
Name: Windswords
Type: Company
Url: Website
Description: A close company of family and friends that focuses on excellence in combat and crafting. Our dream is to be the best combatants on the battlefield that each of us can be and to attempt to bring something new to every Centerpoint weekend be it weapons, garb, art, or song. Our goal is to grow and become better with everything we do. Our passion is to be honorable, truthful, and dedicated with all our acts and deeds.
History: Across Centerpoint’s rounded hills and flat plains blows the prairie wind. Gentle enough to softly caress fields of grain into beautiful landscapes of swaying art yet also able to be powerful enough to leave a swath of devastation in its wake. This is the inspiration of the Windswords. To create beauty and wonder in their arts but also be formidable combatants in the field of battle are two sides of the same sword. To be a Windsword takes pride in craftsmanship, skill in battle, and honor at all times. The Windswords were started in November 2008 by Dreadd Jester, Jazzie Riordan, Molegrave, and Syrintha in the Freehold of Centerpoint.


Member Role Title
Dreadd Jester (Formerly Olan Kram of Morgarock, CK) Member
Elizabeth Rose Riordan Member
Jazzie Riordan Member
Olran Member