Power House

Name: Power House
Type: Household
Url: Website
Description: A closeknit band of LARPers in fictional Amtgard, transforms into a uniformed team of volunteers ready to take on any event task. Their primary focus is service to Amtgard, a boffer sport created long ago by the wise sage Zordon and inadvertently driven by volunteers. Zordon recruits volunteers to help him revitalize Amtgard, and later battles against selfishness, procrastination, and laziness.
History: Started in 2021 by a group of people devoted on making a difference in Amtgard by volunteering, mentoring and helping out!


Member Role Title
Bunch the Drunk Lord Drakkon
Lord ToastahPop the Drunk White Ranger
Man Heo Vanni the Knight Slayer Blue Ranger
Squire Overlord Osgiliath Bramhall the Drunk Green Ranger