Add Attendance to Fool's Demise

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Kingdom Park Player Class Credits Entered By ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Adora Belle Color 2 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Albion Elessar Violet Landcrest Morningstar Druid 2 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Alden Wyrmclaw Color 2 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Archer Penn Archer 2 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Chaotic Badger Color 1 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Chewie Lightguard Monster 2 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Chuckles von Sunderfist Eldarweave Landcrest Druid 2 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Duke Professor Jonah MacNeil Peasant 2 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Elora Raven-Goldmoon Anti-Paladin 2 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Frank Warrior 1 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Glen, Mallet of Providence Anti-Paladin 2 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Grimgor Below Lungs Monster 2 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Honeyb*tch Color 1 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise JJ Bohran Color 2 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise JoJo Dudehammer Monster 2 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise kouen Assassin 1 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Kylus Bohran Warrior 2 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Lady Silvermyst Morningstream Monster 2 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Limbo Reeve 2 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Lord Crash Daggermouth Color 2 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Lord Erin Forsaken Reeve 2 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Magus Brightwing Monster 1 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise MorganLeFaye Color 2 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Neiva Guerrera Scarlet Morningstar de las casas Landcrest y Von Squid Healer 2 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Niiro Steelfang Barbarian 1 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Ozymandias de Mandaloria Monster 2 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Patronakis Alexander Landcrest Sr. of Bacon Bits Monk 2 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Pyromethius Monster 1 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Sabine Color 2 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Saint Rom Warrior 2 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Scarhart Anti-Paladin 2 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Shrirlc Assassin 1 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Sir Argon Darkwolf Paladin 1 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Sir Badger Anti-Paladin 1 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Sir Hutch HalfFoot Scout 2 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Solkar Starfollower Monster 2 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Sorva Starfollower Monster 2 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Taraos Monster 1 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Tatum Bard 1 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Thumper Monk 1 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Uriel Wizard 1 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Val Monk 2 Magus Brightwing ×
The Kingdom of the Wetlands Fool's Demise Zaroth Warrior 1 Magus Brightwing ×