Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Armek Dark Labrys Lord 2022-11-13 Orcfather Yawp Khan the Banished Monarch of HP for years
Armek Dark Labrys Master Rose 1 2023-11-09 Kevetor Xaris Armek worked as our site crat for Siege and demonstrated exactly what every single site crat should be. I did not receive one complaint about supplies being needed in any of the bathrooms and there were no tasks left undone when we closed down site after the event concluded.
Armek Dark Labrys Order of Battle 9 2023-06-13 Manly Armek was a force to be reckoned with at end reign 70. during the 2nd day of field battles despite having suffered a leg injury the day before, He single handedly held off a big portion of the enemy team as a healer no less! This man deserves this due to his calm collective decisions and effectiveness on the battlefield.
Armek Dark Labrys Order of the Garber 1 2023-09-26 Revna Bloodaxe made a tunic it, didnt even blow up once.
Armek Dark Labrys Order of the Lion 2 2023-06-15 Seph Jethaniel Armek possesses a natural leadership, whether it's on the field or not.
Armek Dark Labrys Order of the Lion 3 2023-06-15 Seph Jethaniel Armek was Facilities Crat for Endreign 70.
Armek Dark Labrys Order of the Lion 4 2024-01-11 Tobias Thalonius III Security Crat for inaugeral EH Seige
Armek Dark Labrys Order of the Lion 5 2024-01-11 Tobias Thalonius III Security crat for endreign 71, and did a great job. Nothing happened.
Armek Dark Labrys Order of the Rose 10 2023-09-26 Revna Bloodaxe setup tear down midreign 71, security crat, offered up his cabin for anyone to stay at, every people she didnt know well for free.
Armek Dark Labrys Order of the Smith 3 2023-11-08 Sir Garrick Kershaw Fieldcraft
Armek Dark Labrys Order of the Smith 4 2023-11-08 Sir Garrick Kershaw Fieldcraft
Armek Dark Labrys Paragon Assassin 2021-11-28 Celestia Moonblossom This is what his character is well known for. He was GM of Assassins for multiple years at kingdom level and coordinated court assassinations. He plays an excellent bow and flo assassin and uses his abilities to their full extent.
Armek Dark Labrys Paragon Druid 2021-11-28 Celestia Moonblossom He is not only great with his ranger build, but he does fantastic druid team builds too. It is one of the classes people specifically ask him to play on their team.
Armek Dark Labrys Paragon Druid 2023-02-23 Ouranos Long overdue. Whether I'm rolling my own Paragon class or a different one, which build of druid he's playing can radically alter strategy I have my team use. He actually uses his abilities, and does so tactically AND strategically, something a lot of players with paragons don't.
Armek Dark Labrys Paragon Druid 1 2021-11-28 Kodi Redhawk for years, every time i have played with this man at kingdom or IK events, he has almost exclusively played druid because thats just what we needed to get the win. he has a list for nearly every game scenario, and any time someone has a question regarding the class, they ask armek. i feel his paragon here is considered long overdue
Armek Dark Labrys Paragon Warrior 2021-11-29 Ice Of Redhawk His warrior class is a beast. when he is on the other side of a game in tank mode, you better watch out. paragon this guy
Armek Dark Labrys Paragon Wizard 2021-11-28 Celestia Moonblossom Literal paragons have asked him why he does not have this yet. He has played point and click and obliterated entire teams. He has played shut down lists that have rendered people incapable of playing. He knows just about every spell combination by heart.
Armek Dark Labrys Paragon Wizard 2021-11-29 Ice Of Redhawk The point and click wizard is his bread and butter. he wrecks people and games with his mastery
Armek Dark Labrys Paragon Wizard 2024-02-06 Sir Garrick Kershaw Plays wizard good
Armek Dark Labrys Paragon Wizard 2023-09-26 Zobah the Seeker Armek displays class knowledge and skill in proper utilization of his abilities in an effective manner in the field and is worthy of a paragon Wizard title.
Armek Dark Labrys Paragon Wizard 1 2021-11-28 Kodi Redhawk many of my own recent wizard lists take inspiration from this guy and what he can do as a wizard, if you havent seen him play a battlemage list just know he is a true force to be feared
Ice Of Redhawk Order of the Rose 10 2021-12-04 Zacorius For all the different events he has helped run and making court great again
Lord Daigomir Espen Paragon Monk 2021-11-28 Celestia Moonblossom He is a terror for magic classes. Seriously just go the other way when you see him coming. He can use just about any weapon combo but is absolutely deadly with a pole.
Sir KaL ThraX Order of the Dragon 10 2022-10-25 Ancient (sir) Nimriel Nimgwue Saeavain During reign 66, Kal Thrax organized the largest role play across the Emerald Hills. All factions got involved, videos were made, treaties were signed, assassination plots were made kingdom wide, and he created a victory parade complete with an entire entourage of roleplayers following across an event. Assassinations were plotted that day as well. A whole kingdom roleplayed. Give per ROP
Sir KaL ThraX Order of the Owl 6 2022-10-17 Orcfather Yawp Khan the Banished Nim and Yawp's back daggers. Flat blade, fancy writing on the blades and superior construction
Sir KaL ThraX Order of the Rose 8 2023-11-15 Lady Mysteri Though he was not permitted to attend Kal put in a ton of work making trophies, name badges, parking badges, seating badges for Siege. His time and energy has earned my appreciation.
Sir KaL ThraX Order of the Rose 10 2023-05-12 Forge Stormborn Aside from service on the AIBOD, He also Autocratted last summers coronation, with excellence.
Sir KaL ThraX Order of the Rose 10 2022-10-11 TuK! Uziel Sir Kal has been an amazing asset, mentor and amazing help to this kingdom. He has let our kingdom us his Audio/video equipment the past events at this site. He has done so willingly and without the proper thanks for a while now. He is a service orientated person in our kingdom that gives and gives. He is will worth the awards recommended.