Templus Milies Militia

Name: Templus Milies Militia
Type: Company
Url: Website
Description: Description "A Templum Miles Militiaman is truly a fearless fighter, and secure on every side, for his soul is protected by the armor of faith, just as his body is protected by the armor of steel and/or leather. He is thus doubly-armed, and need fear neither demons nor men." “You, indeed, renouncing your own wills and others with you fighting for the High King of Heaven for the safety of your souls to that end with horses and arms, in pious and pure affection should strive universally to hear matins and the whole of the divine service, in accordance with canonical institution. For that reason it is especially owed by you, venerable brothers, since despising the light of the present life, being contemptuous of the torment which is of your bodies, you have promised in perpetuity to hold cheap worldly matters for the love of God: restored by the divine flesh, and consecrated, enlightened and confirmed in the Lord’s precepts, after the consumption of the divine mystery no one should be afraid to fight, but be prepared for the crown”. *Be without fear in the face of your enemies. *Be brave and upright that God may love thee. *Speak the truth even if it leads to your death. *Safeguard the helpless. *That is your oath. We are about accurately re-enacting, re-creating, role-playing, and representing the Poor Knights of Solomon's Temple (aka Templar Knights), and what they stood for both on and off the field as long we are wearing the mantle (red cross on our person, traditionally this meant the red cross on the white background). Come join us for good fighting.. good RPing.. good eating.. good fellowship and a generally good time.
History: History Templum Miles Militia traces it's origin back to shortly after the First Crusade. Around 1119 in the year of our Lord. A Human nobleman from the Celestus region, Glorican Deius Celestus, collected some of his relatives, and began the Order, their stated mission to protect pilgrims on their journey to visit The Holy Places, to defend The Holy Places from Infidels, and to do their best to enforce God's will on this Earth. They set up headquarters on the southeastern side of the a Temple. Little was heard of the Order for their first nine years. But in 1129 in the year of our Lord, after we were officially sanctioned by the church at the Council of Celestus, we became very well-known in our own lands. Our fundraising campaigns asked for donations of money, land, or noble-born sons to join the Order, with the implication that donations would help both to defend The Holy Places, and to ensure the charitable giver of a place in Heaven. The Order's efforts were helped substantially by the patronage of Darius of Militia City, the leading churchman of the time, and a nephew of one of the original members. The Order at its outset had been subject to strong criticism, especially of the concept that religious men could also carry swords. In response to these critics, the powerful Darius of Militia City wrote a multi-page treatise entitled De Laude Novae Militae Deus ("In Praise of the New Knighthood of God"), championing their mission, and Darius strongly supported the concept of killing in the name of Christ, and legitimised the concept of Templum Miles Militia, who's members became effectively the first "warrior monks" of the Western world. In 1135 in the year of our Lord, Bernard wrote a multi-page treatise entitled De Laude Novae Militae ("In Praise of the New Knighthood"), championing: "A Templum Miles Militia member is truly a fearless fighter, and secure on every side, for his soul is protected by the armor of faith, just as his body is protected by the armor of steel and/or leather. He is thus doubly-armed, and need fear neither demons nor men." Donations to the Order were considerable. New members to the Order were also required to swear vows of poverty, and hand over all of their goods to the monastic brotherhood. This could include land, horses and any other items of material wealth, including labor from serfs, and any interest in any businesses. In 1139 in the year of our Lord, even more power was conferred upon the Order by High Inquisitor Marek, who issued the Inquisitorial bull, Omne Datum Optimum. It stated that the members of Templum Milies Militia could pass freely through any border, owed no taxes, and were subject to no one's authority except that of the High Inquisitor, and the High Patriarch. It was a remarkable confirmation of power, which may have been brought about by the Order's patron, Darius of Militia City, who had helped High Inquisitor Marek in his own rise. The Citadel of Miles Templus The The Citadel of Miles Temple is sacred to the Order as an important location throughout history. It is believed to be the location of the ruins of the Temple of Solomon, the legendary storage place for the Ark of the Covenant, and the probable Mount Moriah, where the Biblical Abraham is said to have come to sacrifice his son. The Templum Alto Domni became the model for many subsequent Templum Miles Militia churches throught the realm, such as the Militia Church in Shattered Lands. The State After returning from the Crusades, Glorican de Celestus and his followers set up a new Templar State, headed up by Glorican himself as the rruler of this state. Titles in this state are passed on by the current title holder naming his successor. If no successor is chosen by the current title holder's death, then the title flows to the now dead title holder's children. Oldest legitemate son, to youngest legitmate son, to oldest legitimate daughter to youngest legitimate daughter, to oldest illegitemate son, to youngest illegitmate son, to oldest illegitimate daughter to youngest illegitimate daughter. Note: If the chosen successor, or the heditery successor has not reached the age of 18 years old, then that person's closest living relative who has reached the age of 18 years old shall be temporrary regent for the proper successor until the proper successor has reached the age of 18 years old.


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