Award Recommendations

Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Ally Order of the Dragon 1 2022-05-22 Dame Baroness Mickey Grimwulff Taking photos
Ari Lightfeather Order of the Warrior 1 2023-10-12 Squire Baron Bull Grimwulff Battlefield prowess
Ari Lightfeather Order of the Warrior 2 2023-10-12 Squire Baron Bull Grimwulff Battlefield prowess during weapon master tournament
Bloodhound Order of the Rose 6 2024-10-06 Squire Baron Bull Grimwulff For an outstanding job as the Curse 2024 clean up o cratewas on top of keeping the bathrooms stocked and the trash cans cleaned out and always keeping an eye out for debris to pick up and help keep the site clean
Captain Sir Lord Kato Darkhaven Grimwulff Order of the Lion 6 2022-12-03 Freya Flowerfoot, Lady For continued participation in the Falcon Tor Fundraiser
Dame Baroness Mickey Grimwulff Order of the Lion 9 2022-06-11 Sir Corwyn Lindenson leadiung the KWW team for a great event
Jay Locus Order of the Rose 7 2023-05-19 Dame Baroness Mickey Grimwulff helping run gate at KWW23
Kohn Order of the Rose 5 2024-10-05 Squire Baron Bull Grimwulff For being the gate o crate and running a successful gate at curse 2024
Lady Ducky Order of Battle 4 2023-05-19 Dame Baroness Mickey Grimwulff battle gaming
Lady SunShine Order of Battle 1 2023-05-19 Dame Baroness Mickey Grimwulff understanding basics
Lady SunShine Order of the Dragon 5 2023-05-19 Squire Baron Bull Grimwulff A&S entry of crochet blanket at quals tournament
Maddox Silverhawk Order of Battle 4 2023-05-19 Dame Baroness Mickey Grimwulff battle gaming
Maddox Silverhawk Paragon Archer 1 2022-07-12 Baron Gheldar Blackthorn Absolutely amazing archer skills and pretty much the driving force of influencing people to get into archery
Maddox Silverhawk Paragon Archer 1 2022-09-29 Twitch Give this man paragon!
Page Artemis Darkhaven Order of the Smith 3 2023-05-19 Dame Baroness Mickey Grimwulff battle game
Squire Baron Bull Grimwulff Order of the Rose 8 2024-06-09 Squire Baronet Kairi Norseling Grimwulff For volunteering and helping with preparing and serving feast at KWW 24
Squire Baronet Kairi Norseling Grimwulff Order of the Rose 9 2024-10-05 Squire Baron Bull Grimwulff For helping to run a fun and successful event at Curse 2024 as the coauto crate
Squire Baronet Kairi Norseling Grimwulff Squire 2022-05-22 Dame Baroness Mickey Grimwulff I made her a Squire on 5/14/22
Squire Baronet Kairi Norseling Grimwulff Squire 1 2024-08-18 Sir Corwyn Lindenson
Squire Zane Lightfoot Grimwulff Order of the Rose 6 2024-06-07 Squire Baron Bull Grimwulff Volunteering for and serving feast at KWW 24
Squire Zane Lightfoot Grimwulff Order of the Smith 4 2023-07-09 Captain Sir Lord Kato Darkhaven Grimwulff Instructing weapon usage and techniques
Woman at Arms Nyx Order of the Rose 3 2024-10-06 Squire Baron Bull Grimwulff For assisting the cleanup crate at curse 2024 they were an integral part of the clean up team keeping the bathrooms and site clean and stocked