Add Attendance to Rusty Gauntlet

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Kingdom Park Player Class Credits Entered By ×
Kingdom of the Desert Winds Rusty Gauntlet Akane Healer 1 Lil Joe Nobow ×
Kingdom of the Desert Winds Rusty Gauntlet Aldred Silverstone Barbarian 1 Lil Joe Nobow ×
Kingdom of the Desert Winds Rusty Gauntlet Anthragor New Smith Healer 1 Lil Joe Nobow ×
Kingdom of the Desert Winds Rusty Gauntlet Anya Meraki Color 1 Lil Joe Nobow ×
Kingdom of the Desert Winds Rusty Gauntlet BLACKHAWK Color 1 Lil Joe Nobow ×
Kingdom of the Desert Winds Rusty Gauntlet Broshi Crisps Wizard 1 Lil Joe Nobow ×
Kingdom of the Desert Winds Rusty Gauntlet D Jarvish Steamgriffin Barbarian 1 Lil Joe Nobow ×
Kingdom of the Desert Winds Rusty Gauntlet Kyx Syrial Reeve 1 Lil Joe Nobow ×
Kingdom of the Desert Winds Rusty Gauntlet Lil Joe Nobow Monk 1 Lil Joe Nobow ×
Kingdom of the Desert Winds Rusty Gauntlet Lord Camroth Scout 1 Lil Joe Nobow ×
Kingdom of the Desert Winds Rusty Gauntlet Master Marquis Kohaku Umezawa Wizard 1 Lil Joe Nobow ×
Kingdom of the Desert Winds Rusty Gauntlet Rey Wizard 1 Lil Joe Nobow ×
Kingdom of the Desert Winds Rusty Gauntlet Sage Siege Lucretius Assassin 1 Lil Joe Nobow ×
Kingdom of the Desert Winds Rusty Gauntlet SCOURGE SIJI Color 1 Lil Joe Nobow ×
Kingdom of the Desert Winds Rusty Gauntlet Sunny Reeve 1 Lil Joe Nobow ×
Kingdom of the Desert Winds Rusty Gauntlet Tenuity Warrior 1 Lil Joe Nobow ×
Kingdom of the Desert Winds Rusty Gauntlet Vanillaa Color 1 Lil Joe Nobow ×
Kingdom of the Desert Winds Rusty Gauntlet Wulfstan Assassin 1 Lil Joe Nobow ×