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Player Details

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be found in their own section!
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Terms: 1 Term = (s)
Dues For Life: Yes No
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Companies & Households

Name Type Quit


Class Credits Reconciled Level
Anti-Paladin 0 0
Archer 0 0
Assassin 0 0
Barbarian 41 4
Bard 34 3
Color 0 0
Druid 0 0
Healer 0 0
Monk 0 0
Monster 0 0
Paladin 0 0
Peasant 0 0
Reeve 0 0
Scout 0 0
Warrior 0 0
Wizard 0 0

Historical Imports

Note Description Date ×

Add Award

Type: Awards Officers
Award Name:
Given By:
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Strip all Awards & Titles or choose from below. Details will be recorded for posterity.
Strip Awards Reason
Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note × Strip
Order of Battle 1 2023-06-04 Lady Vix participating in class battlegames × Strip
Order of Battle 2 2023-06-04 Lady Vix prowess on the battlefield in class games × Strip
Order of the Griffin 1 2024-03-10 Iona Hallewell, Ambassador of the Fae Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Honor demonstrated in RSS' weaponmaster tournament × Strip
Order of the Griffin 2 2024-06-16 Iona Hallewell, Ambassador of the Fae Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves For continued honor and clean communication. Clean fighter and shot taking on the field and at the recent 5 and Under tournament × Strip
Order of the Griffin 3 2024-10-12 Luminary Soup Starsong Kingdom Fall Coronation For honor at Lotus Games II KLE × Strip
Order of the Warrior 1 2023-06-04 Lady Vix prowess demonstrated on the battlefield × Strip
Order of the Warrior 2 2023-06-04 Lady Vix continued excellence with martial skill on the battlefield × Strip
Order of the Warrior 3 2024-03-10 Iona Hallewell, Ambassador of the Fae Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Prowess demonstrated in RSS' weaponmaster tournament × Strip
Order of the Warrior 4 2024-06-16 Iona Hallewell, Ambassador of the Fae Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves They've been grinding and doing remarkably well on the field and in tournaments! They put on a phenomenal performance at the recent 5 and under tourney - bracketing in most categories and placing top 4 in great weapon × Strip
Order of the Warrior 5 2024-10-12 Luminary Soup Starsong Kingdom Fall Coronation For battlefield prowess × Strip
Order of the Warrior 6 2024-10-12 Luminary Soup Starsong Kingdom Fall Coronation For placing 1st in Lotus Games II KLE × Strip


Strip all Awards & Titles or choose from below. Details will be recorded for posterity.
Strip Awards Reason
Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note × Strip