Potato The Plagued Darkangel


Player Details

Given Name:
Persona: Potato The Plagued Darkangel
Pronouns: he[him]
Username: Kartofl
Dues Paid: 2025-05-01
Password Expires: 2026-06-18
Reeve Qualified: No
Corpora Qualified: No
Park Member Since: 2023-04-12


Kingdom Park Dues Paid Until Dues Paid On Dues For Life?
The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep 2025-05-01 2024-11-01 No

Companies & Households

Name Type
Adeptus Anthrobovinius Household
House Rodarch Mandos Household
Saracens, Tribe Myrmidon Company
The Impostors of a Thousand Faces Household


Class Credits Level
Anti-Paladin 0 0
Archer 0 0
Assassin 0 0
Barbarian 0 0
Bard 0 0
Color 11 1
Druid 0 0
Healer 38 4
Monk 60 5
Monster 61 6
Paladin 0 0
Peasant 0 0
Reeve 1 1
Scout 36 3
Warrior 0 0
Wizard 0 0

Historical Imports

Note Description Date


Login to send an award recommendation.
Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note Entered By
Order of the Hunter [] 1 2023-12-31 Weega Underhell Greenwood Keep,The Kingdom of Northern Lights Developing Bow Skills Dartz Arrowfox
Order of the Hunter [] 2 2024-03-31 Weega Underhell Greenwood Keep,The Kingdom of Northern Lights 6th place in hollow 5 and under Archery tourney Dartz Arrowfox
Order of the Hunter [] 3 2024-03-31 Weega Underhell Greenwood Keep,The Kingdom of Northern Lights Performance at Duchy level archery tournament on 3-10-24 Dartz Arrowfox
Order of Battle 1 2023-06-18 Heron Lamana Greenwood Keep,The Kingdom of Northern Lights Effective Healer at Low Levels Dartz Arrowfox
Order of Battle 2 2023-10-01 Heron Lamana Greenwood Keep,The Kingdom of Northern Lights Playing Dwarf in Armor Dartz Arrowfox
Order of Battle 3 2024-06-30 Drusk Greenwood Keep,The Kingdom of Northern Lights Amazing Monk Play and a Bane to Archers. Weega Underhell
Order of the Dragon 1 2023-10-01 Meril Greenwood Keep,The Kingdom of Northern Lights Page Belt Dartz Arrowfox
Order of the Dragon 2 2023-10-01 Meril Greenwood Keep,The Kingdom of Northern Lights Squire belt Dartz Arrowfox
Order of the Dragon 3 2024-03-31 Luminary Galuria Arrowfox Greenwood Keep,The Kingdom of Northern Lights Galurias Knight of the Flame paracord belt Dartz Arrowfox
Order of the Garber 1 2023-04-09 Crow Shrouding Mist,The Kingdom of Northern Lights Making of Scout Sash Balor Fomori
Order of the Garber 2 2023-04-09 Crow Shrouding Mist,The Kingdom of Northern Lights Making of Healer Sash Balor Fomori
Order of the Garber 3 2023-04-09 Crow Shrouding Mist,The Kingdom of Northern Lights Brown fur Tabard Balor Fomori
Order of the Garber 4 2023-04-09 Crow Shrouding Mist,The Kingdom of Northern Lights Woven paracord necklace with runes and Mjolnir Balor Fomori
Order of the Garber 5 2024-06-09 Gilernil Ly'vain Greenwood Keep,The Kingdom of Northern Lights Christmas Belt entered into Dragon Master 2023 Dartz Arrowfox
Order of the Griffin 1 2023-06-18 Heron Lamana Greenwood Keep,The Kingdom of Northern Lights Grit and Determination Dartz Arrowfox
Order of the Griffin 2 2024-03-31 Weega Underhell Greenwood Keep,The Kingdom of Northern Lights Honor on the battlefield Dartz Arrowfox
Order of the Griffin 3 2024-09-29 Drusk Greenwood Keep,The Kingdom of Northern Lights Continual honor the Battlefield Weega Underhell
Order of the Owl 1 2023-04-09 Crow Shrouding Mist,The Kingdom of Northern Lights Making of dagger Balor Fomori
Order of the Owl 2 2023-04-09 Crow Shrouding Mist,The Kingdom of Northern Lights Repairing sword ECCC 23 Balor Fomori
Order of the Owl 3 2023-04-09 Crow Shrouding Mist,The Kingdom of Northern Lights Making double sided axe. Balor Fomori
Order of the Owl 4 2024-06-30 Danny Flamevale Greenwood Keep,The Kingdom of Northern Lights Repairs to Loaner Weapons for ECCC 2023. Weega Underhell
Order of the Rose 2 2023-04-09 Klause the Combustible Shrouding Mist,The Kingdom of Northern Lights Assisting at ECCC 23 Balor Fomori
Order of the Rose 3 2023-12-31 Wicker Basket Greenwood Keep,The Kingdom of Northern Lights Running Gate at NLCC Fall 2023 Dartz Arrowfox
Order of the Warrior 1 2023-01-15 Klause the Combustible Shrouding Mist,The Kingdom of Northern Lights Prowess and learning on the field Klause the Combustible


Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note Entered By

Award Recommendations

Award Rank Date Sent By Reason


Date Kingdom Park Event Class Credits
2024-12-01 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Healer 1
2024-11-26 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Healer 2
2024-11-10 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Scout 1
2024-11-03 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Scout 1
2024-10-27 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Scout 1
2024-10-20 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Scout 1
2024-10-13 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Scout 1
2024-10-06 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Scout 2
2024-10-05 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Dragons of Fire Valley Scout 1
2024-09-29 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Scout 2
2024-09-22 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Scout 2
2024-09-15 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Scout 1
2024-09-05 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Fall Classic Healer 12
2024-09-01 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Scout 1
2024-08-18 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Crown Laureate Trials and Warskills Tournament Healer 2
2024-08-11 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Color 1
2024-08-04 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Scout 2
2024-07-21 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Monster 1
2024-07-14 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Monk 1
2024-07-07 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Healer 1
2024-06-30 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Shrouding Mist Scout 1
2024-06-23 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Scout 1
2024-06-14 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Summer Midreign Healer 2
2024-06-09 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Scout 1
2024-06-02 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Healer 1
2024-05-26 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Scout 1
2024-05-12 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Healer 1
2024-05-05 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Color 1
2024-04-21 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Color 1
2024-04-06 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Dragons of Fire Valley Scout 1
2024-03-21 The Kingdom of Northern Lights NLCC (Spring) Monk 8
2024-03-18 The Empire of the Iron Mountains Darkmoon Monster 1
2024-03-17 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Monk 1
2024-03-13 The Celestial Kingdom Spring War Rise of the Fae Monster 17
2024-03-10 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Monk 1
2024-03-03 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Monk 1
2024-02-25 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Monk 2
2024-02-17 The Mystic Seas Blackspire Elections Monk 3
2024-02-17 The Kingdom of Black Spire The Mystic Seas Black Spire KLE Monk 3
2024-02-11 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Kingdom Crown Qualifications Monk 2
2024-02-10 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Dragons of Fire Valley Monk 1
2024-02-05 The Kingdom of Burning Lands Burning Lands Color 1
2024-02-04 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Monk 1
2024-02-03 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Dragons of Fire Valley Monk 1
2024-01-27 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Dragons of Fire Valley Monk 1
2024-01-21 The Kingdom of Black Spire Dusk Hollow KLE Healer 3
2024-01-21 The Kingdom of Black Spire Silver Moon Healer 3
2024-01-14 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Monk 1
2024-01-09 The Kingdom of Black Spire Obsidian Grove Monster 3
2023-12-31 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Monster 2
2023-12-30 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Dragons of Fire Valley Winter Midreign Monster 2
2023-12-24 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Scout 1
2023-12-23 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Dragons of Fire Valley Healer 1
2023-12-17 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Healer 1
2023-12-10 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Healer 1
2023-12-03 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Healer 1
2023-11-26 The Kingdom of Northern Lights The Hollow Monk 2
2023-11-19 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Monk 1
2023-11-12 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Monk 1
2023-11-11 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Dragons of Fire Valley Monk 1
2023-11-05 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Monster 2
2023-10-29 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Reeve 1
2023-10-22 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Monk 1
2023-10-15 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Monk 1
2023-10-13 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Color 1
2023-10-08 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Monk 1
2023-10-01 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Monk 2
2023-09-30 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Dragons of Fire Valley Monk 1
2023-09-21 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Winter Coronation Monster 8
2023-09-17 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Monster 1
2023-09-16 Blade's Edge Morrigan Tournament Monster 2
2023-09-07 The Kingdom of Black Spire PacWar Monster 6
2023-09-02 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Dragons of Fire Valley Color 1
2023-08-20 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Mithril Hills Healer 1
2023-08-13 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Healer 1
2023-08-12 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Crown Laureate Trials and Warskills Tournament Healer 2
2023-07-30 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Healer 1
2023-07-29 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Dragons of Fire Valley Scout 1
2023-07-09 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Scout 1
2023-06-25 Shrouding Mist Summer Weaponsmaster Scout 2
2023-06-18 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Healer 2
2023-06-17 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Dragons of Fire Valley Scout 1
2023-06-11 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Healer 1
2023-06-04 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Monster 2
2023-05-28 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Scout 1
2023-05-07 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep KLE Relic Quest Scout 2
2023-04-30 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Scout 1
2023-04-29 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Dragons of Fire Valley Scout 1
2023-04-10 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Shrouding Mist Scout 2
2023-04-08 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Dragons of Fire Valley Scout 1
2023-04-02 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Shrouding Mist Scout 1
2023-03-23 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Northern Lights Coronation Campout Monster 8
2023-03-19 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Monk 2
2023-03-18 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Dragons of Fire Valley Monk 1
2023-03-02 The Kingdom of Northern Lights ECCC Demo Monster 4
2023-02-19 The Kingdom of Northern Lights The Hollow Kingdom Level Event Color 4
2023-02-12 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Shrouding Mist Color 1
2023-01-01 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Shrouding Mist Monster 1
2022-12-17 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Dragons of Fire Valley Kingdom Level Event Monk 4
2022-10-30 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Monk 1
2022-09-25 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Shrouding Mist Monster 1
2022-09-11 The Kingdom of Northern Lights Shrouding Mist Monk 1
2022-08-28 The Freeholds of Amtgard Fenmoor Bloodstone Monk 1
2022-07-17 The Freeholds of Amtgard Fenmoor Bloodstone Monk 1
2022-07-03 The Freeholds of Amtgard Fenmoor Bloodstone Monk 1
2022-06-19 The Freeholds of Amtgard Fenmoor Bloodstone Monk 1
2022-06-12 The Freeholds of Amtgard Fenmoor Bloodstone Monk 1
2022-06-05 The Freeholds of Amtgard Fenmoor Bloodstone Monk 1
2022-05-29 The Freeholds of Amtgard Fenmoor Bloodstone Monk 1
2022-05-22 The Freeholds of Amtgard Fenmoor Bloodstone Healer 1
2022-05-01 The Freeholds of Amtgard Fenmoor Bloodstone Monk 1
2022-04-17 The Freeholds of Amtgard Fenmoor Bloodstone Monk 1
2022-04-10 The Freeholds of Amtgard Fenmoor Bloodstone Monk 1
2022-04-03 The Freeholds of Amtgard Fenmoor Bloodstone Monk 1
2022-03-27 The Freeholds of Amtgard Fenmoor Bloodstone Monk 1
2022-03-13 The Freeholds of Amtgard Fenmoor Bloodstone Monk 1
2022-03-06 The Freeholds of Amtgard Fenmoor Bloodstone Monk 1
2022-02-27 The Freeholds of Amtgard Fenmoor Bloodstone Monk 1
2022-02-20 The Freeholds of Amtgard Fenmoor Bloodstone Monk 1