Type | Name | Members |
Company | Bathmat Brigade | 1 |
Company | Black Seraphs | 3 |
Company | Ditch Ground Ruffians | 1 |
Company | DitchGround Ruffians | 2 |
Household | Dominion of Saints | 1 |
Household | House of the Dead | 3 |
Company | K.I.L.L | 2 |
Company | Karp Kompany | 2 |
Household | Kumori Clan | 6 |
Household | League of Eventual Doom | 1 |
Household | Minions | 1 |
Company | Modern Barbarians | 3 |
Company | Painted Valkyries | 4 |
Household | PANE | 1 |
Company | Rebel Roses | 3 |
Company | Rebels of the Sacred Heart | 1 |
Household | Society of the Squid | 1 |
Company | Temple of steel | 1 |
Household | The Broken | 1 |
Company | The Night Watch | 3 |
Household | The Scarlett Brotherhood | 3 |
Company | Timber Wolves | 1 |
Company | Troyans | 2 |
Company | Unit | 2 |
Company | Warriors of the Pie | 1 |
Household | Yarnies | 1 |