Odhran Tearlach


Player Details

Given Name:
Persona: Odhran Tearlach
Username: Odhran_TL
Dues Paid:
Password Expires: Expired
Reeve Qualified: No
Corpora Qualified: No
Park Member Since: 2021-11-27


Kingdom Park Dues Paid Until Dues Paid On Dues For Life?

Companies & Households

Name Type


Class Credits Level
Anti-Paladin 0 0
Archer 0 0
Assassin 0 0
Barbarian 0 0
Bard 0 0
Color 1 1
Druid 0 0
Healer 0 0
Monk 0 0
Monster 0 0
Paladin 0 0
Peasant 0 0
Reeve 0 0
Scout 8 1
Warrior 1 1
Wizard 0 0

Historical Imports

Note Description Date


Login to send an award recommendation.
Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note Entered By
Order of the Dragon 1 2022-03-26 Orlagh Jag Sinikta River Watch,The Kingdom of Viridian Outlands Handmade spell scrolls Hephin
Order of the Garber 1 2022-03-26 Orlagh Jag Sinikta River Watch,The Kingdom of Viridian Outlands Handmade wrap around Hephin
Order of the Owl 1 2022-03-26 Orlagh Jag Sinikta River Watch,The Kingdom of Viridian Outlands Handmade leather belt and sword cover Hephin
Order of the Rose 1 2021-12-11 Moreso Zanyu River Watch,The Kingdom of Viridian Outlands Kindness in helping clean park and offering help Hephin
Order of the Rose 2 2022-03-26 Thoan Runebeard River Watch,The Kingdom of Viridian Outlands Sharing printed scroll with other members of the field Hephin
Order of the Warrior 1 2022-03-26 Thoan Runebeard River Watch,The Kingdom of Viridian Outlands participation in Tournament of the Crown Hephin


Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note Entered By

Award Recommendations

Award Rank Date Sent By Reason