Award Recommendations

Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Ace Order of the Owl 5 2024-06-27 Narcini Demaris As kingdom Regent I recommend that Ace be awarded 4th Owl for their Squire belt, and 5th owl for their satchel entered into Dragonmaster 72
Benlinden Order of the Rose 1 2024-04-20 Sockets Helping with battlegame breakdown and equipment clean up
Bjorn Bladebraker Order of Battle 3 2023-10-23 Manly Placing 2nd in the MR71 Battle game Tournament on the Hedge Wizard Team.
Bjorn Bladebraker Order of Battle 4 2023-10-23 Manly Placing 2nd in the MR71 Battle game Tournament on the Hedge Wizard Team.
Bjorn Bladebraker Order of Battle 5 2023-10-23 Manly Placing 2nd in the MR71 Battle game Tournament on the Hedge Wizard Team.
Bjorn Bladebraker Order of the Zodiac 1 2023-08-12 Sockets Literally just giving some pieces of armor/gear away to some people. How awesome is that!
Bula Order of the Dragon 1 2023-02-25 Zanatos Shadowmane Bula performed exceptionally well as a RP Monster called the Daddy Shark in the Relic Quest today
Bula Order of the Garber 3 2023-08-12 Sockets His amazing gnoll mask. How has this not been awarded yet?!
Bula Order of the Lion 2 2023-08-12 Sockets Making amazing headway on the task of assigning the beadss to those of the park. The way he made a spreadsheet to help manage it was smart.
Bula Order of the Mask 5 2023-09-05 Kyuzo Bula is always in character whether it's his main character or any other. He definitely deserves his 5th Mask
Bula Order of the Smith 2 2023-08-12 Sockets Helping explain, setup and make rules clear for battle games.
Coryn Sprice Order of Battle 5 2023-04-18 Angus the Beefy Coryn has shown her skill and knowledge as a healer time and time again. Just recently she ressurected well over 30 times in a shatter game and seriously aided her team in winning because of it.
Cya Order of Battle 2 2024-05-07 Sockets Growth as a fighter and improving skills
Cya Order of the Lion 1 2024-05-07 Sockets Despite RL issues handling her office duties.
Drewlinden Order of the Rose 1 2024-04-20 Sockets Helping with battlegame breakdown and equipment clean up
Gladiator Order of Battle 2 2023-10-23 Manly For his improving skill on the battlefield as a Barbarian! HIs Fight after Death was well used killing 4 people on an objective point!
Gladiator Order of the Mask 2 2024-04-20 Sockets His role playing in the gladiator games and as undead in the story battle games.
Gladiator Order of the Owl 2 2023-10-23 Manly For his creation of his Flail and Axe!
Gladiator Order of the Rose 2 2024-04-20 Sockets Helping clean & maintain park and cleaning and clearing battle games.
Gladiator Order of the Warrior 1 2024-04-20 Sockets Placement in park level tournament
Gwyneth Order of the Jovius 1 2023-08-12 Sockets I have never seen her in a bad mood and she always has a smile on her face.
Jonesy Order of the Jovius 1 2023-08-12 Sockets His persistent good attitude and joking nature is hard to ignore.
Jonesy Order of the Lion 1 2024-04-20 Sockets His role as regent, managing park, keeping track of attendance and constant attendance.
Jonesy Order of the Mask 3 2023-09-28 Zanatos Shadowmane His performance as one of the Jugglers during MidReign 71
Manbearpig Paragon Bard 10 2024-05-07 Sockets He has his own THEME SONG! Manbearpig for Paragon Bard! Plus he is actually good at the glass, seen him in combat swap songs and cast spells all at the same time. It's intense.
Manly Order of the Mask 1 2023-08-28 Shroudstar At one point during Relic Quest, all I heard was profuse begging. At that point I turned and saw the entire team of Hedge Wizards on their knees wailing for information from Kyuzo. It was beautiful. The entire team was fantastic in character.
Manly Order of the Mask 1 2023-09-24 Zanatos Shadowmane Portraying one of the Strong Men in the RP Quest at MidReign 71
Manly Order of the Mask 1 2023-09-25 Squeaky For portraying a strongman during Midreign 71. It was entertaining watching him interact with his brother and the players
Manly Order of the Mask 2 2023-09-27 Manbearpig Consistent and excellent performance as a strong man nock at ,I’d reign 70
Manly Order of the Owl 8 2023-12-11 Manbearpig High quality bracers. Manly should be recognized for his solid leatherwork
Manly Paragon Scout 10 2023-07-31 Law Manly’s dedication to Scout is a godsend on the battle field. He has actively influenced games with his mastery in archery, flo fighting, and his ability to dispel and track enemies who were influential
Manly Paragon Scout 10 2023-09-10 Manbearpig Manly is one of if not the strongest scout I’ve seen in EH. He’s built a light armor kit a scout would use and effectively uses his 3 point armor to be effective at range or up close. He has great field awareness and uses tracking as a support skill not just offense to pull me as a battle bard back into the fight almost instantly with my song of survival.
Marcus Silverblade Order of the Dragon 1 2023-12-04 Zanatos Shadowmane For assistance with a Bardic performance during the Battle of the Bards 2023
Margo Order of Battle 4 2023-09-26 Zobah the Seeker Margo displayed great battle field awareness and skill in the Class Battle tournament. She is worthy of a 4th order of battle.
Margo Order of the Lion 2 2023-08-12 Sockets Going above and beyond her station to give awards, even going so far as to create leather badges for some the awarded.
Margo Order of the Mask 2 2023-09-24 Zanatos Shadowmane Portrayal of a snake for the RP Quest at MidReign 71
Margo Order of the Mask 2 2023-09-25 Squeaky For portraying a snake during Midreign 71. She had players dancing to charm her while also protecting her "babies"
Margo Order of the Mask 2 2023-09-26 Count Stitch for her work as the snake at the RP Quest for MR71
Margo Order of the Owl 2 2023-08-12 Sockets Helping other craft their own weapons during a club event.
Margo Order of the Rose 5 2023-08-12 Sockets Holding open classes for weapon crafting and leather working.
Margo Order of the Warrior 5 2023-09-05 Kyuzo Battlefield prowess
Merric Order of the Mask 6 2023-09-24 Zanatos Shadowmane Portrayal of a snake for the RP Quest at MidReign 71
Merric Order of the Mask 6 2023-09-25 Squeaky For portraying a snake at midreign 71. He wanted players to tell him a joke in parseltongue, maintaining an immersive and entertaining RP
Merric Order of the Rose 8 2023-09-26 Count Stitch not only helping with setup and breakdown, he helped with the RP at MR71. An absolute asset to any event he attends.
Merric Order of the Rose 8 2023-09-25 Squeaky He constantly gives more than he probably should to those struggling around him. He helps frequently with set up and take down at events.
Meso Order of the Rose 4 2023-10-23 Manly For taking time to teach newer fighters' swordsmanship, and what it means to be honorable in battle.
Moe Order of the Emerald 1 2024-04-20 Sockets Crafted and worn garb of her character
Moe Order of Battle 1 2023-10-23 Manly For her improving skills as a Monster and her Orc class.
Moe Order of the Garber 3 2024-06-27 Narcini Demaris As kingdom regent I recommend that Rebel's Keep elevate Moe to 3rd Garber for the orc outfit entered into Dragonmaster 72
Moe Order of the Mask 2 2023-10-23 Manly For her Garb and portraying her Orc Monster
Moe Order of the Rose 2 2024-04-20 Sockets Helping in the creation of game objects on her own time. (Torches and Obelisk)
Mor Du Order of Battle 2 2023-10-23 Manly For being a constant threat on the battlefield, and using his speed and size to sneak through the lines and attack weakpoints.
Mor Du Order of the Mask 1 2024-04-20 Sockets Facepaint for his character protrail
Mor Du Order of the Rose 1 2024-04-20 Sockets Helping clear after battle games and helping put equipment up
Mor Du Order of the Warrior 1 2024-04-20 Sockets Placement in a park level tournament
Naruto Uzumaki Order of the Emerald 1 2024-04-20 Sockets Good sportsmanship and helping with new kids to fight.
Naruto Uzumaki Order of the Rose 1 2024-04-20 Sockets Helping with equipment loading and unloading.
Naruto Uzumaki Order of the Warrior 1 2024-04-20 Sockets Placement in park level tournament
Onyxkid Order of Battle 1 2024-04-20 Sockets Enthusiasm and boldness to engage in combat
Onyxkid Order of the Owl 1 2024-04-21 Sockets Making his own sword, correcting mistakes on the first attempt and making it legal to use.
Onyxkid Order of the Rose 1 2024-04-20 Sockets Helping with battlegame breakdown and equipment clean up
Panda Order of the Rose 3 2023-12-04 Zanatos Shadowmane For assistance with a Bardic performance during the Battle of the Bards 2023 doing awesome camera work
Purgitory Order of Battle 1 2023-01-17 Manly Excellent use and knowledge of his class abilities as a assassin to change the course of a battle game single handedly bringing his team the win.
Savanah VanRhoe Order of the Rose 2 2023-10-23 Manly For cooking for the camp during the IK event Siege.
Squeaky Order of Battle 3 2024-05-07 Sockets Fighting skill growing and maintaining field presence.
Squeaky Order of the Dragon 4 2024-04-22 Alexander Blackwood Dragon Lantern entered into dragon master 72
Squeaky Order of the Dragon 5 2024-06-27 Narcini Demaris I recommend elevation to 5th Dragon for the dragon lantern entered into Dragonmaster 72,
Squeaky Order of the Garber 4 2024-04-22 Alexander Blackwood barbarian garb entered into dragon master 72
Squeaky Order of the Garber 5 2024-06-27 Narcini Demaris I recommend elevation to 5th Garber for the barbarian garb entered into Dragonmaster 72,
Squeaky Order of the Owl 3 2024-06-27 Narcini Demaris As kingdom Regent I recommend that Rebel's Keep award Squeaky with their 3rd Owl for the banner stand entered into Dragonmaster 72,
Squeaky Order of the Owl 4 2024-04-22 Alexander Blackwood Banner stand entered into dragon master 72
Squeaky Order of the Rose 5 2023-10-23 Manly For help at Midreign 71 handing out water to people who were running quests.
Tiger Order of Battle 2 2024-04-20 Sockets Constant practice and gain of skill with two handed weapons
Tiger Order of the Mask 2 2024-04-20 Sockets Roleplay execution of foes in gladiator games. Very fun to watch.
Wolfess Order of the Emerald 1 2024-04-20 Sockets For saving RK from the undead invasion.
Zanatos Shadowmane Order of Battle 3 2022-12-14 Alexander Blackwood He lifts any team he is on up.
Zanatos Shadowmane Order of the Dragon 8 2023-12-04 Marcus Silverblade For getting peoples choice award during battle of the bards
Zanatos Shadowmane Order of the Lion 2 2023-08-12 Sockets For constant evolution to learning battles, balance and rules understanding
Zanatos Shadowmane Order of the Mask 4 2023-09-26 Count Stitch for roleplay during RP Quest at MR71
Zanatos Shadowmane Order of the Smith 7 2023-09-25 Squeaky For planning, prepping for, supervising and executing a successful and fun Roleplay quest at Midreign 71
Zanatos Shadowmane Order of the Smith 7 2023-09-26 Count Stitch for excellent work in creating, hyping, running, and supervising the RP quest, as well as integrating the theme into the rest of the event