House of the Crescent Dawn

Name: House of the Crescent Dawn
Type: Household
Url: Website
Description: House of the Crescent Dawn is a trade house. The Crescent Dawn is the main A&S house in Mimir\'s Well. The Houses Relic is Ron\'dall, a great hammer that created the first items in the history of the Crescent Dawn.\r\n\r\nAlso, we just wanna win House cup one day.
History: The Crescent Dawn was originally a house full of warriors that had been betrayed by a kingdoms merchants. Rather than slaughter and massacre the merchants, they decided to start there own trade house.\r\n\r\nThe House is founded on three principles.\r\n1, Honor\r\n2, Quality\r\n3, Fortitude\r\n\r\nThe three qualities in which Ron\'dall lived by and instilled in his fellow man.


Member Role Title
Artorius Dragonwrit Member apprentice
Entei Captain Co-founder
Lord XyLore Member apprentice
Twilus Member apprentice
Yorick Lord Founder