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-08-25 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-08-19 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-08-04 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-07-30 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 2
2022-07-28 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-07-21 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-07-16 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-07-14 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-07-09 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-07-07 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-07-02 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-06-30 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-06-23 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-06-18 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-06-17 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-05-21 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Bard 1
2022-05-19 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-05-12 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-05-07 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-04-29 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-04-23 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-04-21 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-04-14 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-04-07 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-04-02 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-03-31 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-03-24 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2022-03-19 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2022-03-10 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2022-03-05 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 2
2022-03-03 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2022-02-24 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2022-02-19 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2022-02-17 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-02-12 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-02-10 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-02-05 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 2
2022-02-03 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-01-29 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2022-01-22 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2021-12-08 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2021-12-04 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2021-11-20 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2021-11-18 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2021-11-11 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2021-11-06 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2021-10-30 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2021-10-23 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2021-10-16 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2021-10-09 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2021-10-02 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2021-09-25 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2021-09-11 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2021-09-04 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2021-08-28 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2021-08-21 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2021-08-14 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 2
2021-07-24 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2021-07-17 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Barbarian 1
2021-06-24 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Monk 1
2012-12-29 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Warrior 1
2009-06-27 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2009-06-20 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2009-01-03 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2008-12-27 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2008-12-20 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2008-11-29 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2008-11-22 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2008-11-15 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2008-10-04 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2008-09-13 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2008-08-09 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2008-08-02 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2008-07-19 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2008-05-03 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2008-04-27 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2008-04-13 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2008-03-29 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2008-03-15 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2008-03-08 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2008-02-23 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2008-02-16 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2008-02-09 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2008-01-12 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2007-12-29 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2007-12-22 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 2
2007-12-15 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2007-12-08 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2007-12-01 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2007-11-24 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2007-11-17 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2007-09-29 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Assassin 1
2007-09-08 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Warrior 1
2007-09-01 The Kingdom of Westmarch Siar Geata Color 1