Goblin Games

Kingdom The Kingdom of Goldenvale
Park Blightstone Hallow
Title Goblin Games


Goblin Games

Price Date Website Location Map Active Attendance
10 2014-07-12, 10 AM
2014-07-13, 12 AM
[ Link ] Hamlin Beach State Park, Hamlin, NY 14464, USA No Attendance
Goblin Games is back! Come out and celebrate our Summer midreign! Goblin style!

Entry Fee: $10
Park Gate fee: between 8am-9pm: $7
Meeting in Area 1: first parking lot, you will see us.

Auto-Crat Team:

Main Crat: Rianne
Feast-o-Crat: Aidan Realta
War-o-Crat: Oss’m
Quest-o-crat: Rianne/Sayrin
Reeve-o-Crat: CC
Security-o-Crat: CC
Troll-o-Crat: Andreana

July 12-13th

(Times may change and more details will be added as they are worked out)

Event Schedule:
10-troll opens
10-11 settling in /ditching/ prepping for day
11:30-3-games run by Oss'm soon to be announced
1- lunch- self served sandwiches, chips, snacks and Fruit and beverages
330- Goblin Games
630: feast - Run by Aidan Realta- Kabobs, Pita, and Salad
After Feast Court will be held
10ish- leave park, if staying- back to campsite for fire and smore's maybe a questy RP bear walk


Breakfast served by Aidan Realta- Danish
1030- tents down and checked out of site by 11
1130- company battle at the beach.(if interest) or just games.
More games and Hang outs if people stick around.
0 2015-07-25, 12 AM
2015-07-25, 12 AM
[ Link ] No Attendance
Goblin Games
0 2016-07-23, 12 AM
-0001-11-30, 12 AM
[ Link ] Yes Attendance
0 2016-07-23, 12 AM
-0001-11-30, 12 AM
[ Link ] No Attendance