
Name: Windwalkers
Type: Company
Url: Website
Description: The Windwalkers are a household of monks who have dedicated themselves to the pursuit of wisdom and honour. To them, physical, spiritual and mental enlightenment are all equally important. The ultimate goal of the Windwalkers is self-improvement, through physical training as well as training in the arts and sciences. Ranks are open to all those who are willing to follow the guild's simple code of conduct. Conditions The following conditions must be met in order to become/remain a member of the Windwalkers. Credits A member of the house must take at least one monk credit every two months (with the exception of 6th level monks), although more are encouraged. Weapons Members of the Windwalkers are trained to use a variety of different weapons, since an enemy who is unfamiliar with your weapon, cannot defend against it. As such, members are not permitted to use swords in battle games or quests in which they are playing the monk class. Self-Improvement The true goal of the Windwalkers is to improve oneself both physically and mentally. As such, members are required to enter their local tournaments and Crown Qualifications as often as is reasonably possible. The results of entry are not important; the importance is on improving one’s skills RP Conventions The following are not requirements, but are encouraged during Court, quests or when posting on the RP boards. Honour-Bound Windwalker monks are dedicated to honour. They strive to help others whenever possible. They are required to work towards the betterment of their home kingdom as much as is reasonably possible. As well, if another character performs an act of distinction towards a member, they are honour-bound to perform a similar act of distinction in repayment. Conduct While it is expected that members will have a certain degree of discipline, by no means are they expected to be perfect. It is not the goal that members will learn to repress emotions, but rather to harness them; passion is one of the greatest weapons a warrior possesses. It is also understood that at times, a person’s emotions will get the better of them. In such cases, atonement will be given to those who seek it sincerely.
History: Founded by the monk Wei Ying of Twilight Peak, the Windwalkers where established approximately 4 months after the defeat of the demon Ghur. It was founded as a place where Wei could pass on the knowledge and traditions of the monks of the Halcion Mountain, who raised and instructed him.


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