Iona Hallewell, Ambassador of the Fae

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Player Details

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Pronouns: custom
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Notice: Dues can now
be found in their own section!
Dues Paid: 2025-07-29
Dues Semesters:

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Date Paid:
Terms: 1 Term = (s)
Dues For Life: Yes No
Kingdom Park Dues Paid Until Dues Paid On Dues For Life?  
The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station 2022-06-13 2021-06-13 No Revoke
The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station 2022-12-19 2022-06-19 No Revoke
The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station 2023-07-14 2023-01-14 No Revoke
The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station 2024-07-16 2023-07-16 No Revoke
The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Rising Sun Station 2025-07-29 2024-07-29 No Revoke

Companies & Households

Name Type Quit
All Love Household ×


Class Credits Reconciled Level
Anti-Paladin 0 0
Archer 59 5
Assassin 69 6
Barbarian 54 5
Bard 0 0
Color 23 2
Druid 53 5
Healer 54 5
Monk 0 0
Monster 67 6
Paladin 0 0
Peasant 0 0
Reeve 43 4
Scout 53 5
Warrior 8 1
Wizard 0 0

Player Operations for Iona Hallewell, Ambassador of the Fae

Historical Imports

Note Description Date ×

Add Award

Type: Awards Officers
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Strip all Awards & Titles or choose from below. Details will be recorded for posterity.
Strip Awards Reason
Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note × Strip
Ambassador of the Fae (Custom Award) 2020-02-02 Count Kheldar Garath Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Through her use of sharp wit and clever deception to uphold childlike wonder in those of all ages × Strip
The Unseen Hand (Custom Award) 2023-06-04 Lady Vix Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves "The Unseen Hand" - For your critical efforts to sway the tide of battle off the field at Camp Beacon, showing that you are a powerful presence wherever you go. × Strip
Order of Battle 1 2021-10-10 Xiomara Tordunvaer Nightchilde Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves for a history of battlegame prowess and presence on the field × Strip
Order of Battle 2 2021-10-10 Xiomara Tordunvaer Nightchilde Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves for a history of battlegame prowess and presence on the field × Strip
Order of Battle 3 2021-10-10 Xiomara Tordunvaer Nightchilde Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves for a history of battlegame prowess and presence on the field × Strip
Order of Battle 4 2021-10-10 Xiomara Tordunvaer Nightchilde Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves for a history of battlegame prowess and presence on the field × Strip
Order of Battle 5 2021-10-10 Xiomara Tordunvaer Nightchilde Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves for a history of battlegame prowess and presence on the field × Strip
Order of Battle 6 2021-10-10 Xiomara Tordunvaer Nightchilde Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves For demolishing everyone's expectations and capturing the win during WH Paragon vs the World × Strip
Order of Battle 7 2022-07-16 Luminary Soup Starsong Kingdom Summer Midreign for battlegame prowess at FoF 2022 and for achieving paragon assassin × Strip
Order of Battle 8 2023-06-04 Lady Vix consistent excellence on the battlefield in a variety of playstyles, including monster classes × Strip
Order of Battle 9 2023-09-03 Faelyn Nightchilde Evarayne Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves For OWNING the game objectives at FOF 2023 and leading team Pharalax into many victories. × Strip
Order of the Crown 1 2020-02-02 Count Kheldar Garath Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Service as PM × Strip
Order of the Crown 2 2021-07-24 Bowlgod Lesonette The Kingdom of Crystal Groves For service as monarch during the pandemic × Strip
Order of the Crown 3 2021-07-24 Bowlgod Lesonette The Kingdom of Crystal Groves for making sure everything was in order for RSS to meet again × Strip
Order of the Crown 4 2021-12-12 Luminary Soup Starsong Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Service as RSS Monarch × Strip
Order of the Crown 5 2022-11-13 Luminary Soup Starsong Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Service as RSS GMR × Strip
Order of the Crown 6 2024-04-06 Dolo Nightchilde Kingdom Spring Coronation For her reign as RSS monarch Summer 2024 × Strip
Order of the Crown 8 2024-07-27 Luminary Soup Starsong Kingdom Summer Midreign For serving a 2nd term as a Grand Duchy Monarch RSS Winter 2024 × Strip
Order of the Crown 8 2024-07-27 Luminary Soup Starsong Kingdom Summer Midreign For serving a 2nd term as a Grand Duchy Monarch RSS Winter 2024 × Strip
Order of the Dragon 1 2018-10-28 Sum participation in Keep 18 bardic circle × Strip
Order of the Dragon 2 2021-11-06 Countess Elowyn Amberleaf of the House Nightchilde The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Roleplay as NPCs for RSS quests × Strip
Order of the Dragon 3 2022-03-13 Senpai Rel Shan Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Award scrolls from Coronation × Strip
Order of the Dragon 4 2022-03-13 Senpai Rel Shan Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Award scrolls from Coronation × Strip
Order of the Dragon 5 2022-09-11 Senpai Rel Shan Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Recent impressive scrollwork × Strip
Order of the Dragon 6 2022-12-04 Senpai Rel Shan Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves The performance of "Walkin' After Midnight" × Strip
Order of the Dragon 7 2023-06-04 Lady Vix Juniper's master garber scroll × Strip
Order of the Dragon 8 2024-07-27 Luminary Soup Starsong Kingdom Summer Midreign For the creation of Soup's Arch-Duchess scroll × Strip
Order of the Dragon 8 2024-10-12 Luminary Soup Starsong Kingdom Fall Coronation Creation of Abraxos' and Kelstrum's battlemaster and paragon scrolls × Strip
Order of the Flame 2022-03-26 Xiomara Tordunvaer Nightchilde The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Artisans for FOF 2022 × Strip
Order of the Flame 2 2024-10-12 Luminary Soup Starsong Kingdom Fall Coronation For the outstanding service of the whole Thingsdoer belted family to the Kingdom in 2024 × Strip
Order of the Garber 1 2021-12-12 Luminary Soup Starsong Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Creation of Void Elemental garb × Strip
Order of the Griffin 1 2019-10-27 Count Kheldar Garath Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Honor on the Battlefield × Strip
Order of the Griffin 2 2021-10-10 Xiomara Tordunvaer Nightchilde Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves For honor on the battlefield × Strip
Order of the Hydra 1 2019-07-21 Count Kheldar Garath Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Declaring and meeting requirements to run for office × Strip
Order of the Jovius 1 2020-02-02 Count Kheldar Garath Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Consistent comfort and support to those at park × Strip
Order of the Jovius 2 2021-10-10 Xiomara Tordunvaer Nightchilde Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves For setting aside time for others with kindness and care × Strip
Order of the Jovius 3 2021-10-10 Xiomara Tordunvaer Nightchilde Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves For going the extra mile to check on new players and making them feel welcome × Strip
Order of the Jovius 4 2023-03-05 Lady Vix Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Being friendly and amicable, and going out of her way to be a joy on and off the field × Strip
Order of the Jovius 5 2024-07-27 Luminary Soup Starsong Kingdom Summer Midreign For outstanding attitude × Strip
Order of the Jovius 6 2024-07-27 Luminary Soup Starsong Kingdom Summer Midreign For outstanding attitude × Strip
Order of the Lion 1 2018-07-29 Sum Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves organizing and hosting weekly Fighter Practice × Strip
Order of the Lion 3 2021-12-12 Luminary Soup Starsong Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Making new players feel welcome outside of the responsibilities of Monarch × Strip
Order of the Lion 4 2024-07-27 Luminary Soup Starsong Kingdom Summer Midreign For providing hors d'oeuvres for Kingdom Fall Coronation '22 Masquerade, and for assisting with cooking for Spring '23 Knights Dinner × Strip
Order of the Lion 5 2024-08-25 Count Kheldar Garath Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Auto Crat for KSM '24 × Strip
Order of the Mask 1 2020-02-02 Count Kheldar Garath Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves For embodying the persona of a fairy × Strip
Order of the Mask 2 2021-11-06 Countess Elowyn Amberleaf of the House Nightchilde The Kingdom of Crystal Groves RP at MM quest day × Strip
Order of the Mask 3 2022-09-11 Senpai Rel Shan Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Roleplay as an NPC at Windhaven Campout × Strip
Order of the Mask 4 2023-03-05 Lady Vix Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Her roleplay as a frost giant both on and off the battlefield at park and kingdom level events × Strip
Order of the Mask 5 2023-06-04 Lady Vix various character roleplay in local park narratives and strong roleplay at Camp Beacon × Strip
Order of the Mask 6 2024-07-27 Luminary Soup Starsong Kingdom Summer Midreign For great roleplay as "Sapphire" in the Tipsy Tavern KLE × Strip
Order of the Owl 1 2018-07-29 Sum Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves creating a field legal shield × Strip
Order of the Owl 2 2021-12-12 Luminary Soup Starsong Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Construction of a Paragon Monk sash × Strip
Order of the Owl 3 2022-12-04 Senpai Rel Shan Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Creation of a dryad macramé belt × Strip
Order of the Rose 1 2018-05-06 Sir Shiva Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Help tearing down Tavern at FOF 2018 × Strip
Order of the Rose 2 2018-07-29 Sum Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves BC - volunteering at Tavern × Strip
Order of the Rose 3 2018-07-29 Sum Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves KSM - volunteering in the kitchen × Strip
Order of the Rose 4 2018-10-28 Sum helping pack bunkers during hail and helping BH pack up at FOD 18 × Strip
Order of the Rose 5 2019-07-13 Stonelord Fuzz Warbear the Soul Forger Blackthorne, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves helping set up at FOF 2019 × Strip
Order of the Rose 6 2019-11-02 Stonelord Fuzz Warbear the Soul Forger The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Judging at KSM × Strip
Order of the Rose 7 2020-02-02 Count Kheldar Garath Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Feast Crat at FoD 2019 × Strip
Order of the Rose 8 2023-09-03 Juniper Bee Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Had been a judge for kingdom level DM, park lvl and at other parks multiple times. Consistently assisted with take down and folding of bunkers in rain or shine. × Strip
Order of the Rose 9 2023-09-03 Juniper Bee Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Donated time as an artisan making scrolls for countless awards from non noble- master hood scroll. (Only reimbursed for materials) Always there for helping hand when other crats need help or volunteering: Ex- have volunteered at troll for multiple shifts in FOF2019/FOD2021helping war team set up and take down, reeve battle games at FOF 23/KSM23, set up/take down chairs for court FOF23/KSM23, helpe × Strip
Order of the Smith 1 2019-04-21 Lady Elle of the White Light Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Lion King battlegame × Strip
Order of the Smith 2 2020-02-02 Count Kheldar Garath Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Running RSS's Assassin Class × Strip
Order of the Smith 3 2021-10-10 Count Kheldar Garath Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves for non-com Neverland trivia challenge × Strip
Order of the Smith 4 2021-10-10 Count Kheldar Garath Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves for Neverland themed battlegames × Strip
Order of the Smith 5 2021-12-12 Luminary Soup Starsong Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Designing of multiple battlegames during her reign as monarch × Strip
Order of the Smith 6 2021-12-12 Luminary Soup Starsong Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Creation of an interactive reign theme with ways for everyone to participate × Strip
Order of the Warrior 1 2018-10-28 Sum battlefield prowess × Strip
Order of the Warrior 2 2019-07-21 Count Kheldar Garath Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Battlefield Prowess × Strip
Order of the Warrior 3 2019-10-27 Count Kheldar Garath Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Battlefield Prowess × Strip
Order of the Warrior 4 2021-12-12 Luminary Soup Starsong Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Battlefield Prowess × Strip
Order of the Warrior 5 2024-08-25 Count Kheldar Garath Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves a sure fire sniper with a quick draw on her backup weapon should anyone ever get too close for comfort × Strip


Strip all Awards & Titles or choose from below. Details will be recorded for posterity.
Strip Awards Reason
Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note × Strip
Paragon Assassin 2022-03-26 Xiomara Tordunvaer Nightchilde The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Excellence and efficiency with the Assassin class × Strip
Paragon Monster 2023-03-12 Dama Katrina Nightchilde Evarayne The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Excellent portrayl of the class Monter × Strip
Paragon Monster 2023-03-12 Dama Katrina Nightchilde Evarayne The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Excellent portrayl of the class Monter × Strip
Squire 2022-12-04 Radiant Count Stephiroth Thingsdoer Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Squire to Knight Stephiroth × Strip
Baronetess 2020-04-26 Count Kheldar Garath Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves Service as Grand Duchy PM × Strip
Countess 2021-12-12 Xiomara Tordunvaer Nightchilde Rising Sun Station, The Kingdom of Crystal Groves 2 reigns as a Grand Duchy Monarch × Strip