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Player Details

Given Name:
Pronouns: custom
Password (Again):
Notice: Dues can now
be found in their own section!
Dues Paid:
Dues Semesters:

Reeve Qualified:
Reeve Until:
Corpora Qualified:
Corpora Until:
Park Member Since:


Date Paid:
Terms: 1 Term = (s)
Dues For Life: Yes No
Kingdom Park Dues Paid Until Dues Paid On Dues For Life?  

Companies & Households

Name Type Quit
Amalgam Household ×
Crimson Marauders Company ×


Class Credits Reconciled Level
Anti-Paladin 0 0
Archer 2 1
Assassin 2 1
Barbarian 72 6
Bard 2 1
Color 6 1
Druid 65 6
Healer 72 6
Monk 61 6
Monster 22 2
Paladin 113 6
Peasant 0 0
Reeve 1 1
Scout 88 6
Warrior 74 6
Wizard 15 2

Historical Imports

Note Description Date ×
Lord Kamal 2006-10-01 ×
Kingdom Dragonmaster 2007 King Moonshadow 2007-11-01 ×
Protector of Evermore Hollow Baron Kamal 2006-10-01 ×
Lionheart Baron Moonshadow 1997-05-01 ×
Count King Moonshadow 2008-09-01 ×
Bard of the Hollow Baron Gom 2008-12-01 ×
Prime Minister of Evermore Hollow 2007-02-01 - 2008-10-01 ×
Baron of Evermore Hollow 2008-12-01 - 2009-05-01 ×
Prime Minister of Evermore Hollow 2009-05-01 - 2010-03-01 ×
GMR of Evermore Hollow Paldadin 2011-09-01 - 2012-02-01 ×
Master Dragon 1969-12-31 ×
Winter Reign Dragonmaster 2007 1969-12-31 ×
Count 1969-12-31 ×

Add Award

Type: Awards Officers
Award Name:
Given By:
Given At:
Given For:


Strip all Awards & Titles or choose from below. Details will be recorded for posterity.
Strip Awards Reason
Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note × Strip
Dragon (Order of the Dragon) 1998-08-01 King Euric; Watercolor × Strip
Dragon (Order of the Dragon) 1998-12-01 Baron Kamal; group heraldry submission × Strip
Dragon (Order of the Dragon) 1998-12-01 Baron Kamal; artistic design of armor × Strip
Dragon (Order of the Dragon) 1999-05-01 King Euric; × Strip
Dragon (Order of the Dragon) 1999-05-01 King Euric; × Strip
Dragon (Order of the Dragon) 2004-12-01 Zam Khan; Bardic × Strip
Dragon (Order of the Dragon) 2005-05-01 King Raban; Chain Jewelry × Strip
Dragon (Order of the Dragon) 2005-05-01 King Raban; Bardic × Strip
Dragon (Order of the Dragon) 2006-11-01 Emperor Hern; Bardic × Strip
Dragon (Order of the Dragon) 2007-10-01 Baron Blade; Belt × Strip
Dragon (Order of the Dragon) 2007-11-01 King Moonshadow; Knight\'s Chain × Strip
Order of the Dragon 2013-08-23 Thurg Ironfist Evermore Hollow, The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Song - "Six Ribbons" × Strip
Garber (Order of the Garber) 2008-12-01 Baron Gom; × Strip
Gryphon (Order of the Griffin) 1997-08-01 Baron Moonshadow; × Strip
Gryphon (Order of the Griffin) 1998-12-01 Baron Kamal; for Weaponmaster × Strip
Gryphon (Order of the Griffin) 1998-12-01 Baron Kamal; for Weaponmaster × Strip
Gryphon (Order of the Griffin) 1999-12-01 Baron Kamal; for Champion\'s Tourney × Strip
Gryphon (Order of the Griffin) 2004-01-01 Baron Jerrald; Champion\'s Tourney × Strip
Gryphon (Order of the Griffin) 2007-12-01 Baron Blade; × Strip
Hydra (Order of the Hydra) 2008-12-01 Queen Lyra; for qualifying for Baron × Strip
Lion (Order of the Lion) 1997-08-01 Baron Moonshadow; × Strip
Lion (Order of the Lion) 2006-04-01 Baron Kamal; also for reign as Champion × Strip
Lion (Order of the Lion) 2006-04-01 Baron Kamal; for reign as Champion × Strip
Lion (Order of the Lion) 2009-09-01 Baron Anubis; Assembling Kingdom records audit at 104% × Strip
Lion (Order of the Lion) 2009-12-01 Baron Anubis; PM Service × Strip
Owl (Order of the Owl) 1997-08-01 Baron Moonshadow; × Strip
Owl (Order of the Owl) 2000-08-01 Sultan Kamal; for chain shirt × Strip
Owl (Order of the Owl) 2001-11-01 King Vagabond; for chain bracers × Strip
Owl (Order of the Owl) 2008-06-01 Baron Gom; × Strip
Rose (Order of the Rose) 2001-08-01 Pharaoh Anubis; Judging Kingdom Quals × Strip
Rose (Order of the Rose) 2002-06-01 King Euric; Judging Kingdom Quals × Strip
Rose (Order of the Rose) 2006-04-01 Baron Kamal; × Strip
Rose (Order of the Rose) 2008-06-01 Baron Gom; × Strip
Rose (Order of the Rose) 2008-11-01 Prince Nevon & Queen Lyra; for helping with the Dragonmaster \\\'08 event × Strip
Rose (Order of the Rose) 2008-11-01 Prince Nevon & Queen Lyra; for judging Dragonmaster \\\'08 × Strip
Rose (Order of the Rose) 2009-03-01 Queen Jacobi; judging Quals × Strip
Rose (Order of the Rose) 2009-09-01 Baron Anubis; Serving as pro-tem prime minister × Strip
Rose (Order of the Rose) 2010-04-01 Baron Squib; outstanding service as Prime Minister × Strip
Rose (Order of the Rose) 2010-08-01 Sir Boots; Kids Quest at Clan × Strip
Warrior (Order of the Warrior) 2004-04-01 Queen Boots; × Strip


Strip all Awards & Titles or choose from below. Details will be recorded for posterity.
Strip Awards Reason
Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note × Strip
Master Dragon 2007-11-01 King Moonshadow × Strip
Master Scout (Paragon Scout) 1997-08-01 Queen Boots × Strip
Squire Karyllon Illyrica Radmoor × Strip
Knight of the Serpent 2008-06-01 Dame Lyra at Evermore Hollow Coronation/Ides of June × Strip